Sup Court tosses GOPs racist , voter fraud inspired , “citizenship” census Q.

That is actually quite simple, and sensible.

Were there penalties for people who didn't comply with the process?

Yeah, they didn't get a chance to be citizens.

Look, buddy, you could end the illegal problem in about 10 minutes.

1) Establish a national ID Card system with biometrics.
2) No one can get a job or access benefits without this card.
3) Go after anyone who hires people without checking these cards.

Problem solved.

But they really don't want to solve the problem. They just want to keep you angry about it.
She is a mail order bride, Joe? You know this for sure? Or like for me, you're just making things up?

Sure, why not?

Maybe she's one of those robots.... she's about that creepy and her responses are pretty robotic.

View attachment 266727
Holy Shit, the Robot Apocalypse is creepy and sexy!

Or maybe "she" is a 400lb guy eating cheetos who thinks he'll get more attention putting a picture of an Asian chick up.

Well no matter who you are, we know that you're a flagrant hypocrite. Calling everyone out for racism but as soon as you don't like someone's opinion, you hurl racist insults at them.

Like a good Leftist joe
Like I stated in my previous post, counting non-citizens in our census has a negative impact on the apportionments clause of our constitution. We are allowing non-citizens determine how many representatives each state gets. That's not right. It's not fair. Yes, they are here. Yes, we should take care of them, but only for a time.

Why is it not fair? The constitution says what it says, and it says all person. Even if someone isn't a citizen, they still have an impact on resources allocated.

Their citizenship status was resolved the moment they crossed the border illegally. They are not citizens until they go through the proper channels (I do agree the laws are a bit too robust, but they are there still, and for a reason).

If a couch sitter like me can understand that, why can't anyone else?

Maybe because if you got your ass off the couch, and worked in the real world, you'd realize that in the real world, there's a need for people to do the undesirable work of picking lettuce and washing dishes.
That is actually quite simple, and sensible.

Were there penalties for people who didn't comply with the process?

Yeah, they didn't get a chance to be citizens.

Look, buddy, you could end the illegal problem in about 10 minutes.

1) Establish a national ID Card system with biometrics.
2) No one can get a job or access benefits without this card.
3) Go after anyone who hires people without checking these cards.

Problem solved.

But they really don't want to solve the problem. They just want to keep you angry about it.

That... makes a ton of sense.

We tried the E-Verify program but that only half addressed the problem.

I will be writing my senator about this.
Why is it not fair? The constitution says what it says, and it says all person. Even if someone isn't a citizen, they still have an impact on resources allocated.

Because there should be advantages and benefits for those who attained their citizenship legally, along with disadvantages and demerits for those who didn't. People who break our laws don't (or shouldn't) have the right to participate in our democracy or dictate how it functions.

Maybe because if you got your ass off the couch, and worked in the real world, you'd realize that in the real world, there's a need for people to do the undesirable work of picking lettuce and washing dishes.

That branches off into another topic entirely. If we encouraged people already here, already citizens, and who are able bodied, to get up and be productive citizens... we could eliminate the need to hire illegal aliens. Tell people that prosperity requires effort, not procrastination.

But I digress.
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This is all about Democrats keeping their illegal votes. Soros is already lining up phony registration centers and transportation to the polls for all the 2020 illegal alien voters.
The USSC is simply wrong. Why should US citizens have their votes and congressional representation diminished by the fucking illegals? I hope Trump keeps fighting until fucking Roberts gets his head out of his ass.

Because the census counts EVERYONE . Not just citizens. Tell it to the constitution that you usually are such strict readers of the con.

Try reading section 2 of the 14th Amendment. Non-citizens are not to be counted for representation. They can be counted for all other purposes.


Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.
The USSC is simply wrong. Why should US citizens have their votes and congressional representation diminished by the fucking illegals? I hope Trump keeps fighting until fucking Roberts gets his head out of his ass.

Because the census counts EVERYONE . Not just citizens. Tell it to the constitution that you usually are such strict readers of the con.

Try reading section 2 of the 14th Amendment. Non-citizens are not to be counted for representation. They can be counted for all other purposes.


Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.
I can interpret that as "only count taxpayers/citizens"
The USSC is simply wrong. Why should US citizens have their votes and congressional representation diminished by the fucking illegals? I hope Trump keeps fighting until fucking Roberts gets his head out of his ass.

Because the census counts EVERYONE . Not just citizens. Tell it to the constitution that you usually are such strict readers of the con.

Try reading section 2 of the 14th Amendment. Non-citizens are not to be counted for representation. They can be counted for all other purposes.


Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.
I can interpret that as "only count taxpayers/citizens"

You could, but you would be wrong since non-citizens pay taxes.

Try this, look up the phrase "no taxation without representation", it will understand why non-citizens are counted
its clear to everyone that the cheating republicans wanted to ace out Hispanics from the census count .

YOU are the racist and are too stupid to know it.

Asking someone if they are a citizen has nothing to do with race. But in YOUR racist mind YOU equated illegals with Hispanics.

As usual, Leftist asshole race-baiters project their hate onto conservatives.

You all miss the point . The action in its own may not be racist , unless the MOTIVE was racist .

The conservatives were busted on their attempt to surpress participation in the census in order improve their voting power .

Are you making the claim that only whites vote Republican?

If so then explain Martinez former Governor of New Mexico, Ted Cruz Senator of Texas, Marco Rubio Senator of Florida and so on because the fact is you are race baiting with a lie about the Republican Party...
The USSC is simply wrong. Why should US citizens have their votes and congressional representation diminished by the fucking illegals? I hope Trump keeps fighting until fucking Roberts gets his head out of his ass.

Because the census counts EVERYONE . Not just citizens. Tell it to the constitution that you usually are such strict readers of the con.

Try reading section 2 of the 14th Amendment. Non-citizens are not to be counted for representation. They can be counted for all other purposes.


Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.
I can interpret that as "only count taxpayers/citizens"

You could, but you would be wrong since non-citizens pay taxes.

Try this, look up the phrase "no taxation without representation", it will understand why non-citizens are counted

The Boston Tea Party has nothing to do with the 2020 census.
How about what Trump says, "no census without a citizenship question"?
Already threads on this

I looked and didn’t see any on the front page. Unless the titles weren’t clear.

Maybe you should check Breaking News

This is politics . Sorry if it’s a story you don’t like and you want it buried.

No it proves your an attention whore and need your own racist flame bait thread.

This was all about the blue welfare states wanting government money.


This is politics . Since when do we cross reference with threads in other sections ! ? 90% of politics is “breaking news “ or “current events” if you want to go that route .

As for flame bait? When in Rome .

Also. Blue states make all the money for the USA . The census is about counting everyone. Cons don’t want that to happen.

Texas and California make most of the money for this Country and Texas is red.

Census should be about counting U.S. citizens and let me explain something many illegals live in red states farming communities, so keep on thinking this will only help your blue States.

Texas has a high amount of illegals from Asia to Central America, so help bolster our numbers and then whine when you realize most Hispanics are religious Social Conservatives...
Because the census counts EVERYONE . Not just citizens. Tell it to the constitution that you usually are such strict readers of the con.

Try reading section 2 of the 14th Amendment. Non-citizens are not to be counted for representation. They can be counted for all other purposes.


Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.
I can interpret that as "only count taxpayers/citizens"

You could, but you would be wrong since non-citizens pay taxes.

Try this, look up the phrase "no taxation without representation", it will understand why non-citizens are counted

The Boston Tea Party has nothing to do with the 2020 census.
How about what Trump says, "no census without a citizenship question"?

The concept of "no taxation without representation" did not die after the Boston Tea party, it should still be alive and well today for anyone that claims to be an American.

He would have to violate the Constitution to stop the Census. Personally I find the POTUS violating the Constitution to be a bad about you?
I looked and didn’t see any on the front page. Unless the titles weren’t clear.

Maybe you should check Breaking News

This is politics . Sorry if it’s a story you don’t like and you want it buried.

No it proves your an attention whore and need your own racist flame bait thread.

This was all about the blue welfare states wanting government money.


This is politics . Since when do we cross reference with threads in other sections ! ? 90% of politics is “breaking news “ or “current events” if you want to go that route .

As for flame bait? When in Rome .

Also. Blue states make all the money for the USA . The census is about counting everyone. Cons don’t want that to happen.

Texas and California make most of the money for this Country and Texas is red.

Census should be about counting U.S. citizens and let me explain something many illegals live in red states farming communities, so keep on thinking this will only help your blue States.

Texas has a high amount of illegals from Asia to Central America, so help bolster our numbers and then whine when you realize most Hispanics are religious Social Conservatives...

The census has never been about only counting citizens. Why should it be that way now?
its clear to everyone that the cheating republicans wanted to ace out Hispanics from the census count .

We are a Latino household and I cannot tell you how racial your post comes across. Are Latinos/Hispanics the only non citizen illegals in the US? Republicans don’t want non citizens or undocumented citizens included in the Census count. Census helps drive budget and resources which takes us back to the core debate as to why should US be burdened with significant budget going to illegal inhabitants of the US? This is not a GOP rid Hispanics initiative. That is just a quick card for the liberals to play because they can’t debate how to pay for their Open Borders.
Gerrymandering is legal again thanks to SCOTUS. Pass a crying towel to the Democrats.
Try reading section 2 of the 14th Amendment. Non-citizens are not to be counted for representation. They can be counted for all other purposes.


Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.
I can interpret that as "only count taxpayers/citizens"

You could, but you would be wrong since non-citizens pay taxes.

Try this, look up the phrase "no taxation without representation", it will understand why non-citizens are counted

The Boston Tea Party has nothing to do with the 2020 census.
How about what Trump says, "no census without a citizenship question"?

The concept of "no taxation without representation" did not die after the Boston Tea party, it should still be alive and well today for anyone that claims to be an American.

He would have to violate the Constitution to stop the Census. Personally I find the POTUS violating the Constitution to be a bad about you?

Not stop the census, just postpone it until the citizenship question is resolved. The Trump admin needs to fine tune their arguments. Trump can stop the forms from being printed. Maybe Trump needs to send Barr to the USSC? Its a simple matter of reading the US Constitution.
Trump seeks 2020 census delay after Supreme Court blocks citizenship question
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.
I can interpret that as "only count taxpayers/citizens"

You could, but you would be wrong since non-citizens pay taxes.

Try this, look up the phrase "no taxation without representation", it will understand why non-citizens are counted

The Boston Tea Party has nothing to do with the 2020 census.
How about what Trump says, "no census without a citizenship question"?

The concept of "no taxation without representation" did not die after the Boston Tea party, it should still be alive and well today for anyone that claims to be an American.

He would have to violate the Constitution to stop the Census. Personally I find the POTUS violating the Constitution to be a bad about you?

Not stop the census, just postpone it until the citizenship question is resolved. The Trump admin needs to fine tune their arguments. Trump can stop the forms from being printed. Maybe Trump needs to send Barr to the USSC? Its a simple matter of reading the US Constitution.
Trump seeks 2020 census delay after Supreme Court blocks citizenship question

Once again, Fed Law dictates when the Census is undertaken. To change that date legally Congress would need to approve of the change.

It is not up to Trump.

it is simple matter of reading the US Constitution, and the US Constitution says everyone is counted, not just citizens.

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