Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

There are procedures in place for Carter Page to object, and the Republicans, Nunes and Ryan screwed that up big time, because they wanted to have a dog and pony show....

He could have gone to the FISA court, with his claim, and the FISA COURT will have 3 of their judges pick by Chief Justice Roberts, as a panel to review the case....if Page was spied on illegally, then the restitution by law, is $1000 a day, for every day they spied on him, wrongfully.

And simultaneously, the Inspector General would be triggered to investigate the FBI agents and Justice Department and the FISA judge, to see if what they've done was criminal.

What Nunes/Ryan did and the way they did it, outside of the full Intelligence Committee, so it could be done in their partisan manner with all the hoop dee dah propaganda campaign of #releasethememo for two weeks in advance, when they KNEW no one could stop them frm releasing the memo on the Democratic side due to being in the minority, and because they were already in cohoots with the president to release it,

assured that not a single Democrat would believe it....

so, that tells me, and anyone with a brain, that this circus of theirs, was premeditated, and simply

MEANT TO DIVIDE US, for their own political posturing...none of them give a flying hoot about Carter Page or the FISA court....

It's just been one big RUSE..... :(
Doubtful Page was spied on illegally, since he touted kremlin contacts in 2013 letter.
And this probable cause.
Its all really absurd, since this is a small part of the Russia investigation.
The whole thing can simply be explained:

Putin must have been blackmailing Clinton and Obama.

Otherwise why would The Democrat Party Conspire with The Kremlin and KGB Agents to try to nullify our Election, and why would Obama Cronies in The DOJ and FBI knowingly file False Applications for FISA Warrants using Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton and Obama that they knew was Russian Sourced, Knew was False, and Knew was paid for by Obama and Clinton?
yes, of course!

that explains why Trump's bromance with Putin and Russia is so strong! :rofl:

Trump loves the Russians for working with Hillary and trying to sabotage his election! NOT!!!!

Jebus! You are one crazy hoot! And funny as heck! :lol:
Rule number one of Kremlin Sympathizers.

"Do not under any circumstances discuss the issues. Attack the poster speaking Truth to Power rather than evaluate his argument."

The facts are there. Obama, Clinton, The DNC conspired with KGB agents to procure Russian Propaganda, and then have their Cronies (Russian Moles) in the FBI and DOJ, knowingly take this Kremlin Krap and use it to Falsely and Illegally obtain a FISA warrant so that they could spy on the Trump Campaign, Cheat their way to a win, and if they lost, cash in their Insurance Policy" to Nullify Our Election in favor of Vladimir Putin's Choice....Hillary Clinton.

It doesn’t work that way dude.

Before your rule Number One.
You do not post lies. You need to prove facts. You need to check your sources.

They did not illegally spied on Trump campaign. They were already monitoring Page since 2013. End of the story.

You claimed.......Putin must have been blackmailing Obama and Hillary. Please provide a link to support your lie.

Just a reminder. During the campaign you have Trumpoop keep admiring Putin...... you have Putin admiring Trumpoop. That made him a Puppet.

And Charwin sqeezes another big load of shit into the forum.

Understand truth hurts....... Didn’t you notice Willow Tree is so scared cannot give me an honest rebuttal. Instead you came in with your nonsense ignorant rebuttal.
There are procedures in place for Carter Page to object, and the Republicans, Nunes and Ryan screwed that up big time, because they wanted to have a dog and pony show....

He could have gone to the FISA court, with his claim, and the FISA COURT will have 3 of their judges pick by Chief Justice Roberts, as a panel to review the case....if Page was spied on illegally, then the restitution by law, is $1000 a day, for every day they spied on him, wrongfully.

And simultaneously, the Inspector General would be triggered to investigate the FBI agents and Justice Department and the FISA judge, to see if what they've done was criminal.

What Nunes/Ryan did and the way they did it, outside of the full Intelligence Committee, so it could be done in their partisan manner with all the hoop dee dah propaganda campaign of #releasethememo for two weeks in advance, when they KNEW no one could stop them frm releasing the memo on the Democratic side due to being in the minority, and because they were already in cohoots with the president to release it,

assured that not a single Democrat would believe it....

so, that tells me, and anyone with a brain, that this circus of theirs, was premeditated, and simply

MEANT TO DIVIDE US, for their own political posturing...none of them give a flying hoot about Carter Page or the FISA court....

It's just been one big RUSE..... :(
Doubtful Page was spied on illegally, since he touted kremlin contacts in 2013 letter.
And this probable cause.
Its all really absurd, since this is a small part of the Russia investigation.
Oh, I agree! But if there was doubt, there is protocol and legal remedies for whomever may have been abused....and the Inspector General for an investigation in to anything done illegally, without exposing the secret FISA warrant and sources, unless it was criminal....then certain things could come out, if they were criminal.

This song and a dance charade had no other purpose, than political posturing.... it's been soooo phony from the very's a sad day in America to see this, especially from Ryan.... Nunes is a political hack, but Ryan as speaker of the house of Representatives for we the people of the United States....was just sad to see him on board with any of this....
Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Thanks for confirming the dossier isn’t ABOUT trump but is about Trump and Page. It’s actually about Trump an Page and Russia and hacking and the DNC and Manafort and Cohen.

It doesn't matter what it's about. It's a great big pile of unverified crap.
Now you’re lying as you’ve been shown some parts were verified.
You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Thanks for confirming the dossier isn’t ABOUT trump but is about Trump and Page. It’s actually about Trump an Page and Russia and hacking and the DNC and Manafort and Cohen.

It doesn't matter what it's about. It's a great big pile of unverified crap.
Now you’re lying as you’ve been shown some parts were verified.

One was nothing but opinion, and the other two were public knowledge. Out of 40 pages of crap, that's all you got?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then
The FBI was onto Page for years. Page was their target, not Trump. Had Trump been their target, they would have spied on Trump... or someone actually in his campaign... or someone in his family... at the very least, someone he knew.
"On to Page?" He hasn't been charged with anything, so what were the "on to?"

All you proved is that the FBI had a vendetta against an innocent man.

That he hasn’t been caught doing anything illegal doesn’t mean the investigation into him was unwarranted. Moron, that’s the purpose of investigating him.
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Thanks for confirming the dossier isn’t ABOUT trump but is about Trump and Page. It’s actually about Trump an Page and Russia and hacking and the DNC and Manafort and Cohen.

It doesn't matter what it's about. It's a great big pile of unverified crap.
Now you’re lying as you’ve been shown some parts were verified.

One was nothing but opinion, and the other two were public knowledge. Out of 40 pages of crap, that's all you got?
Thanks for admitting you lied.
Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then
The FBI was onto Page for years. Page was their target, not Trump. Had Trump been their target, they would have spied on Trump... or someone actually in his campaign... or someone in his family... at the very least, someone he knew.
"On to Page?" He hasn't been charged with anything, so what were the "on to?"

All you proved is that the FBI had a vendetta against an innocent man.

That he hasn’t been caught doing anything illegal doesn’t mean the investigation into him was unwarranted. Moron, that’s the purpose of investigating him.

Wrong. The justice system is supposed to investigate crimes. Conducting investigations on people purely because other people don't like them is what they do in totalitarian states.
Let me know when you've actually READ the "Dossier" ;)

It's 35 pages long.
Page isn't even mentioned until page 9.
He was mentioned in a total of 9 pages.
Sometimes only once per page.
So yes, the "Dossier" is mostly about Rump.

Thanks for confirming the dossier isn’t ABOUT trump but is about Trump and Page. It’s actually about Trump an Page and Russia and hacking and the DNC and Manafort and Cohen.

It doesn't matter what it's about. It's a great big pile of unverified crap.
Now you’re lying as you’ve been shown some parts were verified.

One was nothing but opinion, and the other two were public knowledge. Out of 40 pages of crap, that's all you got?
I admitted no such thing.
Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then
The FBI was onto Page for years. Page was their target, not Trump. Had Trump been their target, they would have spied on Trump... or someone actually in his campaign... or someone in his family... at the very least, someone he knew.
"On to Page?" He hasn't been charged with anything, so what were the "on to?"

All you proved is that the FBI had a vendetta against an innocent man.

That he hasn’t been caught doing anything illegal doesn’t mean the investigation into him was unwarranted. Moron, that’s the purpose of investigating him.

Wrong. The justice system is supposed to investigate crimes. Conducting investigations on people purely because other people don't like them is what they do in totalitarian states.
Moron, they investigate activity they suspect is criminal. Not everything they look into turns out to be a crime. That’s why they investigate, to determine if a crime was committed or not. There is something wrong with you that you cannot grasp that.
There are procedures in place for Carter Page to object, and the Republicans, Nunes and Ryan screwed that up big time, because they wanted to have a dog and pony show....

He could have gone to the FISA court, with his claim, and the FISA COURT will have 3 of their judges pick by Chief Justice Roberts, as a panel to review the case....if Page was spied on illegally, then the restitution by law, is $1000 a day, for every day they spied on him, wrongfully.

And simultaneously, the Inspector General would be triggered to investigate the FBI agents and Justice Department and the FISA judge, to see if what they've done was criminal.

What Nunes/Ryan did and the way they did it, outside of the full Intelligence Committee, so it could be done in their partisan manner with all the hoop dee dah propaganda campaign of #releasethememo for two weeks in advance, when they KNEW no one could stop them frm releasing the memo on the Democratic side due to being in the minority, and because they were already in cohoots with the president to release it,

assured that not a single Democrat would believe it....

so, that tells me, and anyone with a brain, that this circus of theirs, was premeditated, and simply

MEANT TO DIVIDE US, for their own political posturing...none of them give a flying hoot about Carter Page or the FISA court....

It's just been one big RUSE..... :(
Doubtful Page was spied on illegally, since he touted kremlin contacts in 2013 letter.
And this probable cause.
Its all really absurd, since this is a small part of the Russia investigation.
That's probably cause of nothing. That's why they didn't use it to get a FISA warrant.

Thanks for confirming the dossier isn’t ABOUT trump but is about Trump and Page. It’s actually about Trump an Page and Russia and hacking and the DNC and Manafort and Cohen.

It doesn't matter what it's about. It's a great big pile of unverified crap.
Now you’re lying as you’ve been shown some parts were verified.

One was nothing but opinion, and the other two were public knowledge. Out of 40 pages of crap, that's all you got?
I admitted no such thing.
Great, now you’re lying about not lying.

You said, “It's a great big pile of unverified crap,” before admitting that some parts were verified.
So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then
The FBI was onto Page for years. Page was their target, not Trump. Had Trump been their target, they would have spied on Trump... or someone actually in his campaign... or someone in his family... at the very least, someone he knew.
"On to Page?" He hasn't been charged with anything, so what were the "on to?"

All you proved is that the FBI had a vendetta against an innocent man.

That he hasn’t been caught doing anything illegal doesn’t mean the investigation into him was unwarranted. Moron, that’s the purpose of investigating him.

Wrong. The justice system is supposed to investigate crimes. Conducting investigations on people purely because other people don't like them is what they do in totalitarian states.
Moron, they investigate activity they suspect is criminal. Not everything they look into turns out to be a crime. That’s why they investigate, to determine if a crime was committed or not. There is something wrong with you that you cannot grasp that.
Collusion isn't a crime, and that's what Mewler is supposedly investigating, so you're obviously full of shit.

Again, the justice system is supposed to investigate crimes, not people just because some government official doesn't like them. If they don't know a crime has been committed, then their investigation violates the rights of the subjects of the "investigation. The later is how you define the term "witch hunt." Preventing that is what the 4th and 5th Amendments are about.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

Why didn't Republicans include Golden Showers in their memo?
The FBI was onto Page for years. Page was their target, not Trump. Had Trump been their target, they would have spied on Trump... or someone actually in his campaign... or someone in his family... at the very least, someone he knew.
"On to Page?" He hasn't been charged with anything, so what were the "on to?"

All you proved is that the FBI had a vendetta against an innocent man.

That he hasn’t been caught doing anything illegal doesn’t mean the investigation into him was unwarranted. Moron, that’s the purpose of investigating him.

Wrong. The justice system is supposed to investigate crimes. Conducting investigations on people purely because other people don't like them is what they do in totalitarian states.
Moron, they investigate activity they suspect is criminal. Not everything they look into turns out to be a crime. That’s why they investigate, to determine if a crime was committed or not. There is something wrong with you that you cannot grasp that.
Collusion isn't a crime, and that's what Mewler is supposedly investigating, so you're obviously full of shit.

Again, the justice system is supposed to investigate crimes, not people just because some government official doesn't like them. If they don't know a crime has been committed, then their investigation violates the rights of the subjects of the "investigation. The later is how you define the term "witch hunt." Preventing that is what the 4th and 5th Amendments are about.
Your brain is fried. We were talking about the FBI investigating Page, which started in 2013. Mueller’s investigation is not an FBI investigation.

As far as what they investigate, not everything turns out to be criminal. That doesn’t mean they don’t suspect it is criminal when they begin an investigation.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

Why didn't Republicans include Golden Showers in their memo?

Because they didn't happen.
Just not the parts used for the warrant.

So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then
The FBI was onto Page for years. Page was their target, not Trump. Had Trump been their target, they would have spied on Trump... or someone actually in his campaign... or someone in his family... at the very least, someone he knew.
"On to Page?" He hasn't been charged with anything, so what were the "on to?"

All you proved is that the FBI had a vendetta against an innocent man.

That he hasn’t been caught doing anything illegal doesn’t mean the investigation into him was unwarranted. Moron, that’s the purpose of investigating him.

Wrong. The justice system is supposed to investigate crimes. Conducting investigations on people purely because other people don't like them is what they do in totalitarian states.

No, dope. The FISA system's role is not criminal investigation. It's role is intelligence gathering on foreigners or in Page's case, American citizens who are acting as agents or assets of foreign governments or their intelligence services.
There are procedures in place for Carter Page to object, and the Republicans, Nunes and Ryan screwed that up big time, because they wanted to have a dog and pony show....

He could have gone to the FISA court, with his claim, and the FISA COURT will have 3 of their judges pick by Chief Justice Roberts, as a panel to review the case....if Page was spied on illegally, then the restitution by law, is $1000 a day, for every day they spied on him, wrongfully.

And simultaneously, the Inspector General would be triggered to investigate the FBI agents and Justice Department and the FISA judge, to see if what they've done was criminal.

What Nunes/Ryan did and the way they did it, outside of the full Intelligence Committee, so it could be done in their partisan manner with all the hoop dee dah propaganda campaign of #releasethememo for two weeks in advance, when they KNEW no one could stop them frm releasing the memo on the Democratic side due to being in the minority, and because they were already in cohoots with the president to release it,

assured that not a single Democrat would believe it....

so, that tells me, and anyone with a brain, that this circus of theirs, was premeditated, and simply

MEANT TO DIVIDE US, for their own political posturing...none of them give a flying hoot about Carter Page or the FISA court....

It's just been one big RUSE..... :(
Doubtful Page was spied on illegally, since he touted kremlin contacts in 2013 letter.
And this probable cause.
Its all really absurd, since this is a small part of the Russia investigation.
That's probably cause of nothing. That's why they didn't use it to get a FISA warrant.

That's right, dope. Only the parts that were relevant to Page were used in the warrant application that was specific to Page.

You're getting it. Albeit very, very slowly.
There are procedures in place for Carter Page to object, and the Republicans, Nunes and Ryan screwed that up big time, because they wanted to have a dog and pony show....

He could have gone to the FISA court, with his claim, and the FISA COURT will have 3 of their judges pick by Chief Justice Roberts, as a panel to review the case....if Page was spied on illegally, then the restitution by law, is $1000 a day, for every day they spied on him, wrongfully.

And simultaneously, the Inspector General would be triggered to investigate the FBI agents and Justice Department and the FISA judge, to see if what they've done was criminal.

What Nunes/Ryan did and the way they did it, outside of the full Intelligence Committee, so it could be done in their partisan manner with all the hoop dee dah propaganda campaign of #releasethememo for two weeks in advance, when they KNEW no one could stop them frm releasing the memo on the Democratic side due to being in the minority, and because they were already in cohoots with the president to release it,

assured that not a single Democrat would believe it....

so, that tells me, and anyone with a brain, that this circus of theirs, was premeditated, and simply

MEANT TO DIVIDE US, for their own political posturing...none of them give a flying hoot about Carter Page or the FISA court....

It's just been one big RUSE..... :(
Doubtful Page was spied on illegally, since he touted kremlin contacts in 2013 letter.
And this probable cause.
Its all really absurd, since this is a small part of the Russia investigation.
That's probably cause of nothing. That's why they didn't use it to get a FISA warrant.

That's right, dope. Only the parts that were relevant to Page were used in the warrant application that was specific to Page.

You're getting it. Albeit very, very slowly.
You're confusing the dossier with this letter where page supposedly "touts" his Kremlin contacts.
So you want to make the point that they spent MILLIONS of dollars to get Carter Page. Alrighty then
The FBI was onto Page for years. Page was their target, not Trump. Had Trump been their target, they would have spied on Trump... or someone actually in his campaign... or someone in his family... at the very least, someone he knew.
"On to Page?" He hasn't been charged with anything, so what were the "on to?"

All you proved is that the FBI had a vendetta against an innocent man.

That he hasn’t been caught doing anything illegal doesn’t mean the investigation into him was unwarranted. Moron, that’s the purpose of investigating him.

Wrong. The justice system is supposed to investigate crimes. Conducting investigations on people purely because other people don't like them is what they do in totalitarian states.

No, dope. The FISA system's role is not criminal investigation. It's role is intelligence gathering on foreigners or in Page's case, American citizens who are acting as agents or assets of foreign governments or their intelligence services.
I'm talking about this witch hunt that Herr Mewler is running, dumbass.

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