Supporting Kurdish independence

So she supports terrorism. Who doesn't?

you have no human morals , your pathetic and a loser, bocz kurds are nothing but terrorists , we did not kill one single US soldier in south kurdistan (KRG), never stand against west and US, we are fighting to get our land back divided among 4 countries well now its two , i think your hiding your true identity, you are definitely with a turkic background, i am certain of it now.

even the pkk only target turkish army and police, not civilians, they have never sent rockets into civilians areas, turkish army how ever kills innocents kurds (roboski massacre and 7 iraqi kurds were perished including a 2 year old last year), who is the terrorist ? a donkey would know the answer to this, but seems you cant get your head together.
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ima's allies

turks burn US flag

thanks dear we need american's blessings, i am soooo proud that my people did not touch a single US marine even though kurdistan was freed since 1991 no fly zone, but still the US marines use to come to kurdistan regularly.

watch this video

[ame=] Anthony Bourdain : Kurdistan - YouTube[/ame]
thanks dear we need american's blessings, i am soooo proud that my people did not touch a single US marine even though kurdistan was freed since 1991 no fly zone, but still the US marines use to come to kurdistan regularly.

watch this video Anthony Bourdain : Kurdistan - YouTube

I have been to Iraq (Baghdad) but never Kurdistan, I have talked to US Soldiers and Marines who been there and they said it was so peaceful and friendly unlike the rest of the country, the troops could actually take off their flack vests and helmets and relax without being shot at for once.
In an interview with ANF about the recent developments in Turkey, the acting commander of the Kurdistan Workers' Party PKK and Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council president Murat Karayılan called on the ruling Turkey's AKP government to hold a referendum on democratic autonomy under the supervision of international observers so that the people themselves could be asked about what they want.

Karayılan continued mentioning the ongoing clashes in Hakkari-Şırnak regions which –he said- have been controlled by guerrilla forces since late July. KCK President noted that “The Turkish army has been suffering critical losses and have been hiding these from the public, while it is on the other hand continuing to bomb wide areas as the military are not able to move on the ground.”

KCK leader remarked that the Turkish army is preparing for a new operation.

Referring to the recent statements of PM Erdoğan who said that BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) deputies should go to Kandil instead of the Turkish parliament, Karayılan commented PM’s “either Kandil or Parliament” choice as “either surrender or taking to the mountains” and added that the Kurdish youth should respond to the PM by taking to the mountains instead of deputies.

KCK President noted that HPG (People’s Defense Forces) guerrilla ( the military wing of PKK) forces would have the right to arrest AKP politicians and deputies in Kurdistan in case of dismissal of BDP deputies from the parliament.

The PKK has several times proposed peaceful solutions regarding Kurdish problem, Turkey has always refused saying that it will not negotiate with “terrorists”.

Since it was established in 1984, the PKK has been fighting the Turkish state, which still denies the constitutional existence of Kurds, to establish a Kurdish state in the south east of the country. More than 40,000 people have since been killed.

But now its aim is the creation an autonomous region and more cultural rights for ethnic Kurds who constitute the greatest minority in Turkey, numbering more than 20 million. A large Turkey's Kurdish community openly sympathise with the Kurdish PKK rebels.

The PKK wants constitutional recognition for the Kurds, regional self-governance and Kurdish-language education in schools.

PKK's demands included releasing PKK detainees, lifting the ban on education in Kurdish, paving the way for an autonomous democrat Kurdish system within Turkey, reducing pressure on the detained PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, stopping military action against the Kurdish party and recomposing the Turkish constitution.

Turkey refuses to recognize its Kurdish population as a distinct minority. It has allowed some cultural rights such as limited broadcasts in the Kurdish language and private Kurdish language courses with the prodding of the European Union, but Kurdish politicians say the measures fall short of their expectations.

Kurds call for a referendum on autonomy in Turkey: PKK leader Murat Karayilan
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The US IS letting the people govern themselves, it's called Turkey.

Btw, Turkey is a NATO member, and NATO doesn't give countries away, especially to retards like the kurds, Turkey has my blessing to kick the crap out of the kurds, which should take all of 5 minutes.

Turkey has been trying to "kick the crap" out of the Kurds for the last couple decades, the Kurds are much tougher than you give them credit for.

Kurds are so tough they couldn't even take a piece of Iraq which imploded like 10 years ago. :lol:

They did take a piece of Iraq, actually. They are effectively in control of the northern part of Iraq. The fact that there is not open hostilities between Baghdad and the so-called Kurdistan is a matter of tentative diplomacy and I think the lack of desire on either side to revitalize a brutal civil war. I recall reading an article months back that described, as the American military withdrew from an area dividing Kurdish and Arab populations, military and security personnel relieved them and set up checkpoints as if they were opposing forces. A Vice President, al-Hashemi, originally sought refuge in the northern areas after al-Maliki went to arrest him for running death squads, and Kurdistan refused. Iraq

Can you imagine if an American Vice President or Cabinet member fled to a corner of the country after being charged by the administration? And that that corner said, "No, we don't hand him over"? I think the Kurds have a pretty decent handle on their territory whether it's officially sovereign or not. Whether that's a good or bad thing is beyond my judgment.
yes kurds have south kurdistan (n.iraq) as an autonomous region since 1991 uprising and the NATO no-fly-zone, not 2003, this is something most people are unaware off.
Whose side are Syria’s Kurds on? A journey into the new Kurdistan


September 21, 2012

QAMISHLI, Syrian Kurdistan,— In July, the Syrian army handed areas in the northeast to the Kurdish, who now run those areas. But whose side are the Kurds really on? And will they now establish their own nation? Aral Kakal spent several days in the “new Kurdistan”.

Many observers have suggested that Syria’s Kurds are turning out to be the biggest winners in that country’s violent revolutionary conflict. After years of discrimination and harsh treatment, some members of this major ethnic group appears to have taken over parts of north east Syria – and without meeting any resistance from Syrian government forces.

read the rest here...
Whose side are Syria’s Kurds on? A journey into the new Kurdistan
Leader of Muslim Brotherhood Opposes Kurdish Entity in Syria

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands – The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s secretary general, Mohammed Riad al-Shaqfa, emphasized his party’s rejection of a Kurdish entity being established in Syria.

In an interview with the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, Shaqfa revealed the Muslim Brotherhood’s worries regarding developments in the Kurdish areas of Syria, and stated that there is no such a thing as a “Kurdish region” in the country.

“There is no one single purely Kurdish area in Syria and the Kurds are a minority in northeastern areas since they live with other components of Syrian society there,” Shaqfa told Cumhuriyet.

He added, “We clearly oppose the ambitions of establishing a Kurdish entity in Syria.”

Most research estimates Syrian Kurds make up between 12 and 15 percent of the population in Syria. However, Shaqfa claims, “The Kurds in Syria do not constitute more than 5 percent.”

Shaqfa’s statements angered many Syrian Kurdish activists and politicians, and caused controversy between the different revolutionary forces in Syria.

Massoud Akko, a prominent Syrian Kurdish activist and member of the Syrian Journalists Association (SJA), told Rudaw on Thursday that the statements by the leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood went too far.

“This is not the first time for Riad al-Shaqfa to issue such flawed statements about the Kurds,” Akko said. “Neither Shaqfa and his group nor any other opposition party know the precise percentage of Kurdish people in Syria.”

He added, “The Kurdish population … should be based on the results of research, not by issuing baseless statements in this regard, because there was never a neutral or official census concerning the Syrian Kurds.”

“My advice to Mr. Riad al-Shaqfa and his entire group is to read more about the Kurds before issuing any statement; otherwise, it would be better for them to shut up,” Akko concluded.

According to Akko, such hostile statements by opposition leaders against the Kurds reinforce the divisions in Syria.

“Shaqfa and his group reveal their hostility to the Kurdish people, and that doesn’t serve the revolution and its goals. I think that such a position represents a serious danger to the future of the Kurdish people and their issue in Syria, in the case that the Muslim Brotherhood rules the country someday,” Akko said.

He continued, “They should review these shameful statements and attitudes which basically spread a spirit of hatred between them and the Kurdish people.”

Regarding the establishment of a Kurdish entity in Syria, Akko stated, “That is one of the legitimate rights for Kurds in Syria according to all the international conventions and the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights. The Kurds are a nation and it is their legitimate and unquestionable right to be an independent entity and enjoy their sovereignty on their own land.”

However, Akko noted that none of the Kurdish factions have demanded that an independent Kurdish entity be established in Syria, and that their ultimate demand is for a decentralized federal state as is found in Germany, Switzerland, the U.S and the U.A.E.

An alternative demand is the right to a self-governed Kurdish region where the Kurds can enjoy an autonomous administrative rule, a right they have been deprived of for decades under different Syrian governments.

Akko argued that a Kurdish state is a right, and any denial of this by any party or opposition faction is unacceptable and should be condemned by all Kurds.

“The main question remains whether it can be implemented, because this issue is relevant to the geopolitical circumstances in the region,” Akko said, also noting the importance of international support towards reaching this Kurdish ambition.

“Anyway, nothing is impossible,” he concluded. “Where there’s a will, there is a way.”

Rudaw in English....The Happening: Latest News and Multimedia about Kurdistan, Iraq and the World - Leader of Muslim Brotherhood Opposes Kurdish Entity in Syria
Seriously kirk, you guys are the from the Muslim Brotherhood and you want Western help? :lmao:
Over 22 million Kurds in Turkey, new statistic shows


ERBIL, Sep. 20 (AKnews) – New statistics released by Turkey’s statistical institute, TurkStat, shows that about 30 percent of the country’s population is Kurdish.

According to birth records of Kurds in Turkey that was released by TurkStat, there are 22,691,824 Kurds in Turkey who mainly live in the southeast, Rudaw Newspaper, an Erbil-based weekly reported Thursday.

Turkey’s first population census was conducted in 1927 which showed the number of Kurds to be 2,323,359 out of 13,464,564 as the total population of the country.

According to TurkStat reports, the number of Kurds was about 14.733 million in 2012 which included only the number of Kurds living in cities. The census excluded Kurds who lived in villages and moved to cities after about 4,000 villages were destroyed by Turkish authorities on security grounds between 1997 and 2000. Mobile
Kurds in Turkey constitute over 22 millions
Over 22 million Kurds in Turkey, new statistic shows


ERBIL, Sep. 20 (AKnews) – New statistics released by Turkey’s statistical institute, TurkStat, shows that about 30 percent of the country’s population is Kurdish.

According to birth records of Kurds in Turkey that was released by TurkStat, there are 22,691,824 Kurds in Turkey who mainly live in the southeast, Rudaw Newspaper, an Erbil-based weekly reported Thursday.

Turkey’s first population census was conducted in 1927 which showed the number of Kurds to be 2,323,359 out of 13,464,564 as the total population of the country.

According to TurkStat reports, the number of Kurds was about 14.733 million in 2012 which included only the number of Kurds living in cities. The census excluded Kurds who lived in villages and moved to cities after about 4,000 villages were destroyed by Turkish authorities on security grounds between 1997 and 2000. Mobile
Kurds in Turkey constitute over 22 millions

Question: if there were 22 million kurds in the US, how much land would the US give up peacefully so that they could establish their Cheese Kurd country where part of the US once stood?

Kirk's Answer:
Over 22 million Kurds in Turkey, new statistic shows


ERBIL, Sep. 20 (AKnews) – New statistics released by Turkey’s statistical institute, TurkStat, shows that about 30 percent of the country’s population is Kurdish.

According to birth records of Kurds in Turkey that was released by TurkStat, there are 22,691,824 Kurds in Turkey who mainly live in the southeast, Rudaw Newspaper, an Erbil-based weekly reported Thursday.

Turkey’s first population census was conducted in 1927 which showed the number of Kurds to be 2,323,359 out of 13,464,564 as the total population of the country.

According to TurkStat reports, the number of Kurds was about 14.733 million in 2012 which included only the number of Kurds living in cities. The census excluded Kurds who lived in villages and moved to cities after about 4,000 villages were destroyed by Turkish authorities on security grounds between 1997 and 2000. Mobile
Kurds in Turkey constitute over 22 millions

Question: if there were 22 million kurds in the US, how much land would the US give up peacefully so that they could establish their Cheese Kurd country where part of the US once stood?

Kirk's Answer:

If there were 22 million kurds in the US-----those KURDS would be fully franchised to establich their own institutions and culture because the US is not an islamo nazi pigsty

KURDISTAN IS INEVITABLE all decent humans support the rights of the kurds
If there were 22 million kurds in the US-----those KURDS would be fully franchised to establich their own institutions and culture because the US is not an islamo nazi pigsty

KURDISTAN IS INEVITABLE all decent humans support the rights of the kurds

thank you dear, you are such an honorable person, god bless you.
Kurdish lady becomes first in a US University


Shingar Maman becomes first in a university in the state of Portland in US. She is originally from Shengal in Iraq's autonomous kurdistan.

from Al jazeera Kurdish on FB.
Over 22 million Kurds in Turkey, new statistic shows


ERBIL, Sep. 20 (AKnews) – New statistics released by Turkey’s statistical institute, TurkStat, shows that about 30 percent of the country’s population is Kurdish.

According to birth records of Kurds in Turkey that was released by TurkStat, there are 22,691,824 Kurds in Turkey who mainly live in the southeast, Rudaw Newspaper, an Erbil-based weekly reported Thursday.

Turkey’s first population census was conducted in 1927 which showed the number of Kurds to be 2,323,359 out of 13,464,564 as the total population of the country.

According to TurkStat reports, the number of Kurds was about 14.733 million in 2012 which included only the number of Kurds living in cities. The census excluded Kurds who lived in villages and moved to cities after about 4,000 villages were destroyed by Turkish authorities on security grounds between 1997 and 2000. Mobile
Kurds in Turkey constitute over 22 millions

Question: if there were 22 million kurds in the US, how much land would the US give up peacefully so that they could establish their Cheese Kurd country where part of the US once stood?

Kirk's Answer:

If there were 22 million kurds in the US-----those KURDS would be fully franchised to establich their own institutions and culture because the US is not an islamo nazi pigsty

KURDISTAN IS INEVITABLE all decent humans support the rights of the kurds

iro, you grumpy bitch. you TOTALLY missed the question, it is:if there were 22 million kurds in the US, how much land would the US give up peacefully so that they could establish their Cheese Kurd country where part of the US once stood?

In other words, would we give them a state or 2 to form their country? Not just whether they'd have mosques or whatever.

Want a redo on the answer? :D
Question: if there were 22 million kurds in the US, how much land would the US give up peacefully so that they could establish their Cheese Kurd country where part of the US once stood?

Kirk's Answer:

If there were 22 million kurds in the US-----those KURDS would be fully franchised to establich their own institutions and culture because the US is not an islamo nazi pigsty

KURDISTAN IS INEVITABLE all decent humans support the rights of the kurds

iro, you grumpy bitch. you TOTALLY missed the question, it is:if there were 22 million kurds in the US, how much land would the US give up peacefully so that they could establish their Cheese Kurd country where part of the US once stood?

In other words, would we give them a state or 2 to form their country? Not just whether they'd have mosques or whatever.

Want a redo on the answer? :D

the Q is, is there 22 million (natives) that live on their ancestral land in one region in US that are "disallowed to study in their mothers language , 3000 villages of theirs destroyed, 40,000 killed, their MPs politicians and journalists are jailed on terror charges!, their kids are jailed bcoz his father joined the freedom movement, and on yearly bases 100 innocent of them are killed by the army(i.e. roboski massacre)" ? the answer is NO. comparing US democratic state to fascistic turkish state is quite stupid :lol:
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