Suppose the right wing is able to outlaw abortion. Then what?

I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.
Actually it may very well happen if Kennedy, Breyer, or Ginsburg were replaced with a Trump appointee.

If privacy rights jurisprudence were to be overturned it would not mean abortion would be illegal throughout the United States; it would mean most red states hostile to privacy rights would enact or enforce laws compelling a woman to give birth against her will.

The question becomes would conservatives be satisfied with this, where abortion remains legal in most of the country.

Likely not.

The authoritarian right would then seek to enact Federal legislation ‘banning’ abortion – and failing that, a Constitutional amendment.

So, if I have private papers, that means I have to cut them into pieces?

I mean, you really are so fucking stupid that you think abortion IS privacy?

Of course you Stalinist never see the requirements to detail EVERY aspect of your life on a 1040 form as a privacy issue.

Yes, you're stupid - but this is just flat out lying. Abortion has not a fucking thing to do with privacy, and you Communists are bitter enemies of actual privacy rights to be secure in you person and papers, as stated in Constitution you are fighting to destroy.

So the decision to have a baby isn’t s ptivate or personal matter. If the government came through the door and said “We need more children to be born. You are hereby ordered to increase your family size”, you’d be OK with that.
Do you support free contraceptives for the poor to lower abortions?

Do you support contraception at all?

No. The only contraceptive necessary js the word "No", since Abstinence is proven 100% efdectice in prevenying pregnancy.
Should GeeW have been executed for lying us into war in Iraq over WMD lies?

No. That was wasn't about WMDs or Oil. It was about Saddam Hussein's plans to assassinate the ender Bush. It became necessary, as war likely will be with North Korea because American law prevents us from having the CIA or SOF from assassinating foreign leaders..
.Rightists have no problem with the state forcing a woman go give birth because it's the 'will of the people.'

But the 'will of the people' goes out the window when states enact Constitutional firearm regulatory measures..

It has nothing to do with "the will of the people". It has everything to do with expecting people to accept the consequences of their poor/bad decisions.

A child isn’t a “consequence of their poor/bad decisions”. A child isn't a punishment for having sex and if you think it is, you’re a loon.

A child is a commitment a parent makes to love and raise to the best of their ability. If the parents aren’t in a position to provide this for the child, they should not be having a baby. Period. End of story.

Charlie Manson was an unwanted child. What you’re saying is that being unloved and unwanted, is better than not being alive at all. I disagree.
Well, we know what it was like from before when it was illegal.

Young girls died going to backstreet abortionists.

Get it right.

Some young girls died in back allies while paying someone to kill their children. Not near as many as you leftardz claim.

There were a lot of unwanted children.

When Roe v wade is overturned, it will be on the basis that a Child's Constitutional rights (against being murdered) begins when their life does, at conception. Wanted or not, children have rights to tje equal protections of our laws.

Your want to kill them if they are not wanted is a violation of their Constitutional (and basic human) rights.

Many unwanted children grow up to be criminals.

Are they not innocent until proven guilty?

Now we know that right wingers will do nothing to support these children or their mothers.

We do far more than the Constitution requires.

How many Conservative Christian Right Wingers right here on the USMB say: It's not my kid. Why should I help pay for it. And they think the mothers were whores.

What the fuck does religion have to do with it? That said, open your fucking eyes! Religious organizations do more than anyone else in supporting poor people as far as I have seen so far.

And if the child was a result of rape, then what?

Then what, what?

And if the child was a result of incest, then what?

What's the difference? Isn't an act of incest also a rape? I mean... unlesss it was concented to between two adults..... it's still a fucking rape, isn't it?

What I really want to know is what is it these right wingers expect to happen?

No you don't. Because, if you truly did want to know that, you could have asked the question without using fucktarded claims and allegations to attack first.

That the US will turn into utopia because they outlawed abortion? You know that people with money will simply go outside the country to get an abortion.

Overturning Roe v Wade is but a first step in securing Constitutional rights for children in the womb. Nobody with two brain cells connected together is of the opinion that simply overturning Roe will fix all the fucking problems in the world with unwanted or unexpected pregnancies.
Girls died in back allies, but you feel not enough?

You are one sick.................

Can you tell me why I should feel compelled to accept abortion, just because some number of women might "die in back allies" while in the act of killing their children if / when abortions are criminalized?

Because it’s not your child, not your family, and not your decision.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one. Simple as that.
.Rightists have no problem with the state forcing a woman go give birth because it's the 'will of the people.'

But the 'will of the people' goes out the window when states enact Constitutional firearm regulatory measures..

It has nothing to do with "the will of the people". It has everything to do with expecting people to accept the consequences of their poor/bad decisions.

A child isn’t a “consequence of their poor/bad decisions”. A child isn't a punishment for having sex and if you think it is, you’re a loon.

A child is a commitment a parent makes to love and raise to the best of their ability. If the parents aren’t in a position to provide this for the child, they should not be having a baby. Period. End of story.

Charlie Manson was an unwanted child. What you’re saying is that being unloved and unwanted, is better than not being alive at all. I disagree.

Do children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws from the moment their life begins? Yes or no?
That expression “spread her legs” implies that the woman had no morals

Any woman having sex without the expectation of becoming a mother IS acting in an immoral manner.

Half the women who have abortions are married or in a committed relationship. Are you suggesting that married women shouldn’t have sex with their husbands? What about those 120,000 evangelicals having abortions?

No. In fact I'm of the opinion thst the ring on her left hand is an open invitation for her Husband to use her sexually whenever He chooses. I also believe thise rings are consent to parenthood and should be an automatic denial for abortion.

Sex is not just about procreation. It’s about the joining of a man and a woman, a confirmation of their love and commitment to one another. It’s also a biological necessity for physical and mental well being and wards off some types of cancer.

Yes it is. Love does not exist and most certainly is not an appropriate basis for a relationship.

When you imply that there is something wrong with women having sex, it shows that you have no respect for women whatsoever.

I respect women. Women know their proper place in society and don't have abortions. Feminists, on the other hand, are a totally different subject.
Well, we know what it was like from before when it was illegal.

Young girls died going to backstreet abortionists.

Get it right.

Some young girls died in back allies while paying someone to kill their children. Not near as many as you leftardz claim.

There were a lot of unwanted children.

When Roe v wade is overturned, it will be on the basis that a Child's Constitutional rights (against being murdered) begins when their life does, at conception. Wanted or not, children have rights to tje equal protections of our laws.

Your want to kill them if they are not wanted is a violation of their Constitutional (and basic human) rights.

Many unwanted children grow up to be criminals.

Are they not innocent until proven guilty?

Now we know that right wingers will do nothing to support these children or their mothers.

We do far more than the Constitution requires.

How many Conservative Christian Right Wingers right here on the USMB say: It's not my kid. Why should I help pay for it. And they think the mothers were whores.

What the fuck does religion have to do with it? That said, open your fucking eyes! Religious organizations do more than anyone else in supporting poor people as far as I have seen so far.

And if the child was a result of rape, then what?

Then what, what?

And if the child was a result of incest, then what?

What's the difference? Isn't an act of incest also a rape? I mean... unlesss it was concented to between two adults..... it's still a fucking rape, isn't it?

What I really want to know is what is it these right wingers expect to happen?

No you don't. Because, if you truly did want to know that, you could have asked the question without using fucktarded claims and allegations to attack first.

That the US will turn into utopia because they outlawed abortion? You know that people with money will simply go outside the country to get an abortion.

Overturning Roe v Wade is but a first step in securing Constitutional rights for children in the womb. Nobody with two brain cells connected together is of the opinion that simply overturning Roe will fix all the fucking problems in the world with unwanted or unexpected pregnancies.
Girls died in back allies, but you feel not enough?

You are one sick.................

Can you tell me why I should feel compelled to accept abortion, just because some number of women might "die in back allies" while in the act of killing their children if / when abortions are criminalized?

Because it’s not your child, not your family, and not your decision.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don’t have one. Simple as that.


I'm not going to turn my back on the denial of a child's Constitutional rights and protections. Not when in comes to abortion or when it comes to any other forms of child molestation and/ or abuse.
They also want to outlaw birth control
Sex before marriage
Females working in the work force
And hand most of the wealth to the wealthy

Then what? Well, that is the 18th century
A child isn’t a “consequence of their poor/bad decisions”. A child isn't a punishment for having sex and if you think it is, you’re a loon.

An unwanted or unplanned child most definitely IS a consequence and punishment for immoral behavior

A child is a commitment a parent makes to love and raise to the best of their ability. If the parents aren’t in a position to provide this for the child, they should not be having a baby. Period. End of story.

A child is a commitment to raise it properly. If the parents aren't in the position to do thst, they shouldn't be having sex.

Charlie Manson was an unwanted child. What you’re saying is that being unloved and unwanted, is better than not being alive at all. I disagree.
Love doesn't exist. We'v discussed thjs previously. What Manson needed was to be raised properly by his parents, or turned over to people who could do that.
.Rightists have no problem with the state forcing a woman go give birth because it's the 'will of the people.'

But the 'will of the people' goes out the window when states enact Constitutional firearm regulatory measures..

It has nothing to do with "the will of the people". It has everything to do with expecting people to accept the consequences of their poor/bad decisions.

A child isn’t a “consequence of their poor/bad decisions”. A child isn't a punishment for having sex and if you think it is, you’re a loon.

A child is a commitment a parent makes to love and raise to the best of their ability. If the parents aren’t in a position to provide this for the child, they should not be having a baby. Period. End of story.

Charlie Manson was an unwanted child. What you’re saying is that being unloved and unwanted, is better than not being alive at all. I disagree.

Do children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws from the moment their life begins? Yes or no?
Sure. That moment is birth.
.Rightists have no problem with the state forcing a woman go give birth because it's the 'will of the people.'

But the 'will of the people' goes out the window when states enact Constitutional firearm regulatory measures..

It has nothing to do with "the will of the people". It has everything to do with expecting people to accept the consequences of their poor/bad decisions.

A child isn’t a “consequence of their poor/bad decisions”. A child isn't a punishment for having sex and if you think it is, you’re a loon.

A child is a commitment a parent makes to love and raise to the best of their ability. If the parents aren’t in a position to provide this for the child, they should not be having a baby. Period. End of story.

Charlie Manson was an unwanted child. What you’re saying is that being unloved and unwanted, is better than not being alive at all. I disagree.

Do children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws from the moment their life begins? Yes or no?
Sure. That moment is birth.
Do you support free contraceptives for the poor to lower abortions?

Do you support contraception at all?

No. The only contraceptive necessary js the word "No", since Abstinence is proven 100% efdectice in prevenying pregnancy.
Why do you think that people should be abstinent? What's the point?
Humans have libidos by virtue of being human and heterosexuals have been having sex for hundreds of thousands of years. Is this some hair-brained cult thing? And right-wing dickheads have been raping people for one heck of a long time, as well.
This sicko trashy cult thing of trying to stop sexual activity among married heterosexuals who don't want a child right now and among single heterosexuals who don't want a child right now is so ridiculous. These cults just want to keep heterosexual people apart for no damned reason at all, since we have the technology at our disposal that functions to facilitate intimacy. What is "abstinence" supposed to prove? There is no reason for a couple to have to say to each other "not tonight, dear, we already have two children and can't afford another right now, so let's just hug and go to sleep." These backwards cults just do not understand human emotion. They don't know that humans are not robots.
Why do you think that people should be abstinent? What's the point?

The point is ensuring a proper Society. One where people act properly, or face the consequences of not doing so.

There is no reason for a couple to have to say to each other "not tonight, dear, we already have two children and can't afford another right now, so let's just hug and go to sleep."

True. They can get a vasectomy and hysterectomy, then do whatever they want as the bullets and targets are both off the range.

These backwards cults just do not understand human emotion. They don't know that humans are not robots.

We don't care about human emotion. We see it as something to be overcome, not embraced.
Why do you think that people should be abstinent? What's the point?

The point is ensuring a proper Society. One where people act properly, or face the consequences of not doing so.

There is no reason for a couple to have to say to each other "not tonight, dear, we already have two children and can't afford another right now, so let's just hug and go to sleep."

True. They can get a vasectomy and hysterectomy, then do whatever they want as the bullets and targets are both off the range.

These backwards cults just do not understand human emotion. They don't know that humans are not robots.

We don't care about human emotion. We see it as something to be overcome, not embraced.
Who is "we'? Just what the heck is "proper society"? Who is to judge what "proper society" is? Why do you cult members want to overcome human emotion? Cults are bullshit and aim to ruin our society with their total crap, and for no good reason. The cults are sooooo unhappy and depressed, and want the rest of us to join in their misery. Cult members need to find a little corner of this world where they can be miserable together and leave the rest of us alone. Many of us want humans to be happy in their lives. Cultists want to share their misery.
Who is "we'? Just what the heck is "proper society"? Who is to judge what "proper society" is?...

We've gone by many names... The Sons of Liberty, Confederates, etc... We are the people who bled and killed to Found this country. Who have tried to keep it on the straight and narrow. It worked for 70 years, until Mr Lincoln showed up. We've spent 157 years trying to fix things.

..Cult members need to find a little corner of this world where they can be miserable together and leave the rest of us alone. Many of us want humans to be happy in their lives. Cultists want to share their misery.

We did. It was called America. Then you dumb fuckers showed up in the early 19th Century, took advantage of our good nature and destroyed what we'd built.
Who is "we'? Just what the heck is "proper society"? Who is to judge what "proper society" is?...

We've gone by many names... The Sons of Liberty, Confederates, etc... We are the people who bled and killed to Found this country. Who have tried to keep it on the straight and narrow. It worked for 70 years, until Mr Lincoln showed up. We've spent 157 years trying to fix things.

..Cult members need to find a little corner of this world where they can be miserable together and leave the rest of us alone. Many of us want humans to be happy in their lives. Cultists want to share their misery.

We did. It was called America. Then you dumb fuckers showed up in the early 19th Century, took advantage of our good nature and destroyed what we'd built.
You don't like sex or the fact that other people have it. You don't seem care about the power of human emotions and relationships. You have admitted to being a cult member. And now you expect me to believe that you fought in the Revolutionary War? Just how old are you?
You don't like sex or the fact that other people have it. You don't seem care about the power of human emotions and relationships. You have admitted to being a cult member. And now you expect me to believe that you fought in the Revolutionary War? Just how old are you?

Yes, a member of the "cult" known as Real Americans. While I may not have been on the battlefields of the Revolution personnally, the blood thst runs in my veins was. Members of my family joined the Patriot cause and shed Redcoat blood before the British Regulars even made it back to the safety of Charlestown in April of 1775.
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As near as I can tell, the Right believes that more doctors should be in prison, and more loose nuts should have assault rifles. I'm still struggling with that, but maybe there is something about it that I just don't quite grasp.....
It's called conservative hypocrisy.

Rightists have no problem with the state forcing a woman go give birth because it's the 'will of the people.'

But the 'will of the people' goes out the window when states enact Constitutional firearm regulatory measures.

Conservatives can't have it both ways.

It's called "Communist Stupidity."\

Communists have no problem inventing sections out of whole cloth in the Constitution that simply don't exist, such as the fabricated "right to abortion," while at the same time denying utterly clear language

You claim that abortion is a "Constitutional Right" but that "the people" are really the government.

Yeah, you're stupid, dishonest, and evil.
As near as I can tell, the Right believes that more doctors should be in prison, and more loose nuts should have assault rifles. I'm still struggling with that, but maybe there is something about it that I just don't quite grasp.....
Apparently the filthy contards want abortion doctors to use guns

I'm sure you Communists would be fine with that. Newly delivered infants being used as Skeet is exactly what I would expect from reprehensible scum like you.

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