Suggesting the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the same is so ignorant.

Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

And meanwhile we now know that all the fake news was designed to help Trump

Exclusive: Russian-linked Facebook ads targeted Michigan and Wisconsin - CNNPolitics

Yet right wing retards keep crying about fake news. They don't realize they were the ones who swallowed the fake news. Dumb mofos.
When push comes to shove there isn't much difference between so-called establishment republicans and establishment democrats. That's why we elected an outsider like Trump. It should be noted that something similar to tea party politics is happening in the democrat party even though the MSM tries to ignore it. There is a movement among sensible young democrats to oust the likes of Pelosi and Hoyer and probably Schumer.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

Trump won because he is not Clinton. He has no mandate. The fact is that Americans are compassionate. That is why they support Obamacare over any of the Republican plans. They will not stand for seeing children starve. You may not give a damn but others do.
Both parties are the same. Both are driven by extremes. They just work the opposite sides of the street. Both are becoming uglier and uglier.
I agree . they aren't the same

Republicans are sort of evil.

Democrats are totally evil
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.

Trump is a globalist too. He may have said he was a nationalist to get elected but ultimately he is not going to champion your ridiculous cause.

My ridiculous cause??? That is most absurd.

Did I say Trump was a nationalist? You don't know me. So, why have you chosen to jump to absurd conclusions.

All you needed do is thank me for educating you.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.

Wow. It sounds like just how your party is divided on illegal (cheap) labor

The racists don't want immigrants coming in and the corporations who actually rule your party do want them coming in to flood the market with cheap labor.

And the EU is not globalization. Was the USA forming globalization? Perhaps we should have never united. Is that your position?

Again you think my party is the R party, when any fool knows that is bullshit.

You shouldn't think you know me.

You would do well to learn from me.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.

Wow. It sounds like just how your party is divided on illegal (cheap) labor

The racists don't want immigrants coming in and the corporations who actually rule your party do want them coming in to flood the market with cheap labor.

And the EU is not globalization. Was the USA forming globalization? Perhaps we should have never united. Is that your position?

Again you think my party is the R party, when any fool knows that is bullshit.

You shouldn't think you know me.

You would do well to learn from me.

It's citizens/voters/Americans like you who gave us the government we have today.
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.

Wow. It sounds like just how your party is divided on illegal (cheap) labor

The racists don't want immigrants coming in and the corporations who actually rule your party do want them coming in to flood the market with cheap labor.

And the EU is not globalization. Was the USA forming globalization? Perhaps we should have never united. Is that your position?

Again you think my party is the R party, when any fool knows that is bullshit.

You shouldn't think you know me.

You would do well to learn from me.

It's citizens/voters/Americans like you who gave us the government we have today.

You just get dumber with each post.

I want the government eliminated and have stated as much, multiple times on this forum.
Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.

Repubs love gays, secretly.
Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.

Wow. It sounds like just how your party is divided on illegal (cheap) labor

The racists don't want immigrants coming in and the corporations who actually rule your party do want them coming in to flood the market with cheap labor.

And the EU is not globalization. Was the USA forming globalization? Perhaps we should have never united. Is that your position?

Again you think my party is the R party, when any fool knows that is bullshit.

You shouldn't think you know me.

You would do well to learn from me.

It's citizens/voters/Americans like you who gave us the government we have today.

You just get dumber with each post.

I want the government eliminated and have stated as much, multiple times on this forum.

Then you are stupid.

"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Let me edumacate you

Here are a couple of headlines for those who haven't had the time to study both economics and history:

  1. There is no such thing as a "free market."
  2. The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it (as millions of Americans and Europeans are discovering).
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

And meanwhile we now know that all the fake news was designed to help Trump

Exclusive: Russian-linked Facebook ads targeted Michigan and Wisconsin - CNNPolitics

Yet right wing retards keep crying about fake news. They don't realize they were the ones who swallowed the fake news. Dumb mofos.

Coming from CNN, the ultimate in "fake news"? That is hilarious! BTW, I knew what a disgusting sack of shit the Clintons and the DNC is and I certainly didn't need the Wikileaks or Project Veritas to tell me that.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

Trump won because he is not Clinton. He has no mandate. The fact is that Americans are compassionate. That is why they support Obamacare over any of the Republican plans. They will not stand for seeing children starve. You may not give a damn but others do.

Seeing children starve? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Trump won because he is not Clinton. He has no mandate. The fact is that Americans are compassionate. That is why they support Obamacare over any of the Republican plans. They will not stand for seeing children starve. You may not give a damn but others do.
Well, good. They can "give a damn" with their own money and leave me out of it.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.

Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


How is someone supposed to be a lawyer when they can't form coherent sentences with proper punctuation? :uhh::uhoh3:
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


How is someone supposed to be a lawyer when they can't form coherent sentences with proper punctuation? :uhh::uhoh3:

Cyberville is a great place for leftards where they can pretend to be things that they are not in a lame attempt to convince others that they are "intellectually superior" thus their opinion holds more weight than others. Education has become nothing more than indoctrination where you are told what to think instead of how to think.
trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.


Keep in spewing butter butter. Someday maybe you'll even say something that isn't an outright lie. I doubt it. But we can hope.

Or go back to mommy basement where you belong

What cracks me up about leftards like you is that even though you claim to be a barrister and so "smart"? Your ability to write a coherent post with correct spelling and punctuation is that of someone struggling with junior high English.

As far as the content of my post? You can't refute it nor can you defend the revelations of the Wikileaks data dump.....the best defense is to blame the messenger in a lame attempt to deflect attention from the contents. You keep on throwing those fastballs down the middle of the plate and I will keep placing them in the cheap seats.


How is someone supposed to be a lawyer when they can't form coherent sentences with proper punctuation? :uhh::uhoh3:

Cyberville is a great place for leftards where they can pretend to be things that they are not in a lame attempt to convince others that they are "intellectually superior" thus their opinion holds more weight than others. Education has become nothing more than indoctrination where you are told what to think instead of how to think.

You can say that again. So many of them claim to own their own business, are independently wealthy, work from home, retired with a nice pension. That's how they can spend all day here.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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