Supporting Kurdish independence

Kirkuki I, very strongly, believe that there is going to be a war----that might be called WORLD WAR III ie it will be extensive involving lots of countries------but this time it is not a matter of one side vs the other side There is so much division in the "ummah" countries and societies that it will probably come to something like six sides Based on historic lack of love I cannot imagine a happy arab/turkey alliance or a happy iranian/arab alliance yet it seems to me that such an alliance is the only way the three can prevent KURDISTAN from happening even if the three manage a kind of conciliation-----the shiites and sunnis will be happier to shoot at each other than at THE ENEMY. I believe that a PREVIEW of the coming war is going on right now in Yemen -------such a mess
once romney comes to power there will be no more of turkey as your know it.

I'm already shitting in my pants.
Don't expect others to fight your battles or you'll never achieve to grow some balls.

Turkey seems to be spinning down the cosmic toilet with or without Romney It may reemerge some day------- it has had its UPS AND DOWNS ---historically I do not believe that Turkey will have either the ability or the will to join the fight for THE NEW CALIPHATE
Kirkuki I, very strongly, believe that there is going to be a war----that might be called WORLD WAR III ie it will be extensive involving lots of countries------but this time it is not a matter of one side vs the other side There is so much division in the "ummah" countries and societies that it will probably come to something like six sides Based on historic lack of love I cannot imagine a happy arab/turkey alliance or a happy iranian/arab alliance yet it seems to me that such an alliance is the only way the three can prevent KURDISTAN from happening even if the three manage a kind of conciliation-----the shiites and sunnis will be happier to shoot at each other than at THE ENEMY. I believe that a PREVIEW of the coming war is going on right now in Yemen -------such a mess

Look into world history.
World history is full of glorious stories of nations and empires.
On the other hand the Kurds only scratched their balls thoughout history just to be doing something, they didn't achieve anything.

Look at user "kirkuki" desperately trying to get support in a US message board, truly believing, that "Mitt Romney" will take up his fight because he thinks he's Miss-Universe and deserves to be supported. With this mindset you can't achieve anything. And when you look into history they didn't achieve anything.
Man forges his own destiny.
Forefathers of Americans landed on America and quickly made facts on the ground by asserting themselves over the indigenious population.
No one instructed Kurds not to do the same.

Kurds didn't believe in themselves to be destined to rule (let alone to rule over the world). It's not the fault of Turks, Arabs or Persians when Kurds were comfortable with others forging their destiny.
once romney comes to power there will be no more of turkey as your know it.

I'm already shitting in my pants.
Don't expect others to fight your battles or you'll never achieve to grow some balls.

we have been fighting turkish occupation since kurdistan was attached to turkey against kurdish people consent, that is balls , i dont know what your carrying , marbles !!??

nato is fighting your fight and giving you weapon once your kicked out then we will take good care of your kind.
it says "turkish government is bringing in Al Qayda on its soil, please publish it"

also today 44 Kurdish journalists in Istanbul political trial are victims of Turkey's psychological and military war against the Kurds.

"They are being put on trial just because of their writing about the Kurdish issue.

Defendant after defendant makes statement in Kurdish, judge stops them. You think they would have got it by now!

From Tansu Ciller to Tayyip Erdogan | Kurdish Matters

That looks like a rag tag bunch of smack addicts, you sure they're not kurds? Because it sure doesn't look like they could take out the garbage, never mind the World Trade Center. :lmao:

Fucking retard kurds couldn't even beat Saddam. Go back to bed.

show some respect you monkey, kurds gave 500,000 martyrs (Halabja and Anfal) to get the KRG in south kurdistan, thank god this time western kurdistan was liberated without much blood shed.

and we gave hell to saddam army for 30 years which at the time was one of the strongest arab country armies, but russia was supporting him with weapons like we see in syria, it was 20,000 kurds vs saddam and russia, now its 22 arab countries vs assad and russia why are they not wining ? we were alone but these guys arent !!??

are you Armenian btw !? if you are not Iraqi turkish Persian or Syrian, kurdistan does not concern you so go away kindly please.
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it says "turkish government is bringing in Al Qayda on its soil, please publish it"

also today 44 Kurdish journalists in Istanbul political trial are victims of Turkey's psychological and military war against the Kurds.

"They are being put on trial just because of their writing about the Kurdish issue.

Defendant after defendant makes statement in Kurdish, judge stops them. You think they would have got it by now!

From Tansu Ciller to Tayyip Erdogan | Kurdish Matters

That looks like a rag tag bunch of smack addicts, you sure they're not kurds? Because it sure doesn't look like they could take out the garbage, never mind the World Trade Center. :lmao:

Fucking retard kurds couldn't even beat Saddam. Go back to bed.

show some respect you monkey, kurds gave 500,000 martyrs (Halabja and Anfal) to get the KRG in south kurdistan, thank god this time western kurdistan was liberated without much blood shed.

and we gave hell to saddam army for 30 years which at the time was one of the strongest arab country armies, but russia was supporting him with weapons like we see in syria, it was 20,000 kurds vs saddam and russia, now its 22 arab countries vs assad and russia why are they not wining ? we were alone but these guys arent !!??

are you Armenian btw !? if you are not Iraqi turkish Persian or Syrian, kurdistan does not concern you so go away kindly please.

I'm an American. Turkey is a good friend and fantastic ally. You attack Turkey and the US will bomb you back to riding camels and magic carpets. Get it?
If not, here, I'll spell it out for you: kurds couldn't touch Saddam + the US kicked Saddam's ass bigtime = the US will only need a fly swatter for the kurds.
nato is fighting your fight and giving you weapon once your kicked out then we will take good care of your kind.

You will take care of my kind?
I'm sure there's somewhere waiting a bullet for you, Rambo.
9/11 means something else in Kurdistan. It's the day Mustafa Barzani, 1961 took up arms against Saddam.

I'm an American. Turkey is a good friend and fantastic ally. You attack Turkey and the US will bomb you back to riding camels and magic carpets. Get it?
If not, here, I'll spell it out for you: kurds couldn't touch Saddam + the US kicked Saddam's ass bigtime = the US will only need a fly swatter for the kurds.

Turkey is a decent ally, but I don't think taking on the Kurds would do anyone any good. A population that straddles Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, in mountainous territory, would be a hell of a problem if we had personnel on the ground. And we couldn't get much done from the air.

I have no problem with an independent Kurdistan to be honest. It'll cause problems in that region, and there will be bloodshed as there has in the past. But what stake does America have in that fight? If anything, letting a people govern themselves should be encouraged, but really that isn't the concern of the American government and taxpayer.
I'm an American. Turkey is a good friend and fantastic ally. You attack Turkey and the US will bomb you back to riding camels and magic carpets. Get it?
If not, here, I'll spell it out for you: kurds couldn't touch Saddam + the US kicked Saddam's ass bigtime = the US will only need a fly swatter for the kurds.

you sure do not sound like an american, you have some background as i can smell.

US embassy has confessed that turkish public is anti-US, while kurds have always been pro-US, FACT: not a single US soldier was killed in the 2003 invasion of iraq, when the US troops entered Kurdistan they were greeted with flowers and were cooperated by kurdish army.

and why do you speak of camels , lol that belongs to arabs not kurds ;), we have these birds that are kurdish and we are proud of ;)

kurdistan national bird (Kew)

as for saddam vs kurds, lol russia was selling saddam heavy weapons, tanks, choppers, artilleries etc.. so what chance would 20,000 fighter have with AK47s against such an army?? get realistic or your just starting to sound like another doush like ekrem, if we are given the equal weapon and we shall see who is getting their ass's whoped, in the turkish-kurdish conflict for a good example.
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Kurds demonstrate on the 150th day of the Uludere massacre on May 26 in Istanbul, Turkey. The air force killed 34 Kurds from Uludere village in an operation. (Photo: Petitfrere,

The uprisings of the Arab Spring are spilling over into an awakening of Kurdish people and their national self-definition. The Kurds number some 30 million people scattered around Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran and the Caucasus. The civil war in Syria has provided certain Kurdish armed groups with the opportunity to further arm themselves and enact a round of attacks against the Turkish Army, hoping to create a second autonomous Kurdish region in the Middle East, the first being Northern Iraq. Characteristically, Massoud Barzani, current president of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, said, "The Kurdish nation will be united and the day of self-determination is coming."

Since the end of 2011, as the war in Syria was building, Kurdish guerilla groups in Turkey, such as PKK, intensified their attacks. Turkish officials at that period frequently commented in the press that Northern Syria was becoming a de facto autonomous Kurdish region, from where guerillas would supply themselves with arms and launch attacks. Turkish Defense Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said, "A plan to create a string of autonomous Kurdish states will set pace for the creation of the great Kurdistan that will eventual carve the Turkish territory."

Since then, hundreds of military attacks by Kurds have managed to inflict great casualties on the Turkish Army, along with a large number of kidnappings, similar in fashion to those of the Latin American guerilla groups. In mid-2012, Hakkari, a city of 60,000, was circled by the rebels, and territories up to 40 kilometers from the Turkish-Iraqi borders are in effect controlled by rebels, over which the Turkish state has for the time only nominal sovereignty. According to pro-PKK elements, the guerillas are able to deploy themselves up to 400 kilometers inside the Turkish territory and even block highways.

Since the end of July 2012, the Turkish Army has started a new anti-guerilla campaign in the mountainous terrain of southeastern Turkey, centered on the cities of Semdinli and Gerdiya. In order to show the ferocity of the battles and the sophisticated armaments used by the guerillas in that front, it is interesting to note that they have managed to shoot down nine combat helicopters of the Turkish Army and destroy more than 150 armored vehicles and tanks, along with continuous attacks against the energy infrastructure of the region, such as the oil pipeline system.

The majority of the weaponry used are being obtained by Syria; President Assad has blamed Turkey for arming his opponents in his civil war and retaliates in this manner. In parallel, the triangle region of Turkey-Iraq-Iran is traditionally one of the global hot spots for contraband distribution, be it narcotics or weapons, and the rebels find no difficulty obtaining anti-aircraft systems of ammunitions for their mortars and artillery units. Neutral military experts who have assessed the situation say the attacks by PKK against the Turkish Army have effectively boosted its combat morale and brought on an influx of newly recruited rebels, a trend that further supports the hypothesis that the battles will go on for the foreseeable future.

Semdinli Mayor Sedat Tore, who is related to the Kurdish party BDP, commented in The Economist recently that the citizens of the city are surrounded by "a circle of fire," whilst it is a common secret that the vast majority of the district's population of 52,000 favors PKK and the establishment of an independent Kurdish region.

The major fear in Ankara is a prolonged civil war in Syria that will completely free the 2 million Kurdish minority from Damascus control, driving them toward an ethnic Kurdish hub and emergence of an all-out war in the whole of southeastern Turkey. The Kurds in Syria remain neutral in the fight between Assad's government and its opponents, weighting the situation as to when it would be suitable to proclaim their own independence. Turkey on the other hand supports the Syrian National Council, which is under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood and is being financed mostly by the emirate of Qatar. Thus Turkey is pursuing the ousting of Assad in order to forge closer ties with Qatar (and Egypt) and gain a leading role in the Islamic world, while also fueling the ambitions of the Kurds to dismember Turkey.

The Kurdish Democratic Union, or PYD, controls most of the 900 kilometer border line between Syria and Turkey. Should it decide to fully support PKK—who engages from the Turkish-Iraqi border—it will bring about a major military headache in Ankara, which will have to transfer military units from central Turkey in order to withstand the pressure. Already several Turkish artillery units have taken up places close to the borders with Syria as a precaution, and at the same time Ankara pushes forward its relations with the KRG Kurdish party and Barzani, who in the past collaborated with Turkey.

A large number of young Kurds live and work in Istanbul and the Western parts of Turkey. Out of about 15 million residents in metropolitan Istanbul, 5 million are of Kurdish descent, often marginalized in terms of public acceptance, assimilation and social upward mobility. A continuation of intense fighting in southeastern Turkey, where elder members of their extended families live, may eventually lead to widespread revolts in Istanbul, thus igniting a Kurdish Spring in Turkey's most important urban center.

The chain of events that started in Tunisia in late 2010 continues to flare up explosive ethnic tensions in the Middle East. The Kurdish uprising and rebel activity seems to be gaining momentum, and any developments will be critically linked to the eventual resolve of the Syrian crisis.

A Kurdish Spring in Turkey and Syria? -
I'm an American. Turkey is a good friend and fantastic ally. You attack Turkey and the US will bomb you back to riding camels and magic carpets. Get it?
If not, here, I'll spell it out for you: kurds couldn't touch Saddam + the US kicked Saddam's ass bigtime = the US will only need a fly swatter for the kurds.

Turkey is a decent ally, but I don't think taking on the Kurds would do anyone any good. A population that straddles Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, in mountainous territory, would be a hell of a problem if we had personnel on the ground. And we couldn't get much done from the air.

I have no problem with an independent Kurdistan to be honest. It'll cause problems in that region, and there will be bloodshed as there has in the past. But what stake does America have in that fight? If anything, letting a people govern themselves should be encouraged, but really that isn't the concern of the American government and taxpayer.

The US IS letting the people govern themselves, it's called Turkey.

Btw, Turkey is a NATO member, and NATO doesn't give countries away, especially to retards like the kurds, Turkey has my blessing to kick the crap out of the kurds, which should take all of 5 minutes.
Turkey----is between a rock and a hard place------it is both islamicizing and rejecting an arabist/Iranian alliance In a sense---in the sunni/shiite feud/marriage it is a third wheel
I'm an American. Turkey is a good friend and fantastic ally. You attack Turkey and the US will bomb you back to riding camels and magic carpets. Get it?
If not, here, I'll spell it out for you: kurds couldn't touch Saddam + the US kicked Saddam's ass bigtime = the US will only need a fly swatter for the kurds.

Turkey is a decent ally, but I don't think taking on the Kurds would do anyone any good. A population that straddles Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, in mountainous territory, would be a hell of a problem if we had personnel on the ground. And we couldn't get much done from the air.

I have no problem with an independent Kurdistan to be honest. It'll cause problems in that region, and there will be bloodshed as there has in the past. But what stake does America have in that fight? If anything, letting a people govern themselves should be encouraged, but really that isn't the concern of the American government and taxpayer.

The US IS letting the people govern themselves, it's called Turkey.

Btw, Turkey is a NATO member, and NATO doesn't give countries away, especially to retards like the kurds, Turkey has my blessing to kick the crap out of the kurds, which should take all of 5 minutes.

Turkey has been trying to "kick the crap" out of the Kurds for the last couple decades, the Kurds are much tougher than you give them credit for.
The US IS letting the people govern themselves, it's called Turkey.

Btw, Turkey is a NATO member, and NATO doesn't give countries away, especially to retards like the kurds, Turkey has my blessing to kick the crap out of the kurds, which should take all of 5 minutes.

yeah where kurds are banned from speaking their language in schools and unis, 35 innocent kurds were massacred last year where are those involved in this genocide? if a kurd speak of freedom you end up beaten and in jailed, Kurdish BDP "MP"s are already in jail , a guy with no legs and a lemon was trialed on terror charges, there are over 3000 Kurdish kids in jail, all of Kurdish towns and city names were turkified from Kurdish to turkish names and most importantly their constitution says "there are only turks in turkey" hence denying 15+ million kurds their existence on their very ancestral land.
basically Ataturk urged kurds to help against the Armenians in return they would be granted autonomy, that promise just like the fag he was turned out nothing to be more than a bluff.

here is something refreshing for you
[ame=]President Jalal Talabani answers a Turkish student for why he uses word 'Kurdistan' - YouTube[/ame]

kurds will keep fighting for autonomy/independence, NATO will never intervene bcoz this is a civil war not a country to a country war my friend go read NATO's policies you seem to be clueless about NATO.
Turkey is a decent ally, but I don't think taking on the Kurds would do anyone any good. A population that straddles Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, in mountainous territory, would be a hell of a problem if we had personnel on the ground. And we couldn't get much done from the air.

I have no problem with an independent Kurdistan to be honest. It'll cause problems in that region, and there will be bloodshed as there has in the past. But what stake does America have in that fight? If anything, letting a people govern themselves should be encouraged, but really that isn't the concern of the American government and taxpayer.

The US IS letting the people govern themselves, it's called Turkey.

Btw, Turkey is a NATO member, and NATO doesn't give countries away, especially to retards like the kurds, Turkey has my blessing to kick the crap out of the kurds, which should take all of 5 minutes.

Turkey has been trying to "kick the crap" out of the Kurds for the last couple decades, the Kurds are much tougher than you give them credit for.

Kurds are so tough they couldn't even take a piece of Iraq which imploded like 10 years ago. :lol:
The US IS letting the people govern themselves, it's called Turkey.

Btw, Turkey is a NATO member, and NATO doesn't give countries away, especially to retards like the kurds, Turkey has my blessing to kick the crap out of the kurds, which should take all of 5 minutes.

Turkey has been trying to "kick the crap" out of the Kurds for the last couple decades, the Kurds are much tougher than you give them credit for.

Kurds are so tough they couldn't even take a piece of Iraq which imploded like 10 years ago. :lol:

Neither the Iraqis or the Turks were able to put them down though. If anything the Kurds are stronger now than they have been in decades.

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