Supporting Kurdish independence

The article did say Kurdish nationalist inflate the numbers. Not surprising. There are about 14 to 15 million Kurds in Turkey. Inflating the numbers isn't going to change that.

It would be much more prudent to give up the independence movement. You're just going to get yourselves killed.

stop crying you will get nothing from north kurdistan if you want to steal land you can always declare a war for it, good luck trying to defeat the pkk though.
I would love to go to Yeravan which is the capital of the Armenian state. You don't have a state and never will.

It's a pipe dream shorty. The only thing you'll wind up doing is getting yourselves killed.

you wont be viewing shit dumb ass, turks will kick your ass now and when northern kurdistan is free then pkk will kick your ass you have 0 chance of occupying any kurdish land in the north, as for a country are you that dumb? south Kurdistan is already a country just no flag in UN they have : flag, army president PM, parliament their own borders even with iraq their own language , TV, own oil deals signed with 4 supermajors, own everything and once the pipelines currently under construction finish which they carry oil from south Kurdistan to EU then , big deal,KRG will go to UN ask for a seat Kosovo also a country with no flag in UN due to russians veto ;).

lesson no1 for your sad day.
As a Muslim, you're not supposed to be drinking. As a human being you are drunk and also delusional. Your claim of a Kurdish state, the Kurdish population and their power are fantasies inspired by propaganda and fervent nationalism. Kurds are, and will remain, a weak and scattered people with no country of their own.There is are very few prospects for an independent Kurdish state in your lifetime. It simply ain't going to happen. Petulance, whining, fabrication and name-calling are not going to change that.

Get over it.
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an autonomous and indepentent kurdistan is still supported by irish republicans in the british parliament and irish dail.

"Britain divided traditional Kurdistan among neighbouring countries, which included Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Armenia and Syria. The Kurds have suffered harsh treatment in most of these countries as they have tried to establish levels of independence."

"There are five million Kurds living in Northern Iraq and eight million living in South Eastern Turkey.

By not supporting Sinn Féin's motion, the other opposition parties have shown that it is not only the government that needs to be challenged for failure to recognise the Kurdish people's legitimate aspiration."


Actually the kurdish population in south (iraqi) Kurdistan is 7 million, while the population in northern (turkish) Kurdistan is 23 million! And then we have east (iranian) Kurdistan with a population of 7-8 million, and lastly west (syrian) Kurdistan which is 3 million.

fck off you terrorist.. you always saying that kurdish people 5254021545 million bla bla bla .... the kurdish people dont give you a shit ... what is your problem ..

this sucker just pretend like he represents all Kurdish people ...

just say me you fcking racist.. how many kurdish people support PKK terrorists ?

Turkey support Kurdish people and will .. but PKK is gonna suck sth. everyone should know the difference of PKK and Kurdish people ..

A turkish company called Turkstat revealed the true numbers of the kurdish population, so how is it fake:lol: Kurds don't wanna be a part of your non democratic state. Over the last century a half million civillian kurds have been killed in the hands of your terror soldiers, so don't come with all this unity sh*t. You may know a few traitor kurds, but the other 99,9999999% of us wants independence, and we're gonna gain independence!
I would love to go to Yeravan which is the capital of the Armenian state. You don't have a state and never will.

It's a pipe dream shorty. The only thing you'll wind up doing is getting yourselves killed.

you wont be viewing shit dumb ass, turks will kick your ass now and when northern kurdistan is free then pkk will kick your ass you have 0 chance of occupying any kurdish land in the north, as for a country are you that dumb? south Kurdistan is already a country just no flag in UN they have : flag, army president PM, parliament their own borders even with iraq their own language , TV, own oil deals signed with 4 supermajors, own everything and once the pipelines currently under construction finish which they carry oil from south Kurdistan to EU then , big deal,KRG will go to UN ask for a seat Kosovo also a country with no flag in UN due to russians veto ;).

lesson no1 for your sad day.
As a Muslim, you're not supposed to be drinking. As a human being you are drunk and also delusional. Your claim of a Kurdish state, the Kurdish population and their power are fantasies inspired by propaganda and fervent nationalism. Kurds are, and will remain, a weak and scattered people with no country of their own.There is are very few prospects for an independent Kurdish state in your lifetime. It simply ain't going to happen. Petulance, whining, fabrication and name-calling are not going to change that.

Get over it.

You should get over the fact that, your an armenian, turks removed you a** from Anatolia, because you we're too weak! We're gonna gain our country. 20 years ago, no one could have imagined that kurds would gain two autonomous regions, and now one of them can declare independence when we feel like it. Besides we don't need a powerless armenian to decide our destiny, what can you do? Your stuck in a landlocked powerless state, you are a minor problem:badgrin:
The article did say Kurdish nationalist inflate the numbers. Not surprising. There are about 14 to 15 million Kurds in Turkey. Inflating the numbers isn't going to change that.

It would be much more prudent to give up the independence movement. You're just going to get yourselves killed.

stop crying you will get nothing from north kurdistan if you want to steal land you can always declare a war for it, good luck trying to defeat the pkk though.

They are nothing but dreamers. They wish for half of Anatolia, even though they don't form majority anywhere.
you wont be viewing shit dumb ass, turks will kick your ass now and when northern kurdistan is free then pkk will kick your ass you have 0 chance of occupying any kurdish land in the north, as for a country are you that dumb? south Kurdistan is already a country just no flag in UN they have : flag, army president PM, parliament their own borders even with iraq their own language , TV, own oil deals signed with 4 supermajors, own everything and once the pipelines currently under construction finish which they carry oil from south Kurdistan to EU then , big deal,KRG will go to UN ask for a seat Kosovo also a country with no flag in UN due to russians veto ;).

lesson no1 for your sad day.
As a Muslim, you're not supposed to be drinking. As a human being you are drunk and also delusional. Your claim of a Kurdish state, the Kurdish population and their power are fantasies inspired by propaganda and fervent nationalism. Kurds are, and will remain, a weak and scattered people with no country of their own.There is are very few prospects for an independent Kurdish state in your lifetime. It simply ain't going to happen. Petulance, whining, fabrication and name-calling are not going to change that.

Get over it.

You should get over the fact that, your an armenian, turks removed you a** from Anatolia, because you we're too weak! We're gonna gain our country. 20 years ago, no one could have imagined that kurds would gain two autonomous regions, and now one of them can declare independence when we feel like it. Besides we don't need a powerless armenian to decide our destiny, what can you do? Your stuck in a landlocked powerless state, you are a minor problem:badgrin:
I am not stuck anywhere sparky. I am a dual US and Greek citizen who lives in the Czech Republic. Being a dual citizen, I am free to travel almost anywhere in the world visa-free. You went from claiming to have a country to gaining two autonomous regions in the last few hours and posts. You're a pretty confused teenybopper who is out to get himself killed at the business end of a Turkish bullet for nothing. Good luck!
As a Muslim, you're not supposed to be drinking. As a human being you are drunk and also delusional. Your claim of a Kurdish state, the Kurdish population and their power are fantasies inspired by propaganda and fervent nationalism. Kurds are, and will remain, a weak and scattered people with no country of their own.There is are very few prospects for an independent Kurdish state in your lifetime. It simply ain't going to happen. Petulance, whining, fabrication and name-calling are not going to change that.

Get over it.

You should get over the fact that, your an armenian, turks removed you a** from Anatolia, because you we're too weak! We're gonna gain our country. 20 years ago, no one could have imagined that kurds would gain two autonomous regions, and now one of them can declare independence when we feel like it. Besides we don't need a powerless armenian to decide our destiny, what can you do? Your stuck in a landlocked powerless state, you are a minor problem:badgrin:
I am not stuck anywhere sparky. I am a dual US and Greek citizen who lives in the Czech Republic. Being a dual citizen, I am free to travel almost anywhere in the world visa-free. You went from claiming to have a country to gaining two autonomous regions in the last few hours and posts. You're a pretty confused teenybopper who is out to get himself killed at the business end of a Turkish bullet for nothing. Good luck!

I still say we have a country, but it's occupied, it's what i've been saying right from the start, try to follow me here. And now your saying that your a US and Greek citizen, are'nt you proud of being armenian? It should'nt surprise me. Your people are nothing but keyboard warriors, you claim most of our lands, but you won't bother to fight for them.
You are decidedly short on comprehension skills. Armenia is an actual state which fought and managed to take land occupied by a larger Azerbaijan named Nagorno-Karabakh. In addition to that, Armenia has a substantial and very successful diaspora in Europe and North America. I am Armenian-Greek on my mother's side and so in part, part of that diaspora. Except for a handful of privileged Armenians living mostly in Constantinople, none live under the Turkish foot.

How are you guys doing?
You are decidedly short on comprehension skills. Armenia is an actual state which fought and managed to take land occupied by a larger Azerbaijan named Nagorno-Karabakh. In addition to that, Armenia has a substantial and very successful diaspora in Europe and North America. I am Armenian-Greek on my mother's side and so in part, part of that diaspora. Except for a handful of privileged Armenians living mostly in Constantinople, none live under the Turkish foot.

How are you guys doing?

Oh not the big deal, we're still living on our ancestral lands, PKk are still owning turkish terrorists, no matter what turks did, they could not make us leave our beautiful Kurdistan and Our population is growing much faster than the turkish. Now how is it going for armenians in Anatolia?:lol:
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I can't wait to see Turks reactions in a couple years when they are forced to negotiate with PKK since, they basically militarily control many places in Turkey and like kurdistani4ever said they will only expand, because they wouldn't last a day if PKK didn't have the backing of its community. I'm not even a PKK supporter just stating what I hear so......PCE OUT.

dont forget Syrian kurdistan which is also controlled by PYD-PKK.
Don't let your delusions bring about another Turkish-led genocide. Turkey has a large and well-equipped military which could have easily cleaned your Kurdish clocks had it not been for the West looking over their shoulders. While they may longer touch the Armenians (Nagorno-Krabakh), they have a lot more leeway with the Kurds. At some point they may cease to care and act accordingly. Personally, I couldn't care less, but that's your call and ultimately your collective ass.

lol keep wishing mate, it aint gonna happen take it from me troll.
Why are the people that are giving the Kurds shit quiet when it comes to the Palestinians? if this thread were Pals talking shit about their own country and Israel you guys would be quiet and probably even support them.

Because the situation with the Pals is completely different? Were the kurds rounded up into tiny camps with checkpoint every 20 feet? Are kurds considered Turkish citizens and can vote...?
It's more like supporting black people to separate from part of the US into their own country just because they're different. Sorry, that's not how civilized countries do things. Please try again.

no you loser, lol, kurds are living on their ancestral lands , kurds and africam americans do not compare in anyway, shit comparison you fail once more...
Dude, half the countrys population want's to split, we kurds are not alone:lol:

You must be laughing at yourself for thinking that you'll EVER get anything from Iran. You have more chance of planting a cheese kurd flag on the fucking moon!
Plus, it's obvious by your response that you folks have NO FUCKING PLAN! :lol:

listen punk bitch, sometimes you dont need a plan to un-occupy your land, like syrian kurdistan which is currently under total autonomy ;).

if iran is attacked which is inevitable, there kurdish militants on the border like PJAK and KDPI ready to take over the kurdish region and they will just like you saw in syrian Kurdistan, punk ass bitch :D..
Says the guy who's too chicken to live in the area so he lives in a nice comfortable western country.
One question: are all kurds as big fakers as you are? :thanks:
You must be laughing at yourself for thinking that you'll EVER get anything from Iran. You have more chance of planting a cheese kurd flag on the fucking moon!
Plus, it's obvious by your response that you folks have NO FUCKING PLAN! :lol:

listen punk bitch, sometimes you dont need a plan to un-occupy your land, like syrian kurdistan which is currently under total autonomy ;).

if iran is attacked which is inevitable, there kurdish militants on the border like PJAK and KDPI ready to take over the kurdish region and they will just like you saw in syrian Kurdistan, punk ass bitch :D..
Says the guy who's too chicken to live in the area so he lives in a nice comfortable western country.
One question: are all kurds as big fakers as you are? :thanks:

Trolls should'nt have rights to the freedom of speech!
listen punk bitch, sometimes you dont need a plan to un-occupy your land, like syrian kurdistan which is currently under total autonomy ;).

if iran is attacked which is inevitable, there kurdish militants on the border like PJAK and KDPI ready to take over the kurdish region and they will just like you saw in syrian Kurdistan, punk ass bitch :D..
Says the guy who's too chicken to live in the area so he lives in a nice comfortable western country.
One question: are all kurds as big fakers as you are? :thanks:

Trolls should'nt have rights to the freedom of speech!

Neither should fakers. :D
He not a faker! The Kurds are going to get on their magic carpets, neutralize the air forces of Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. After having established air supremacy in this fashion, then they will grab their Horses, AK-47s and slingshots and mow down the standing armies of the same countries.

It is apparently inevitable! Inshallah!
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He not a faker! The Kurds are going to get on their magic carpets, neutralize the air forces of Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. After having established air supremacy in this fashion, then they will grab their Horses, AK-47s and slingshots and mow down the standing armies of the same countries.

It is apparently inevitable! Inshallah!

You forgot to mention the strong minds of 40 million people:cool: Also the iraqi air force is sh*t, and bye the time they get some decent fighters we are already independent :)
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