Sup Court tosses GOPs racist , voter fraud inspired , “citizenship” census Q.

I can interpret that as "only count taxpayers/citizens"

You could, but you would be wrong since non-citizens pay taxes.

Try this, look up the phrase "no taxation without representation", it will understand why non-citizens are counted

The Boston Tea Party has nothing to do with the 2020 census.
How about what Trump says, "no census without a citizenship question"?

The concept of "no taxation without representation" did not die after the Boston Tea party, it should still be alive and well today for anyone that claims to be an American.

He would have to violate the Constitution to stop the Census. Personally I find the POTUS violating the Constitution to be a bad about you?

Not stop the census, just postpone it until the citizenship question is resolved. The Trump admin needs to fine tune their arguments. Trump can stop the forms from being printed. Maybe Trump needs to send Barr to the USSC? Its a simple matter of reading the US Constitution.
Trump seeks 2020 census delay after Supreme Court blocks citizenship question

Once again, Fed Law dictates when the Census is undertaken. To change that date legally Congress would need to approve of the change.
It is not up to Trump, it is simple matter of reading the US Constitution, and the US Constitution says everyone is counted, not just citizens.

Reading the Constitution? Please read the red font below. Its not that complex.
Trump is right to delay the census until the Constitution is followed as it was in previous censuses:

“Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.”
— U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV, section 2
You could, but you would be wrong since non-citizens pay taxes.

Try this, look up the phrase "no taxation without representation", it will understand why non-citizens are counted

The Boston Tea Party has nothing to do with the 2020 census.
How about what Trump says, "no census without a citizenship question"?

The concept of "no taxation without representation" did not die after the Boston Tea party, it should still be alive and well today for anyone that claims to be an American.

He would have to violate the Constitution to stop the Census. Personally I find the POTUS violating the Constitution to be a bad about you?

Not stop the census, just postpone it until the citizenship question is resolved. The Trump admin needs to fine tune their arguments. Trump can stop the forms from being printed. Maybe Trump needs to send Barr to the USSC? Its a simple matter of reading the US Constitution.
Trump seeks 2020 census delay after Supreme Court blocks citizenship question

Once again, Fed Law dictates when the Census is undertaken. To change that date legally Congress would need to approve of the change.
It is not up to Trump, it is simple matter of reading the US Constitution, and the US Constitution says everyone is counted, not just citizens.

Reading the Constitution? Please read the red font below. Its not that complex.
Trump is right to delay the census until the Constitution is followed as it was in previous censuses:

“Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.”
— U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV, section 2

Yes, the red font is who is allowed to vote, not who is counted for the apportionment of Representative. Notice the 2nd sentence starts with the word "but".
The USSC is simply wrong. Why should US citizens have their votes and congressional representation diminished by the fucking illegals? I hope Trump keeps fighting until fucking Roberts gets his head out of his ass.
Roberts should impeached... He is obviously an progressive activist
The USSC is simply wrong. Why should US citizens have their votes and congressional representation diminished by the fucking illegals? I hope Trump keeps fighting until fucking Roberts gets his head out of his ass.

Because the census counts EVERYONE . Not just citizens. Tell it to the constitution that you usually are such strict readers of the con.
So we have Illegal Immigrants criminally Invade The US from 95 Countries, which Countries are we discriminating against when we ask if someone is a Citizen?

I remind you, that this is a question which has been on The Census previously and The Supreme Court had no issues with it.
Let’s try a comp question the right might understand .
“Do you own any guns ? How many guns do you own?”
Apples and oranges.
The federal government has a need to know the number of citizens.


Not to mention they have other methods for doing that.
You need to know the number of citizens for The Electoral College, to determine how much Federal Dollars your State Gets and to determine, how many Representatives you get for The House of Reps.

Unless of course, you want to CHEAT other states out of being Properly Represented in Government to your Benefit.
The Roman Census only counted Roman Citizens.

In other words, They Did Not Count Provincialies or people born in other countries who were NOT ROMAN CITIZENS.

If you were part of The Roman Empire, paid your taxes and were declared an official Roman Citizen, you were counted in The Census.

You Fucking Demonic Son of a Bitches are Too Fucking Stupid to be American Citizens. GTFO of my Country.

How did Romans prove their Roman citizenship?

Various levels of Roman citizenship
Roman citizens were generally held in higher esteem than non-citizens, even if they were of slave background. However, there were different levels of Roman citizenship with different rights associated to them.

Cives Romani: The cives romani were full Roman citizens. They were subdivided into two classes: the non optimo iure, who had rights of property and marriage and the optimo iure, who also had the right to vote and hold office.

Latini: The Latins were a tribe living in Latium in central Italy who came under Roman control at the close of the Latin War (340–338 BC) noting that the term Latini came to include people of non-Latin background. The Latini held a number of rights similar to those of Roman citizens (the Latin Rights or ius Latii in Latin) but they did not have the right of marriage (ius connubii).

Socii : The Socii or Foederati were citizens of states which had treaty obligations with Rome and had certain rights in exchange for agreed levels of military service.

Following the Social War (91–88 BC), the Lex Julia was passed in 90 BC giving full Roman citizenship to all Latini and Italian socii states (and the socii states that had not participated in the Social War) and the Latini and socii levels of citizenship disappeared.

Provinciales and freedmen: The provinciales were people from the provinces who were under Roman control or influence, but who only had basic rights under international law (ius gentium). Freedmen were former slaves who had gained their freedom and were not automatically given Roman citizenship. Their children however were born free citizens.
its clear to everyone that the cheating republicans wanted to ace out Hispanics from the census count .

Not Hispanics who are legal citizens of the United States.

Just Hispanics (and a few other folk) who are not legal citizens of the United States.

The Supreme Court made a mistake.

People who are not citizens are not entitled to Congressional representation and should not be counted for such purposes.
Let’s try a comp question the right might understand .
“Do you own any guns ? How many guns do you own?”
Apples and oranges.
The federal government has a need to know the number of citizens.


Not to mention they have other methods for doing that.
You need to know the number of citizens for The Electoral College, to determine how much Federal Dollars your State Gets and to determine, how many Representatives you get for The House of Reps.

Unless of course, you want to CHEAT other states out of being Properly Represented in Government to your Benefit.

According to the Constitution, the apportionment of representatives is based upon total population,not just citizens.

If you have a problem with that, feel free to amend the Constitution
Let’s try a comp question the right might understand .
“Do you own any guns ? How many guns do you own?”
Apples and oranges.
The federal government has a need to know the number of citizens.


Not to mention they have other methods for doing that.
You need to know the number of citizens for The Electoral College, to determine how much Federal Dollars your State Gets and to determine, how many Representatives you get for The House of Reps.

Unless of course, you want to CHEAT other states out of being Properly Represented in Government to your Benefit.

According to the Constitution, the apportionment of representatives is based upon total population,not just citizens.

If you have a problem with that, feel free to amend the Constitution
And according to our laws, Population refers to Citizens for purposes of representation.

And The Census had a Citizenship question on it for decades, and that is how Representation is supposed to be determined.

Not with Truck Load after Truck Load of Illegals to Stuff The Ballot Boxes and defraud the other states of their rightful and proper representation in Congress.

What kind of Fucked Up System would allow one state to Flood itself with Illegal Immigrants and use that to Defraud Other States of Fair Representation?

This is why Left Tards are just a bunch of Evil Cheating, Pathological Lying Son of A BITCHES, who have never worked an honest day in their lives.

The Census has been going on since 1790, and it enumerated Citizens from Non Citizens.

An Official Citizenship question was added in 1820 and had been there since then.

There does not need to be ANY EXPLANATION to put it back on The CENSUS since it was on there before and THAT PRECEDENT is ESTABLISHED and LAWFUL!
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And according to our laws, Population refers to Citizens.

Feel free to link to that law
So Diplomats, Foreign Dignataries and Illegals are now counted in a State for purposes of Representation?

You better call The Census Bureau, right now and tell them that, and make sure to add those questions in there.

The fact there are exclusions does not carry forth that no non-citizen is counted.

Keep trying.

I will be waiting for the link to that law.
...According to the Constitution, the apportionment of representatives is based upon total population,not just citizens. If you have a problem with that, feel free to amend the Constitution
No need.

The decision was 5-4 and based purely on the argument presented by the Administration.

In that same proceeding the Court recognized that the Secretary of Commerce has the authority to include it for other purposes.

And, if push comes to shove, all it will take is another test-case, fast-tracked this Fall, to pitch it from a different angle.

By the look of it, there is enough wiggle-room available to the Administration to nearly guarantee the question will appear in 2020.

An excellent outcome, if it can be achieved in the time remaining prior to the deadline for printing forms, etc.
And according to our laws, Population refers to Citizens.

Feel free to link to that law
So Diplomats, Foreign Dignataries and Illegals are now counted in a State for purposes of Representation?

You better call The Census Bureau, right now and tell them that, and make sure to add those questions in there.

The fact there are exclusions does not carry forth that no non-citizen is counted.

Keep trying.

I will be waiting for the link to that law.
Sorry, you are wrong on this, and The Trump Administration will win this court case. That is why it was sent back down and SCOTUS ordered the lower court to rehear it.

Guess where it is going if they are stupid enough to make the same ruling?
...According to the Constitution, the apportionment of representatives is based upon total population,not just citizens. If you have a problem with that, feel free to amend the Constitution
No need.

The decision was 5-4 and based purely on the argument presented by the Administration.

In that same proceeding the Court recognized that the Secretary of Commerce has the authority to include it for other purposes.

And, if push comes to shove, all it will take is another test-case, fast-tracked this Fall, to pitch it from another angle.

By the look of it, there is enough wiggle-room available to the Administration to nearly guarantee the question will appear in 2020.

An excellent outcome, if it can be achieved in the time remaining prior to the deadline for printing forms, etc.

Perhaps you are correct. Time will tell.
And according to our laws, Population refers to Citizens.

Feel free to link to that law
So Diplomats, Foreign Dignataries and Illegals are now counted in a State for purposes of Representation?

You better call The Census Bureau, right now and tell them that, and make sure to add those questions in there.

The fact there are exclusions does not carry forth that no non-citizen is counted.

Keep trying.

I will be waiting for the link to that law.
Sorry, you are wrong on this, and The Trump Administration will win this court case. That is why it was sent back down and SCOTUS ordered the lower court to rehear it.

Guess where it is going if they are stupid enough to make the same ruling?

Does that mean you will not link to the law you claim exist?

Why am I not surprised.

So, you willing to wager on if the Trump admin wins in the end?
And according to our laws, Population refers to Citizens.

Feel free to link to that law
So Diplomats, Foreign Dignataries and Illegals are now counted in a State for purposes of Representation?

You better call The Census Bureau, right now and tell them that, and make sure to add those questions in there.

The fact there are exclusions does not carry forth that no non-citizen is counted.

Keep trying.

I will be waiting for the link to that law.
Sorry, you are wrong on this, and The Trump Administration will win this court case. That is why it was sent back down and SCOTUS ordered the lower court to rehear it.

Guess where it is going if they are stupid enough to make the same ruling?

Does that mean you will not link to the law you claim exist?

Why am I not surprised.

So, you willing to wager on if the Trump admin wins in the end?
I am waiting for you to prove that asking if you are a Citizen on a Census is Illegal?

It's been an official question on The Census since 1820.

That is The Precedent. I need not argue anything else.

What does the phrase "FOREIGNERS NOT NATURALIZED" Mean?

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