Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

All those fools that Trump is attacking were appointed by him , they are republicans lol
But he hires the best.
I think the investigation should continue..................The Dems made their bed.............let them sleep in it.

What we have to take into account is what he was told. Was what he was given also tainted, and he was unaware? He could be caught up in this somewhat innocently.
Rosenstein will make a deal to protect his standing with the Bar.

He'll first end the Mueller charade and then resign from the DOJ
in exchange for no criminal charges.

Trump just needs to keep jabbing and get himself a good constitutional
lawyer and SCTOUS will issue a stay on the Mueller probe until they can see
if, in fact, damaging info that would have denied FISA warrants, if FISA had
known about them from being withheld from the court.

This is serious shit.
I'm glad this memo is released. So Republicans can keep showing their obstructionist asses to public.

Very troubling when we have the president attacking the FBI and Department of Justice.

They are a part of our checks and balances. Without them, presidents would be allowed to run authoritian regimes.
The letter provides a foundation for a lot of spin which will be coming over the next few days. It seems to me that the memo casts doubts on the value of the evidence in FISC application without going to all the details. However, this is just one side of the story which is par for the course with congressional witch hunts. Whether this memo will have any legal value is questionable. Whether it has any political value will depend on the spin.

Steele's dossier placed Trump's attorney in a country where he never was or ever had been. How can a credible intelligence agent make such an "error" unless he is making up shit because he doesn't want Trump to become president? AND that IS what is said to also be in this memo, that Steel made it known he did not want Trump to be president of the United States before he made his so-called investigation. If he made up information about the whereabouts of Trumps lawyer, now were supposed to believe Trump had hookers piss in the bed Obama and his wife slept? and why believe anything else about it? he was paid to help win a presidential campaign, not to be truthful.
The truth about this dossier is pretty clear to everyone except for people who just dont like Trump and want to hang onto anything that gets him out of office

Obviously the only parts of the dossier used in the warrant process were the parts that pertained to Page.
The 1st indictments / progress Mueller made were a result from surveillance resulting from the FISA warrants, which McCabe himself testified would never have been requested without the Trump Dossier.

The Summary makes clear several things about the FISA Warrants and Dossier.
- Information was left out / omitted from the FISA warrant application regarding the Dossier. Making any mistake on a FISA application negates the warrant's legality. If you spell someone's name wrong and exercise the warrant everything you find is inadmissible. That means everything found under this warrant is inadmissible. That also means if the evidence found against Page resulting in his indictment for his 2006 tax evasion charge you can expect that charge to be dropped. Similarly, any evidence against Manafort, Papa, etc exercise under warrants where information was intentionally omitted or 'mistakes' were made you can expect those to be dismissed / dropped.

- Again, McCabe makes clear that no FISA warrant would have been asked for without the Dossier. It is now proven that the FBI Leadership who used the Dossier to obtain the FISA warrants, even in part, KNEW they were collaborating with a foreign spy - a foreign spy THEY assessed as 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President' - who was working with Russian sources.

Their own assessment showed nothing they got from Steele could be trusted. Example - his dossier put Trump people in locations they had never been...NOT TO MENTION HE WAS A DESPERATE FOREIGN SPY WORKING WITH THE RUSSIANS.

The exposed / revealed FACTS that the DNC Presidential Candidate, the Obama FBI, and Obama DOJ were colluding with a (desperate) FOREIGN SPY who was working with Russian sources / operatives to collect data to use against the GOP Presidential Nominee reveals criminal collusion with foreign spies / enemies, Conspiracy, sedition, and even arguably Treason.

There is no denying the Summary reveals the top echelon of the FBI were knowingly working with / collaborating with / paying a foreign spy working with the Russians, that this desperate foreign spy was working FOR Hillary, the DNC, the FBI, the Obama administration who was paying him for information / propaganda....and this relationship continued until it was cut short because it became public knowledge.
The letter provides a foundation for a lot of spin which will be coming over the next few days. It seems to me that the memo casts doubts on the value of the evidence in FISC application without going to all the details. However, this is just one side of the story which is par for the course with congressional witch hunts. Whether this memo will have any legal value is questionable. Whether it has any political value will depend on the spin.
The fact that this was hidden from Congress before they voted on the massive expansion of 702s/FISA warrants is also deeply troubling, IMO.
If Republicans wanted it all out, they’d have released it all including the Democrat memo. But they don’t want it all out. Which is why you got this cherry picked piece of partisan garbage.

That may be a tad bit hasty talking about the Democrat (Representative Schiff) Memo.

I mean no one has seen or read it.
Representative Schiff didn't happen to have a copy when he asked the House Intelligence Committee to approve the release.

If you give him a few more days he might be able to come up with something.
But until he does ... I am going to be one of those crazy people that are calling "bullshit" on the idea he even has a memo ... :dunno:

No worries though ... You have a lot of company on the chase after that white rabbit.

What we have to take into account is what he was told. Was what he was given also tainted, and he was unaware? He could be caught up in this somewhat innocently.
Rosenstein will make a deal to protect his standing with the Bar.

He'll first end the Mueller charade and then resign from the DOJ
in exchange for no criminal charges.

Trump just needs to keep jabbing and get himself a good constitutional
lawyer and SCTOUS will issue a stay on the Mueller probe until they can see
if, in fact, damaging info that would have denied FISA warrants, if FISA had
known about them from being withheld from the court.

This is serious shit.
So he could be innocent by reason of negligence or incompetence?
Yep, and what ever any of these investigators supplied him initially could very well be tainted.
Well the investigation will continue. And now republicans won't be able to whine that this info that came out will end the investigation, because, of course, it won't have.
This drives a huge stake in the heart of any continuing investigation of Trump, especially since going into year 2 the Democrats still can't even produce evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation...

...and since this Summary of EVIDENCE proves that to get an excuse to start up an investigation the DOJ and FBI had to conspire / collude with a foreign spy who was, as the FBI assessed, desperate to prevent Trump from winning the they (Obama, Hillary, FBI, DOJ...) were.

This is the biggest 'boomerang' to date, coming back to hit the conspirators right in the throat! Every one of them involved should be PERP-WALKED immediately...

Year 2? Mueller wasn't appointed until last May I believe.
It didn't say a hell of lot more than has already been leaked to the news in the past year.
exactly, it validates it. now you can't say we don't know what we're talking about. It's there for you to see. the dossier was admittedly used to get a FISA warrant. Now we will need to get the FISA application released which it will.
Well the investigation will continue. And now republicans won't be able to whine that this info that came out will end the investigation, because, of course, it won't have.
This drives a huge stake in the heart of any continuing investigation of Trump, especially since going into year 2 the Democrats still can't even produce evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation...

...and since this Summary of EVIDENCE proves that to get an excuse to start up an investigation the DOJ and FBI had to conspire / collude with a foreign spy who was, as the FBI assessed, desperate to prevent Trump from winning the they (Obama, Hillary, FBI, DOJ...) were.

This is the biggest 'boomerang' to date, coming back to hit the conspirators right in the throat! Every one of them involved should be PERP-WALKED immediately...

Year 2? Mueller wasn't appointed until last May I believe.
that doesn't mean there wasn't an investigation. It's eighteen months long now stupid fk.
Any patriotic citizen, regardless of party affiliation, will find the revelations in the memo very disturbing. Essentially, we're talking about two major crimes: One, senior officials in the FBI and DOJ allowed a Dem-funded hit piece--the Steele dossier--to be used as the main justification for wiretapping a member of Trump's campaign staff. Two, the FBI and the DOJ never informed the FISA judge that they were using an oppo-research dossier that was paid for by the Democrats; they led the judge to believe that the dossier was their own product, which in turn led the judge to assume that its information had been adequately vetted.

This makes Watergate look like child's play.

Don't expect the radical, rude, juvenile liberals on this board to do anything but deny and deflect on this matter.
we are talking about people within our government working to have an active role in ignoring the will of the people and putting people in power they happen to like. if the left thinks this is ok, i would have to think it would NOT be if the right did it.

that is the bullshit game we play these days. ok for me, not for you WAH YOU DID IT ANYWAY!!! and off we go.
I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

Not really. If it is true that the FISA court was mislead to believe that the dossier was a straight up surveillance document and was not given information that Steele was paid, the document had political motivations to sway an election, and that senior FBI and DOJ officials were keeping this purposely from the FISA court ?
Then this looks pretty big, and actually FBI officials are not supposed to take political sides like that. we will see though

the document had political motivations to sway an election,

How does it sway an election when it was classified, dope?
well it wasn't classified to the people using it now was it. just more leftist stupid.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

Well Here it is… Quite a bit to digest:

· The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

· Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

· The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

· DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

Before all the spin starts on both sides, take some time to get all the facts. I will do the same.

House Intelligence memo released: What it says

who cares what it says? it was made up by the white house and nunes aids to try to get Donald's fat butt out of trouble.


Wow! People really do believe anything the media tells them don't they?

There jannithing to say that isn’t true.

And when asked if the White House helped draft the fake memo nunes stood there like a deer in the headlights.


By the by, I’d prefer to believe the sum total of fact checked reports than anything the otengwbsociopath says.

Perhaps you should stop believing what the proven liar says.

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