Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

I found it extremely disappointing, after all the hype I expected something. Anything. But not nothing.
Well I agree, it is just normal behavior for the Dirty Demos.

But I'm glad they got busted
What did they get busted for? Opposition research like Don Jr. was looking for in a meeting with Russians?

Using a fake dossier to obtain a FISA warrant for starters.


Show us what part was used for the warrant.

Oh, you can't.

You're either being willfully blind or you're a complete moron.
From the look of things it's just going to corroborate what Conservatives have been saying all along.

The dems are fucked!!

Some points... FISA court order NEVER knew that Democrats paid for the Steele Dossier. Court didn't know who bankrolled as that was necessary for the FISA warrant to spy
on an American.

Is that relevant?

It takes any blame away from the FISA court.

Blame for what?
No one has suggested he would be, other than the left saying Trump will do it! Lol
If indeed the investigation has been based on false statements, then it may jeopardize the investigation.
Don't think he'll fire Bob. This cherrypicked POS appears to be aimed at Rosenstein. Trump hopes to get the base frothing at the mouth enough to fire Rod. Then he replaces him with a sycophant who will slow walk the investigation. The new guy could cut funding and establish new parameters for Mueller.

Massive backfire

Even IF Mueller is fired, the investigation will not stop.......and could be picked up by a state's AG office (like NY's) who would then rehire Mueller.

Why would Mueller be fired? This has nothing to do with him or the investigation.
From the look of things it's just going to corroborate what Conservatives have been saying all along.

The dems are fucked!!

Some points... FISA court order NEVER knew that Democrats paid for the Steele Dossier. Court didn't know who bankrolled as that was necessary for the FISA warrant to spy
on an American.

Is that relevant?

It takes any blame away from the FISA court.

Blame for what?

They didnt know it was fake.
Since the application for a warrant is submitted under oath, if the FBI had any reason to doubt the credibility of anything in the application and didn't tell the court, then they committed perjury. Internal documents of the Justice Department indicate they didn't entirely trust Steele.
You're making too much sense for snowflakes to follow... :p

Where's the part that says Obama wiretapped Trump?
lord some people will defend anything.

on every level what was done, was wrong. for you to defend it or try to minimize it won't go over well. quit thinking about you and your petty emotional state of being and look at the country on the whole. the country where we're SUPPOSED to be working together despite our differences not hating each other because of them.
So, do you believe this memo renders the investigation invalid?

Is there a stronger word that "duh"? OF COURSE it renders the investigation invalid because it shows that the "incidental" wiretaps of Trump transition team members were based on a wiretap that was obtained under false pretenses and with false information, and because it shows that senior FBI and DOJ officials were using their positions to attack, if not frame, the President-Elect.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.


In 2016 Ohr meets with Steele, determines he is extremely biased and 'desperate for Trump not to become President'.
- Ohr tells the leadership of the FBI this information. Both the leadership of the FBI and DOJ knew this to be the case!

The FBI and DOJ then seek FISA warrants to SPY ON THE POLITICAL OPPOSITION PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS TEAM DURING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION using the KNOWN unverified dossier provided by a KNOWN biased foreign spy ... 'desperate' to prevent Trump from becoming President ... as their basis to obtain FISA Warrants to do so.


So if I hate my neighbor and know he grows pot illegally in his basement and I turn him in. The charges won't stick because I didn't like him?

No, charges won't stick because you lied that he's growing pot.

Reason you lied is because you don't like him.
No, charges won't stick because you lied that he's growing pot.

Reason you lied is because you don't like him.

That's not what I said, dope.
Obviously there would be no charges if I lied.

Damn you're dumb.

This is what I said.
So if I hate my neighbor and know he grows pot illegally in his basement and I turn him in. The charges won't stick because I didn't like him?
They used a fake dossier to get the FISA warrant.
Not to mention they knowingly colluded with a foreign spy - who was desperate to ensure Trump did not win the Presidency - who was working with Russians to author the false dossier they then used to acquire FISA warrants.

(Again, McCabe testified that without the Dossier they would never have tried to get FISA warrants - this is an admission by the FBI that they used unverified propaganda from a foreign spy who sought to interfere in the US election to obtain the FISA warrants.)
Since an independent fbi group stated all but a minimal amount of the entire dossier could be substantiated, and that dossier included the Kremlin had a file on Clinton, even idiots would guess that to be true, seeing as her former positions within the govt and her husband as a former president. That would be a minimal accuracy.
I can compare this to Geraldo Rivera's TV spectacular about opening Capone's vault.

And the dossier that clinton had steele lie about was the gospel.....right?
jebus christo, you are just bat shit crazy! :lol:

No, that would be you. A FISA Warrant was issued because the Judge was led yo believe in the veracity of the "Dossier". A "Dossier" that is completely false.

This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
I found it extremely disappointing, after all the hype I expected something. Anything. But not nothing.
Well I agree, it is just normal behavior for the Dirty Demos.

But I'm glad they got busted
What did they get busted for? Opposition research like Don Jr. was looking for in a meeting with Russians?

Using a fake dossier to obtain a FISA warrant for starters.


Show us what part was used for the warrant.

Oh, you can't.

Considering they tried multiple to get a FISA warrant and were denied.
Then they came up with the fake dossier,which they had all along,in order to get the FISA warrant.

So why didnt they use it from the beginning?

I'll tell you why. Because they knew it would be risky.
Nothing burger without a bun. Without pickles or ketchup. Without fries or even a soda pop or milkshake.
Rosenstein will make a deal to protect his standing with the Bar.

He'll first end the Mueller charade and then resign from the DOJ
in exchange for no criminal charges.

Trump just needs to keep jabbing and get himself a good constitutional
lawyer and SCTOUS will issue a stay on the Mueller probe until they can see
if, in fact, damaging info that would have denied FISA warrants, if FISA had
known about them from being withheld from the court.

This is serious shit.

You are some seriously deluded people
if you are truly non partisan, then it should bother the shit out of you the FBI at a minimum was working to alter the election. doesn't matter who or which side did this - it is 100% wrong and indefensible.


If only that is what the memo said I would agree with you.
I can compare this to Geraldo Rivera's TV spectacular about opening Capone's vault.

And the dossier that clinton had steele lie about was the gospel.....right?
jebus christo, you are just bat shit crazy! :lol:

No, that would be you. A FISA Warrant was issued because the Judge was led yo believe in the veracity of the "Dossier". A "Dossier" that is completely false.

This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.
Nothing burger without a bun. Without pickles or ketchup. Without fries or even a soda pop or milkshake.
evidence is now there that a foreign agent interfered in our election. Steele is his name. steele one, putin nothing.
Can someone quote me the part of the memo that says Obama wiretapped Trump?

Thank you.
yep, it's called three FISA Warrants.
Actually now I am hearing it was 4 and each time they knew there was nothing there, and that they based their warrant application on Russian Propaganda paid for by The Democrat Party, Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton.
Rosenstein will make a deal to protect his standing with the Bar.

He'll first end the Mueller charade and then resign from the DOJ
in exchange for no criminal charges.

Trump just needs to keep jabbing and get himself a good constitutional
lawyer and SCTOUS will issue a stay on the Mueller probe until they can see
if, in fact, damaging info that would have denied FISA warrants, if FISA had
known about them from being withheld from the court.

This is serious shit.

You are some seriously deluded people
if you are truly non partisan, then it should bother the shit out of you the FBI at a minimum was working to alter the election. doesn't matter who or which side did this - it is 100% wrong and indefensible.


If only that is what the memo said I would agree with you. is what it said. but that's fine. not like you're acting the "partisan hack" or anything at this point.

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