Summer 2019 was hottest on record for Northern Hemisphere

Dr. Mann lost the case

You mean the case he won big when FCPP settled and publicly apologized?

Why would they do that?

because he wasn't pursuing his case for libel, he sat on it for long periods of time doing NOTHING!

Yep. Both sides delayed. I disagreed with that. I think Mann should pressed the case hard and reamed Ball.

Princess, you have a hilariously inflated sense of your own importance in anything. You're a squealing cult liar, so nobody pays attention to you.

This is a relatively straightforward defamation action and should have been resolved long before now. That it has not been resolved is because the plaintiff has not given it the priority that he should have. In the circumstances, justice requires that the action be dismissed and, accordingly, I do hereby dismiss the action for delay."

So no ruling was made on the merits.

But then, since FCPP already groveled and admitted they shouldn't have made up such a dishonest story, it wasn't necessary.

Take this as a learning experience. If you want to be read, stop just power-weeping at everyone.
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"Based on current model results, we predict: • under the IPCC Business-as-Usual (Scenario A emissions of greenhouse gases, a rate of increase of global mean temperature during the next century of about 0 3°C per decade (with an uncertainty range of 0 2°C to 0 5°C per decade)..."

Century scale.

Oops. There you go again. Look at the graph. The slope was increasing.

Anyways, why are you fixating on 1993 model? That was 26 years ago, and you're complaining it was a bit off? Your side can't even get the direction of the change right.
LOL! Liar

All of that backs me up. I said Mann went easy on him. I disagree with that.

Should have been easy for him to provide it then......

But it was never asked for.

And that's not an order to pay costs. You're just not very good at this.

So, why do you think FCPP issued a public retraction and apology? It looks like Mann whupped 'em good.

And that's not an order to pay costs.

What will Mann be paying?

So, why do you think FCPP issued a public retraction and apology?

They thought it'd be easier and cheaper than dealing with the whiney twat in court......for decades.
Anyone that believes someone can tell you the average temp of the planet or the northern hemisphere is at least one of four things. Naive, ignorant, stupid or lying.
Bullshit .
We've never experienced this before on such a regular basis.
On a regular basis? Exactly how does once equate to "a regular basis". You do realize that this exact weather pattern has been seen before. By the way you might want to do a little more research, "feels like" isn't actual temp. In 1896 it was actually 104 deg in Mass. Of course, this map seems more "alarming" than actual temps compared to the past.
On a regular basis? Exactly how does once equate to "a regular basis". You do realize that this exact weather pattern has been seen before. By the way you might want to do a little more research, "feels like" isn't actual temp. In 1896 it was actually 104 deg in Mass. Of course, this map seems more "alarming" than actual temps compared to the past.
Why do paid trolls always use arrogant, insulting and patronizing language ?
On a regular basis? Exactly how does once equate to "a regular basis". You do realize that this exact weather pattern has been seen before. By the way you might want to do a little more research, "feels like" isn't actual temp. In 1896 it was actually 104 deg in Mass. Of course, this map seems more "alarming" than actual temps compared to the past.
Why do paid trolls always use arrogant, insulting and patronizing language ?
Why do warming alarmists never respond to actual questions? Why is it always a personal attack? Why has this pattern been seen before, without higher levels of CO2?
Why do warming alarmists never respond to actual questions? Why is it always a personal attack? Why has this pattern been seen before, without higher levels of CO2?
Not in my lifetime and I'm 58.
And I know that most people I talk to agree
it is much hotter now than in the 60's and 70's, even 80's.The greenhouse effect is causing atmospheric and oceanic temperatures to rise exponentially.
Why do warming alarmists never respond to actual questions? Why is it always a personal attack? Why has this pattern been seen before, without higher levels of CO2?
Not in my lifetime and I'm 58.
And I know that most people I talk to agree
it is much hotter now than in the 60's and 70's, even 80's.The greenhouse effect is causing atmospheric and oceanic temperatures to rise exponentially.

I'm 59. Of course there has been a warming since the late 70s, that was the end of a noticeable cool down starting in the late 40s lasting until the late 70s. We know this. Explain to me how, when CO2 levels begin to increase, 1950 roughly, the planet cools for 25 years? It's easy to show warming when you start at a low point. We see this all the time. Wildfire burn acreage is my favorite. warmists always start at 1960, why because before 1960 it's way, way, way worse. Same with temps in the US, nothing compares to the 1930s, not even close.
because before 1960 it's way, way, way worse. Same with temps in the US, nothing compares to the 1930s, not even close.
Way worse where ? 5000 -10,000 years ago in the Sahara ?
1930s in the US. Way worse as far as heat. Do your own research. The 1930's set the record for heat in the US. Nothing even comes close.
All those trees we've seen burning sure grew back fast huh ?
because before 1960 it's way, way, way worse. Same with temps in the US, nothing compares to the 1930s, not even close.
Way worse where ? 5000 -10,000 years ago in the Sahara ?
1930s in the US. Way worse as far as heat. Do your own research. The 1930's set the record for heat in the US. Nothing even comes close.
All those trees we've seen burning sure grew back fast huh ?
Do you mean the trees burning in recent years, one year was 10 million acres, or the trees from 1930-31 when 50 million acres burned?


because before 1960 it's way, way, way worse. Same with temps in the US, nothing compares to the 1930s, not even close.
Way worse where ? 5000 -10,000 years ago in the Sahara ?
1930s in the US. Way worse as far as heat. Do your own research. The 1930's set the record for heat in the US. Nothing even comes close.
All those trees we've seen burning sure grew back fast huh ?
Do you mean the trees burning in recent years, one year was 10 million acres, or the trees from 1930-31 when 50 million acres burned?


You sure about your chart ? I will admit it was a chore trying to find charts predating 1980.
The old forest fire records are regarded as really dubious, as they counted burning farmland as forest fires, in an era when burning farmland was common.
The old forest fire records are regarded as really dubious, as they counted burning farmland as forest fires, in an era when burning farmland was common.
They also don't account for the fluctuating polar vortexes over time. ( basically a bad winter in Canada would be a mild one in Russia because of the shifting Arctic temperatures.)
because before 1960 it's way, way, way worse. Same with temps in the US, nothing compares to the 1930s, not even close.
Way worse where ? 5000 -10,000 years ago in the Sahara ?
1930s in the US. Way worse as far as heat. Do your own research. The 1930's set the record for heat in the US. Nothing even comes close.
All those trees we've seen burning sure grew back fast huh ?
Do you mean the trees burning in recent years, one year was 10 million acres, or the trees from 1930-31 when 50 million acres burned?

You sure about your chart ? I will admit it was a chore trying to find charts predating 1980.
Nothing like selective data. Perhaps you could look at the whole country as opposed to 11 states.

2015, 2017 topped 10 mil acres burned, 1930, 1931 topped 50 mil. Prior to 1952, back to 1926, not one year was under 10 mil.

How about this.

National Interagency Fire Center

If you don't like the data take it up with the govt.
How did this happen? CO2?

The Great Heat Wave of 1936; Hottest Summer in U.S. on Record | Weather Extremes

"Oklahoma City also broke its all-time heat record with a high of 113° on August 11th as did Kansas City also with 113° on August 14th and Wichita with 114° on the 12th. The list just goes on and on.

All in all, nothing like this heat wave has before or since occurred. It is hard to believe how people fared without air-conditioning, although there were some rudimentary forms of such:"

This is 1936. Tell me again how things are hotter now than ever?

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