Suggesting the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the same is so ignorant.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
The Democratic Party is fighting against racism, hate and violence…..
well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR bigots, racist Black Panther Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, violent Antifa bigots, and all of the racist demagogue Democrat Politicians, Pundits, Entertainers and Athletes………Actually voting Democrat IS HATE
The Democratic Party has not been able to win the majority of middle class voters in a presidential election since Jimmy Carter.
The Democrats make politics about race because they are racist.
The real purpose of Sanctuary Cities is to give the corrupt Democrat Politicians permanent political power and to displace white voters.
Derp just regurgitates the same nonsense every day, different words and form but the same BS
He merely mimics what MSLSD tells him. You can't expect him to think for himself.

Sadly, there are too many Americans easily duped by the elite upper westside millionaire club known as the DNC media.
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Derp just regurgitates the same nonsense every day, different words and form but the same BS
He merely mimics what MSLSD tells him. You can't expect him to think for himself.

Sadly, there are too many Americans easily duped by the elite upper westside millionaire club known as the DNC media.

They have selective hearing and reading. Hil-Liar raised much more money than Trump, and actually a new record amount of money. So where did she get that kind of loot from, the homeless and middle-class?

They went from having nothing (so Hillary claimed) when they left the White House to multi-multi-millionaires in a few short years, and it wasn't the Republican dollar that got them there.

But for puppets like Dean, he ignores all that. He was told the Republicans are the party of the rich, so he just follows orders.
Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.
The two parties are very different on the issues and their priorities. Absolutely. I've seen people try to write off the two parties as being "the same" overall, and that's just silly.

It's their behaviors that can be so hilariously similar. The more partisan they are, the more similar they are in their behaviors.

For example, wingers on both ends do what you do in the OP, speaking for the other "side" with wildly simplistic, almost child-like hyperbole.

What's it like being so similar to those you so loathe, Deanrd?

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Similarities between hardcore partisan ideologues on BOTH ends include the following "debate" (ha) techniques:
  1. Diversion
  2. Transparent deflection
  3. Denial, the inability or blatant refusal to "see" what they don't like
  4. Personal insults
  5. Hilarious hypocrisy
  6. Nasty, sophomoric, childish name-calling
  7. Blatant distortion of the other side's views
  8. Tunnel vision, only seeing the positive in their argument and the negative in the other
  9. Wild, simplistic hyperbole
  10. Tedious sloganeering
  11. Straw man arguments
  12. Habitual, outright lies, as natural as breathing

Off the top my of my head.

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10. Scientists

Interesting. Who are the science deniers you might ask...those who deny the science of DNA and genetics?...those who deny that a unborn babe is anything other than a human life?...those who protect the embryo of an eagle with law, but not the embryo of a human?...those who believe we can alter the dynamics of climate change by going green (the color of money green)?

Ike, in his farewell speech, warned of the lure of federal money for scientific research lest public policy be held hostage by the 'scientific-technological elite'.

The Democrat Party is the party of elites, feeding on greed and envy, lusting for power and wealth, demonizing the rich in public while copulating with them in private - designing carefully crafted toolboxes labeled by gender, race, victimhood - yet none that are labeled free-thinkers. So yes, it is ignorant to say the two parties are the same.

I'm not about to defend the Republican party - but I can surely describe the Democrat leadership through looong association...though Kipling described them best when he wrote of the only things 'certain since Social Progress began...

That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

(The Gods of the Copybook Headings)
The Democratic Party is fighting against racism, hate and violence…..
well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR bigots, racist Black Panther Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, violent Antifa bigots, and all of the racist demagogue Democrat Politicians, Pundits, Entertainers and Athletes………Actually voting Democrat IS HATE

The above is the imaginary Democratic party that the RWnuts have to manufacture because they can't debate the real Democratic Party.
10. Scientists

Interesting. Who are the science deniers you might ask...those who deny the science of DNA and genetics?...those who deny that a unborn babe is anything other than a human life?...those who protect the embryo of an eagle with law, but not the embryo of a human?...those who believe we can alter the dynamics of climate change by going green (the color of money green)?

Ike, in his farewell speech, warned of the lure of federal money for scientific research lest public policy be held hostage by the 'scientific-technological elite'.

The Democrat Party is the party of elites, feeding on greed and envy, lusting for power and wealth, demonizing the rich in public while copulating with them in private - designing carefully crafted toolboxes labeled by gender, race, victimhood - yet none that are labeled free-thinkers. So yes, it is ignorant to say the two parties are the same.

I'm not about to defend the Republican party - but I can surely describe the Democrat leadership through looong association...though Kipling described them best when he wrote of the only things 'certain since Social Progress began...

That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

(The Gods of the Copybook Headings)
The D and R party's are near mirror images of each other. They like to TALK about their differences, but at the end of the day they are blood brothers.

Most unfortunately, too many Americans get all wound up by the media and the party's that purposely divide Americans. So...D voters think R voters are evil and R voters think D voters are evil.

The evil is the two parties and the media, along with their donors...the .01% Oligarchy.
Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.
Democrats and Republicans are flip-sides of the same coin. No matter which party is in power, its business as usual in Washington DC. They both answer to the same campaign donors and interest groups. If Democrats really were a coalition...
  • Nancy Pelosi wouldn't have taken investigating George Bush for war crimes off the table after the 2006 election
  • Obama wouldn't have kept his predecessors Sec of Defense
  • the ACA would've included the public option
  • GITMO would be closed
  • we would not be in Afghanistan
  • Citizens United would not have passed
The problem with the Democrats is, they need to stop behaving like Republican-lite. They are not liberal enough. And we got no use for blue dogs.
Derp just regurgitates the same nonsense every day, different words and form but the same BS
He merely mimics what MSLSD tells him. You can't expect him to think for himself.

Sadly, there are too many Americans easily duped by the elite upper westside millionaire club known as the DNC media.

They have selective hearing and reading. Hil-Liar raised much more money than Trump, and actually a new record amount of money. So where did she get that kind of loot from, the homeless and middle-class?

They went from having nothing (so Hillary claimed) when they left the White House to multi-multi-millionaires in a few short years, and it wasn't the Republican dollar that got them there.

But for puppets like Dean, he ignores all that. He was told the Republicans are the party of the rich, so he just follows orders.
I will partially stick up for Hillary. Her going from dirt poor to insanely rich actually makes sense. After all she can read a newspaper and then make 100,000 dollars on one investment. It apparently is like magic to her, a wave of the hand and money is created.
Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.
The two parties are very different on the issues and their priorities. Absolutely. I've seen people try to write off the two parties as being "the same" overall, and that's just silly.

It's their behaviors that can be so hilariously similar. The more partisan they are, the more similar they are in their behaviors.

For example, wingers on both ends do what you do in the OP, speaking for the other "side" with wildly simplistic, almost child-like hyperbole.

What's it like being so similar to those you so loathe, Deanrd?

Here is the left and right wings:


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