Super long and boring article about Hillary Clinton from NY MAG

I love how Hillary plays the victim card like a CHAMP for losing to Trump.

Snowflakes love that shit...nothing is ever their won fault.

...and Trump doesn't feel like a victim 24/7? Please! "No president in recent memory has been treated, and I say this with all sincerity, has been treated as shamefully as I have!" He's always aggrieved, whining about being talked about or complaining about "not being given credit!" He's so full of $#!t; we deserve what he's doing to us and the rest of the world! :9::blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Hillary lost because of Hillary.

...and? That doesn't change the facts "we're in trouble" for the foreseeable future with this nitwit and his family of losers and cronies in charge of everything! :argue: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

You may think so. I think we would have been worse off with Hillary as POTUS.
I love how Hillary plays the victim card like a CHAMP for losing to Trump.

Snowflakes love that shit...nothing is ever their won fault.

...and Trump doesn't feel like a victim 24/7? Please! "No president in recent memory has been treated, and I say this with all sincerity, has been treated as shamefully as I have!" He's always aggrieved, whining about being talked about or complaining about "not being given credit!" He's so full of $#!t; we deserve what he's doing to us and the rest of the world! :9::blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

Hillary lost because of Hillary.

...and? That doesn't change the facts "we're in trouble" for the foreseeable future with this nitwit and his family of losers and cronies in charge of everything! :argue: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:

You may think so. I think we would have been worse off with Hillary as POTUS.

We'll see how you feel by Labor Day! I personally think Hillary was a lot more qualified, but we all know Republicans would have taken obstruction to a new level! If you think Obama was dissed, it would have been truly disgusting if Hillary had won! She's lost and has pretty much stayed quiet, but Trump and the rest of Congress can invoke her name every single day; usually as a deflective dodge when asked a question about Trump and his shady dealings! :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno:
Snowflakes insist that conservatives stop talking about Hillary, but they run magazine cover stories on her.

Snowflakes insist that conservatives stop talking about Hillary, but they run magazine cover stories on her.


People have made their careers kvetchin' about the Clintons! It actually cost the life of Barbra Olsen on her way to California to participate on Bill Mahar's old ABC show, "Politically Incorrect!" She was on one of those flights that went down on 911! She may have been a great person IRL, but on the stump, the poison was dripping from her fangs concerning Bill & Hill! It was sad then and it's still sad now! LET THESE PEOPLE GO! :argue: :bang3: :cuckoo: :dunno:

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