Supporting Kurdish independence

i support neither but want the problem to be solved peacefully, it is been going on for a long time now just like our cause with turkey and iran, how ever we are not anti Jews as most (Arab) Muslims are , if that is what you want to hear ?
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i support neither but want the problem to be solved peacefully, it is been going on for a long time now just like our cause with turkey and iran, how ever we are not anti Jews as most (Arab) Muslims are , if that is what you want to hear ?

No I dont....and I see who you are so you are anti Palestinian crowd....of course
this thread is not about palo-israel issue please feel free to discuss this with me elsewhere, ta.

Yes I know but it's pretty hypocritical and I didnt know asking you if you support palestinan independence somehow translates to "I don't hate jews if that's what you want"

I dont hate Jews and many Jews are cool with me on this thread and we have had friendly that's was dirty of you to say that ..:confused:
this thread is not about palo-israel issue please feel free to discuss this with me elsewhere, ta.

HA! You fucking limey! You don't even live in the kurd region. I bet you run a shish taouk stand out of a van in a poor part of London. Now, which part? :dunno:
this thread is not about palo-israel issue please feel free to discuss this with me elsewhere, ta.

HA! You fucking limey! You don't even live in the kurd region. I bet you run a shish taouk stand out of a van in a poor part of London. Now, which part? :dunno:

AHAHA, i use to live in an English speaking country thanks to saddam but not anymore, but even if i lived on the moon that does not change the fact that 40 + million kurds are stateless you doush.

if i were you i'd watch the two vids i posted above and the one below and show some respect if i were you. if you want to address turkey as an "ally" then your government is also responsible in killings of 1000s of kurds in turkey.

'Roboski'! The day on 28th Dec 2011 when 34 young Kurds were murdered by the Turkish state
Nizamettin Ariç - Roboskî - YouTube
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ima, you are so proud to have a genocidal "ally" do you ? turks have done genocide against almost every nation around them, kurds , armenains ,assyrians etc... lets look at all the genocides and atrocities turks have done to kurds, while US keeps its policy towards turkey on the expense of kurdish freedom

The accepted genocide of Kurds in Turkey News about Kurds and Kurdistan
with Kurdistan PM

with Hewler governor Newzad Hadi

in Duhok Domiz camp syrian kurdish refugees

she has promised to return to kurdistan but this time it will be for tourism :-D

with kurdish kids
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Angie is a slut for publicity but strangely she never helps the poor at home in the US. That's because we already know that she's just in it to look good. Tell us, what has she actually accomplished for the kurds? Anything at all? No? No kidding.

PS I don't watch videos.

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