Suggesting the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the same is so ignorant.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


How is someone supposed to be a lawyer when they can't form coherent sentences with proper punctuation? :uhh::uhoh3:

Cyberville is a great place for leftards where they can pretend to be things that they are not in a lame attempt to convince others that they are "intellectually superior" thus their opinion holds more weight than others. Education has become nothing more than indoctrination where you are told what to think instead of how to think.

You can say that again. So many of them claim to own their own business, are independently wealthy, work from home, retired with a nice pension. That's how they can spend all day here.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


haven't you figured out yet that you wouldn't be worthing lying to, moron?

it's so funny watching uneducated lowlife white trash try to pretend they're not mega fails.

like I said, go back to. your basement, little moron.
Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


How is someone supposed to be a lawyer when they can't form coherent sentences with proper punctuation? :uhh::uhoh3:

Cyberville is a great place for leftards where they can pretend to be things that they are not in a lame attempt to convince others that they are "intellectually superior" thus their opinion holds more weight than others. Education has become nothing more than indoctrination where you are told what to think instead of how to think.

You can say that again. So many of them claim to own their own business, are independently wealthy, work from home, retired with a nice pension. That's how they can spend all day here.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


haven't you figured out yet that you wouldn't be worthing lying to, moron?

it's so funny watching uneducated lowlife white trash try to pretend they're not mega fails.

like I said, go back to. your basement, little moron.

You betcha, "counselor". I can only imagine you trying to make an argument in front of a jury since you have the emotional maturity of a spoiled twelve year least that is the type of persona that you have adopted here.

I am uneducated "white trash"? That I am a failure? Because I'm not a leftard that is stuck in the left versus right paradigm? Damn! That's gonna leave a mark......I shan't ever recover!!!! I need a hug and a safe place to run to! (snicker)

Let's get down to brass tacks shall we, Shillian? I would utterly destroy you in a debate on what we are really dealing with, what we are facing and you know that.... which is why you would rather exchange insults than have an honest discussion. It's a good strategic move on your part. Fabian socialists (such as yourself) fear exposure and having the light shone on them because they always have to scurry away like the little cockroaches that they are.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Democrats taxed the middle class to death? You sure? It's good in word salad as a GOP talking point, but where is the evidence? Beyond accusation?
Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


How is someone supposed to be a lawyer when they can't form coherent sentences with proper punctuation? :uhh::uhoh3:

Cyberville is a great place for leftards where they can pretend to be things that they are not in a lame attempt to convince others that they are "intellectually superior" thus their opinion holds more weight than others. Education has become nothing more than indoctrination where you are told what to think instead of how to think.

You can say that again. So many of them claim to own their own business, are independently wealthy, work from home, retired with a nice pension. That's how they can spend all day here.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


haven't you figured out yet that you wouldn't be worthing lying to, moron?

it's so funny watching uneducated lowlife white trash try to pretend they're not mega fails.

like I said, go back to. your basement, little moron.

byootiful Englich.

If yoor in foorth grade.
The double whammy bill of tax cuts for the rich, more taxes on the middle class and losing healthcare. The GOP trifecta!
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Democrats taxed the middle class to death? You sure? It's good in word salad as a GOP talking point, but where is the evidence? Beyond accusation?

Did the Affordable Care Act lower or increase the average Middle Class families health care premiums, R-Derp? Barry promised us that they would see a decrease of $2,500 a year. They didn't get that though...did they? Instead of a decrease in health care costs...they got a substantial increase in health care costs. That isn't an "accusation"...that's simply the truth! You liberals lied to the American people and when they started getting bills in the mail with large increases in their healthcare premiums it was time to pay the fiddler!
Wow, children stripped from their parents.

Democrats, such a thing is monstrous.

Republicans, why is this such a big deal?
Wow, children stripped from their parents.

Democrats, such a thing is monstrous.

Republicans, why is this such a big deal?
Happens every day at planned parenthood! Why aren’t you against that?
Wow, children stripped from their parents.

Democrats, such a thing is monstrous.

Republicans, why is this such a big deal?

Obama sold the kids to child traffickers, did he share the proceeds with the parents? Probably not
Again with this thread?

The two parties are not the same.

One is full of a bunch of goose-stepping commies. The other is full of lazy do-nothing fence riders.

They are the same in that both are full of idiots.
Democrats are a coalition party.

And the Republicans have no divisions whatsoever. Everyone knows that Establishment figures, the Tea Party and Freedom Caucus, and the blue state moderates and centrists are all the same.
Wow, children stripped from their parents.

Democrats, such a thing is monstrous.

Republicans, why is this such a big deal?
If it was so monstrous then why are HUNDREDS of parents willfully leaving their children behind when they are deported?

You're an embarrassment to the democrat party. And that is quite hard to be

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