Supporting Kurdish independence

I never said you losers were worthless. :D

But when you get a piece of Iran for your country and everyone still has all their fingers and toes, come back here and we'll talk Turkey (the name of a gross looking bird that can't even fly).

Just you wait buddy:cool:

Do you even have a plan to take a piece of Iran? What is it? Wait until Israel attacks Iran and then sneak in and take your piece while no one is looking? Good luck. :D
The term Kurd in the Middle Persian documents simply means nomad and tent-dweller and could be attributed to any Iranian ethnic group having similar characteristics.

History of the Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kurds were backward nomads who originated from somewhere in Persia. They are essentially the Roma (gypsies) of the Middle East. Kurdistan will probably never be a state Turkey, Iran, Iraq and even Syria would never allow it.
The term Kurd in the Middle Persian documents simply means nomad and tent-dweller and could be attributed to any Iranian ethnic group having similar characteristics.

History of the Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kurds were backward nomads who originated from somewhere in Persia. They are essentially the Roma (gypsies) of the Middle East. Kurdistan will probably never be a state Turkey, Iran, Iraq and even Syria would never allow it.

Kurds are gypsies? LOL. Listen up buddy, we are ethnic to the middle east, and we don't need your blessing for our beautiful homeland. And of course our enemies won't allow a kurdish state, but we are not cowards, we are fighting and will eventually win. Now go have a lovely view on mount Arabat from Yerevan:lol:
The term Kurd in the Middle Persian documents simply means nomad and tent-dweller and could be attributed to any Iranian ethnic group having similar characteristics.

History of the Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kurds were backward nomads who originated from somewhere in Persia. They are essentially the Roma (gypsies) of the Middle East. Kurdistan will probably never be a state Turkey, Iran, Iraq and even Syria would never allow it.

Kurds are gypsies? LOL. Listen up buddy, we are ethnic to the middle east, and we don't need your blessing for our beautiful homeland. And of course our enemies won't allow a kurdish state, but we are not cowards, we are fighting and will eventually win. Now go have a lovely view on mount Arabat from Yerevan:lol:
I would love to go to Yeravan which is the capital of the Armenian state. You don't have a state and never will.

It's a pipe dream shorty. The only thing you'll wind up doing is getting yourselves killed.
I never said you losers were worthless. :D

But when you get a piece of Iran for your country and everyone still has all their fingers and toes, come back here and we'll talk Turkey (the name of a gross looking bird that can't even fly).

Just you wait buddy:cool:

Do you even have a plan to take a piece of Iran? What is it? Wait until Israel attacks Iran and then sneak in and take your piece while no one is looking? Good luck. :D

Dude, half the countrys population want's to split, we kurds are not alone:lol:
Just you wait buddy:cool:

Do you even have a plan to take a piece of Iran? What is it? Wait until Israel attacks Iran and then sneak in and take your piece while no one is looking? Good luck. :D

Dude, half the countrys population want's to split, we kurds are not alone:lol:

You must be laughing at yourself for thinking that you'll EVER get anything from Iran. You have more chance of planting a cheese kurd flag on the fucking moon!
Plus, it's obvious by your response that you folks have NO FUCKING PLAN! :lol:
The term Kurd in the Middle Persian documents simply means nomad and tent-dweller and could be attributed to any Iranian ethnic group having similar characteristics.

History of the Kurdish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kurds were backward nomads who originated from somewhere in Persia. They are essentially the Roma (gypsies) of the Middle East. Kurdistan will probably never be a state Turkey, Iran, Iraq and even Syria would never allow it.

Kurds are gypsies? LOL. Listen up buddy, we are ethnic to the middle east, and we don't need your blessing for our beautiful homeland. And of course our enemies won't allow a kurdish state, but we are not cowards, we are fighting and will eventually win. Now go have a lovely view on mount Arabat from Yerevan:lol:
I would love to go to Yeravan which is the capital of the Armenian state. You don't have a state and never will.

It's a pipe dream shorty. The only thing you'll wind up doing is getting yourselves killed.

I can feel your fear:lol: South (Iraqi) Kurdistan will soon gain independence. West (syrian) Kurdistan is now controlled by kurds, and we will never let it go. East (Iranian) Kurdistan will be liberated when the regime falls. And then we have the last part, which is Nothern (Turkish) Kurdistan. We already fill up a third part of Turkeys population, and our birthrate is much higher than the turkish, so within two generation (50 years) We will be majority. And guess what will happen then:lol:

And yes, you can cry now!
Kurds are gypsies? LOL. Listen up buddy, we are ethnic to the middle east, and we don't need your blessing for our beautiful homeland. And of course our enemies won't allow a kurdish state, but we are not cowards, we are fighting and will eventually win. Now go have a lovely view on mount Arabat from Yerevan:lol:
I would love to go to Yeravan which is the capital of the Armenian state. You don't have a state and never will.

It's a pipe dream shorty. The only thing you'll wind up doing is getting yourselves killed.

I can feel your fear:lol: South (Iraqi) Kurdistan will soon gain independence. West (syrian) Kurdistan is now controlled by kurds, and we will never let it go. East (Iranian) Kurdistan will be liberated when the regime falls. And then we have the last part, which is Nothern (Turkish) Kurdistan. We already fill up a third part of Turkeys population, and our birthrate is much higher than the turkish, so within two generation (50 years) We will be majority. And guess what will happen then:lol:

And yes, you can cry now!
You're bonkers. Kurds make up only 18% of Turkey's population. You pull this stuff out of thin air?

Demographics of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do you even have a plan to take a piece of Iran? What is it? Wait until Israel attacks Iran and then sneak in and take your piece while no one is looking? Good luck. :D

Dude, half the countrys population want's to split, we kurds are not alone:lol:

You must be laughing at yourself for thinking that you'll EVER get anything from Iran. You have more chance of planting a cheese kurd flag on the fucking moon!
Plus, it's obvious by your response that you folks have NO FUCKING PLAN! :lol:

The troll won't shut up! Listen man, half the country wants to split, while most of the persian population are busy fighting the regime. Did we have a plan for South (Iraqi) Kurdistan? No! But it went well, and now the same with west Kurdistan. So please quit your trolling. I can imagine a little eight year old behind the screen:lol:
I would love to go to Yeravan which is the capital of the Armenian state. You don't have a state and never will.

It's a pipe dream shorty. The only thing you'll wind up doing is getting yourselves killed.

I can feel your fear:lol: South (Iraqi) Kurdistan will soon gain independence. West (syrian) Kurdistan is now controlled by kurds, and we will never let it go. East (Iranian) Kurdistan will be liberated when the regime falls. And then we have the last part, which is Nothern (Turkish) Kurdistan. We already fill up a third part of Turkeys population, and our birthrate is much higher than the turkish, so within two generation (50 years) We will be majority. And guess what will happen then:lol:

And yes, you can cry now!
You're bonkers. Kurds make up only 18% of Turkey's population. You pull this stuff out of thin air?

Demographics of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia is never a reliable source. A month ago it was revealed by a turkish company, that kurds are over 23 million in all of Turkey, and our numbers still keeps on increasing. Give up man, you've lost this one:cool:
The article did say Kurdish nationalist inflate the numbers. Not surprising. There are about 14 to 15 million Kurds in Turkey. Inflating the numbers isn't going to change that.

It would be much more prudent to give up the independence movement. You're just going to get yourselves killed.
The article did say Kurdish nationalist inflate the numbers. Not surprising. There are about 14 to 15 million Kurds in Turkey. Inflating the numbers isn't going to change that.

It would be much more prudent to give up the independence movement. You're just going to get yourselves killed.

It's most likely written by a turk, sorry but it's the truth. And our numbers are over 23 million, Wikipedia is not reliable buddy, get over it. We live on all these lands you claim for your Armenia, and it will always stay like that. We have many haters, but that's fine, you are not the one to decide the future of Kurdistan, but know this: Someday Armenia will beg us to give them a route to the sea:lol:

Anyways i gotta go, i'll be back to spread more ownage in four hours:cool:
Dude, half the countrys population want's to split, we kurds are not alone:lol:

You must be laughing at yourself for thinking that you'll EVER get anything from Iran. You have more chance of planting a cheese kurd flag on the fucking moon!
Plus, it's obvious by your response that you folks have NO FUCKING PLAN! :lol:

The troll won't shut up! Listen man, half the country wants to split, while most of the persian population are busy fighting the regime. Did we have a plan for South (Iraqi) Kurdistan? No! But it went well, and now the same with west Kurdistan. So please quit your trolling. I can imagine a little eight year old behind the screen:lol:

Exactly my point, you had NO PLAN in Iraq, and you got lucky. If you think a piece of Iran is going to fall off the back of a turnip truck, then keep dreaming. You probably don't even own a gun.
Actually,kurds made up around 12 milion in 1999 (not counting the ones in west turkey).
A normal kurdish familiy in turkey will have 5-7 children,so the kurdish population will grow rapidly. An estimate in 2007 showed kurds to be 16 milion (still not counting the ones in west turkey). So i would guess there are around 18 milion kurds in north kurdistan right now,and if we include kurds in western turkish cities,i believe the number comes close to 22-23 milion. (3-4 milion kurds live in istanbul alone)
Armenians were not the first civilization.
persians do make up around,maybe even less,that 50% of irans population. There are huge other ethnic groups in Iran like Azeris,Kurds,Baluchis etc. Im sure the baluchis will want independence too,as they have also struggled for independence a long period of time. Even tough some azeris are "persinized",there is quite a large number who want to join the already independent azerbaijan (i have quite alot events to show this).
Also,Most kurds will want independence.
IF these nations cant get independence after an attack on iran,they will get autonomy.

actually,kurdistan is becoming a reality. Lets say SK decleares independence. Who can stop them? Iraq:no. they dont have the military capability to do so.
Iran:No! any attack by iran will trigger a military intervention by the west (like the iraqi attack on kuwait did in 1990).
+irans rial have dropped by 80% since 2011. They cant afford a war.
Iran will be seen as the agressor and make it hard for ANYONE (most notebly China and Russia) to do anything to help iran.
The world will see iran as US and Israel always have wanted them to be seen,as a threat to world peace. I could go on,but i think you get the point.
Syria is in complete turmoil.
Turkey already have VERY good relations. It wont fit turkeys interest to attack SK if it decleares independece.
Turkeys trade with kurdistan is worth 2 bilion yearly (if i remember corecctly).
Turkey is allowing kurds to bulid a pipeline bypassing Iraq,making kurds independent economically from baghdad (which is by the way the ONLY thing kurds in iraq are not independent on at the moment). The pipeline will generate 40 bilion to kurds yearly,thats around 2.5 times more than armenia gets yearly.
Kurdish president massoud berzani is invited to several party meetings,shows the warm relations between turkey and kurdistan.
Turkey is treating kurdistan as an independent country now.
i could go on here too,but i wont. I think you guys get the points :)

And most importantly,kurds have many oil majors (exxon,chevron etc) operating in its terrirtory. US will defend its interests,espacially when huge amouts of oil is talking.
Exxon is the largest oil company in the world,and its a US company for those of you who didnt know that.

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