Superbowl XLIX - Patriots vs. Seahawks

Who will win SuperbowXLIX

  • New England Patriots

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Seattle Seahawks

    Votes: 10 47.6%

  • Total voters
It's an American sport, FJO. If there is a team cheating? They need to be confronted. Now that they have been confronted - let the game go forward - doubt there will be an issue with anything deflated in the future. Other than the ego of the Patriot team after they lose to the Seahawks.
God is the decider of all outcomes. He doesn't bet and neither should you, Moonglow.
Jesus doesn't say anything about gambling in the New Testament. .... :cool:

Gambling is a sin. Read this:


[URL='']1 Corinthians 5:11
- But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.[/URL]
This one should have been in there too:
Proverbs 10 2 Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value but righteousness delivers from death.

and this one..........
And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. - Luke 12:15

and this one too:
Proverbs 1 19 Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain it takes away the life of those who get it.

I've never seen anyone who didn't have trouble after winning through gambling.
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Not a single one of those verses mention the issue of gambling.

Try again ..... :cool:

What is ill gotten gain? Look it up.

In the meantime as you desired to discuss this along the lines of what is in the Bible - I do understand that according to Islam cheating, (trickery) lies, deception are all permissible according to the one you call your prophet. (Mohammad) Providing the trickery, lies, deception is used by a Muslim against a non Muslim. So according to your religion - I suppose gambling would also be permissible. After all you are gambling with your own souls - betting everything on Mohammad being a true prophet. Right? (but your wrong)
I've never seen anyone who didn't have trouble after winning through gambling.
I personally knew a very upright Christian man who won 10 million dollars in the lottery.

It was 2 years before anyone even knew that he had won. Because he won it in another state. He was a very humble person and just put the money in the bank. He bought a new pickup truck but continued to live in the same house he always did. He still dressed the same type of work clothes he always did and stayed married to his wife of many years.

The only way people found out was because he gave half a million to the local christian school to build a new gym for the kids. ..... :cool:
In the meantime as you desired to discuss this along the lines of what is in the Bible - I do understand that according to Islam cheating, (trickery) lies, deception are all permissible according to the one you call your prophet. (Mohammad) Providing the trickery, lies, deception is used by a Muslim against a non Muslim. So according to your religion - I suppose gambling would also be permissible.
...........^^^^ All of the above is totally incorrect. .... :cool:
It's an American sport, FJO. If there is a team cheating? They need to be confronted. Now that they have been confronted - let the game go forward - doubt there will be an issue with anything deflated in the future. Other than the ego of the Patriot team

after they lose to the Seahawks.

So is baseball.

While football (the name of this sport in itself is a joke since the FOOT only rarely touches the ball) glorifies quarter backs who would be nothing without a great receiver, in baseball a great pitcher or a great hitter believes in individual achievements and accomplisments and does it on his own.

Much more American isn't it?
The world is in flames. Terrorism threatens peace everywhere. Wages are stagnant. More people on food stamps than ever. Riots because of false perceptions of justice. Hundreds of young blacks dieing by other young blacks. Political correctness running amok from the White House to the sewer of Al Sharplatan.

Yet Americans waste time by arguing about air pressure in a ball used in a game that is the symbol of crude brutality.

Make that ball out of rubber so air pressure would no longer be an issue. Kind of similar to a baseball.

Or, better still, change the shape and use a ball like all normal sports (golf, soccer, ping pong, tennis, billiards, volley ball, basket ball and bowling) use: Round.
Sports are a entertaining distraction so it has its' place in society. Change the football? Blasphemy! How would they throw it? I would like to see some changes though, like no timeouts unless there's an injury. No half time. Micro-managing penalties is getting out of hand. Watching a 1 hour game in 3 hours is tedious, I usually watch recorded. But the Superbowl must be seen live, at least the commercials are better!
I like football and hockey the best. I really enjoy violent sports, I suppose. :D

I'm not really hung up on any sport. I have only prayed about a Superbowl once and a horse race once before and that was because I knew they were lifting up that horse like an idol. I forget his name now but he lost too. He was from California I believe. And the one I asked for to win? He won. I forget his name too! lol! That's awful. Isn't it? Lord have mercy. I have to laugh at myself.
Don't bother asshole. Everyone here is doing the laughing at you for themselves.
I 100% believe the quaterback and the coach. I don't doubt some overzealous ball-boy did the deflating.
Jeri, I don't think God would care about football. It is for entertainment purposes and really doesn't have much effect on our real lives, thankfully.
That's why I love soccer instead


No. I did my research. The Seahawks have done right. They are not breaking any rules and their players are on the up and up. God will reward them for that. You heard it here first. At USMB. Because USMB? Gets the news first!!

Nope, the Patriots are going to bury them. :D

I'm sorry, Chris. But they won't be winning this game. I have already asked for a 10 point lead for the Seahawks. Because 10 is the number of judgment. I told my husband does he think that can happen? He laughed and said, I don't know. God is pretty particular about you. (me)
So I reckon it's settled. I'll get the 10 point lead. Thanks for joining in the discussion, Chris. I like you but your team is going to lose.

Well I asked for the Patriots to win. :D God told me, yes.

Well God didn't tell me anything. I just asked and am believing I've received my request. By faith. You can't please God without faith, you know.

The most important thing is to please God.
'Please God' make this stupid bitch go away before I puke. Thanks Pal. If you ever need me to do you a favor let me know the 'usual' way and I'll see if I can fit you in.

BREAKING! Just got a heads up on email. The dude in Nigeria who I bought the video tape of Bush and Cheney planting the bombs under the Twin Towers is offering a new tape showing Bush deflating those footballs. Anyone want to go 'havers'?
The world is in flames. Terrorism threatens peace everywhere. Wages are stagnant. More people on food stamps than ever. Riots because of false perceptions of justice. Hundreds of young blacks dieing by other young blacks. Political correctness running amok from the White House to the sewer of Al Sharplatan.

Yet Americans waste time by arguing about air pressure in a ball used in a game that is the symbol of crude brutality.

Make that ball out of rubber so air pressure would no longer be an issue. Kind of similar to a baseball.

Or, better still, change the shape and use a ball like all normal sports (golf, soccer, ping pong, tennis, billiards, volley ball, basket ball and bowling) use: Round.
Sports are a entertaining distraction so it has its' place in society. Ch

ange the football? Blasphemy! How would they throw it? I would like to see some changes though, like no timeouts unless there's an injury. No half time. Micro-managing penalties is getting out of hand. Watching a 1 hour game in 3 hours is tedious, I usually watch recorded. But the Superbowl must be seen live, at least the commercials are better!

How would they throw a ROUND ball? Have you ever seen a water polo match? If they can throw and receive a round ball in 10 feet of water surely they could throw and catch a ROUND ball on hard ground unless they are stuck in a mode of stupid.
How would they throw a ROUND ball? Have you ever seen a water polo match? If they can throw and receive a round ball in 10 feet of water surely they could throw and catch a ROUND ball on hard ground unless they are stuck in a mode of stupid.
They don't throw 50 yard passes in water polo as far as I know. Just watch soccer and be happy.
In the meantime as you desired to discuss this along the lines of what is in the Bible - I do understand that according to Islam cheating, (trickery) lies, deception are all permissible according to the one you call your prophet. (Mohammad) Providing the trickery, lies, deception is used by a Muslim against a non Muslim. So according to your religion - I suppose gambling would also be permissible.
...........^^^^ All of the above is totally incorrect. .... :cool:
Read the book, "The Life of Muhammad by A. Guillaume published by Oxford University Press in 1955. It's all in there - the earliest biography of Mohammad confirms what I've said. Also in the constitution of Medina, when Mohammad and his followers migrated to Mecca (622 A.D.) he wrote, "A believer shall not slay a believer for the sake of an unbeliever, nor shall he aid an unbeliever against a believer.....Believers are friends one to the other to the exclusion of outsiders..... The believers must avenge the blood of one another shed in the way of Allah. I'm fairly certain as a Sunni Muslim you are aware of the Sahih Al-Burkhari, 9 volumes and the hadiths that permit the use of lies, trickery to deceive the "non Muslim" - those you would refer to as Infidels.
And Muhammed throws a 50 yard Hail Muhammed pass. Up up up it goes....and caught! In the end zone! TOUCHDOWN! But wait...Jesus picks up the ball, squeezes it a bit. Cries out for the referee. God comes over and inspects the ball. God says "Muhammed! How many times have I told you to leave my balls alone?!"
Read the book, "The Life of Muhammad by A. Guillaume published by Oxford University Press in 1955. It's all in there - the earliest biography of Mohammad confirms what I've said. Also in the constitution of Medina, when Mohammad and his followers migrated to Mecca (622 A.D.) he wrote, "A believer shall not slay a believer for the sake of an unbeliever, nor shall he aid an unbeliever against a believer.....Believers are friends one to the other to the exclusion of outsiders..... The believers must avenge the blood of one another shed in the way of Allah. I'm fairly certain as a Sunni Muslim you are aware of the Sahih Al-Burkhari, 9 volumes and the hadiths that permit the use of lies, trickery to deceive the "non Muslim" - those you would refer to as Infidels.
And to think, all I did was ask you to provide a NT bible verse where Jesus specifically condemns gambling? ..... :dunno:

And since you weren't able to.

You go on an all out attack against Islam, the Prophet, and muslims.

Weak.......really weak. ...... :cool:
I like football and hockey the best. I really enjoy violent sports, I suppose. :D

I'm not really hung up on any sport. I have only prayed about a Superbowl once and a horse race once before and that was because I knew they were lifting up that horse like an idol. I forget his name now but he lost too. He was from California I believe. And the one I asked for to win? He won. I forget his name too! lol! That's awful. Isn't it? Lord have mercy. I have to laugh at myself.
Don't bother asshole. Everyone here is doing the laughing at you for themselves.
I 100% believe the quaterback and the coach. I don't doubt some overzealous ball-boy did the deflating.
No. I did my research. The Seahawks have done right. They are not breaking any rules and their players are on the up and up. God will reward them for that. You heard it here first. At USMB. Because USMB? Gets the news first!!

Nope, the Patriots are going to bury them. :D

I'm sorry, Chris. But they won't be winning this game. I have already asked for a 10 point lead for the Seahawks. Because 10 is the number of judgment. I told my husband does he think that can happen? He laughed and said, I don't know. God is pretty particular about you. (me)
So I reckon it's settled. I'll get the 10 point lead. Thanks for joining in the discussion, Chris. I like you but your team is going to lose.

Well I asked for the Patriots to win. :D God told me, yes.

Well God didn't tell me anything. I just asked and am believing I've received my request. By faith. You can't please God without faith, you know.

The most important thing is to please God.
'Please God' make this stupid bitch go away before I puke. Thanks Pal. If you ever need me to do you a favor let me know the 'usual' way and I'll see if I can fit you in.

BREAKING! Just got a heads up on email. The dude in Nigeria who I bought the video tape of Bush and Cheney planting the bombs under the Twin Towers is offering a new tape showing Bush deflating those footballs. Anyone want to go 'havers'?

You won't be laughing when the Seahawks win.
How would they throw a ROUND ball? Have you ever seen a water polo match? If they can throw and receive a round ball in 10 feet of water surely they could throw and catch a ROUND ball on hard ground unless they are stuck in a mode of stupid.
They don't throw 50 yard passes in water polo as far as I know. Just watch soccer and be happy.

An egg shaped ball is about as conducive to long throws as a dinosaur egg.
Today I heard the news that the Patriots have once again been up to no good. Cheating again!? Last time I got involved in praying about a game was in 2007 when the Patriots were caught spying against the Giants before the Superbowl game and I asked God to give the Giants a 3 point lead and beat them and He did. Eli Manning caught a football on his helmet which made it even more of a miracle. Today I hear that the New England Patriots have done it again. This time deflating footballs. So once again I am praying for their opponent to beat them. Their opponent? The Seattle Seahawks. I believe the Seahawks are going to win! Big time!

So in light of this breaking news that just came out.............who do you want to win Superbowl XLIX? Cast your votes! Thanks!

Here's the article on the Patriots deflating footballs and a call to disqualify them:
The Patriots should be disqualified from the Super Bowl For The Win

Deflating 11 of 12 balls in Sunday’s game, as has been reported by ESPN, is a major violation and something that had a great affect on the game. Given the number of deflated balls, it’s almost impossible this was accident, meaning that someone in the New England organization willfully tampered with the rules to give his team an advantage. That’s cheating.

The penalty should be simple: Ban ‘em.

I want them to be permitted to play. Let the LORD settle this score! He knows how to do it best!

Here's a first.

I agree with you. Everything except the christian god thing.

They've been cheating and they shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

I've been a Seahawks fan ever since the team was just formed and Seattle had a city wide contest to name the team.

I had the opportunity to work with a few of them in 2013. It was a charity event at the Key Arena. Four Seahawks and the coach were there. I got to photograph them on stage and off.

They're all very nice people and it was a pure joy to work with them.

Here's some of the photos:


  • Seahawks#45.jpg
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  • Seahawks#182.jpg
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  • Seahawks#250.jpg
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  • Seahawks#252.jpg
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