Supporting Kurdish independence

Why are the people that are giving the Kurds shit quiet when it comes to the Palestinians? if this thread were Pals talking shit about their own country and Israel you guys would be quiet and probably even support them.

Because the situation with the Pals is completely different? Were the kurds rounded up into tiny camps with checkpoint every 20 feet? Are kurds considered Turkish citizens and can vote...?
It's more like supporting black people to separate from part of the US into their own country just because they're different. Sorry, that's not how civilized countries do things. Please try again.
As far as I can tell, Turkey IS a shithole.
You're all talk, no action. If you think that the kurds are close to statehood, why aren't you there helping them? Too cozy where you are, hiding behind a keyboard in a country that's not at war? Don't worry, we get it.

The only thing holding me back is my education:D

So like other kurds, when you graduate grade 5 you'll hang out with the goats and pretend to fight Iran?

Trolls ain't worth sh*t, and neither are racists, but your both!
Why are the people that are giving the Kurds shit quiet when it comes to the Palestinians? if this thread were Pals talking shit about their own country and Israel you guys would be quiet and probably even support them.

Because the situation with the Pals is completely different? Were the kurds rounded up into tiny camps with checkpoint every 20 feet? Are kurds considered Turkish citizens and can vote...?
It's more like supporting black people to separate from part of the US into their own country just because they're different. Sorry, that's not how civilized countries do things. Please try again.

The Kurds want to separate because they are treated as third class citizens in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, they are the only people in that whole region with any kind of sense and go figure they don't have their own country. You can't sit here with a straight face and say the Pals deserve their own country but the Kurds don't, thats too fucking hyprocritical.
Why are the people that are giving the Kurds shit quiet when it comes to the Palestinians? if this thread were Pals talking shit about their own country and Israel you guys would be quiet and probably even support them.

It's like a freaking curse. People feel kurds won't do any good for them, and therefore see no reason to support a free Kurdistan. it's been like this since our land was devided a century ago.

The Kurds are the only people in the region with any kind of sense, they deserve their own country definently. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later.
Why are the people that are giving the Kurds shit quiet when it comes to the Palestinians? if this thread were Pals talking shit about their own country and Israel you guys would be quiet and probably even support them.

Because the situation with the Pals is completely different? Were the kurds rounded up into tiny camps with checkpoint every 20 feet? Are kurds considered Turkish citizens and can vote...?
It's more like supporting black people to separate from part of the US into their own country just because they're different. Sorry, that's not how civilized countries do things. Please try again.

Afro americans don't wanna seperate, all americans want unity, but this is not the case for kurds. The kurdish presence in the middle east goes 12000 years back in time, before turks, arabs or persians arrived on our lands, so if we want independence, we will gain independence. Please do me a favour and f*ck off!
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Why are the people that are giving the Kurds shit quiet when it comes to the Palestinians? if this thread were Pals talking shit about their own country and Israel you guys would be quiet and probably even support them.

Because the situation with the Pals is completely different? Were the kurds rounded up into tiny camps with checkpoint every 20 feet? Are kurds considered Turkish citizens and can vote...?
It's more like supporting black people to separate from part of the US into their own country just because they're different. Sorry, that's not how civilized countries do things. Please try again.

The Kurds want to separate because they are treated as third class citizens in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, they are the only people in that whole region with any kind of sense and go figure they don't have their own country. You can't sit here with a straight face and say the Pals deserve their own country but the Kurds don't, thats too fucking hyprocritical.
I never said that. If you go back and look at my posts, I said that Iraq, they can have a piece of, Syria they can have it all for all I care, but that they should forget about Iran and Turkey. Iran will cut them into little pieces and Turkey is a Nato ally. Anyways, like I say, they should concentrate, at least for now, on shit they can accomplish, get everyone's support, maybe even Turkey's and Iran, get their country accepted at the UN, and then take it from there.
This douchesack is foaming at the mouth over Turkey, and his family's from northern Iraq anyways. Hopefully, the rest of the kurds are brighter than he is.
Why are the people that are giving the Kurds shit quiet when it comes to the Palestinians? if this thread were Pals talking shit about their own country and Israel you guys would be quiet and probably even support them.

It's like a freaking curse. People feel kurds won't do any good for them, and therefore see no reason to support a free Kurdistan. it's been like this since our land was devided a century ago.

The Kurds are the only people in the region with any kind of sense, they deserve their own country definently. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later.

We gotta see, when our enemies will accept that it's kurdish land.
Because the situation with the Pals is completely different? Were the kurds rounded up into tiny camps with checkpoint every 20 feet? Are kurds considered Turkish citizens and can vote...?
It's more like supporting black people to separate from part of the US into their own country just because they're different. Sorry, that's not how civilized countries do things. Please try again.

The Kurds want to separate because they are treated as third class citizens in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, they are the only people in that whole region with any kind of sense and go figure they don't have their own country. You can't sit here with a straight face and say the Pals deserve their own country but the Kurds don't, thats too fucking hyprocritical.
I never said that. If you go back and look at my posts, I said that Iraq, they can have a piece of, Syria they can have it all for all I care, but that they should forget about Iran and Turkey. Iran will cut them into little pieces and Turkey is a Nato ally. Anyways, like I say, they should concentrate, at least for now, on shit they can accomplish, get everyone's support, maybe even Turkey's and Iran, get their country accepted at the UN, and then take it from there.
This douchesack is foaming at the mouth over Turkey, and his family's from northern Iraq anyways. Hopefully, the rest of the kurds are brighter than he is.

The land we claim is our ancestral land, and it's the only land we're gonna take back, deal with it troll! And my family is from south Kurdistan you f*cking worthless c*nt
Because the situation with the Pals is completely different? Were the kurds rounded up into tiny camps with checkpoint every 20 feet? Are kurds considered Turkish citizens and can vote...?
It's more like supporting black people to separate from part of the US into their own country just because they're different. Sorry, that's not how civilized countries do things. Please try again.

The Kurds want to separate because they are treated as third class citizens in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, they are the only people in that whole region with any kind of sense and go figure they don't have their own country. You can't sit here with a straight face and say the Pals deserve their own country but the Kurds don't, thats too fucking hyprocritical.
I never said that. If you go back and look at my posts, I said that Iraq, they can have a piece of, Syria they can have it all for all I care, but that they should forget about Iran and Turkey. Iran will cut them into little pieces and Turkey is a Nato ally. Anyways, like I say, they should concentrate, at least for now, on shit they can accomplish, get everyone's support, maybe even Turkey's and Iran, get their country accepted at the UN, and then take it from there.
This douchesack is foaming at the mouth over Turkey, and his family's from northern Iraq anyways. Hopefully, the rest of the kurds are brighter than he is.

Iraq and Syria is more realistic for now, fuck Assad even pulled his goons out of the Kurdish areas and let them have it. As far as Turkey and Iran goes I don't know, maybe after Iran gets fucked up in a war with Israel or something maybe the Kurds can take a piece of it.
The Kurds want to separate because they are treated as third class citizens in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, they are the only people in that whole region with any kind of sense and go figure they don't have their own country. You can't sit here with a straight face and say the Pals deserve their own country but the Kurds don't, thats too fucking hyprocritical.
I never said that. If you go back and look at my posts, I said that Iraq, they can have a piece of, Syria they can have it all for all I care, but that they should forget about Iran and Turkey. Iran will cut them into little pieces and Turkey is a Nato ally. Anyways, like I say, they should concentrate, at least for now, on shit they can accomplish, get everyone's support, maybe even Turkey's and Iran, get their country accepted at the UN, and then take it from there.
This douchesack is foaming at the mouth over Turkey, and his family's from northern Iraq anyways. Hopefully, the rest of the kurds are brighter than he is.

Iraq and Syria is more realistic for now, fuck Assad even pulled his goons out of the Kurdish areas and let them have it. As far as Turkey and Iran goes I don't know, maybe after Iran gets fucked up in a war with Israel or something maybe the Kurds can take a piece of it.

The turkish occupied part will be regained when we hit majority in population:cool:
Irma let me tell you the Kurds are able to protect their own people don't worry about the iranian regime the Kurds always fought alone.

Here let me show u what the kurds did to the iranian army in 1980 when they tried taking our cities.


here another one for you :)


Maybe you should look up why the iran-iraq war started.
Saddam gave land to the Shah so he would stop supporting the southern kurds during the 60's revolution when 20.000 peshmergas defeated 100.000 iraqi soldiers while we only had AK-47's from WO II while the other regimes had the latest technology of new weapons.
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I think, the Kurds, like the Jews, Copts and the Maronites are minorities victims of the larger majority rulers in the ME. The following Apartheid regimes: Syria, Iraq , Iran and Turkey are of the most brual oppressive regimes, especially when to comes to Kurds.
I think, the Kurds, like the Jews, Copts and the Maronites are minorities victims of the larger majority rulers in the ME. The following Apartheid regimes: Syria, Iraq , Iran and Turkey are of the most brual oppressive regimes, especially when to comes to Kurds.

Yes, and only because we demand what belongs to us. When Kurdistan gains independence, it will become a major power in the middle east, that's why our enemies are so scared of the idea.
an autonomous and indepentent kurdistan is still supported by irish republicans in the british parliament and irish dail.

"Britain divided traditional Kurdistan among neighbouring countries, which included Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Armenia and Syria. The Kurds have suffered harsh treatment in most of these countries as they have tried to establish levels of independence."

"There are five million Kurds living in Northern Iraq and eight million living in South Eastern Turkey.

By not supporting Sinn Féin's motion, the other opposition parties have shown that it is not only the government that needs to be challenged for failure to recognise the Kurdish people's legitimate aspiration."

I think, the Kurds, like the Jews, Copts and the Maronites are minorities victims of the larger majority rulers in the ME. The following Apartheid regimes: Syria, Iraq , Iran and Turkey are of the most brual oppressive regimes, especially when to comes to Kurds.

Yes, and only because we demand what belongs to us. When Kurdistan gains independence, it will become a major power in the middle east, that's why our enemies are so scared of the idea.

as britain divided kurdistan, so britain divided palestine.
an autonomous and indepentent kurdistan is still supported by irish republicans in the british parliament and irish dail.

"Britain divided traditional Kurdistan among neighbouring countries, which included Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Armenia and Syria. The Kurds have suffered harsh treatment in most of these countries as they have tried to establish levels of independence."

"There are five million Kurds living in Northern Iraq and eight million living in South Eastern Turkey.

By not supporting Sinn Féin's motion, the other opposition parties have shown that it is not only the government that needs to be challenged for failure to recognise the Kurdish people's legitimate aspiration."


Actually the kurdish population in south (iraqi) Kurdistan is 7 million, while the population in northern (turkish) Kurdistan is 23 million! And then we have east (iranian) Kurdistan with a population of 7-8 million, and lastly west (syrian) Kurdistan which is 3 million.
an autonomous and indepentent kurdistan is still supported by irish republicans in the british parliament and irish dail.

"Britain divided traditional Kurdistan among neighbouring countries, which included Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Armenia and Syria. The Kurds have suffered harsh treatment in most of these countries as they have tried to establish levels of independence."

"There are five million Kurds living in Northern Iraq and eight million living in South Eastern Turkey.

By not supporting Sinn Féin's motion, the other opposition parties have shown that it is not only the government that needs to be challenged for failure to recognise the Kurdish people's legitimate aspiration."


Actually the kurdish population in south (iraqi) Kurdistan is 7 million, while the population in northern (turkish) Kurdistan is 23 million! And then we have east (iranian) Kurdistan with a population of 7-8 million, and lastly west (syrian) Kurdistan which is 3 million.

fck off you terrorist.. you always saying that kurdish people 5254021545 million bla bla bla .... the kurdish people dont give you a shit ... what is your problem ..

this sucker just pretend like he represents all Kurdish people ...

just say me you fcking racist.. how many kurdish people support PKK terrorists ?

Turkey support Kurdish people and will .. but PKK is gonna suck sth. everyone should know the difference of PKK and Kurdish people ..
I would love to go to Yeravan which is the capital of the Armenian state. You don't have a state and never will.

It's a pipe dream shorty. The only thing you'll wind up doing is getting yourselves killed.

you wont be viewing shit dumb ass, turks will kick your ass now and when northern kurdistan is free then pkk will kick your ass you have 0 chance of occupying any kurdish land in the north, as for a country are you that dumb? south Kurdistan is already a country just no flag in UN they have : flag, army president PM, parliament their own borders even with iraq their own language , TV, own oil deals signed with 4 supermajors, own everything and once the pipelines currently under construction finish which they carry oil from south Kurdistan to EU then , big deal,KRG will go to UN ask for a seat Kosovo also a country with no flag in UN due to russians veto ;).

lesson no1 for your sad day.
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Do you even have a plan to take a piece of Iran? What is it? Wait until Israel attacks Iran and then sneak in and take your piece while no one is looking? Good luck. :D

Dude, half the countrys population want's to split, we kurds are not alone:lol:

You must be laughing at yourself for thinking that you'll EVER get anything from Iran. You have more chance of planting a cheese kurd flag on the fucking moon!
Plus, it's obvious by your response that you folks have NO FUCKING PLAN! :lol:

listen punk bitch, sometimes you dont need a plan to un-occupy your land, like syrian kurdistan which is currently under total autonomy ;).

if iran is attacked which is inevitable, there kurdish militants on the border like PJAK and KDPI ready to take over the kurdish region and they will just like you saw in syrian Kurdistan, punk ass bitch :D..
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