Supporting Kurdish independence

I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?
The PKK are clearly deranged terrorist. I am a Greek citizen, so trust me, I am not partial toward Turkey.
you are filthy person i am sure you have had some turk in you ;), that is why you love them so much :lol:

Even turkish hash is bullshit, their coffee tastes like mud, and the magic carpet ride to work must be a nightmare. :D

But you're still not getting a piece of Turkey. :D

Kurdistan existed thousands of years before the mongols (Now known as turks) arrived to the middle east. We still form majority in most of our provinces, and those we have lost can easily be regained, if the kurds in west Turkey moves back. You should face reality buddy, in two generations kurds will be majority in Turkey, and what are you gonna do then?:lol:

Move to Denmark? ;)
Even turkish hash is bullshit, their coffee tastes like mud, and the magic carpet ride to work must be a nightmare. :D

But you're still not getting a piece of Turkey. :D

Kurdistan existed thousands of years before the mongols (Now known as turks) arrived to the middle east. We still form majority in most of our provinces, and those we have lost can easily be regained, if the kurds in west Turkey moves back. You should face reality buddy, in two generations kurds will be majority in Turkey, and what are you gonna do then?:lol:

lets fckk all the racist people like above or we cannot get rid of wars ...

What was the racist part in that? Was it regarding the mongol thing? That's not racist, it's a fact! Oh and if you wanna f*ck all racist people (as you like to call us) then good luck with 40 million opressed kurds.
Even turkish hash is bullshit, their coffee tastes like mud, and the magic carpet ride to work must be a nightmare. :D

But you're still not getting a piece of Turkey. :D

Kurdistan existed thousands of years before the mongols (Now known as turks) arrived to the middle east. We still form majority in most of our provinces, and those we have lost can easily be regained, if the kurds in west Turkey moves back. You should face reality buddy, in two generations kurds will be majority in Turkey, and what are you gonna do then?:lol:

Probably watch the camel poo throwing fight on CNN. :D

But you're still not going to get a piece of Turkey, democratic countries rarely split over ethnicities because we accept all ethnicities and religions in our countries, so no need for every group to separate into little enclaves, especially so for NATO members. So just learn to play with others. It'll come in handy in the real world.

Buddy, when we reach majority, there's nothing you can do anymore. We will take back our homeland, and give you and your friends a nice goodbye:cool:
Even turkish hash is bullshit, their coffee tastes like mud, and the magic carpet ride to work must be a nightmare. :D

But you're still not getting a piece of Turkey. :D

Kurdistan existed thousands of years before the mongols (Now known as turks) arrived to the middle east. We still form majority in most of our provinces, and those we have lost can easily be regained, if the kurds in west Turkey moves back. You should face reality buddy, in two generations kurds will be majority in Turkey, and what are you gonna do then?:lol:

Move to Denmark? ;)

I was born here, what's your point? There's like 3x more turks here than kurds:lol:
Kurdistan existed thousands of years before the mongols (Now known as turks) arrived to the middle east. We still form majority in most of our provinces, and those we have lost can easily be regained, if the kurds in west Turkey moves back. You should face reality buddy, in two generations kurds will be majority in Turkey, and what are you gonna do then?:lol:

Probably watch the camel poo throwing fight on CNN. :D

But you're still not going to get a piece of Turkey, democratic countries rarely split over ethnicities because we accept all ethnicities and religions in our countries, so no need for every group to separate into little enclaves, especially so for NATO members. So just learn to play with others. It'll come in handy in the real world.

Buddy, when we reach majority, there's nothing you can do anymore. We will take back our homeland, and give you and your friends a nice goodbye:cool:

I have no friends in Turkey, nor do I ultimately care who takes over Turkey, I'm just saying...
So when you get a kurdish majority in Turkey, elect a kurdish-friendly president and do whatever, that's what normal people in a democracy do. But I know, there are no normal people in that area, are there?
Don't worry, NATO will be happy to teach you all about how to run a real country. :D
Probably watch the camel poo throwing fight on CNN. :D

But you're still not going to get a piece of Turkey, democratic countries rarely split over ethnicities because we accept all ethnicities and religions in our countries, so no need for every group to separate into little enclaves, especially so for NATO members. So just learn to play with others. It'll come in handy in the real world.

Buddy, when we reach majority, there's nothing you can do anymore. We will take back our homeland, and give you and your friends a nice goodbye:cool:

I have no friends in Turkey, nor do I ultimately care who takes over Turkey, I'm just saying...
So when you get a kurdish majority in Turkey, elect a kurdish-friendly president and do whatever, that's what normal people in a democracy do. But I know, there are no normal people in that area, are there?
Don't worry, NATO will be happy to teach you all about how to run a real country. :D

We just wan't our own land (south eastern Anatolia) The rest is turkish land. And regarding Nato, what can they do if Turkey is now Kurdey:badgrin: (joking if you did'nt get that)
Probably watch the camel poo throwing fight on CNN. :D

But you're still not going to get a piece of Turkey, democratic countries rarely split over ethnicities because we accept all ethnicities and religions in our countries, so no need for every group to separate into little enclaves, especially so for NATO members. So just learn to play with others. It'll come in handy in the real world.

Buddy, when we reach majority, there's nothing you can do anymore. We will take back our homeland, and give you and your friends a nice goodbye:cool:

I have no friends in Turkey, nor do I ultimately care who takes over Turkey, I'm just saying...
So when you get a kurdish majority in Turkey, elect a kurdish-friendly president and do whatever, that's what normal people in a democracy do. But I know, there are no normal people in that area, are there?
Don't worry, NATO will be happy to teach you all about how to run a real country. :D

dont worry we have kurdish Economy Minister and we had kurdish prime minister , president ... and we had a lot of ..

never trust and never encourage these suckerss...
Buddy, when we reach majority, there's nothing you can do anymore. We will take back our homeland, and give you and your friends a nice goodbye:cool:

I have no friends in Turkey, nor do I ultimately care who takes over Turkey, I'm just saying...
So when you get a kurdish majority in Turkey, elect a kurdish-friendly president and do whatever, that's what normal people in a democracy do. But I know, there are no normal people in that area, are there?
Don't worry, NATO will be happy to teach you all about how to run a real country. :D

dont worry we have kurdish Economy Minister and we had kurdish prime minister , president ... and we had a lot of ..

never trust and never encourage these suckerss...

Considering we fill a third part of the population (And keeps growing) That were'nt alot of goverment posts.
To be historically accurate:

Seljuk-Turks conquered this region from the Greeks.
Before the Greeks ruled this area it was ruled by other empires like Romans and Hittites. Even Armenians have claims on these lands.

Maybe the Kurds can fill the earth, but they can not subdue it.
Their whole history is one of irrelevance, and it is not my fault.
To be historically accurate:

Seljuk-Turks conquered this region from the Greeks.
Before the Greeks ruled this area it was ruled by other empires like Romans and Hittites. Even Armenians have claims on these lands.

Maybe the Kurds can fill the earth, but they can not subdue it.
Their whole history is one of irrelevance, and it is not my fault.

You wanna know the difference between us and armenians? We are majority in well over ten provinces (Probably even more) While armenians don't form majority anywhere. Besides we have a much longer history than you might think, we can discuss it in another thread if you really wanna.
To be historically accurate:

Seljuk-Turks conquered this region from the Greeks.
Before the Greeks ruled this area it was ruled by other empires like Romans and Hittites. Even Armenians have claims on these lands.

Maybe the Kurds can fill the earth, but they can not subdue it.
Their whole history is one of irrelevance, and it is not my fault.


Are you kidding me?
look at the Greek maps they never included the Kurdish areas
Kurds have lived in these areas before Armenians, Greeks,Romans.
The kurds have been invaded tons of times by mongols and arabs.

Let me educate you the word Kurdistan was first used by the Saljuk rulers, who ruled
the Abbasid Empire and most of the Zagros Highlands in the 12th Century A.D. Because they used the suffix ''istan'' to mean as ''the land of'' they came to refer to other nations in the same way. They took Kurd and added istan, Kurdistan (the land of the Kurds)

If the Seljuks conquered it from the greek why didnt they call it Greekistan :lol: :lol: :lol:
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To be historically accurate:

Seljuk-Turks conquered this region from the Greeks.
Before the Greeks ruled this area it was ruled by other empires like Romans and Hittites. Even Armenians have claims on these lands.

Maybe the Kurds can fill the earth, but they can not subdue it.
Their whole history is one of irrelevance, and it is not my fault.


Are you kidding me?
even before the greek invasion it was kurdish land.
Kurds have lived in these areas before armenians greeks romans.
The kurds have been invaded tons of times by mongols and arabs.

Let me educate you the word Kurdistan was first used by the Saljuk rulers, who ruled
the Abbasid Empire and most of the Zagros Highlands in the 12 Century A.D. Because they used the suffix ''istan'' to mean as ''the land of'' they came to refer to other nations in the same way. They took Kurd and added istan, Kurdistan (the land of the Kurds)

Actually stan is the correct word, not istan. But anyways, good to see another kurd here:clap2:
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There are countries in this world where the Turk is the main-actor in their national trauma. From the Serbs over the Hungarians to the Armenians.
Leave the countries aside now the stateless also want to receive the pity.
Wait your turn like everyone else.
I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

They ARE terrorists. Their tactics are identical to al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah. They murder children in front of their parents.
Buddy, when we reach majority, there's nothing you can do anymore. We will take back our homeland, and give you and your friends a nice goodbye:cool:

I have no friends in Turkey, nor do I ultimately care who takes over Turkey, I'm just saying...
So when you get a kurdish majority in Turkey, elect a kurdish-friendly president and do whatever, that's what normal people in a democracy do. But I know, there are no normal people in that area, are there?
Don't worry, NATO will be happy to teach you all about how to run a real country. :D

We just wan't our own land (south eastern Anatolia) The rest is turkish land. And regarding Nato, what can they do if Turkey is now Kurdey:badgrin: (joking if you did'nt get that)
Does that mean Diyarbakir, Batman, Erzerum? Or further east?
I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

They ARE terrorists. Their tactics are identical to al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah. They murder children in front of their parents.

in Turkey Kurdish people need more right its true as in America some people need more rights , PKK is a terrorist group of people not related with Kurdish people in Turkey.

I wonder that why ' some countries ' support PKK and give them Guns ?
I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

They ARE terrorists. Their tactics are identical to al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah. They murder children in front of their parents.

in Turkey Kurdish people need more right its true as in America some people need more rights , PKK is a terrorist group of people not related with Kurdish people in Turkey.

I wonder that why ' some countries ' support PKK and give them Guns ?
Because Türkiye is part of NATO and a friend of the West.
I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

They ARE terrorists. Their tactics are identical to al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah. They murder children in front of their parents.

Hamas hizbullah attack US/Israel and call jihad on them, they get rockets from mullah regime of Iran and send it into civilian areas, PKK has never does any of that, they only fight the Turkish terrorist army who have been terrorizing Kurds in turkey since the Kurdish region was occupied by atagay aka ataturk.

Turkish army is a terrorist army my proof? YouTube Turkish killing 35 civilians and YouTube 7 civilian Iraqi Kurds killed by Turkish raids (3 kids were killed).

Lesson no1 for you.

And well said mediankurd, I welcome my Kurdish brothers to the forum.

@ ima Kurds don't give two shits which country is invading their lands they have taken two parts back and Iran is next then your Turkish terrorist army will have to deal with not just one but three Kurdish stares, then we shall see your genicidal Turks survive Kurdish anger for the shit they been putting us thru, we will also revenge Armenian genicidal while we are at it.

You can kill us as much as you like today we are 40 million tomo it might double good luck to those who stand in our way specially Turks the ancestors of ima.

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