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Supporting Men In Women's Bathrooms = Political Suicide

Is promoting men behind doors marked "women" where rape victims expect privacy, political suicide?

  • Yes. If I hear a politician or political party stay silent or worse advocate: they lose my support.

  • No. I would support a political party or politician advocating men where rape victims need privacy.

Results are only viewable after voting.
1 in 6 women have been raped. That's over 17 million US women; that have actually reported their rapes; many more have not. In a bathroom with 6 stalls there is a statistical probability that at least one woman in there will experience extreme emotional distress or severe PTSD if she sees a man walking in; no matter what he is wearing. Any entity, be it a school or a business or government facility who forces rape victims to endure intrusion upon their expected privacy behind a door marked "women" can and will have their asses sued off. It will happen. This isn't an "if" scenario.

The civil rights of women to the to the expectation of segregated privacy for their most intimate hygiene procedures behind a door marked "women", outweighs any civil right a man pretending to be a woman and that he can force women to play along where he can violate their expectation of privacy, believes he has. He does not. And that will come to the light as the "schools vs the Fed" (soon to be filed) and NC vs the Fed (already filed) ask for clarity from Obama's AG Lynch.

The public outrage has reached a boiling point on this issue. Think: the 2.5 billion Target lost to the boycott of over a million people of their store...and many more likely not going there anymore to shop out of silent protest. Any politician who either 1. sits on his hands and has "no comment" on the issue or 2. Who steps out in favor of men using the women's restroom, showers, dorms etc etc. is committing political suicide. Any politician who steps out in fervent and vocal opposition: he will live long and prosper. It's that simple.

It might interest all of you to know Donald Trump's position on letting men in women's bathrooms. The law of the title of this thread also applies to entire political parties as a result of what their figurehead for the next 4 years does or doesn't do.. This is the American Revolution and heads will roll. The public has HAD IT. "This far and no farther"

Cue 1:05 but watch the whole thing for sure. It's only a minute and a half. Trump even seems to be using the economic threats against states as a reiterated threat (watch out other states, you're next!), instead of him thinking it isn't fair.

So, vote in the poll.

Yesterday Trump said it should be left up to states to decide what they do with their bathrooms.

"Well, I believe it should be states' rights and I think the state should make the decision," the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee told ABC when asked about the White House's position on the use of school restrooms by trans students."...
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By proving that a man pretending to be a woman has a right to force others to play along at their demise (rape victims & men in their restrooms, showers etc.).

A predictable sidebar to your original premise, which is that there's no such thing as a transsexual. I eagerly await your supporting data.
By proving that a man pretending to be a woman has a right to force others to play along at their demise (rape victims & men in their restrooms, showers etc.).

A predictable sidebar to your original premise, which is that there's no such thing as a transsexual. I eagerly await your supporting data.
Here's some supporting data from a former Johns Hopkins Psychiatry Professor.
He also says:Former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry: Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder . . . biologically impossible’

A ‘distinguished’ psychiatrist has claimed states transgender people are frauds.

The claims were made by Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Having studied trans people for 40 years, Dr. McHugh has published an article detailing his findings that they are simply trying to emulate the gender they identify with.

Dr. McHugh compares gender dysphoria to anorexia, claiming that “its treatment should not be directed at the body as with surgery and hormones any more than one treats obesity-fearing anorexic patients with liposuction”.

His article, Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme, contains observations such as “after pioneering sex-change surgery, we demonstrated that the practice brought no important benefits.”

John Hopkins psychiatrist claims trans people are ‘impersonators’

Thank you for at least making the effort Silhouette couldn't be bothered to do, but while this guy is entitled to his opinion, I'd ask him the same question (but in more detail): Show us your years of clinical data that support your - perhaps better educated, but no less biased - opinion. Have you treated one patient or 1,000? How many have you "cured"? Do you also "cure" homosexuals? How do you feel about people who ordinarily despise your profession - and science in general - until they find someone like you who has the same confirmation bias they do?
It said he had studied the issue for 40 years and there is the link to the article he published, Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme. This doctor was at Johns Hopkins Hospital and University, one of the worlds most prestigious and foremost hospitals and teaching universities. The same place Dr.Ben Carson taught and practiced. Carson is one of the top brain surgeons and teachers in the world. I would believe this doctor before I would trust Obama and Company to make decisions that affect the whole country.
By proving that a man pretending to be a woman has a right to force others to play along at their demise (rape victims & men in their restrooms, showers etc.).

A predictable sidebar to your original premise, which is that there's no such thing as a transsexual. I eagerly await your supporting data.
By proving that a man pretending to be a woman has a right to force others to play along at their demise (rape victims & men in their restrooms, showers etc.).

A predictable sidebar to your original premise, which is that there's no such thing as a transsexual. I eagerly await your supporting data.
Here's some supporting data from a former Johns Hopkins Psychiatry Professor.
He also says:Former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry: Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder . . . biologically impossible’

A ‘distinguished’ psychiatrist has claimed states transgender people are frauds.

The claims were made by Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Having studied trans people for 40 years, Dr. McHugh has published an article detailing his findings that they are simply trying to emulate the gender they identify with.

Dr. McHugh compares gender dysphoria to anorexia, claiming that “its treatment should not be directed at the body as with surgery and hormones any more than one treats obesity-fearing anorexic patients with liposuction”.

His article, Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme, contains observations such as “after pioneering sex-change surgery, we demonstrated that the practice brought no important benefits.”

John Hopkins psychiatrist claims trans people are ‘impersonators’

Thank you for at least making the effort Silhouette couldn't be bothered to do, but while this guy is entitled to his opinion, I'd ask him the same question (but in more detail): Show us your years of clinical data that support your - perhaps better educated, but no less biased - opinion. Have you treated one patient or 1,000? How many have you "cured"? Do you also "cure" homosexuals? How do you feel about people who ordinarily despise your profession - and science in general - until they find someone like you who has the same confirmation bias they do?
It said he had studied the issue for 40 years and there is the link to the article he published, Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme. This doctor was at Johns Hopkins Hospital and University, one of the worlds most prestigious and foremost hospitals and teaching universities. The same place Dr.Ben Carson taught and practiced. Carson is one of the top brain surgeons and teachers in the world. I would believe this doctor before I would trust Obama and Company to make decisions that affect the whole country.
I think the good Dr is a Christian and so his experience and wisdom is completely unacceptable to the lbgt crowd, apparently.
Wait for it.......
Yesterday Trump said it should be left up to states to decide what they do with their bathrooms.

"Well, I believe it should be states' rights and I think the state should make the decision," the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee told ABC when asked about the White House's position on the use of school restrooms by trans students."...

Yesterday. Last week. Next week. A year from now. One thing you can be sure is that Trump will say ANYTHING at ANY TIME that facilitates his latest whim.

I remain unimpressed. I'll stick with his statement about Bruce Jenner using the ladies room at Trump Tower since I know Trump has also been to and enjoyed several gay weddings, is from New York NY the most Church of LGBT rabid town in the US outside of San Francisco, etc. etc. etc. and is rumored to be on tap for the George Soros gravy train/expectations for his bid for the general election. Same as Obama was.
Non sequitur alert ^^ And after reading that article it becomes clear that the Church of LGBT pushing their Agenda too far is actually what's responsible for the rage that took over this man who beat this woman unfairly and outrageously.

Get to the root of a weed if you want it to die out. Don't blame the rotten leaves.
Non sequitur alert ^^
empty headed poster alert....
I need some help here. I have had a hard day and cant even focus on the poll question.
What should my answer be ?
I know that the big corporations check out these polls so I wouldnt want to get it wrong.
You either vote yes or no according to how you feel.
How long will it be before a prying reporter corners Hillary on this question?

We know Trump is in favor of men triggering PTSD in 17 million rape survivors behind doors marked "women"; but how does Hillary feel about it? Specifically? :popcorn:
OK...Not long then!

******** Hillary Clinton Endorses Obama's Decree on Transgender Bathrooms, Gender Identity - Breitbart
Hillary Clinton is cautiously backing President Barack Obama’ controversial decree that forces the nation’s 100,000 K-12 public schools to open bathrooms and locker rooms to people who claim to be transgender.

“Hillary Clinton applauds the Obama administration for taking actions this week to stand up for the rights of LGBT people–and particularly for the rights of transgender people–across the country,” Clinton spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa told The Washington Post. “As president, she will fight to make sure all Americans can live their lives free from discrimination.”

This transgender and “gender identity” issue could become a problem for Clinton, partly because she’s hoping to maximize her election-day support among women by pitching herself as the nation’s first female president. But many women, with or without kids in K-12 schools, may be hostile to Obama’s claim that men become female once they adopt a female “gender identity.”


Looks like the Gaystapo forced Hillary to walk the plank at knifepoint...again...

Hey Hillary. Take a tip from the article:

Since April 19, when Target announced its decision, the company’s stock has lost $8.30 per share, or 10 percent. That means the company’s value is down almost $5 billion since the controversy arose.

Your move doesn't translate into more votes. It translates into less votes.
1 in 6 women have been raped. That's over 17 million US women; that have actually reported their rapes; many more have not. In a bathroom with 6 stalls there is a statistical probability that at least one woman in there will experience extreme emotional distress or severe PTSD if she sees a man walking in; no matter what he is wearing. Any entity, be it a school or a business or government facility who forces rape victims to endure intrusion upon their expected privacy behind a door marked "women" can and will have their asses sued off. It will happen. This isn't an "if" scenario.

No it won't. There's no expectation of privacy in a bathroom save in the stalls. And those are single use only.

Remember, Sil......you don't know shit about the law. You don't know standards of legal harm, the outcome of court cases, who are parties to what contract, anything. You make up and ever changing and increasingly incoherent series of pseudo-legal 'precepts' that have exactly jack shit to do with the actual law.

Your babble about would be another such example.
1 in 6 women have been raped.

By transsexuals? You'll need to provide some supporting data for that.

There is no such thing as a transsexual. There are only men and women. Women who have been raped and who see someone with a dick or adam's apple and five oclock shadow in their restroom will not be thinking about your attempt to retool the dictionary. They will be thinking one thing: FEAR. And then the lawsuits will begin.

My "supporting data" will be revealed in case documents when the first lawsuit is filed.

Like your 'lawsuit for children' nonsense regarding the 'mistrial' you made up about the Obergefell decision?

How's that working out again? Remember Sil......your record of predicting legal outcomes is zero. You've literally never been right. And yet despite your record of perfect failure......you keep offering us 'predictions' on legal outcomes, as if your predictions mean something.

As your record of perfect failure demonstrate......you clearly have no idea what the hell you're talking about. And our law isn't predicated on the silly nonsense you tell yourself.
"Supporting Men In Women's Bathrooms = Political Suicide"

No, it equals a straw man fallacy, as no one ‘supports’ men in women’s bathrooms.

Indeed, the notion is a ridiculous lie.
What do you call men who self diagnose as feeling like a woman? The answer for the purposes of a woman rape victim doing intimate things behind a door marked women is "men". That's what they're called. No matter what PC term you have for these men, they are still men from a woman rape victim's perspective. Who has dominant rights? Women. Caso cerrado.

Fail. Next.

Laughing......you crack me up. You keep citing your personal opinion as the law. And no law nor court recognize any of your pseudo-legal horseshit. How many times have you made up some imaginary 'standard' in law......and has your imagination completely ignored by the courts?

How many legal predictions have you made that actually amounted to jack shit?

Zero. Caso cerrado.
Skylar troll only comes out in situations where the Church of LGBT's professional USMB bloggers sense a disturbance in the Force. I take it Hillary coming out in favor of men in women's bathrooms is bugging you. Particularly with the rape-survivor issue.

That's not going to translate well into votes for your side, is it? And if you lose the election, the Agenda is gonna get flushed down the commode faster than a man can sneak in there with women.

What to do?! Looks like y'all have painted yourselves into a real corner this time... :itsok:
Skylar troll only comes out in situations where the Church of LGBT's professional USMB bloggers sense a disturbance in the Force. I take it Hillary coming out in favor of men in women's bathrooms is bugging you. Particularly with the rape-survivor issue.

I come out when you post pseudo-legal horseshit. And there's no such expectation of privacy in restrooms save for the stalls. And they're single use only.

Transgender women have been using bathrooms for decades. If transgender women peeing caused 17 million instances of PTSD's triggers among rape victims.......why didn't it?

And 'professional' blogger? You're confusing me with yourself. You're the one begging for donations on your personal website dedicated to your fight against gays:

With my background (at left) and my knowledge of how I knew this group would proceed, and literally the lone voice on standing up to the LGBT propaganda/fear machine and organized teams of bloggers keeping a jack boot on all conversations about what the LGBT think tank was up to, I posted for over a decade up to 3 hours a day, every day, 7 days a week between farm chores, raising kids as a single parent and just trying to maintain a normal life besides.....




A decade for 3 hours a day, 7 days a week....begging for donations to support your profession of blogging against gays and lesbians?

Yeah, you're not well.

Though as an aside......they say you can master any task in 10,000 hours. And 21 hours a week for a decade is way more than 10,000 hours. I would have thought you'd be better at this.
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Poor Skylar. You'll move from anger to acceptance on this one soon enough. You know your Church pushed it too far on men using women's bathrooms. That's gonna get a shove-back for sure. And the timing for the dems couldn't be worse. What were your strategists thinking? Are Obama and Lynch trying to sabotage Hillary's campaign?

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