Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

The one thing the LEFTIST idiots don't get nor do they care if they do THIS WAS A STING AGAINT TRUMP" . real nice to do to our President.
The leftards will also . FAIL TO GET WHY THE RUSSIA bs was started , WHY IT was started and the a.h of AMerican all fell for it.

Which proves how fkn pathetic you are, Why Clinton and Obama loves their assholes.


People will be fired, people will resign........ Watch how fast people forget about this very statement.
"According to the memo, Steele was terminated as an FBI source “for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations—an unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI” on October 30, 2016."

The Summary states that THE FBI CUT OT ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH A FOREIGN SPY WITH WHOM THEY WERE WORKING IN THE INVESTIGATION AGAINST TRUMP WHEN IT BECAME PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE! FBI tried to cut all ties with Steele, a foreign spy who was collaborating with Russian sources, with whom they had been working with in an attempt to take down Trump - to ensure he did not win the Presidency....and the dossier was their 'Insurance Policy' they would use / were using to try to get rid of him after he won.

The reason is obvious - it would be extremely damning / damaging for the American people to know that the Obama administration, FBI and DOJ had colluded to protect Hillary Clinton from being indicted so she could continue to run for President WHILE working with a foreign spy collaborating with Russians in an attempt to 'fix' the General Election and ensure Trump did not win.

You're such a liar.
He's no good to the FBI once everyone knows he's working for them.
What does this have to do with the investigation?

Nothing - BURGER that is. Funny, Nunes' little POS claims that Comey testified that the entire Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified. NO - His testimony was that PART of the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified.

Liars these people - ALL of 'em
Why do you accuse them of being democrats?
Well the investigation will continue. And now republicans won't be able to whine that this info that came out will end the investigation, because, of course, it won't have.
This drives a huge stake in the heart of any continuing investigation of Trump, especially since going into year 2 the Democrats still can't even produce evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation...

...and since this Summary of EVIDENCE proves that to get an excuse to start up an investigation the DOJ and FBI had to conspire / collude with a foreign spy who was, as the FBI assessed, desperate to prevent Trump from winning the they (Obama, Hillary, FBI, DOJ...) were.

This is the biggest 'boomerang' to date, coming back to hit the conspirators right in the throat! Every one of them involved should be PERP-WALKED immediately...

Year 2? Mueller wasn't appointed until last May I believe.
that doesn't mean there wasn't an investigation. It's eighteen months long now stupid fk.
Moreover, Mueller was appointed after Comey was fired and the letter authorizing his investigation specifies he was to continue Comey's investigation. The original fraudulent application for a surveillance warrant was made under Comey, so Mueller had access to this information and if he based his investigations on anything that came from this surveillance, he is a late co conspirator in these crimes. In addition, the letter empowers him to investigate and prosecute any crimes he comes across during his primary investigation, which would include the FBI committing perjury to obtain a warrant, so his failure to do so suggests either incompetence or a lack of integrity; either way, he is clearly unfit to continue his investigation until it is determined he is not guilty of complicity in these crimes.
I believe he will wrap his investigation up quickly now.
“Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials,” the memo said."

":oops8: " :p

Was that even relevant or necessary?
After these revelations, the lefties here are determined an demanding they go down with the ship. Clinton loyalty to the end.
There aren’t any revelations

There is a big dud
It is very much like getting a warrant to spy on an American citizen based on Jillian's evidence. I am sure that would suffice for you, but not perhaps for those that want to be protected from parrtisan governemnt institutions.

During Obama's Presidency it was proven that, without evidence or justification, the Obama administration illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices....and nothing was ever done about it, no one was punished - in fact Obama officials were PROTECTED from indictment over it! (Clapper perpetrated Perjury by denying it happened. When the truth came out he was given the opportunity to re-appear before Congress to 'amend' his testimony to avoid Perjury charges'.

Democrats, Liberals, and Snowflakes want everyone to forget about those Constitutional / Rule of Law violations, to make sure they do not enter this discussion, because if we aren't reminded how Obama and his 'Brown Shirts' ran amuck spying on everyone illegally it is easier for them to try to make the claim that Obama / Democrats would never illegally spy on the opposing political party Presidential nominee and his team during a Presidential election....

You can bet the Socialist Dictator wanna-be, who illegally spied on citizens/reporters/the media/US Senators/USSC Justices and who used the IRS illegally as a political weapon against anyone who did not want him re-elected, sure as hell did whatever he wanted illegally during the election to protect Felon Hillary and his 'Legacy'.
"According to the memo, Steele was terminated as an FBI source “for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations—an unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI” on October 30, 2016."

The Summary states that THE FBI CUT OT ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH A FOREIGN SPY WITH WHOM THEY WERE WORKING IN THE INVESTIGATION AGAINST TRUMP WHEN IT BECAME PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE! FBI tried to cut all ties with Steele, a foreign spy who was collaborating with Russian sources, with whom they had been working with in an attempt to take down Trump - to ensure he did not win the Presidency....and the dossier was their 'Insurance Policy' they would use / were using to try to get rid of him after he won.

The reason is obvious - it would be extremely damning / damaging for the American people to know that the Obama administration, FBI and DOJ had colluded to protect Hillary Clinton from being indicted so she could continue to run for President WHILE working with a foreign spy collaborating with Russians in an attempt to 'fix' the General Election and ensure Trump did not win.

You're such a liar.
He's no good to the FBI once everyone knows he's working for them.
or that he is a lying sack of shit that can't be trusted.

that comes into play too.
So, according to the memo, the proper officials at the FBI and the DOJ signed off on the warrant application, and a judge reviewed and approved it.

We already knew that, but that’s all you need to know. Everything else is partisan cherry picking of the facts.

Fuck Nunes, fuck Ryan and especially fuck Trump. They all went against the law enforcement and intelligence communities. I hope Trump gets buried by this.
A warrant based on fake information
Which you didn't include in your post
So who is cherry picking now?
That’s one source of information. Where’s the rest of the evidence presented to the judge who signed the warrant? Why wouldn’t Nunes include it all? :eusa_think:

“Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials,” the memo said."

":oops8: " :p

Was that even relevant or necessary?
Since the application for a warrant is submitted under oath, if the FBI had any reason to doubt the credibility of anything in the application and didn't tell the court, then they committed perjury. Internal documents of the Justice Department indicate they didn't entirely trust Steele.
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I can compare this to Geraldo Rivera's TV spectacular about opening Capone's vault.

And the dossier that clinton had steele lie about was the gospel.....right?
jebus christo, you are just bat shit crazy! :lol:

No, that would be you. A FISA Warrant was issued because the Judge was led yo believe in the veracity of the "Dossier". A "Dossier" that is completely false.

This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
Don't think he'll fire Bob. This cherrypicked POS appears to be aimed at Rosenstein. Trump hopes to get the base frothing at the mouth enough to fire Rod. Then he replaces him with a sycophant who will slow walk the investigation. The new guy could cut funding and establish new parameters for Mueller.

Massive backfire

Even IF Mueller is fired, the investigation will not stop.......and could be picked up by a state's AG office (like NY's) who would then rehire Mueller.

It's over....
You'll have to find yet another bullshit lie to get Trump.

What does this have to do with the investigation?

They used a fake dossier to get the FISA warrant.
Don't think he'll fire Bob. This cherrypicked POS appears to be aimed at Rosenstein. Trump hopes to get the base frothing at the mouth enough to fire Rod. Then he replaces him with a sycophant who will slow walk the investigation. The new guy could cut funding and establish new parameters for Mueller.

Massive backfire

Even IF Mueller is fired, the investigation will not stop.......and could be picked up by a state's AG office (like NY's) who would then rehire Mueller.

It's over....
You'll have to find yet another bullshit lie to get Trump.

What does this have to do with the investigation?

They used a fake dossier to get the FISA warrant.
If you mean the FBI, maybe they have, the investigation is still ongoing remember.
I found it extremely disappointing, after all the hype I expected something. Anything. But not nothing.
Well I agree, it is just normal behavior for the Dirty Demos.

But I'm glad they got busted
What did they get busted for? Opposition research like Don Jr. was looking for in a meeting with Russians?

Using a fake dossier to obtain a FISA warrant for starters.


Show us what part was used for the warrant.

Oh, you can't.
If you mean the FBI, maybe they have, the investigation is still ongoing remember.

They never had a reason to investigate Trump in the first place so they made up a fake dossier to obtain a FISA warrant.

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