Superbowl XLIX - Patriots vs. Seahawks

Who will win SuperbowXLIX

  • New England Patriots

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Seattle Seahawks

    Votes: 10 47.6%

  • Total voters
Today I heard the news that the Patriots have once again been up to no good. Cheating again!? Last time I got involved in praying about a game was in 2007 when the Patriots were caught spying against the Giants before the Superbowl game and I asked God to give the Giants a 3 point lead and beat them and He did. Eli Manning caught a football on his helmet which made it even more of a miracle. Today I hear that the New England Patriots have done it again. This time deflating footballs. So once again I am praying for their opponent to beat them. Their opponent? The Seattle Seahawks. I believe the Seahawks are going to win! Big time!

So in light of this breaking news that just came out.............who do you want to win Superbowl XLIX? Cast your votes! Thanks!

Here's the article on the Patriots deflating footballs and a call to disqualify them:
The Patriots should be disqualified from the Super Bowl For The Win

Deflating 11 of 12 balls in Sunday’s game, as has been reported by ESPN, is a major violation and something that had a great affect on the game. Given the number of deflated balls, it’s almost impossible this was accident, meaning that someone in the New England organization willfully tampered with the rules to give his team an advantage. That’s cheating.

The penalty should be simple: Ban ‘em.

I want them to be permitted to play. Let the LORD settle this score! He knows how to do it best!

Here's a first.

I agree with you. Everything except the christian god thing.

They've been cheating and they shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

I've been a Seahawks fan ever since the team was just formed and Seattle had a city wide contest to name the team.

I had the opportunity to work with a few of them in 2013. It was a charity event at the Key Arena. Four Seahawks and the coach were there. I got to photograph them on stage and off.

They're all very nice people and it was a pure joy to work with them.

Here's some of the photos:

My aunt is a huge fan. She told me all about them. They sound like a wonderful team. They surely deserve to win this Superbowl. Thanks for the story and the photographs. We will agree to disagree on God - He is the God of the Jews too, you know. As for the Seahawks? Go Seahawks! I am believing for them to win this one. By 10 points. To be exact. I like being "specific" with my requests.
I don't hear of the NFL horror stories from them and do hear some really positive ones. Russel Wilson seems to be a geuine nice guy, very involved with the children's hospital and goes in at least once a week. A big deal for the kids.

A couple of months ago Marshawn Lynch found a wallet at a gas station and was with another Hawk, I forget who, but he drove 20 minutes out of his way to deliver it to the guy at home, who last name was also Lynch. Musta been some surprise!

That said, may the best team win and I don't believe God micro-manages our movements.
And by "proven fact" you mean completely unsubstantiated allegation where the NFL found zero evidence and the reporter who originally wrote the story had to issue a front page retraction of his claims?

No I mean just the opposite. That sob Bilichick is nothing short of the biggest cheat in NFL history.

So you don't know what the word "fact" means? Proven facts have something to back them up. So please, I'd love to see some proof of the Patriots taping a walk through. Fines, lost draft picks, suspensions, any discipline at all will do.

How about January, 2001 Super Bowl being about New England cheating the first time. Ask Marshall Faulk. Since then two more times. That's fact enough for me. THREE times in this century and now in a conference championship game.

I didn't ask for your opinion on whether they cheated, I asked for proof that they taped the Rams walk through. "Marshall Faulk said so" is not proof. The NFL investigated the claims fully, what did they find?
And by "proven fact" you mean completely unsubstantiated allegation where the NFL found zero evidence and the reporter who originally wrote the story had to issue a front page retraction of his claims?

No I mean just the opposite. That sob Bilichick is nothing short of the biggest cheat in NFL history.

So you don't know what the word "fact" means? Proven facts have something to back them up. So please, I'd love to see some proof of the Patriots taping a walk through. Fines, lost draft picks, suspensions, any discipline at all will do.

How about January, 2001 Super Bowl being about New England cheating the first time. Ask Marshall Faulk. Since then two more times. That's fact enough for me. THREE times in this century and now in a conference championship game.

Ever heard of 3 strikes and your out? 3 strikes and the Patriots should be out too.

What are the 3 strikes? Remember, the NFL investigated the walk through allegation and found zero proof to support it. Also, the reporter who originally broke the story had to issue a front page retraction and apology.
Today I heard the news that the Patriots have once again been up to no good. Cheating again!? Last time I got involved in praying about a game was in 2007 when the Patriots were caught spying against the Giants before the Superbowl game and I asked God to give the Giants a 3 point lead and beat them and He did. Eli Manning caught a football on his helmet which made it even more of a miracle. Today I hear that the New England Patriots have done it again. This time deflating footballs. So once again I am praying for their opponent to beat them. Their opponent? The Seattle Seahawks. I believe the Seahawks are going to win! Big time!

So in light of this breaking news that just came out.............who do you want to win Superbowl XLIX? Cast your votes! Thanks!

Here's the article on the Patriots deflating footballs and a call to disqualify them:
The Patriots should be disqualified from the Super Bowl For The Win

Deflating 11 of 12 balls in Sunday’s game, as has been reported by ESPN, is a major violation and something that had a great affect on the game. Given the number of deflated balls, it’s almost impossible this was accident, meaning that someone in the New England organization willfully tampered with the rules to give his team an advantage. That’s cheating.

The penalty should be simple: Ban ‘em.

I want them to be permitted to play. Let the LORD settle this score! He knows how to do it best!

I think climate change is responsible for what happened to the footballs on the Patriot side of the field.
Today I heard the news that the Patriots have once again been up to no good. Cheating again!? Last time I got involved in praying about a game was in 2007 when the Patriots were caught spying against the Giants before the Superbowl game and I asked God to give the Giants a 3 point lead and beat them and He did. Eli Manning caught a football on his helmet which made it even more of a miracle. Today I hear that the New England Patriots have done it again. This time deflating footballs. So once again I am praying for their opponent to beat them. Their opponent? The Seattle Seahawks. I believe the Seahawks are going to win! Big time!

So in light of this breaking news that just came out.............who do you want to win Superbowl XLIX? Cast your votes! Thanks!

Here's the article on the Patriots deflating footballs and a call to disqualify them:
The Patriots should be disqualified from the Super Bowl For The Win

Deflating 11 of 12 balls in Sunday’s game, as has been reported by ESPN, is a major violation and something that had a great affect on the game. Given the number of deflated balls, it’s almost impossible this was accident, meaning that someone in the New England organization willfully tampered with the rules to give his team an advantage. That’s cheating.

The penalty should be simple: Ban ‘em.

I want them to be permitted to play. Let the LORD settle this score! He knows how to do it best!

I think climate change is responsible for what happened to the footballs on the Patriot side of the field.

:lol: Even better, it's Obama's fault!

And by "proven fact" you mean completely unsubstantiated allegation where the NFL found zero evidence and the reporter who originally wrote the story had to issue a front page retraction of his claims?

No I mean just the opposite. That sob Bilichick is nothing short of the biggest cheat in NFL history.

So you don't know what the word "fact" means? Proven facts have something to back them up. So please, I'd love to see some proof of the Patriots taping a walk through. Fines, lost draft picks, suspensions, any discipline at all will do.

How about January, 2001 Super Bowl being about New England cheating the first time. Ask Marshall Faulk. Since then two more times. That's fact enough for me. THREE times in this century and now in a conference championship game.

I didn't ask for your opinion on whether they cheated, I asked for proof that they taped the Rams walk through. "Marshall Faulk said so" is not proof. The NFL investigated the claims fully, what did they find?

Listen up, Mack. If they are guilty? God knows. If they aren't? God knows. God is in full control and he is also in control of who wins this Superbowl game. Make sure to tune in. I want you to get an up close and personal look at how God answers prayer. You can be sure He will. This is the last straw for the Patriots. They may fool man, but they are not fooling God Almighty.
A major TV news channel devoted 68 minutes to DeflateGate but only 23 seconds to Obama's release of the GITMO terrorist.
Here are the NFL rules regarding the balls that are played with in sanctioned games. Following them is my scientific explanation regarding how it is possible...quite possible, that there was no cheating.

Read the rules first.

Rule 2 The Ball

Section 1


The Ball must be a “Wilson,” hand selected, bearing the signature of the Commissioner of the League, Roger Goodell.

The ball shall be made up of an inflated (12 1/2 to 13 1/2 pounds) urethane bladder enclosed in a pebble grained, leather case (natural tan color) without corrugations of any kind.

It shall have the form of a prolate spheroid and the size and weight shall be: long axis, 11 to 11 1/4 inches; long circumference, 28 to 28 1/2 inches; short circumference, 21 to 21 ¼ inches; weight, 14 to 15 ounces.

The Referee shall be the sole judge as to whether all balls offered for play comply with these specifications. A pump is to be furnished by the home club, and the balls shall remain under the supervision of the Referee until they are delivered to the ball attendant just prior to the start of the game.

Section 2


Each team will make 12 primary balls available for testing by the Referee two hours and 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the game to meet League requirements. The home team will also make 12 backup balls available for testing in all stadiums. In addition, the visitors, at their discretion, may bring 12 backup balls to be tested by the Referee for games held in outdoor stadiums.

For all games, eight new footballs, sealed in a special box and shipped by the manufacturer to the Referee, will be opened in the officials’ locker room two hours and 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the game. These balls are to be specially marked by the Referee and used exclusively for the kicking game.

In the event a home team ball does not conform to specifications, or its supply is exhausted, the Referee shall secure a proper ball from the visitors and, failing that, use the best available ball. Any such circumstances must be reported to the Commissioner.

In case of rain or a wet, muddy, or slippery field, a playable ball shall be used at the request of the offensive team’s center. The Game Clock shall not stop for such action (unless undue delay occurs). Note: It is the responsibility of the home team to furnish playable balls at all times by attendants from either side of the playing field.

Now consider this:

The Patriot football saga can be reduced to an understanding of physics regarding confined gases:


ideal gas law
A physical law describing the relationship of the measurable properties of an ideal gas, where P (pressure) × V (volume) = n (number of moles) × R (the gas constant) × T (temperature in Kelvin). It is derived from a combination of the gas laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro. Also called universal gas law.

For a container (the football in this case) with no leaks, "n" and "r" do not change. When the temperature changes, the product of "p" (pressure) and "v"(volume) must go down.

This does not prove that the balls were legal, just that the pressure could have been decreased without releasing any of the air inside.

They could have cooled off. I recall seeing SNOW in the game pictures. Check the temperature at game time.

In the roughly two hours after the balls were turned over to the officials, I'm relatively certain they were kept at a comfortable temperature in the officials lounge or locker room before the game. When brought to the field and turned back to the teams, the Patriots balls were likely legal.

My understanding is that the balls are used for one half of the game only...and that the balls used in the first half of the game were found to be properly inflated. The Patriots scored 28 points in the first half.
Here are the NFL rules regarding the balls that are played with in sanctioned games. Following them is my scientific explanation regarding how it is possible...quite possible, that there was no cheating.

Read the rules first.

Rule 2 The Ball

Section 1


The Ball must be a “Wilson,” hand selected, bearing the signature of the Commissioner of the League, Roger Goodell.

The ball shall be made up of an inflated (12 1/2 to 13 1/2 pounds) urethane bladder enclosed in a pebble grained, leather case (natural tan color) without corrugations of any kind.

It shall have the form of a prolate spheroid and the size and weight shall be: long axis, 11 to 11 1/4 inches; long circumference, 28 to 28 1/2 inches; short circumference, 21 to 21 ¼ inches; weight, 14 to 15 ounces.

The Referee shall be the sole judge as to whether all balls offered for play comply with these specifications. A pump is to be furnished by the home club, and the balls shall remain under the supervision of the Referee until they are delivered to the ball attendant just prior to the start of the game.

Section 2


Each team will make 12 primary balls available for testing by the Referee two hours and 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the game to meet League requirements. The home team will also make 12 backup balls available for testing in all stadiums. In addition, the visitors, at their discretion, may bring 12 backup balls to be tested by the Referee for games held in outdoor stadiums.

For all games, eight new footballs, sealed in a special box and shipped by the manufacturer to the Referee, will be opened in the officials’ locker room two hours and 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the game. These balls are to be specially marked by the Referee and used exclusively for the kicking game.

In the event a home team ball does not conform to specifications, or its supply is exhausted, the Referee shall secure a proper ball from the visitors and, failing that, use the best available ball. Any such circumstances must be reported to the Commissioner.

In case of rain or a wet, muddy, or slippery field, a playable ball shall be used at the request of the offensive team’s center. The Game Clock shall not stop for such action (unless undue delay occurs). Note: It is the responsibility of the home team to furnish playable balls at all times by attendants from either side of the playing field.

Now consider this:

The Patriot football saga can be reduced to an understanding of physics regarding confined gases:


ideal gas law
A physical law describing the relationship of the measurable properties of an ideal gas, where P (pressure) × V (volume) = n (number of moles) × R (the gas constant) × T (temperature in Kelvin). It is derived from a combination of the gas laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro. Also called universal gas law.

For a container (the football in this case) with no leaks, "n" and "r" do not change. When the temperature changes, the product of "p" (pressure) and "v"(volume) must go down.

This does not prove that the balls were legal, just that the pressure could have been decreased without releasing any of the air inside.

They could have cooled off. I recall seeing SNOW in the game pictures. Check the temperature at game time.

In the roughly two hours after the balls were turned over to the officials, I'm relatively certain they were kept at a comfortable temperature in the officials lounge or locker room before the game. When brought to the field and turned back to the teams, the Patriots balls were likely legal.

My understanding is that the balls are used for one half of the game only...and that the balls used in the first half of the game were found to be properly inflated. The Patriots scored 28 points in the first half.

Actually, the temperatures started in the upper 40s to low 50s, but rapidly dropped throughout the game into the upper 30s/low 40s. I know this for a fact. I only live about 2 miles from Gillette.

The officials did notice the balls were deflated by about 1.5 PSI. They were inflated to 12.5 PSI and when measured during halftime, they were between 11 and 11.5 PSI. They were either reinflated to guidelines or they were replaced because of this. The Pats actually scored the 28 points during the second half with the fully inflated balls.
Today I heard the news that the Patriots have once again been up to no good. Cheating again!? Last time I got involved in praying about a game was in 2007 when the Patriots were caught spying against the Giants before the Superbowl game and I asked God to give the Giants a 3 point lead and beat them and He did. Eli Manning caught a football on his helmet which made it even more of a miracle. Today I hear that the New England Patriots have done it again. This time deflating footballs. So once again I am praying for their opponent to beat them. Their opponent? The Seattle Seahawks. I believe the Seahawks are going to win! Big time!

So in light of this breaking news that just came out.............who do you want to win Superbowl XLIX? Cast your votes! Thanks!

Here's the article on the Patriots deflating footballs and a call to disqualify them:
The Patriots should be disqualified from the Super Bowl For The Win

Deflating 11 of 12 balls in Sunday’s game, as has been reported by ESPN, is a major violation and something that had a great affect on the game. Given the number of deflated balls, it’s almost impossible this was accident, meaning that someone in the New England organization willfully tampered with the rules to give his team an advantage. That’s cheating.

The penalty should be simple: Ban ‘em.

I want them to be permitted to play. Let the LORD settle this score! He knows how to do it best!

Here's a first.

I agree with you. Everything except the christian god thing.

They've been cheating and they shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

I've been a Seahawks fan ever since the team was just formed and Seattle had a city wide contest to name the team.

I had the opportunity to work with a few of them in 2013. It was a charity event at the Key Arena. Four Seahawks and the coach were there. I got to photograph them on stage and off.

They're all very nice people and it was a pure joy to work with them.

Here's some of the photos:

My aunt is a huge fan. She told me all about them. They sound like a wonderful team. They surely deserve to win this Superbowl. Thanks for the story and the photographs. We will agree to disagree on God - He is the God of the Jews too, you know. As for the Seahawks? Go Seahawks! I am believing for them to win this one. By 10 points. To be exact. I like being "specific" with my requests.

Most people I know are huge Seahawks fans. But then I was born and raised in Seattle. I've lived here most of my life. So most of my friends are like me, born and raised here. We all LOVE our city and state. We're very proud of our Seahawks.

Not just for the games they play. For all the good things they do here. I met them at a charity event. I was hired to be the photographer. They do a lot of charity work around the city and state.

For example, Russell Wilson has an agreement with a cancer research organization. For every touchdown pass that he throws, he contributes 3 thousand dollars to that organization. Since breast cancer is in my family history and I am fighting it now and my dad died of liver cancer, I cheer extra hard for those touchdown passes. He doesn't have to contribute to that organization, he WANTS to.

I have no problem with your belief in the christian/jewish/muslim god. They all worship the same one.

I am a very spiritual person but I'm not christian, jewish or muslim. I don't follow that god. Just because I don't follow it doesn't mean that others can't either. I also believe in freedom and our constitution. So if you've found a faith that brings you joy and direction to you life, I say wonderful. I hope you live a long and happy life.

As for the outcome of the game, all I need is a one point lead. That's all that's needed to win the game. I don't expect it to be like last year. The Patriots are going to show up and play the best they can to win that game. However I hope their best isn't enough to beat our Seahawks.
Today I heard the news that the Patriots have once again been up to no good. Cheating again!? Last time I got involved in praying about a game was in 2007 when the Patriots were caught spying against the Giants before the Superbowl game and I asked God to give the Giants a 3 point lead and beat them and He did. Eli Manning caught a football on his helmet which made it even more of a miracle. Today I hear that the New England Patriots have done it again. This time deflating footballs. So once again I am praying for their opponent to beat them. Their opponent? The Seattle Seahawks. I believe the Seahawks are going to win! Big time!

So in light of this breaking news that just came out.............who do you want to win Superbowl XLIX? Cast your votes! Thanks!

Here's the article on the Patriots deflating footballs and a call to disqualify them:
The Patriots should be disqualified from the Super Bowl For The Win

Deflating 11 of 12 balls in Sunday’s game, as has been reported by ESPN, is a major violation and something that had a great affect on the game. Given the number of deflated balls, it’s almost impossible this was accident, meaning that someone in the New England organization willfully tampered with the rules to give his team an advantage. That’s cheating.

The penalty should be simple: Ban ‘em.

I want them to be permitted to play. Let the LORD settle this score! He knows how to do it best!

Here's a first.

I agree with you. Everything except the christian god thing.

They've been cheating and they shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

I've been a Seahawks fan ever since the team was just formed and Seattle had a city wide contest to name the team.

I had the opportunity to work with a few of them in 2013. It was a charity event at the Key Arena. Four Seahawks and the coach were there. I got to photograph them on stage and off.

They're all very nice people and it was a pure joy to work with them.

Here's some of the photos:

My aunt is a huge fan. She told me all about them. They sound like a wonderful team. They surely deserve to win this Superbowl. Thanks for the story and the photographs. We will agree to disagree on God - He is the God of the Jews too, you know. As for the Seahawks? Go Seahawks! I am believing for them to win this one. By 10 points. To be exact. I like being "specific" with my requests.

Most people I know are huge Seahawks fans. But then I was born and raised in Seattle. I've lived here most of my life. So most of my friends are like me, born and raised here. We all LOVE our city and state. We're very proud of our Seahawks.

Not just for the games they play. For all the good things they do here. I met them at a charity event. I was hired to be the photographer. They do a lot of charity work around the city and state.

For example, Russell Wilson has an agreement with a cancer research organization. For every touchdown pass that he throws, he contributes 3 thousand dollars to that organization. Since breast cancer is in my family history and I am fighting it now and my dad died of liver cancer, I cheer extra hard for those touchdown passes. He doesn't have to contribute to that organization, he WANTS to.

I have no problem with your belief in the christian/jewish/muslim god. They all worship the same one.

I am a very spiritual person but I'm not christian, jewish or muslim. I don't follow that god. Just because I don't follow it doesn't mean that others can't either. I also believe in freedom and our constitution. So if you've found a faith that brings you joy and direction to you life, I say wonderful. I hope you live a long and happy life.

As for the outcome of the game, all I need is a one point lead. That's all that's needed to win the game. I don't expect it to be like last year. The Patriots are going to show up and play the best they can to win that game. However I hope their best isn't enough to beat our Seahawks.

The Jews and Christians worship the same God - the Muslims worship a god I do not acknowledge. As for the Seahawks.....I keep hearing more and more great things about them. I'm believing God for the 10 point lead as 10 is the number of judgment and the Patriots need a wake up call. That should do it for them.

I do not want to see them disqualified. I'd rather seen them lose by ten points. But as you say - even 1 point is enough to win. Still - ten is the number I'm asking for. Looking forward to the game.
As I was watching a video by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - author of the Harbinger and also author of The Shemitah - I noticed something for the first time. He speaks of how God brings a blessing for obedience - every 7 years or if the people have not obeyed - a judgment every 7 years.

The Patriots lost to the Giants at the exact same field they are about to play the Seahawks ( February 2015) in February 2008. Look at this link and see for yourselves. Now they have been caught cheating again and 7 years later - note the significance - 7 years later - they are once again playing in the Superbowl. This time against the Seattle Seahawks.

In 2008 - (I thought the game was played in 2007 but was mistaken) I prayed the LORD would have the Giants win the game by a 3 point lead. At the time I didn't think about it but 3 is the number of God and they did lose to the Giants by 3 points. Even though prior to that loss they were the undefeated champions and everyone thought they would win. But they had been spying on the Giants and so the judgment fell on them and they lost.

Now we are about to see them play again - 7 years later - and once again - same month - February- they cannot receive the blessing because they disobeyed - they are under judgment once again.

I found this to be amazing and thought I should share it with ya'll. The Patriots are definitely going to lose. I see no possible way they can win this Superbowl. It's been 7 years and they are about to play on the exact same field. AGAIN!! See for yourself!

Super Bowl XLII - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Super Bowl XLII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion New York Giants and theAmerican Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriotsto decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2007 season. The Giants defeated the Patriots by the score of 17–14. The game was played on February 3, 2008, at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.

The game is regarded as one of the biggest upsets in the history of sports.[10][11] The Patriots entered the game as 12-point favorites after becoming the first team to complete a perfect regular season since the1972 Miami Dolphins, and the only one since the league expanded to a 16-game regular season schedule in 1978. The Giants, who finished the regular season with a 10–6 record, were seeking to become the first NFC wild card team to win a Super Bowl, and were also looking for their third Super Bowl victory and first since they won Super Bowl XXVseventeen years earlier. This Super Bowl was also a rematch of thefinal game of the regular season, in which New England won, 38–35. continue reading on link....
Please note that they played the Giants on February 3rd, 2008. On the 3rd day. 3 is the number of God, people. What a something, eh?! God is so awesome!
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As I was watching a video by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - author of the Harbinger and also author of The Shemitah - I noticed something for the first time. He speaks of how God brings a blessing for obedience - every 7 years or if the people have not obeyed - a judgment every 7 years.

The Patriots lost to the Giants at the exact same field they are about to play the Seahawks ( February 2015) in February 2008. Look at this link and see for yourselves. Now they have been caught cheating again and 7 years later - note the significance - 7 years later - they are once again playing in the Superbowl. This time against the Seattle Seahawks.

In 2008 - (I thought the game was played in 2007 but was mistaken) I prayed the LORD would have the Giants win the game by a 3 point lead. At the time I didn't think about it but 3 is the number of God and they did lose to the Giants by 3 points. Even though prior to that loss they were the undefeated champions and everyone thought they would win. But they had been spying on the Giants and so the judgment fell on them and they lost.

Now we are about to see them play again - 7 years later - and once again - same month - February- they cannot receive the blessing because they disobeyed - they are under judgment once again.

I found this to be amazing and thought I should share it with ya'll. The Patriots are definitely going to lose. I see no possible way they can win this Superbowl. It's been 7 years and they are about to play on the exact same field. AGAIN!! See for yourself!

Super Bowl XLII - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Super Bowl XLII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion New York Giants and theAmerican Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriotsto decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2007 season. The Giants defeated the Patriots by the score of 17–14. The game was played on February 3, 2008, at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.

The game is regarded as one of the biggest upsets in the history of sports.[10][11] The Patriots entered the game as 12-point favorites after becoming the first team to complete a perfect regular season since the1972 Miami Dolphins, and the only one since the league expanded to a 16-game regular season schedule in 1978. The Giants, who finished the regular season with a 10–6 record, were seeking to become the first NFC wild card team to win a Super Bowl, and were also looking for their third Super Bowl victory and first since they won Super Bowl XXVseventeen years earlier. This Super Bowl was also a rematch of thefinal game of the regular season, in which New England won, 38–35. continue reading on link....
Please note that they played the Giants on February 3rd, 2008. On the 3rd day. 3 is the number of God, people. What a something, eh?! God is so awesome!

"I found this to be amazing and thought I should share it with ya'll. The Patriots are definitely going to lose. I see no possible way they can win this Superbowl. It's been 7 years and they are about to play on the exact same field. AGAIN!! See for yourself!"

Oops. I guess God wasn't aware of what you required of him, yet again.
Today I heard the news that the Patriots have once again been up to no good. Cheating again!? Last time I got involved in praying about a game was in 2007 when the Patriots were caught spying against the Giants before the Superbowl game and I asked God to give the Giants a 3 point lead and beat them and He did. Eli Manning caught a football on his helmet which made it even more of a miracle. Today I hear that the New England Patriots have done it again. This time deflating footballs. So once again I am praying for their opponent to beat them. Their opponent? The Seattle Seahawks. I believe the Seahawks are going to win! Big time!

So in light of this breaking news that just came out.............who do you want to win Superbowl XLIX? Cast your votes! Thanks!

Here's the article on the Patriots deflating footballs and a call to disqualify them:
The Patriots should be disqualified from the Super Bowl For The Win

Deflating 11 of 12 balls in Sunday’s game, as has been reported by ESPN, is a major violation and something that had a great affect on the game. Given the number of deflated balls, it’s almost impossible this was accident, meaning that someone in the New England organization willfully tampered with the rules to give his team an advantage. That’s cheating.

The penalty should be simple: Ban ‘em.

I want them to be permitted to play. Let the LORD settle this score! He knows how to do it best!

Jeri, I don't think God would care about football. It is for entertainment purposes and really doesn't have much effect on our real lives, thankfully.
That's why I love soccer instead


No. I did my research. The Seahawks have done right. They are not breaking any rules and their players are on the up and up. God will reward them for that. You heard it here first. At USMB. Because USMB? Gets the news first!!

Nope, the Patriots are going to bury them. :D

I'm sorry, Chris. But they won't be winning this game. I have already asked for a 10 point lead for the Seahawks. Because 10 is the number of judgment. I told my husband does he think that can happen? He laughed and said, I don't know. God is pretty particular about you. (me)
So I reckon it's settled. I'll get the 10 point lead. Thanks for joining in the discussion, Chris. I like you but your team is going to lose.

So God listens to you, and you use that to settle a football game? Not stop some child from being molested, a wife from being beaten, or a disease from taking loved ones? But a football game?
Today I heard the news that the Patriots have once again been up to no good. Cheating again!? Last time I got involved in praying about a game was in 2007 when the Patriots were caught spying against the Giants before the Superbowl game and I asked God to give the Giants a 3 point lead and beat them and He did. Eli Manning caught a football on his helmet which made it even more of a miracle. Today I hear that the New England Patriots have done it again. This time deflating footballs. So once again I am praying for their opponent to beat them. Their opponent? The Seattle Seahawks. I believe the Seahawks are going to win! Big time!

So in light of this breaking news that just came out.............who do you want to win Superbowl XLIX? Cast your votes! Thanks!

Here's the article on the Patriots deflating footballs and a call to disqualify them:
The Patriots should be disqualified from the Super Bowl For The Win

Deflating 11 of 12 balls in Sunday’s game, as has been reported by ESPN, is a major violation and something that had a great affect on the game. Given the number of deflated balls, it’s almost impossible this was accident, meaning that someone in the New England organization willfully tampered with the rules to give his team an advantage. That’s cheating.

The penalty should be simple: Ban ‘em.

I want them to be permitted to play. Let the LORD settle this score! He knows how to do it best!

Here's a first.

I agree with you. Everything except the christian god thing.

They've been cheating and they shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

I've been a Seahawks fan ever since the team was just formed and Seattle had a city wide contest to name the team.

I had the opportunity to work with a few of them in 2013. It was a charity event at the Key Arena. Four Seahawks and the coach were there. I got to photograph them on stage and off.

They're all very nice people and it was a pure joy to work with them.

Here's some of the photos:

My aunt is a huge fan. She told me all about them. They sound like a wonderful team. They surely deserve to win this Superbowl. Thanks for the story and the photographs. We will agree to disagree on God - He is the God of the Jews too, you know. As for the Seahawks? Go Seahawks! I am believing for them to win this one. By 10 points. To be exact. I like being "specific" with my requests.

Most people I know are huge Seahawks fans. But then I was born and raised in Seattle. I've lived here most of my life. So most of my friends are like me, born and raised here. We all LOVE our city and state. We're very proud of our Seahawks.

Not just for the games they play. For all the good things they do here. I met them at a charity event. I was hired to be the photographer. They do a lot of charity work around the city and state.

For example, Russell Wilson has an agreement with a cancer research organization. For every touchdown pass that he throws, he contributes 3 thousand dollars to that organization. Since breast cancer is in my family history and I am fighting it now and my dad died of liver cancer, I cheer extra hard for those touchdown passes. He doesn't have to contribute to that organization, he WANTS to.

I have no problem with your belief in the christian/jewish/muslim god. They all worship the same one.

I am a very spiritual person but I'm not christian, jewish or muslim. I don't follow that god. Just because I don't follow it doesn't mean that others can't either. I also believe in freedom and our constitution. So if you've found a faith that brings you joy and direction to you life, I say wonderful. I hope you live a long and happy life.

As for the outcome of the game, all I need is a one point lead. That's all that's needed to win the game. I don't expect it to be like last year. The Patriots are going to show up and play the best they can to win that game. However I hope their best isn't enough to beat our Seahawks.

Is that why he runs so many touchdown in so he doesn't have to pay? Lol he seems like a very nice young man.
As I was watching a video by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - author of the Harbinger and also author of The Shemitah - I noticed something for the first time. He speaks of how God brings a blessing for obedience - every 7 years or if the people have not obeyed - a judgment every 7 years.

The Patriots lost to the Giants at the exact same field they are about to play the Seahawks ( February 2015) in February 2008. Look at this link and see for yourselves. Now they have been caught cheating again and 7 years later - note the significance - 7 years later - they are once again playing in the Superbowl. This time against the Seattle Seahawks.

In 2008 - (I thought the game was played in 2007 but was mistaken) I prayed the LORD would have the Giants win the game by a 3 point lead. At the time I didn't think about it but 3 is the number of God and they did lose to the Giants by 3 points. Even though prior to that loss they were the undefeated champions and everyone thought they would win. But they had been spying on the Giants and so the judgment fell on them and they lost.

Now we are about to see them play again - 7 years later - and once again - same month - February- they cannot receive the blessing because they disobeyed - they are under judgment once again.

I found this to be amazing and thought I should share it with ya'll. The Patriots are definitely going to lose. I see no possible way they can win this Superbowl. It's been 7 years and they are about to play on the exact same field. AGAIN!! See for yourself!

Super Bowl XLII - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Super Bowl XLII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion New York Giants and theAmerican Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriotsto decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2007 season. The Giants defeated the Patriots by the score of 17–14. The game was played on February 3, 2008, at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.

The game is regarded as one of the biggest upsets in the history of sports.[10][11] The Patriots entered the game as 12-point favorites after becoming the first team to complete a perfect regular season since the1972 Miami Dolphins, and the only one since the league expanded to a 16-game regular season schedule in 1978. The Giants, who finished the regular season with a 10–6 record, were seeking to become the first NFC wild card team to win a Super Bowl, and were also looking for their third Super Bowl victory and first since they won Super Bowl XXVseventeen years earlier. This Super Bowl was also a rematch of thefinal game of the regular season, in which New England won, 38–35. continue reading on link....
Please note that they played the Giants on February 3rd, 2008. On the 3rd day. 3 is the number of God, people. What a something, eh?! God is so awesome!

Funny that Jeremiah hasn't been back to post on this thread.

"I found this to be amazing and thought I should share it with ya'll. The Patriots are definitely going to lose. I see no possible way they can win this Superbowl. It's been 7 years and they are about to play on the exact same field. AGAIN!! See for yourself!"
I have since wrote about my thoughts on what happened, Winterborn. I find it amazing you didn't see any of those posts. There must be dozens. I spent the better half of a day responding. I do not know what to say to this other than I do not know how you would expect God to over-ride the decision of the teams coach to throw the game. Perhaps you do not believe that he did but I most definitely do believe it. This is my final comment - and I give it to you. I am praying and believing God for the truth to come out about why Pete Carroll decided to make the worst call in the history of football- therein causing his team to lose. If it was the owner? Let it be known why. If it was because of pressure Carroll was under from some unknown person or group? Let that be exposed. Whatever happened - I pray it is exposed and the world will know the truth of what happened. That's my final comment.

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