Supporting Kurdish independence

The TURKS are enforcing a no-fly zone over the iraqi kurds? to protect Iraqi kurds while they bomb iraqi kurds? what am I missing here?
The TURKS are enforcing a no-fly zone over the iraqi kurds? to protect Iraqi kurds while they bomb iraqi kurds? what am I missing here?

Iraq has a non-functioning Airforce at moment, but they're in process of establishing one. "Provide Comfort" and "Northern Watch" ended way before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. You asked how a nofly-zone was ENFORCED over N.Iraq.
I tried to help you get the answer.
The TURKS are enforcing a no-fly zone over the iraqi kurds? to protect Iraqi kurds while they bomb iraqi kurds? what am I missing here?

turks will oppose a kurdish entity on Mars ;), i care not what this ekrem which is by the way the mind of every turkish attitude towards 40 million stateless kurds.

by the way the 2nd kurdistan is established :-D
British and French Governments have historical and moral duty to support Syrian Kurds

September 9, 2012

As World War 1 ended, in November 11, 1918; Ottoman Empire capitulated, the prime victors of the war (Britain and France ) unconsciously and arbiterly determined the division of Kurdistan amongst the new artificially created States; which basically made Kurdistan the Sub-colony of the colony whom ever since the Kurdish people’s plight and right being denied.

During French mandate rule in Syria: The France government did not support or provide any recognized legislative code to protect the Kurdish people in Syria, even though this forceful attachment was against the wishes of the people of the Kurdish region. “In 1936-1937 there was some autonomist agitation among Assyrians and Kurds, supported by some Bedouins, in the province of Al-Jazira. Its partisans wanted the French troops to stay in the province in the hypothesis of a Syrian independence, as they feared the nationalist Damascus government would replace minority officials by Muslim Arabs from the capital. The French authorities refused to consider any new status of autonomy inside Syria.”

They must acknowledge the historical errors, revising the Judgments and take their- cause to the United Nation before General Assembly for recognition of autonomous Regions in Eastern Syria.

Today, the world is witnessing the devastating civil war in Syria, mainly between Bashar al- Assad dictatorial regimes and majority Sunni oppositions with brutal consequences on both sides of conflicts and so far the Kurdish areas have partially been spared, the Kurdish Syrian Parties agreed to jointly to govern the areas. Neither the oppositions nor Assad regimes do approve self- proclaim the Kurdish an autonomous region in the Eastern Syria. If there is no some kind of international protection is provided for self- proclaimed autonomy in Eastern Syria-Kurdistan; the future regimes in Damascus whether would continue to be Bashar al-Assad regime or the majority Sunni sect opposition which both do not appear to believe any minority rights the probability, it will involve ethnic cleansing which past history has showed that the Kurdish people in that area have suffered greatly including but limited to deprive from basic human rights, such as educations, citizenships, land confiscation and forceful deportations, etc., at the hand of various regimes in Damascus.

“Mohamed Talab Hillal in Syria, the Baathist Cabinet post Minister in 1963; who planned systematic destruction of Kurdish land in Eastern Syria, who wrote a baseless & unfounded thesis on the Kurdish people, which he set out “Arab Cordon Plan” ( Al Hizam al-Arabi) which envisaged the expulsion of the entire Kurdish population living in eastern Syria. Today the World has witnessed that the racist misguided policy that set out by opaque views that all Syrian people are suffering”.

Minorities in the region continues to face serious threats, discrimination and racism, and are frequently forbidden from taking part replete in the economic, political, social life of their countries.

“Kurdistan was erased from the map after World War 1, when the Allied Powers carved up the Middle East and denied the Kurds as a nation – State,” as far as Kurdish people concern this is a historical betrayal bestowed on the Kurdish nation by the victors of World War 1. The dominators of the sub- colonial states of this land, do not appear to have any future solutions at hand or to say these armed conflicts have failed to achieve any tangible goals. Therefore, we should pursue a different vision for the whole region,Kurd Net - Kurdistan News, News about Kurds and Kurdistan کورد כורדיסטן the best option that would be a democratic system, along a peaceful process. The Kurdish people have not sought superiority over any other nation; they seek equality, co- partnership, peace and justice for all, but at the same time, they do not accept inferiority either.

“The ideology of racism serves to legitimate the social inequalities between the groups by making them seem “natural” or “right.”If one can believing, that all tyrannical behaviors are good. Prejudice attitude toward members of another group. These people are regarded with hostility simply because they belong to a particular group, and they are assumed to have the undesirable qualities that are attributed to the group as whole”.

“The Sykes–Picot Agreement, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and France,[1] with the assent of Russia, defining their proposed spheres of influence and control in Middle East should the Triple Entente succeed in defeating the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The negotiation of the treaty occurred between November
1915 and March 1916.[2] The agreement was concluded on 16 May 1916.[3]”

The ill advised, the Asia Minor Agreement between the victors of the World War 1; was unjust to the region and it was devastating results to the Kurdish people and which took Kurdistan out of international stage . British and French governments, both have historical responsibility to re-correct the wrong course, which happened on May 16, 1916; at Sykes-Picot agreement, therefore the opportunity is on horizon, and both governments are capable of reversing at least partially that misguided policy bestowed on Kurdistan.
Today, minority communities face new challenges, including legislation, policies and practices that may unjustly hinder or transgress minority rights.

Erbil agreement should be enhanced and must continue to be, which was signed by the Kurdish forces and political parties of Syria under the supervision of Kurdistan Region's President Massoud Barzani.

Omar Sindi - United States, a regular contributing writer and columnist for
The contents of this article reflect the author's personal opinions

British and French Governments have historical and moral duty to support Syrian Kurds. By Omar Sindi
How about if we give the Kurds more of Syria, but none of Turkey? That seems like a possible solution since the US will NEVER force Turkey to split up, they are too valuable of an ally in the region.
The TURKS are enforcing a no-fly zone over the iraqi kurds? to protect Iraqi kurds while they bomb iraqi kurds? what am I missing here?

turks will oppose a kurdish entity on Mars ;), i care not what this ekrem which is by the way the mind of every turkish attitude towards 40 million stateless kurds.

by the way the 2nd kurdistan is established :-D

You're a total-bullshitter, and you may have success in convincing some Americans here on the board, who don't really know about that area.

From Startfor, referencing U.S. Department of State.

Let's keep it with facts, instead of some fantasy-maps coming from total bullshitters in Internet-Forums.

New York Times

British and French Governments have historical and moral duty to support Syrian Kurds

Forget it... and get used to it.

ahaha yeah that is why two parts are not liberated and run by kurds ;)
Let's keep it with facts, instead of some fantasy-maps coming from total bullshitters in Internet-Forums.

New York Times


the arabs also believe in my map, of course turkish maps will be small ;)
[ame=]Western Kurdistan (Syrian Kurdistan) - Al Arabiya TV 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

the map i present is already controlled by kurds so no matter how much you want to cry it wont change a thing, assad allawite state will even go as far as letting kurds use is sea port just to get back at ya ;).
more maps of syrian kurdistan from a Syrian source here

even hatay in Kurdish region of turkey has access to sea despite the assimilation and deportation of 1000s of kurds there
ekrem, get used to the idea of kurds getting access to sea ;), meaning: reducing turkish influence over south kurdistan to almost 0 in near future, it is also in the interest of the supermajors (Exxon, Chevron, Total and Gazprom)to have another route for kurdistan oil to the international market ;).

and Syrian Kurdistan has over 50 wells almost 3-5 billion barrels of oil currently in the hands of kurds, so an oil pipeline from KRG via Syrian KRG into the Med sea is inevitable.
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Kirk, once Assad falls, I say take what you want in Syria, but forget Turkey, that's never going to happen. So get over it now please.
Kirk, once Assad falls, I say take what you want in Syria, but forget Turkey, that's never going to happen. So get over it now please.

Arabs won't give away an inch. Forget it.
Background situation in Syria differs completely from North-Eastern Iraq, where Iraqi-Kurds achieved de-facto autonomy.

The FSA is in fight with Assad. Once he falls the FSA will deal with other issues (including those elements within Syria who cooperated with Assad against them).
the map i present is already controlled by kurds so no matter how much you want to cry it wont change a thing, assad allawite state will even go as far as letting kurds use is sea port just to get back at ya ;).

Dream world. Whatever.
turkey is not going to be in NATO till end of the world ;).
Priorities Chart Way Forward for Eucom
American Forces Press Service

STUTTGART, Germany, May 4, 2012 – Using the new defense strategic guidance as its roadmap, officials at U.S. European Command say they’ve fixed their compasses on four basic priorities: maintaining ready forces, completing a successful transition in Afghanistan, sustaining strategic partnerships and countering transnational threats.
Looking forward, Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis, the Eucom commander, identified four specific countries for increased engagement: Israel, Russia, Turkey and Poland. (...)
Turkey, a rising regional power and NATO partner, is able to influence events in parts of the world the United States simply can’t.
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ekrem, get used to the idea of kurds getting access to sea ;), meaning: reducing turkish influence over south kurdistan to almost 0 in near future, it is also in the interest of the supermajors (Exxon, Chevron, Total and Gazprom)to have another route for kurdistan oil to the international market ;).

and Syrian Kurdistan has over 50 wells almost 3-5 billion barrels of oil currently in the hands of kurds, so an oil pipeline from KRG via Syrian KRG into the Med sea is inevitable.

Saudi-Arabia is a leading Oil producer.
They've income on a scale that the KRG will never achieve.
Nevertheless Saudi-Arabia has a smaller economy than Turkey.

There are 3 important NATO-facilities in Turkey:
- Incirlik
- the new radar-station in Malatya for the missile-shield
- NATO's new Land Forces Command headquarters in Izmir (facilities in Heidelberg and Madrid will be merged and relocaed to Turkey)
NATO - Headquarters Allied Force Command Heidelberg

They are all located on the territory of the region's biggest economy, backed-up by NATO's 2nd largest Army.
The reason why these facilities are in Turkey is the same reason why USA concentrates all its important military facilities in Europe on the territory of Germany. USA knows, that anyone who attacks US installations in Germany will be at war with Germany itself. Which neighbours (or any European power) of Germany wants to be at war with Germany?

If these installations were in KRG the Americans couldn't protect them when shit hits the fan. The KRG can not even protect itself from Turkish F-16 entering Iraqi Airspace.
Americans didn't establish any miliary bases in KRG nor did they grant you independence. They used you and left.

You are craving for support for your cause on American message boards and you're ignoring the fact, that USA dropped you like a hot-potato after USA ended military engagement in Iraq.
Realizing, that your future is not in your own hands you must have gigantic butthurt.

Your PR efforts in hallelulja'ing the "kurdish nationalist cause" and throwing mud at Turks will bear no fruit, because civilian-to-civilian relationship is something very different than government-to-government relations.
Turkey doesn't really need good PR or a "good image" amongst US population because our worth is already known in the relevant circles governing the USA:

Turkey rejects U.S. troop proposal - CNN
Turkey's parliament failed to pass a proposal Saturday to allow more than 60,000 U.S. troops to operate from Turkish bases and ports in the event of a war with Iraq. (...)
U.S. troop ships are waiting offshore and out of sight of the Turkish port of Iskenderun. U.S. officials have said they were confident Turkey would be the point of origin for a northern front in a war with Iraq.

The Americans waited with their GIs and weapons infront of our coast to invade Iraq and we sent them back.
After such development the USA didn't kick Turkey out of US's most strategic program, the JSF or F-35.

Your behavior reminds me of the Jews, who are conducting serious PR efforts to keep the American support flowing. Jews are trying to convince civilian Americans, that their taxpayer-money is invested good in Israel.
Israel is popular amongst the Christians.
Kurds or Kurdistan? Not really.

Why should Americans send their sons to die for you, bankroll your ambitions or risk comprising their relationship with other powers such as Turks?
You're a total dreamer and you way overestimate your relavance in the order of life.

Write it in your diary, so that you remember it after dreaming again: No independence unless we permit you. Sucks to be you.
Under NATO reform the Incirlik Airbase will be untouched and continue operations.
Izmir Airbase will be relocated to Rammstein (Germany) as part of NATO missile-shield. Rammstein will be the place of the Command-Center for the missile-shield.
Izmir Airbase will be transformed into Land Forces Command HQ by relocating facilities in Heidelberg (Germany) and Madrid (Spain) to Izmir.
Malatya (north-west to Incirlik) will host the radar facilties for NATO's missile-shield.


Part of NATO missile defense system goes live in Turkey -
Predators, which were stationed in N.Iraq are now used to bomb N-Iraq.

Real-time intelligence from the Predators is transmitted via satellite link to the combined intelligence fusion cell in Ankara. The cell, opened in November 2007 to process surveillance imagery from U.S. manned and unmanned systems flying over Iraq, is staffed by Turkish and U.S. military personnel working side by side to provide targeting information on suspected members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, for strikes by Turkish F-16s in Turkey or Northern Iraq.
Where the Drones Are | Foreign Policy

An MQ-1B Predator from the 414th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron sits on the flightline Feb. 14, 2012, at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.
i see your the winner of this forums troll competition, filing up this sacred thread with your turkish related junk.

here is something related to the thread

the map i present is already controlled by kurds so no matter how much you want to cry it wont change a thing, assad allawite state will even go as far as letting kurds use is sea port just to get back at ya ;).

Dream world. Whatever.

on the contrary, its the real world if you only looked on the syrian kurdistan thread you will see all the check points and security vehicles handled by kurds, all kurdish cities in western Kurdistan(syrian) is in the hand of kurds except Qamishlo city, soon that will fall into our hands as well, then ekrem will have some more unavoidable crying to do and his self-esteem will hit the minus degree and post some more turkish junk again like above.

its real word ;), enjoy it happening right in front of your eyes to your south borders, get prepared for the northern Kurdistan to become free, now that Hakkari province is almost under PKK control. pkk is coming to liberate the kurdish region and put an end to turkish occupation once and for all.

and spare me of your turkish junk please, once romney comes to power there will be no more of turkey as your know it.
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