Suggesting the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the same is so ignorant.

The D and R party's are near mirror images of each other. They like to TALK about their differences, but at the end of the day they are blood brothers.

Most unfortunately, too many Americans get all wound up by the media and the party's that purposely divide Americans. So...D voters think R voters are evil and R voters think D voters are evil.

The evil is the two parties and the media, along with their donors...the .01% Oligarchy.

I get what you're saying. Keeping us divided is profitable. But I don't think rank and file D's (or R's) are evil, as that would condemn myself...although the Dem leadership doesn't have a box for me so they're rather hostile toward me and others like me. The R's have no boxes, so their arms are wide open.

Anyway, my viewpoint differs slightly from yours - as in many ways we are all near mirror images of each other. I see differences between the leadership of the two parties - one party presents a united front for the sake of the party - the other has members openly critical of policies and proposed legislation.

I see significant political differences between Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan, Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell, Maxine Waters and Trey Gowdy, Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul, Elizabeth Warren and Tim Scott...even considering the fact that we are all Americans living under the same Constitution.

Trump is an anomaly - as close to a 3rd party as we've had in recent history. If you believe that dissent and debate are important to the health of the country - we have that now. The Democrat's when in power want no part of's been too long since they did, and they're paying dearly for it.

The businessman-who-wasn't-supposed-to-be-electable is giving the Establishment in all parties the night terrors.
Democrats want healthcare for millions of Americans.
Republicans want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans.

That one difference alone is enormous.

Did you want to discuss how Democrats want to PAY for the healthcare they want to "give" to millions of Americans?
Greedy, self serving, & lots of stupid. (watch C-span some time.) in that both party's are the same.

moral, social issues they talk a different game. & that's the deal, they talk it but they don't live it
Democrats want healthcare for millions of Americans.
Republicans want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans.

That one difference alone is enormous.

Poppycock. The Dems were only interested in paving the way to medicaid for all by bribing insurance conglomerates to commit hari-kari. They didn't improve the cost or timeliness of health care delivery - they revamped the insurance industry...and authorized unelected bureaucrats in HHS to write thousands of regulations - while delaying implementation of the worst effects (taxes on Cadillac plans) for their union buddies.

That BS and a buck two sixty might buy you a cop of coffee at the local diner.
Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.
It's the fucking UniParty and you know it. They both take opposing authoritarian statist positions to give us the illusion of a choice.

anti-personal liberties (gay marriage, abortion, etc.)

anti-economic liberties (commies)

We are FORCED to pick our poison, vote for a shitty, worthless third party, or sit home.
What you said about GOP - True

What you said about DNC - Lies

The economy does better under Democrats for a reason.

And many Democrats like guns.
Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights

You guys lie so much, you even believe your own bullsh!t.
Democrats want healthcare for millions of Americans.
Republicans want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans.

That one difference alone is enormous.

Poppycock. The Dems were only interested in paving the way to medicaid for all by bribing insurance conglomerates to commit hari-kari. They didn't improve the cost or timeliness of health care delivery - they revamped the insurance industry...and authorized unelected bureaucrats in HHS to write thousands of regulations - while delaying implementation of the worst effects (taxes on Cadillac plans) for their union buddies.

That BS and a buck two sixty might buy you a cop of coffee at the local diner.
So you are saying "let them die"?
Derp just regurgitates the same nonsense every day, different words and form but the same BS
He merely mimics what MSLSD tells him. You can't expect him to think for himself.

Sadly, there are too many Americans easily duped by the elite upper westside millionaire club known as the DNC media.

They have selective hearing and reading. Hil-Liar raised much more money than Trump, and actually a new record amount of money. So where did she get that kind of loot from, the homeless and middle-class?

They went from having nothing (so Hillary claimed) when they left the White House to multi-multi-millionaires in a few short years, and it wasn't the Republican dollar that got them there.

But for puppets like Dean, he ignores all that. He was told the Republicans are the party of the rich, so he just follows orders.
Hillary didn't raise much more money than Trump. I've already linked to the hundred million Sheldon Adelson alone gave Trump. That was just one billionaire.

And the media, thinking Trump was good for ratings, gave him nearly 5 billion in free air time. More than double all other candidates, the GOP, the Dems and the Independents put together.

Donald trump rode $5 billion in free media to the white house

And I know that you know Trump was the most dishonest by far. Even today he lies all the time. You know it. Admit it.

And so what if Hillary, or Obama or Reagan or Bush or any politician earned money giving speeches. Speeches is what they do. Like those others, Hillary walked away with the money doing a job she was paid for owing nothing to no one.

But Trump? Does he owe money?

Trump's Financial Documents Reveal Hundreds Of Millions Owed To Lenders

Trump owes lenders at least $315 million, disclosure shows

Show us where the Clinton's or the Obama's owe money.
Notice that when I drop all this truth on their tiny pointed head, they quickly move on to something else? It's not like they can debate the facts. Why? Because the ARE "facts".
Democrats want healthcare for millions of Americans.
Republicans want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans.

That one difference alone is enormous.

Poppycock. The Dems were only interested in paving the way to medicaid for all by bribing insurance conglomerates to commit hari-kari. They didn't improve the cost or timeliness of health care delivery - they revamped the insurance industry...and authorized unelected bureaucrats in HHS to write thousands of regulations - while delaying implementation of the worst effects (taxes on Cadillac plans) for their union buddies.

That BS and a buck two sixty might buy you a cop of coffee at the local diner.
So you are saying "let them die"?

Nope - I leave that to your side.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.

Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.
Yet, people you support throw homosexuals off of rooftops for fun.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.

trump won bewfcause he had help from Russia and white supremacist scum....and still got 3 million fewer votes.

it's so sad how you pond scum don't care what he is as long as he has an "R".

have fun with your white supremacist plutocrats.

LMAO! Shillian, Trump won IN SPITE of the cheating being done by the leftard clown posse and their cohorts in the lamestream media that attempted to carry her butt ugly self over the finish line and they might have pulled it off had it not been due to the OVERWHELMING voter turnout that was being purposely discouraged from voting because the election had been declared as "over" for the Hildebeast. I can never get enough of the leftard whine spewed by butthurt fabian socialists such as yourself.......I DIG it!!!

It wasn't the ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating and utter corruption of the DNC but if it makes you feel better at night if you believe leftard cheating was revealed by a foreign entity thus negating the revelations of Wikileaks? Knock yourself out....enjoy the next seven years that lays before you like 50 miles of bad road.

Don't be so tough on Silly Jilly. She's limited you know and about to go postal.

I am amazed how these Fabian socialists, like Silly, accept EVERYTHING the DNC mainstream media tell them. They are so consistent in their beliefs. Whatever the .01% elite upper west side million media club promotes, they believe. Even though that media is terribly biased and known to lie and distort.

I am certain they will claim Russians stole the election for Trump, 20 years from now. Shows you the power the DNC media has on these people.

Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.

^ One Note Samba.

The Dems include the nonliving
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.
Democrats are a coalition party.

Republicans are 90% white. That's hardly a coalition party. The GOP is basically a ruling class of millionaires with an uneducated base that keeps them in power because the leadership of the party tricks them into believing they are the party of fiscal responsibility, the party of white, the party of God, the party of Guns. Just a few issues.

But the leadership has been squatting on them so much over the years that they are now listening to racists and radicals who continue to lie. Tricking them into believing automated jobs are "coming back". But that can't last forever. Which is why they work on racism and a fear of foreigners. Even that won't last forever.

Look at who makes up the Democratic Party. It's the GOP hate list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Is does occasionally change a little. Where Jews are used to be the poor. But I think the poor has fallen out of the top 10 for now. And there are plenty of whites in the Democratic Party. But everyone is welcome. That's how being a coalition works.

The biggest difference is who they are for. The GOP is a party for millionaires and billionaires. Even when the majority of the party are poor to middle class, they only support the very wealthy. Why that is, is unknown.

Democrats support the middle class. Which is why with Democrats, you get such policies as equal rights and equal pay. Healthcare and children's healthcare.
you must mean the Illuminati's
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.

He is looking for the Illuminati's
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.

Wow. It sounds like just how your party is divided on illegal (cheap) labor

The racists don't want immigrants coming in and the corporations who actually rule your party do want them coming in to flood the market with cheap labor.

And the EU is not globalization. Was the USA forming globalization? Perhaps we should have never united. Is that your position?
Well, rDean, The globalists have been running both parties for quite some time now.

So yeah, they're pretty much both useless.

Democrats support the middle class with what? Taxing them to death? GFY

The middle class is tired of getting taxed to death so they can stand in line behind illegals and welfare recipients who buy 3x what the middle class can, and pay with WIC, while the middle class has 1/3 the stuff and pays with cash.

Oh, I know Republicans supported illegal immigration, too. "Gang of 8" and all that.

Both of them can go jump off a cliff as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Trump won.
Have you poor republicans ever once considered that global is the natural way to go? You used to love free open trade. Now you've become isolationists.

Globalization is inevitable. What you don't understand is republicans didn't protect American workers when every other country we trade with did. Why? Is it because corporations run our country? Is it so they could break unions?

You don't see the whole picture
I don't think you understand what is meant by 'globalism,' as it is discussed here.

It has nothing to do with economics. It is a political philosophy which holds that the entire world should be controlled or governed by a very small elite. If you think that is good, you have a major problem.

Who wants that? Who is pushing for that? I'm glad you clarified what you meant by globalism. Now please show me who is for that.

Because imo that's what the Republicans believe. I have dragged it out of USMB Republicans that they do believe this country is better run by CEO's and the rich than it is by We the People.

The rich already control/own us via the Federal Reserve. They took us over in 1913 when they passed the Federal Reserve Act and started taxing our income. And yes both parties are in on it. Obama, Trump, Clinton, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Bush 2.

Asking who wants globalism exposes yourself as uninformed.

What do you think the EU is? Why do many American pols espouse admiration for the EU?

The ruling class WANTS globalism. This is why they are so against NATIONALISM. They like to claim nationalism is akin to Nazism....right? Many on the left love to claim Trump or anyone espousing nationalism, is a Nazi.

Obama and Clinton are both globalists, but this is not limited to the D party. Many in the R party are globalists too.

Trump is a globalist too. He may have said he was a nationalist to get elected but ultimately he is not going to champion your ridiculous cause.

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