Sulfur Dioxide

I'm a liberal Democrat dumb ass.

I think we can throw the Bullshit Flag on that one.

I am also a geologist

And this one.

so understand the world and how it works a hell of a lot better than you. When you resort to emotional arguments and morality plays you are not arguing in a logical manner, the scientific world doesn't give a rats ass about morality, that is the realm of the spiritual and the religious.

Science cares about facts, and observing the natural world and trying to explain what we are seeing. That's why observations are so critical and why when "scientists" who alter data to fit their "theory" are held in such low esteem. If their theory held water of any kind they wouldn't need to resort to those sorts of tactics now would they...

So.. pretty much all of it is bullshit, at least as far as it relates to what this man writes here.

:lol::lol: And yet ask any other liberal on here and they will tell you that yes I am a liberal. Ask any of the hard core rightwingers and they will tell you I am a scumbag liberal!:lol:

It's only you paid drones that state otherwise. How can someone like you even exist in a thinking world?:cuckoo:
Is this more of that claim that if it hasn't happened before, then it must be impossible; that it can NOT happen?

Do you REALLY want to throw yourself out there with THAT as your life preserver?

Why don't you look up the correlation and relative timing for CO2 and temperature for all the Industrial Ages that have taken place in the last 3.5 billion years. THAT would be pertinent.

The correlation works better for the Medieval Warming Period. Vostock ice core data show an up to 800 year gap from warming to CO2 concentration increase which fits the MWP perfectly.

Yours doesn't fit at all. And, based on the 17 year leveling off of temps while the CO2 level has increased dramatically, further removes CO2 as anything more than a bit player (if even that) in the global temperature pantheon of variables.

It works better in what way? There were no Industrial Ages taking place during any of those periods so they are patently inapplicable.

:lol::lol: The one over riding affliction that ALL of you science denying CAGW religious cult members exhibit is your complete lack of understanding of science!:lol::lol:

I'm going to give you a brief synopsis..... The Earth is way old...older than you by a whole bunch! So let's take a look at the last million years or so. There have been three major periods of glaciation in that period. The time in between, when it is warm, are called interglacials. This current interglacial period that we are enjoying is running on to 14,000 years now. In that period there have been multiple times when it was warmer and cooler.

ALL of those warming and cooling periods occurred BEFORE man industrialized. In the world of science therefore (due to the Principle of Uniformitarianism) it is ASSUMED that the warming we are experiencing today is thus of natural cause.

The CAGW pushers came up with a "theory" that stated CO2 that man was introducing to the atmosphere, was the new cause, but to date they haven't been able to present one shred of evidence to support that. Not one.

The scientific method DEMANDS that scientists present their evidence and source materials so that ANY other scientist (or even non scientist) can check their work. To date the CAGW pushers have refused EVERY request for information.

So, mr. paid propagandist...what are they hiding?:eusa_whistle:
I don't think you have to be a scientist to know that with all the smoke stacks and cars putting shit up into the air, that can't be good for the ozone, earth, air, the planet, fill in the fucking blank.

What makes a global warming denier one? I can understand if you maybe are a rich lobbyist or a ceo of a corporation but this is just another one of those issues where most of you righties are proving that you will defend anything the republicans tell you to defend. It could be Satan even. If they told you he has the right to be Satan, you would defend Satan. Even though nuclear energy and oil have proved to be horrible, you still go along. Crash the economy? Hell, you didn't even admit it was your boys policies that did it. Lie us into war? You still deny it. Move jobs overseas? Jobs Americans won't do? No gun regulations?

I'm a liberal Democrat dumb ass. I am also a geologist so understand the world and how it works a hell of a lot better than you. When you resort to emotional arguments and morality plays you are not arguing in a logical manner, the scientific world doesn't give a rats ass about morality, that is the realm of the spiritual and the religious.

Science cares about facts, and observing the natural world and trying to explain what we are seeing. That's why observations are so critical and why when "scientists" who alter data to fit their "theory" are held in such low esteem. If their theory held water of any kind they wouldn't need to resort to those sorts of tactics now would they...

I just went through a million threads you started. Please stop calling yourself a liberal democrat now. We don't want you. Go back to the right where you belong.

I don't see a lot of political talk from you but boy oh boy do you have a bug up your ass when it comes to denying global warming. Why is that?

You hate PETA, looks like you are against the ACA, anti EPA, anti NPR.

How are you a liberal democrat?

:lol::lol::lol: Wow, that was a cursory look. I hate PETA because they kill more animals than almost any other "animal shelter" out there. They are cruel heartless sons of bitches who think that murdering an animal is better than letting it live with a human who would love it. They are simply loons and I am not in the least surprised that you support that scurrilous bunch.

What's fucking funny is one of their directors has the gall to state that animal medical research is immoral and must be stopped and yet she is the recipient of diabetic medicine derived from animals! Yes, she is one hypocritical asshole just like you. Here is Penn and Tellers show exposing them for the scum they are.

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

I despise the ACA because a lot of my friends are going to be screwed over and die from it. We live in a small population state so as their doctors quit they are going to find it impossible to get the care they need. It is already happening. The medical situation here is getting bad for those who could barely pay for insurance. Now they are going to have to go on Medicaid (the problem there is most of the doctors here won't accept it) and they can't afford the concierge doctor fee's. Don't worry you'll get to experience the wonderfulness that is the ACA soon enough.

Anti EPA? No.....but I am against their extra legal actions that they have been using to skirt Congress to punish the industries that don't contribute to progressive campaign funds. That's called extortion but you're clearly in favor of that.

And finally anti NPR? Ummm, no. I am against a government corporation that presents only one side of an argument. My tax money is used to fund it and I listen to it in the morning or when I am on the road on one of my long drives.

So, once again we see how you progressives will twist facts trying to denigrate those who hold opinions that are contrary to yours. So, you obfuscate, and you want to murder people who disagree with you....that about cover you worthless pieces of dog shit?
I'm a liberal Democrat dumb ass. I am also a geologist so understand the world and how it works a hell of a lot better than you. When you resort to emotional arguments and morality plays you are not arguing in a logical manner, the scientific world doesn't give a rats ass about morality, that is the realm of the spiritual and the religious.

Science cares about facts, and observing the natural world and trying to explain what we are seeing. That's why observations are so critical and why when "scientists" who alter data to fit their "theory" are held in such low esteem. If their theory held water of any kind they wouldn't need to resort to those sorts of tactics now would they...

I'm starting to see the connection between people who argue with science because of religion and the ones who do it for corporations. Both pull people to the GOP.

I don't believe you are a geologist but I know why you say you are Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims - Forbes

The scientific opinion on climate change is that the Earth's climate system is unequivocally warming, and it is extremely likely (at least 95% probability) that humans are causing most of it through activities that increase concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels.

No, the CLIMATOLOGISTS claim that it is warming...and that man is the cause. The rest of the scientific community is rapidly abandoning that fraud.

I don't believe that.
The one over riding affliction that ALL of you science denying CAGW religious cult members exhibit is your complete lack of understanding of science!

As I've pointed out before, using the bizarre term "CAGW" marks a person as an acolyte of the WUWT cult website, resulting in all sensible people instantly laughing at the dope who got sucked into such a clown show.

I'm going to give you a brief synopsis..... The Earth is way old...older than you by a whole bunch! So let's take a look at the last million years or so. There have been three major periods of glaciation in that period. The time in between, when it is warm, are called interglacials. This current interglacial period that we are enjoying is running on to 14,000 years now. In that period there have been multiple times when it was warmer and cooler.

ALL of those warming and cooling periods occurred BEFORE man industrialized. In the world of science therefore (due to the Principle of Uniformitarianism) it is ASSUMED that the warming we are experiencing today is thus of natural cause.

And it's all irrelevant, a sad attempt at deflection. Natural cycles have had the globe slowly cooling for thousands of years, yet the globe suddenly started warming, with no natural explanation for it anywhere. The "natural cycles" theory is contradicted by the observed evidence, hence rational people have discarded it.

The CAGW pushers came up with a "theory" that stated CO2 that man was introducing to the atmosphere, was the new cause, but to date they haven't been able to present one shred of evidence to support that. Not one.

Back in the real world, the rational side has proven their case in a bunch of independent ways. Only a handful of political kooks still try to deny the obvious.

The scientific method DEMANDS that scientists present their evidence and source materials so that ANY other scientist (or even non scientist) can check their work. To date the CAGW pushers have refused EVERY request for information.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ... Westwall's cult has told him that, and he believes, as a devoted cultist should. However, we've actually pointed him and others to the data he says isn't there. Denier myths can't survive if deniers look at the data, so they create these strange stories about how the data isn't there.

So, mr. paid propagandist...what are they hiding?

We know what Westwall is hiding, not very successfully, and that's his political cult affiliation which drives his beliefs. Poke him a little, and he'll start screaming about phantom socialists trying to take over the world. His politics tells him what the science is, so he doesn't care about silly data. He knew what answer he wanted at the start, and has worked backwards to create a fantasy world supporting that answer. As far as science goes, he fails at it, which is why he relies on logical fallacies, conspiracy theories and crazy cult myths.
I'm a liberal Democrat dumb ass. I am also a geologist so understand the world and how it works a hell of a lot better than you. When you resort to emotional arguments and morality plays you are not arguing in a logical manner, the scientific world doesn't give a rats ass about morality, that is the realm of the spiritual and the religious.

Science cares about facts, and observing the natural world and trying to explain what we are seeing. That's why observations are so critical and why when "scientists" who alter data to fit their "theory" are held in such low esteem. If their theory held water of any kind they wouldn't need to resort to those sorts of tactics now would they...

I just went through a million threads you started. Please stop calling yourself a liberal democrat now. We don't want you. Go back to the right where you belong.

I don't see a lot of political talk from you but boy oh boy do you have a bug up your ass when it comes to denying global warming. Why is that?

You hate PETA, looks like you are against the ACA, anti EPA, anti NPR.

How are you a liberal democrat?

:lol::lol::lol: Wow, that was a cursory look. I hate PETA because they kill more animals than almost any other "animal shelter" out there. They are cruel heartless sons of bitches who think that murdering an animal is better than letting it live with a human who would love it. They are simply loons and I am not in the least surprised that you support that scurrilous bunch.

What's fucking funny is one of their directors has the gall to state that animal medical research is immoral and must be stopped and yet she is the recipient of diabetic medicine derived from animals! Yes, she is one hypocritical asshole just like you. Here is Penn and Tellers show exposing them for the scum they are.

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

I despise the ACA because a lot of my friends are going to be screwed over and die from it. We live in a small population state so as their doctors quit they are going to find it impossible to get the care they need. It is already happening. The medical situation here is getting bad for those who could barely pay for insurance. Now they are going to have to go on Medicaid (the problem there is most of the doctors here won't accept it) and they can't afford the concierge doctor fee's. Don't worry you'll get to experience the wonderfulness that is the ACA soon enough.

Anti EPA? No.....but I am against their extra legal actions that they have been using to skirt Congress to punish the industries that don't contribute to progressive campaign funds. That's called extortion but you're clearly in favor of that.

And finally anti NPR? Ummm, no. I am against a government corporation that presents only one side of an argument. My tax money is used to fund it and I listen to it in the morning or when I am on the road on one of my long drives.

So, once again we see how you progressives will twist facts trying to denigrate those who hold opinions that are contrary to yours. So, you obfuscate, and you want to murder people who disagree with you....that about cover you worthless pieces of dog shit?

Your friends are going to die because of the ACA? Please don't ever call yourself a liberal democrat. You are just a moderate but right leaning imbecile.

Chances are if they can't afford the ACA they were probably going to lose their insurance eventually because of the costs. Why do you think we needed healthcare reform in the first place? Assholes like you act like healthcare wasn't broken before.

Oh and by the way, same way you guys told people who couldn't afford healthcare before the ACA that it was their fault. They are where they are at in life because of their own choice and their own actions. So if they now can't get good doctors because of the ACA, maybe they should have went to college? Maybe they should start their own business'. But don't blame Obama or the Democrats because you are losers. Same way you tell us not to blame the GOP.

Ok, and as for NPR. You are such a fucking idiot I don't even know where to begin or start. NPR is the fucking fair and balanced news. Just because it doesn't sound like Fox or Rush doesn't mean it is liberal or one sided. I fucking hate Americans like you. You don't realize the corporation own all the media and the only media left that isn't corporate owned and controlled is NPR and PBS. And yet you see these are bad things.

DO NOT call yourself a liberal democrat. You are a blue dog democrat at best. WHat hick state do you live in by the way goober?
We know what Westwall is hiding, not very successfully, and that's his political cult affiliation which drives his beliefs. Poke him a little, and he'll start screaming about phantom socialists trying to take over the world. His politics tells him what the science is, so he doesn't care about silly data. He knew what answer he wanted at the start, and has worked backwards to create a fantasy world supporting that answer. As far as science goes, he fails at it, which is why he relies on logical fallacies, conspiracy theories and crazy cult myths.

I agree. The fucking liar.
I just went through a million threads you started. Please stop calling yourself a liberal democrat now. We don't want you. Go back to the right where you belong.

I don't see a lot of political talk from you but boy oh boy do you have a bug up your ass when it comes to denying global warming. Why is that?

You hate PETA, looks like you are against the ACA, anti EPA, anti NPR.

How are you a liberal democrat?

:lol::lol::lol: Wow, that was a cursory look. I hate PETA because they kill more animals than almost any other "animal shelter" out there. They are cruel heartless sons of bitches who think that murdering an animal is better than letting it live with a human who would love it. They are simply loons and I am not in the least surprised that you support that scurrilous bunch.

What's fucking funny is one of their directors has the gall to state that animal medical research is immoral and must be stopped and yet she is the recipient of diabetic medicine derived from animals! Yes, she is one hypocritical asshole just like you. Here is Penn and Tellers show exposing them for the scum they are.

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peta - Bullshit Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

I despise the ACA because a lot of my friends are going to be screwed over and die from it. We live in a small population state so as their doctors quit they are going to find it impossible to get the care they need. It is already happening. The medical situation here is getting bad for those who could barely pay for insurance. Now they are going to have to go on Medicaid (the problem there is most of the doctors here won't accept it) and they can't afford the concierge doctor fee's. Don't worry you'll get to experience the wonderfulness that is the ACA soon enough.

Anti EPA? No.....but I am against their extra legal actions that they have been using to skirt Congress to punish the industries that don't contribute to progressive campaign funds. That's called extortion but you're clearly in favor of that.

And finally anti NPR? Ummm, no. I am against a government corporation that presents only one side of an argument. My tax money is used to fund it and I listen to it in the morning or when I am on the road on one of my long drives.

So, once again we see how you progressives will twist facts trying to denigrate those who hold opinions that are contrary to yours. So, you obfuscate, and you want to murder people who disagree with you....that about cover you worthless pieces of dog shit?

Your friends are going to die because of the ACA? Please don't ever call yourself a liberal democrat. You are just a moderate but right leaning imbecile.

Chances are if they can't afford the ACA they were probably going to lose their insurance eventually because of the costs. Why do you think we needed healthcare reform in the first place? Assholes like you act like healthcare wasn't broken before.

Oh and by the way, same way you guys told people who couldn't afford healthcare before the ACA that it was their fault. They are where they are at in life because of their own choice and their own actions. So if they now can't get good doctors because of the ACA, maybe they should have went to college? Maybe they should start their own business'. But don't blame Obama or the Democrats because you are losers. Same way you tell us not to blame the GOP.

Ok, and as for NPR. You are such a fucking idiot I don't even know where to begin or start. NPR is the fucking fair and balanced news. Just because it doesn't sound like Fox or Rush doesn't mean it is liberal or one sided. I fucking hate Americans like you. You don't realize the corporation own all the media and the only media left that isn't corporate owned and controlled is NPR and PBS. And yet you see these are bad things.

DO NOT call yourself a liberal democrat. You are a blue dog democrat at best. WHat hick state do you live in by the way goober?

Insults now huh? Really you should try harder. The ACA is driving DOCTORS out of business. It is making those that remain STOP accepting insurance and becoming instead concierge doctors... Here are a few stories on the subject. Don't believe a word I say, I really don't care but unlike you I read beyond the propaganda and was able to predict exactly what is happening. Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet and the problems have already begun. The fact that you refuse to think for yourself is on you....not me.

"Critics argue that if more doctors flock to concierge medicine there will be even fewer primary care doctors left to handle the millions of patients who can't afford this type of treatment. Is concierge medicine pushing the nation's doctor shortage over the brink? As the practice gets more affordable, is this a way for the uninsured to still get care? Is direct a la carte pricing a better way to bill patients for medical care?"

Doctor 'subscriptions' on the rise as more turn to concierge medicine | AirTalk | 89.3 KPCC

ObamaCare And The Rise of Concierge Doctors | CONCIERGE MEDICINE JOURNAL

Concierge medicine on the rise - FOX 10 News |
We know what Westwall is hiding, not very successfully, and that's his political cult affiliation which drives his beliefs. Poke him a little, and he'll start screaming about phantom socialists trying to take over the world. His politics tells him what the science is, so he doesn't care about silly data. He knew what answer he wanted at the start, and has worked backwards to create a fantasy world supporting that answer. As far as science goes, he fails at it, which is why he relies on logical fallacies, conspiracy theories and crazy cult myths.

I agree. The fucking liar.

:lol::lol::lol: Now I get to neg you. Point to a single lie I have ever posted. I don't lie. I don't need to...unlike you.
I'm a liberal Democrat dumb ass.

I think we can throw the Bullshit Flag on that one.

I am also a geologist

And this one.

so understand the world and how it works a hell of a lot better than you. When you resort to emotional arguments and morality plays you are not arguing in a logical manner, the scientific world doesn't give a rats ass about morality, that is the realm of the spiritual and the religious.

Science cares about facts, and observing the natural world and trying to explain what we are seeing. That's why observations are so critical and why when "scientists" who alter data to fit their "theory" are held in such low esteem. If their theory held water of any kind they wouldn't need to resort to those sorts of tactics now would they...

So.. pretty much all of it is bullshit, at least as far as it relates to what this man writes here.

Just because you are so far to the left than anyone that is not in small minded microscopic view of the world is considered far right, does not mean someone is not a liberal Democrat.

Many true liberals are upset that that the far left hijacked their party.

Also just about every time you post you show that you know nothing about actual real science and have been caught in so many lies that to say this about anyone on this board is very hypocritical, especially for you.

You are lair.
Last edited:
Plants love sulfur. Every since sulfur was removed from fuel, farmers have to start purchasing sulfur & spray it on the fields. That causes food & fuel price to rise.
Plants love sulfur. Every since sulfur was removed from fuel, farmers have to start purchasing sulfur & spray it on the fields. That causes food & fuel price to rise.

You're saying sulfur from gasoline rained down from the sky and fertilized crops? One wonders how people manage to grow crops before the internal combustion engine.

Fields do need more sulfur as time passes, but that's because crops pull sulfur out of the ground, the crops get hauled off, and eventually the soil sulfur is depleted.
Peta - Bullshit Part 1 - YouTube[/url]

Peta - Bullshit Part 2 - YouTube

Peta - Bullshit Part 3 - YouTube

I despise the ACA because a lot of my friends are going to be screwed over and die from it. We live in a small population state so as their doctors quit they are going to find it impossible to get the care they need. It is already happening. The medical situation here is getting bad for those who could barely pay for insurance. Now they are going to have to go on Medicaid (the problem there is most of the doctors here won't accept it) and they can't afford the concierge doctor fee's. Don't worry you'll get to experience the wonderfulness that is the ACA soon enough.

Anti EPA? No.....but I am against their extra legal actions that they have been using to skirt Congress to punish the industries that don't contribute to progressive campaign funds. That's called extortion but you're clearly in favor of that.

And finally anti NPR? Ummm, no. I am against a government corporation that presents only one side of an argument. My tax money is used to fund it and I listen to it in the morning or when I am on the road on one of my long drives.

So, once again we see how you progressives will twist facts trying to denigrate those who hold opinions that are contrary to yours. So, you obfuscate, and you want to murder people who disagree with you....that about cover you worthless pieces of dog shit?

Your friends are going to die because of the ACA? Please don't ever call yourself a liberal democrat. You are just a moderate but right leaning imbecile.

Chances are if they can't afford the ACA they were probably going to lose their insurance eventually because of the costs. Why do you think we needed healthcare reform in the first place? Assholes like you act like healthcare wasn't broken before.

Oh and by the way, same way you guys told people who couldn't afford healthcare before the ACA that it was their fault. They are where they are at in life because of their own choice and their own actions. So if they now can't get good doctors because of the ACA, maybe they should have went to college? Maybe they should start their own business'. But don't blame Obama or the Democrats because you are losers. Same way you tell us not to blame the GOP.

Ok, and as for NPR. You are such a fucking idiot I don't even know where to begin or start. NPR is the fucking fair and balanced news. Just because it doesn't sound like Fox or Rush doesn't mean it is liberal or one sided. I fucking hate Americans like you. You don't realize the corporation own all the media and the only media left that isn't corporate owned and controlled is NPR and PBS. And yet you see these are bad things.

DO NOT call yourself a liberal democrat. You are a blue dog democrat at best. WHat hick state do you live in by the way goober?

Insults now huh? Really you should try harder. The ACA is driving DOCTORS out of business. It is making those that remain STOP accepting insurance and becoming instead concierge doctors... Here are a few stories on the subject. Don't believe a word I say, I really don't care but unlike you I read beyond the propaganda and was able to predict exactly what is happening. Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet and the problems have already begun. The fact that you refuse to think for yourself is on you....not me.

"Critics argue that if more doctors flock to concierge medicine there will be even fewer primary care doctors left to handle the millions of patients who can't afford this type of treatment. Is concierge medicine pushing the nation's doctor shortage over the brink? As the practice gets more affordable, is this a way for the uninsured to still get care? Is direct a la carte pricing a better way to bill patients for medical care?"

Doctor 'subscriptions' on the rise as more turn to concierge medicine | AirTalk | 89.3 KPCC

ObamaCare And The Rise of Concierge Doctors | CONCIERGE MEDICINE JOURNAL

Concierge medicine on the rise - FOX 10 News |

I will not read one of your fucking stories do you know why? Because I/We have already read enough of them and found out the person telling the story was either completely lying or only telling half the fucking story.

And if those doctors don't want to help them maybe they should get better insurance. Can't afford it? Maybe they should have gone to college. Successful people have insurance that is just fine. Maybe these people are losers. Chances are they were going to lose their insurance anyways since they are such low income Americans.

Anyways, I'm not going to waste my time reading more lies. PLUS, whatever is broke on Obamacare can be fixed, if the GOP would just work with us. But you know that being a fucking liberal democrat. :eusa_liar:
I'm a liberal Democrat dumb ass.

I think we can throw the Bullshit Flag on that one.

And this one.

so understand the world and how it works a hell of a lot better than you. When you resort to emotional arguments and morality plays you are not arguing in a logical manner, the scientific world doesn't give a rats ass about morality, that is the realm of the spiritual and the religious.

Science cares about facts, and observing the natural world and trying to explain what we are seeing. That's why observations are so critical and why when "scientists" who alter data to fit their "theory" are held in such low esteem. If their theory held water of any kind they wouldn't need to resort to those sorts of tactics now would they...

So.. pretty much all of it is bullshit, at least as far as it relates to what this man writes here.

Just because you are so far to the left than anyone that is not in small minded microscopic view of the world is considered far right, does not mean someone is not a liberal Democrat.

Many true liberals are upset that that the far left hijacked their party.

Also just about every time you post you show that you know nothing about actual real science and have been caught in so many lies that to say this about anyone on this board is very hypocritical, especially for you.

You are lair.

Oh fuck you. You are either a big liar or really stupid. Please don't speak for us liberal democrats you fucking **** lips. We are upset because our Democrats are basically fucking corporate democrats. There is very little difference between them and the fucking republicans.

We don't have god damn tea baggers in our party hijacking the party. Like I said, either you are a fucking liar or a fool.

Now, what you say is true about the GOP. Many republicans are upset that the tea party has hijacked the party.

Let me give you a great fucking example that might make you realize what a fucking tool you are. If Reagan ran for the nomination today, he wouldn't get it. Why? Because in today's standards he'd be a fucking flaming liberal.

It is the GOP that has moved so far to the right that they are impossible to even deal with. And we know this is on purpose. It is a strategy they use. Start the negotiations from as far right as you can so when you "compromise", the solution ends up being a right of center solution.

I have to know. Please give me some examples of how our party has moved to the far left. This I have to hear.
:lol::lol::lol: Now I get to neg you. Point to a single lie I have ever posted. I don't lie. I don't need to...unlike you.

You are a liberal democrat is a fucking lie. Go fuck yourself and put a negative rep up your ass.

:lol::lol::lol: These are the things I believe in and have stated on this Board numerous times. I am FOR gay marriage. I am For legalization of drugs. I am PRO CHOICE. I am ANTI MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS, I am in favor of the maximum amount of individual freedoms and the minimum amount of governmental control over the lives of individuals.

So....what does that make me?
You are a liberal democrat is a fucking lie. Go fuck yourself and put a negative rep up your ass.

:lol::lol::lol: These are the things I believe in and have stated on this Board numerous times. I am FOR gay marriage. I am For legalization of drugs. I am PRO CHOICE. I am ANTI MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS, I am in favor of the maximum amount of individual freedoms and the minimum amount of governmental control over the lives of individuals.

So....what does that make me?

A Libertarian.
Is this more of that claim that if it hasn't happened before, then it must be impossible; that it can NOT happen?

Do you REALLY want to throw yourself out there with THAT as your life preserver?

Why don't you look up the correlation and relative timing for CO2 and temperature for all the Industrial Ages that have taken place in the last 3.5 billion years. THAT would be pertinent.

The correlation works better for the Medieval Warming Period. Vostock ice core data show an up to 800 year gap from warming to CO2 concentration increase which fits the MWP perfectly.

Yours doesn't fit at all. And, based on the 17 year leveling off of temps while the CO2 level has increased dramatically, further removes CO2 as anything more than a bit player (if even that) in the global temperature pantheon of variables.

Link? I make a claim, I post a link. So where the hell is your link?
Is this more of that claim that if it hasn't happened before, then it must be impossible; that it can NOT happen?

Do you REALLY want to throw yourself out there with THAT as your life preserver?

Why don't you look up the correlation and relative timing for CO2 and temperature for all the Industrial Ages that have taken place in the last 3.5 billion years. THAT would be pertinent.

The correlation works better for the Medieval Warming Period. Vostock ice core data show an up to 800 year gap from warming to CO2 concentration increase which fits the MWP perfectly.

Yours doesn't fit at all. And, based on the 17 year leveling off of temps while the CO2 level has increased dramatically, further removes CO2 as anything more than a bit player (if even that) in the global temperature pantheon of variables.

Link? I make a claim, I post a link. So where the hell is your link?

Asked and answered many, many, many times....

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