Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then

they spent millions to get carter page?

er.... not that I've seen.; that was actually kind of easy given that he turned up in a surveillance of the Russian spies who were trying to use him as an asset.

the dossier had nothing to do with carter page. the testimony was that steele did not know who carter page was.

information.... try it sometimes.
Charwin has a point. Trump is fighting this investigation tooth and nail. If he were genuinely innocent, why would he? What would be the point?

As Gowdy said of Mueller, let the man do his job.
So you're an idiot who thinks innocence matters. It certainly didn't matter for Flynn. or Papawhatshisname.

I'm citing Gowdy on Mueller: Let the man do his job.

And Flynn and Papodopoulos did exactly what they plead guilty to; lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

There are undeniably crimes in the Trump team. Those crimes undeniably relate directly to Russia. Which is why Trump is fighting the investigation so hard.

That isn't what they plead guilty to, moron.

It's easy to deny there are crimes in the Trump team. Where's the evidence? Everything you post is deniable. In fact, Trump isn't fighting the investigation on little bit. However, Republicans in Congress are fighting it. I'm glad they are because it's obviously a witch hunt.

Yes Bri your fake messiah is fighting scared. Why not just shut the fuck up and let the justice do her job?

Witch hunt? Is not an evidence. Witch hunt is not a verdict.
are you saying Mueller doesn't have the capability to investigate while the congress investigates? He doesn't sound too sharp then. maybe he should shut it down if he has no confidence in his abilities. He just looks foolish.

Before I will answer your question. Which member or part of intelligence investigation in congress are you referring to?
You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then

they spent millions to get carter page?

er.... not that I've seen.; that was actually kind of easy given that he turned up in a surveillance of the Russian spies who were trying to use him as an asset.

the dossier had nothing to do with carter page. the testimony was that steele did not know who carter page was.

information.... try it sometimes.

Now I'm laughing, you have the Lefty's make two different points and thinking that they're smart. Poor Shillian, you can't walk into a two day conversation and think you know what's going on.
Well dude. Why don’t you answer my 3 questions?

Then explain why he is going all over the place scared like a puppy screaming no collusions no collusions no collusions. Normally people shut the fuck up.
LOL, those three questions are stupid, and not worth any time to comment on. try some actual questions. Like if there was a crime against trump, why did comey testify under oath there was no investigation into trump? You answer that little bear.

Really? So why bother to give me your normal nonsense rebuttal?
well if there is no investigation into trump, why would he be worried at all? Again, under oath, Comey said trump wasn't under investigation. that is the director of the FBI. So your three questions are stupid and not worth answering as I already said.

Please stop your tickling. As usual your nonsense rebuttal has nothing to do with with my 3 questions.
So I will let try again.
there is no need for your three questions, they don't deserve an answer, the president isn't under investigation.

Meaning you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about. Then stay off my way and stop wasting my time. Go play your Barbie dolls.
Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.
what parts were?

The parts that pertained to Page.

You should read the nested quotes rather than just responding to posts with stupid questions that are otherwise readily apparent.
Last edited:
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then

they spent millions to get carter page?

er.... not that I've seen.; that was actually kind of easy given that he turned up in a surveillance of the Russian spies who were trying to use him as an asset.

the dossier had nothing to do with carter page. the testimony was that steele did not know who carter page was.

information.... try it sometimes.

Now I'm laughing, you have the Lefty's make two different points and thinking that they're smart. Poor Shillian, you can't walk into a two day conversation and think you know what's going on.

i don't care about the stupidioty and lies you posted before.

i was responding to a particular bit of stupidity that emanated from your keyboard.

and as you rant and rave and drool all over your keyboard.... remember i wasn't "shrill". you, however, sound like an hysterical imbecile.

just saying;
Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then

No, dope. I'm making the point that there were indeed portions that pertained to page and it is those relevant portions that were used in the warrant application.
Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then

they spent millions to get carter page?

er.... not that I've seen.; that was actually kind of easy given that he turned up in a surveillance of the Russian spies who were trying to use him as an asset.

the dossier had nothing to do with carter page. the testimony was that steele did not know who carter page was.

information.... try it sometimes.

Now I'm laughing, you have the Lefty's make two different points and thinking that they're smart. Poor Shillian, you can't walk into a two day conversation and think you know what's going on.

i don't care about the stupidioty and lies you posted before.

i was responding to a particular bit of stupidity that emanated from your keyboard.

and as you rant and rave and drool all over your keyboard.... remember i wasn't "shrill". you, however, sound like an hysterical imbecile.

just saying;

You don't even know how stupid you look. You responded to sarcasm directed at another poster (actually there are two of them) who has tried for two days to make the point that the Dossier was about Page. You're dismissed.
You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then

No, dope. I'm making the point that there were indeed portions that pertained to page and it is those relevant portions that were used in the warrant application.

LOL, alrighty then.
The whole thing that sucks about this is knowing there is No Russian Collusion within The Trump Campaign, and waiting for the entire ship to turn around 180 degrees and start prosecuting The DNC, Clinton, Obama and their allies who actually did Collude with PUTIN to stop Donald Trump from taking Office.

Basically, I am going to have to wait another year for Justice, and to watch Clinton Allies go on trial.

Because The Government Dinosaur is that slow. But the ship has already started its turn, so I guess I'll just sit back and watch The Dems drown themselves one by one until this whole thing is over.

Are you telling me ambassador Haley is lying? Trump was in that GOP retreat in WV....... a total slap in Trump face. That hurt.

Nikki Haley slams Russia at GOP retreat

CNN) US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed Russia at the GOP retreat in West Virginia on Thursday, definitively telling Republican lawmakers that Moscow "is not, will not, be our friend."

"As long as their government has the values that it has, and as long as it conducts itself the way it does internationally," Haley said.

Haley made it very clear that Russia meddled in the 2016 US election but also noted that "there is no reason to think the Russian interference made any difference between who won and lost."
No one has stated that is the purpose except RW media.

Plenty of leftwing trolls on this board have made it quite clear that impeachment is what they are expecting.

Just not the investigators, dope.

Don't be a "dope" , the investigators can't file for it.

That's the point, dope.

Sometimes it's better to just not type.

Sometimes it's better to just not type.

I wholeheartedly agree. It's much better to actually read and understand the conversation you're about to comment on rather than posting ignorant nonsense.

You should try it.
Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.

Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.
The dossier is field notes for his opposition research on DJT's Russian connections and yes, it was all surrounding Trump and his campaign's dealings in Russia....not the USA, everything he's done in the USA was already known....but with his financial ties to Russia and other ties to Russia...

And once every 4 pages, that's 25% of the dossier pages that Carter Page is mentioned on....that's not small or insignificant....

And do remember, there was a lot more outside of the dossier on Page... and every 3 months, the justice department had to show the FISA judge more relevant information and evidence... in order for the surveillance to continue another 90 days.... that happened 3 times.....
The whole thing can simply be explained:

Putin must have been blackmailing Clinton and Obama.

Otherwise why would The Democrat Party Conspire with The Kremlin and KGB Agents to try to nullify our Election, and why would Obama Cronies in The DOJ and FBI knowingly file False Applications for FISA Warrants using Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton and Obama that they knew was Russian Sourced, Knew was False, and Knew was paid for by Obama and Clinton?
yes, of course!

that explains why Trump's bromance with Putin and Russia is so strong! :rofl:

Trump loves the Russians for working with Hillary and trying to sabotage his election! NOT!!!!

Jebus! You are one crazy hoot! And funny as heck! :lol:

that explains why Trump's bromance with Putin and Russia is so strong!

what is your evidence? It seems you are infatuated with Russia. maybe it's you who is the traitor.

Evidence? You’ve been here this long and you are that stupid. The whole world knows that Trump love of Putin and you are asking for evidence?
How stupid can you be?
Did you even watch Trump reaction when he saw Putin? Like he wants to give him a hug. Russia will not and never be friends of US yet Trumpoop is showing how much he love Putin.

Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

'He Means It.' Trump Says He Trusts Putin's Denials of Election Meddling

80 times Trump talked about Putin

How do I love thee? Newsweek has counted the ways that Trump loves Putin so you don't have to

Trump's admiration for Putin is constant. Everything else is gibberish.
so you got nothing. figures. typical leftist loser material that's been debunked forever. Trump wasn't under investigation. so try again.

My post has nothing to do with investigation............
You’ve asked for infucktuation and traitor........ I gave you several proof. What a loser.
Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.
The dossier is field notes for his opposition research on DJT's Russian connections and yes, it was all surrounding Trump and his campaign's dealings in Russia....not the USA, everything he's done in the USA was already known....but with his financial ties to Russia and other ties to Russia...

And once every 4 pages, that's 25% of the dossier pages that Carter Page is mentioned on....that's not small or insignificant....

And do remember, there was a lot more outside of the dossier on Page... and every 3 months, the justice department had to show the FISA judge more relevant information and evidence... in order for the surveillance to continue another 90 days.... that happened 3 times.....

You over state your case, on half of the pages he is mentioned it's only 1 time. The Dossier is a substantially unproven document put together by Russian operatives, you know...the ones Steele paid.
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then

No, dope. I'm making the point that there were indeed portions that pertained to page and it is those relevant portions that were used in the warrant application.

LOL, alrighty then.

I see that you're another one that needs extra help.
LOL, those three questions are stupid, and not worth any time to comment on. try some actual questions. Like if there was a crime against trump, did comey testify under oath there was no investigation into trump? You answer that little bear.

Charwin has a point. Trump is fighting this investigation tooth and nail. If he were genuinely innocent, why would he? What would be the point?

As Gowdy said of Mueller, let the man do his job.
So you're an idiot who thinks innocence matters. It certainly didn't matter for Flynn. or Papawhatshisname.

I'm citing Gowdy on Mueller: Let the man do his job.

And Flynn and Papodopoulos did exactly what they plead guilty to; lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

There are undeniably crimes in the Trump team. Those crimes undeniably relate directly to Russia. Which is why Trump is fighting the investigation so hard.

That isn't what they plead guilty to, moron.

It's easy to deny there are crimes in the Trump team. Where's the evidence? Everything you post is deniable. In fact, Trump isn't fighting the investigation on little bit. However, Republicans in Congress are fighting it. I'm glad they are because it's obviously a witch hunt.

Yes Bri your fake messiah is fighting scared. Why not just shut the fuck up and let the justice do her job?

Witch hunt? Is not an evidence. Witch hunt is not a verdict.

Was this blather supposed to mean something?
Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.
The dossier is field notes for his opposition research on DJT's Russian connections and yes, it was all surrounding Trump and his campaign's dealings in Russia....not the USA, everything he's done in the USA was already known....but with his financial ties to Russia and other ties to Russia...

And once every 4 pages, that's 25% of the dossier pages that Carter Page is mentioned on....that's not small or insignificant....

And do remember, there was a lot more outside of the dossier on Page... and every 3 months, the justice department had to show the FISA judge more relevant information and evidence... in order for the surveillance to continue another 90 days.... that happened 3 times.....

You over state your case, on half of the pages he is mentioned it's only 1 time. The Dossier is a substantially unproven document put together by Russian operatives, you know...the ones Steele paid.
the ones they didn't want interfering in our election. yet they don't want punishment for those involved with the interference cause they are the DNC.
The whole thing can simply be explained:

Putin must have been blackmailing Clinton and Obama.

Otherwise why would The Democrat Party Conspire with The Kremlin and KGB Agents to try to nullify our Election, and why would Obama Cronies in The DOJ and FBI knowingly file False Applications for FISA Warrants using Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton and Obama that they knew was Russian Sourced, Knew was False, and Knew was paid for by Obama and Clinton?
yes, of course!

that explains why Trump's bromance with Putin and Russia is so strong! :rofl:

Trump loves the Russians for working with Hillary and trying to sabotage his election! NOT!!!!

Jebus! You are one crazy hoot! And funny as heck! :lol:

that explains why Trump's bromance with Putin and Russia is so strong!

what is your evidence? It seems you are infatuated with Russia. maybe it's you who is the traitor.

Evidence? You’ve been here this long and you are that stupid. The whole world knows that Trump love of Putin and you are asking for evidence?
How stupid can you be?
Did you even watch Trump reaction when he saw Putin? Like he wants to give him a hug. Russia will not and never be friends of US yet Trumpoop is showing how much he love Putin.

Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

'He Means It.' Trump Says He Trusts Putin's Denials of Election Meddling

80 times Trump talked about Putin

How do I love thee? Newsweek has counted the ways that Trump loves Putin so you don't have to

Trump's admiration for Putin is constant. Everything else is gibberish.
so you got nothing. figures. typical leftist loser material that's been debunked forever. Trump wasn't under investigation. so try again.

My post has nothing to do with investigation............
You’ve asked for infucktuation and traitor........ I gave you several proof. What a loser.
again, when you got nothing. typical leftart behavior. Irrationale.
You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.
what parts were?

The parts that pertained to Page.

You should read the nested quotes rather than just responding to posts with stupid questions that are otherwise readily apparent.
what parts of the dossier. you never said. so, you're just a little confused.
Plenty of leftwing trolls on this board have made it quite clear that impeachment is what they are expecting.

Just not the investigators, dope.

Don't be a "dope" , the investigators can't file for it.

That's the point, dope.
Huh? LOL, dude, you aren't this stupid.

but you are
and not as much as you! see how that works?

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