Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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I challenge you to produce, from any credible source, any genuine quote from President Trump where he told anyone to “blame the darkies” for anything.

How about when he called countries immigrants come from "Shitholes"... or when he called Mexicans "Rapists" and "Murderers"... Or when he called for the execution of four innocent black men.

I guess you do not understand some things, that are obvious to sane people.

Terrorist is not a race.

Invading foreign criminal is not a race.

Rapist is not a race.

Murderer is not a race.

There is nothing the least bit racists about wanting this country and its people to be protected from them. Nothing about any of them that justifies yoru absurd, false accusation that he told anyone to “blame the darkies”. That's just you projecting your own abject racism and bigotry.
Now, Nancy Lanza, who you decry as crazy without any evidence. By all accounts was a law abiding citizen, who had broken no laws, and was in fact the first victim on that horrific day. But you have to blame someone, so blame a gun owner who was killed and had their weapons stolen.

Nope. Nancy was crazy as batshit.... and she raised a kid to be crazy who should have been in an institution. And Remington designed and marketed weapons with her in mind.

I challenge you to produce, from any credible source, any genuine quote from President Trump where he told anyone to “blame the darkies” for anything.

How about when he called countries immigrants come from "Shitholes"... or when he called Mexicans "Rapists" and "Murderers"... Or when he called for the execution of four innocent black men.

But it's okay, Mormon Bob... being in a cult is a normal thing for you.

I do think that much of the population is getting fed up with the faggots, especially now that they are openly going after children. I think you will live to find that it is the faggots, trannies, child molesters and other degenerate sexual perverts—and those who openly side with them—who are on the wrong side of history.

Nope... not really... End of the day, people will look back at homophobes like you with the same contempt and shame we look back at the Klan...

So one more time- Other than "You think it's icky" and "God says it's bad", do you have any valid arguments against homosexuality?

I see you are all in on the Scapegoating of the first victim.

don’t know why. It does not help your case to do so. But we shall see. Why do you think Nancy Lanza was crazy?
First of all, Remington didn't put that rifle anywhere but on the store shelf. The mom put it in the home. Secondly, Remington has no way of knowing if a particular customer will use their product irresponsibly and they are not obligated to know. They and all other gun manufacturers don't sell their product to the customer, they sell it to the dealers and the dealers are duly licensed to do so.

Guy, you really think that the gun manufacturers - in fact any manufacturer - don't spend millions on marketing, merchandising and customer demographics.

They know exactly who they are selling to, and they made a decision a long time ago that Crazy Nancy and little Zombie Adam were key markets, with her taking little Adam to the shooting range with his Jr. NRA member card.

They should be obligated to know who they are selling to...

It doesn't negate the fact that the 2nd Amendment says "...the right to keep and bear arms...". I

It also says, "Well regulated militias..."

It also doesn't negate the fact that some citizens did have guns and they wanted to make sure they would always have the right to own them.

Some citizens owned slaves, and wanted to make sure they would always have the right to own them. Didn't make it a good idea.

So let's boil it down to practicalities... just because you want a gun... doesn't mean it's a good idea for you to have one.

Moron....18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands.....less than 5 used for mass public shootings in killed, 93.

You have no sane, or rational case for your point of view........

320 million people, 18 million of these rifles in private hands, less than 5 in 2018 used for mass public shootings....

Meanwhile, cars killed over 38,000 people....
Anyone who is not hopelessly and unimaginably ignorant about firearms would know that having a fully-automatic mode makes the M-16, for all intents and purposes, a completely different weapon than an otherwise similar weapon that does not have fully-automatic capability.

Your statement is about like saying that a Yugo is the same car as a Bugatti.

First, I was in the Army for 11 years, and my MOS was 76Y. Which means I've taken apart literally hundreds of M16's.

No, except for the inability to fire full auto (which most infantrymen never use. Even when I was in, they replaced the Automatic gunner's M16 with the M-249 mini-machine gun.) It has the same range, accuracy, and projectile velocity as the AR-15.

No, doofus.....gun ownership was not rare in the colonies, it was an essential tool to the moron.

No, it really wasn't. It costs a skilled laborer a month's salary... it just wasn't that essential.

Here's a big hint. When the Revolutionary War started, we had to get guns from the French because we didn't have that many.

Moron...every home had a rifle.......because of Indian attacks, and for hunting, you doofus.
First of all, Remington didn't put that rifle anywhere but on the store shelf. The mom put it in the home. Secondly, Remington has no way of knowing if a particular customer will use their product irresponsibly and they are not obligated to know. They and all other gun manufacturers don't sell their product to the customer, they sell it to the dealers and the dealers are duly licensed to do so.

Guy, you really think that the gun manufacturers - in fact any manufacturer - don't spend millions on marketing, merchandising and customer demographics.

That they spend a lot on marketing was never up for debate.

They know exactly who they are selling to, and they made a decision a long time ago that Crazy Nancy and little Zombie Adam were key markets, with her taking little Adam to the shooting range with his Jr. NRA member card.

Don't be an idiot.

They should be obligated to know who they are selling to...

No more than car manufacturers. Besides, selling and purchasing firearms is legal in this country and murder is illegal. They are not obligated to know any more than that.

It doesn't negate the fact that the 2nd Amendment says "...the right to keep and bear arms...". I

It also says, "Well regulated militias..."

Yes, it does. And?

It also doesn't negate the fact that some citizens did have guns and they wanted to make sure they would always have the right to own them.

Some citizens owned slaves, and wanted to make sure they would always have the right to own them. Didn't make it a good idea.

One is in the Constitution and the other is not. Tough shit.

So let's boil it down to practicalities... just because you want a gun... doesn't mean it's a good idea for you to have one.

And most times it's perfectly okay.
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You reveal your ignorance about the average middle class conservative.

Up until 2008, I was a middle class conservative... Then I realized that the Hispanic Lesbian was really in the same boat I was in, and the rich were trying to sink it.

I always put the turning point in my life as that day when my Boss screwed me over and proudly announced, "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

So you were a middle class conservative at one time and as soon as you changed your political affiliation you deemed middle class conservatives as racist angry white men? WTF?

If there exists anything like the Angry White Male you describe, he is angry not because he's no longer affluent; he never was affluent.

Actually, he isn't, but his fathers were.

All of them?

My dad belong to one of those awful unions. It meant he could make enough to support a family, own vacation property and a few creature luxuries... You are totally making my point.

How can I make your point when I never said anything about unions? What does any of this have to do with unions?

He's angry because he works to provide for his family, pays for his and their health insurance, puts a roof over their heads, puts food on the table and pays his taxes and then the government wants to indiscriminately allow people to cross our border illegally and give them everything he's had to work for.

See, I knew it was only a matter of time before the racism came out.

See, I knew it was only a matter of time before you brought race into it. Even though I never mentioned "darkies" or "little brown people" or brought up race at all in any context.

Is this why you brought up "angry white men" in the first place, so you could get another opportunity to bring up race?

Let's get real. We have a 20 Trillion dollar economy. How much do you think we are actually spending on "Illegals"? That White Conservative should be more upset about the Corporate welfare he paid for. All the banks got bailouts in 2008, he got a pink slip.

Whatever the economy is, we have a national debt that, at this point, is probably beyond recovery. Besides, just throwing money at your moral props doesn't solve anything and does not make you some kind of saint.

So he's angry that some undocumented immigrant is taking a job he'd never want to do?

Not what I said. I never mentioned jobs.

Or is he angry because the rich have gotten very good at playing at his racial, religious and sexual fears...

The question answers itself.

You're the one who keeps bringing up race. You've been the first to bring up race in every discussion we've ever had.
guess you do not understand some things, that are obvious to sane people.

Terrorist is not a race.

Invading foreign criminal is not a race.

Rapist is not a race.

Murderer is not a race.

No, but associating these bad things to one race- IS RACIST.

Sorry you don't get this. But then again, you belong to a cult that believes that dark skin is a curse from God and supported slavery.

There is nothing the least bit racists about wanting this country and its people to be protected from them. Nothing about any of them that justifies yoru absurd, false accusation that he told anyone to “blame the darkies”. That's just you projecting your own abject racism and bigotry.

Again, I don't belong to a racist cult like you do...

People are most likely to be murdered or raped by people they know. Usually people of the same race. To say, "We are going to build walls to keep them out" is racist.

Sorry you are too dumb to see that, but you think a Kiddy Diddler named Joseph Smith was talking to God, so there's that.
No more than car manufacturers. Besides, selling and purchasing firearms is legal in this country and murder is illegal. They are not obligated to know any more than that.

Car Manufacturers are only obligated to sell to licensed drivers... Most states also require car owners to have insurance as well.

One is in the Constitution and the other is not. Tough shit.

The constitution never mentions the word "Guns".

So you were a middle class conservative at one time and as soon as you changed your political affiliation you deemed middle class conservatives as racist angry white men? WTF?

No, what changed my mind was realizing the rich guy in the corner office had no problem screwing with my livlihood because he could. And to be fair, it took a couple of cases of that happening before I wised up to the game. The rich are very good at keeping stupid white people in line by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears. I just stopped playing the game. You clearly are too dumb to stop playing.

See, I knew it was only a matter of time before you brought race into it. Even though I never mentioned "darkies" or "little brown people" or brought up race at all in any context.

Is this why you brought up "angry white men" in the first place, so you could get another opportunity to bring up race?

If it were white folks crossing the southern border, you wouldn't be shitting yourself.

We have a shitload of undocumented immigrants from Poland... never hear you guys whining about them.

Whatever the economy is, we have a national debt that, at this point, is probably beyond recovery. Besides, just throwing money at your moral props doesn't solve anything and does not make you some kind of saint.

Actually, we were well on our way to solving the National Debt in the late 1990's. Then Bush gave huge tax cuts to rich people and put a war on a credit card.

Here's how you get out of debt. You control spending on bullshit like weapons and corporate welfare, and you make the rich pay their fair share. That's how you get out of debt.

You don't get out of debt yanking food out of the mouths of children in Non-Fetus form (you know, the point you stop caring about them.) That just reminds people you are mean spirited assholes.

You're the one who keeps bringing up race. You've been the first to bring up race in every discussion we've ever had.

Only because if the Modern Conservative Movement didn't have racism, it would die.. Even the stupidest, angriest white person wouldn't vote for, "I want you to work harder for less money and less rights at work."
I see you are all in on the Scapegoating of the first victim.

don’t know why. It does not help your case to do so. But we shall see. Why do you think Nancy Lanza was crazy?

She was a prepper.

She stockpiled a shitload of guns and ammunition.

She was nuts.

No one counts her as a victim, it's why they list 26 victims of Sandy Hook, not 27. She was an enabler.
I see you are all in on the Scapegoating of the first victim.

don’t know why. It does not help your case to do so. But we shall see. Why do you think Nancy Lanza was crazy?

She was a prepper.

She stockpiled a shitload of guns and ammunition.

She was nuts.

No one counts her as a victim, it's why they list 26 victims of Sandy Hook, not 27. She was an enabler.
She was a pepper?
IF you don't prepare for bad times that make you a nut.
Define a stockpile of guns and ammo and after you do that give your authoritative citations of your training and experience where you can even give an opinion on what a person needs in self-defense
No more than car manufacturers. Besides, selling and purchasing firearms is legal in this country and murder is illegal. They are not obligated to know any more than that.

Car Manufacturers are only obligated to sell to licensed drivers... Most states also require car owners to have insurance as well.

One is in the Constitution and the other is not. Tough shit.

The constitution never mentions the word "Guns".

So you were a middle class conservative at one time and as soon as you changed your political affiliation you deemed middle class conservatives as racist angry white men? WTF?

No, what changed my mind was realizing the rich guy in the corner office had no problem screwing with my livlihood because he could. And to be fair, it took a couple of cases of that happening before I wised up to the game. The rich are very good at keeping stupid white people in line by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears. I just stopped playing the game. You clearly are too dumb to stop playing.

See, I knew it was only a matter of time before you brought race into it. Even though I never mentioned "darkies" or "little brown people" or brought up race at all in any context.

Is this why you brought up "angry white men" in the first place, so you could get another opportunity to bring up race?

If it were white folks crossing the southern border, you wouldn't be shitting yourself.

We have a shitload of undocumented immigrants from Poland... never hear you guys whining about them.

Whatever the economy is, we have a national debt that, at this point, is probably beyond recovery. Besides, just throwing money at your moral props doesn't solve anything and does not make you some kind of saint.

Actually, we were well on our way to solving the National Debt in the late 1990's. Then Bush gave huge tax cuts to rich people and put a war on a credit card.

Here's how you get out of debt. You control spending on bullshit like weapons and corporate welfare, and you make the rich pay their fair share. That's how you get out of debt.

You don't get out of debt yanking food out of the mouths of children in Non-Fetus form (you know, the point you stop caring about them.) That just reminds people you are mean spirited assholes.

You're the one who keeps bringing up race. You've been the first to bring up race in every discussion we've ever had.

Only because if the Modern Conservative Movement didn't have racism, it would die.. Even the stupidest, angriest white person wouldn't vote for, "I want you to work harder for less money and less rights at work."
I realize people who didn't work while Bush was president didn't get that 600.00 tax refund back but that's your fault
She was a pepper?
IF you don't prepare for bad times that make you a nut.
Define a stockpile of guns and ammo and after you do that give your authoritative citations of your training and experience where you can even give an opinion on what a person needs in self-defense

Well. Let see. Since you can only fire one gun at a time.... if you have more than one, you are probably a nut.

She had 1700 rounds of ammunition and at least 10 guns.

What was she "prepared" for, the Zombie Apocalypse?
I realize people who didn't work while Bush was president didn't get that 600.00 tax refund back but that's your fault

I worked most of the Bush years.... but he still had two recessions that cost me more than $600.00.

On the other hand, I wasn't unemployed a single day that Obama was president, and my income doubled. (Although that had more to do with me starting my own business and getting better paying jobs than anything he did.)
I see you are all in on the Scapegoating of the first victim.

don’t know why. It does not help your case to do so. But we shall see. Why do you think Nancy Lanza was crazy?

She was a prepper.

She stockpiled a shitload of guns and ammunition.

She was nuts.

No one counts her as a victim, it's why they list 26 victims of Sandy Hook, not 27. She was an enabler.

She wasn't an enabler you moron....she was murdered in her sleep. She was the first victim, you heartless asshole.
She wasn't an enabler you moron....she was murdered in her sleep. She was the first victim, you heartless asshole.

Again, if you gun nuts were just killing each other... I wouldn't have as much trouble.. you'd eventually weed yourselves out of the gene pool.

But she was an enabler.

She gave him access to guns, took him to the range and showed him how to use them.
She let him play violent video games all day...

And when she no longer could control the monster she created, she looked to get him institutionalized, and he turned on her.

There's a reason no one counts that bitch as a "victim". The victims were the 6 teachers and 20 kids he did kill.
I realize people who didn't work while Bush was president didn't get that 600.00 tax refund back but that's your fault

I worked most of the Bush years.... but he still had two recessions that cost me more than $600.00.

On the other hand, I wasn't unemployed a single day that Obama was president, and my income doubled. (Although that had more to do with me starting my own business and getting better paying jobs than anything he did.)
She was a pepper?
IF you don't prepare for bad times that make you a nut.
Define a stockpile of guns and ammo and after you do that give your authoritative citations of your training and experience where you can even give an opinion on what a person needs in self-defense

Well. Let see. Since you can only fire one gun at a time.... if you have more than one, you are probably a nut.

She had 1700 rounds of ammunition and at least 10 guns.

What was she "prepared" for, the Zombie Apocalypse?
I stock up for the next gun and ammo run I have way more than that. Certain firearms have specific purposes. However that's irrelevant you negated to give your quialfying authority.
No more than car manufacturers. Besides, selling and purchasing firearms is legal in this country and murder is illegal. They are not obligated to know any more than that.

Car Manufacturers are only obligated to sell to licensed drivers... Most states also require car owners to have insurance as well.

The manufacturers sell their vehicles to dealerships, not to drivers. Ergo, they are not obligated to sell to licensed and insured drivers, the dealerships are.

One is in the Constitution and the other is not. Tough shit.

The constitution never mentions the word "Guns".

And? When they said "...arms...", did you think they were talking about pitchforks?

So you were a middle class conservative at one time and as soon as you changed your political affiliation you deemed middle class conservatives as racist angry white men? WTF?

No, what changed my mind was realizing the rich guy in the corner office had no problem screwing with my livlihood because he could. And to be fair, it took a couple of cases of that happening before I wised up to the game. The rich are very good at keeping stupid white people in line by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears. I just stopped playing the game. You clearly are too dumb to stop playing.

Sounds to me like you became an angry white man (if you were not already). The only difference in your case is that your broadbrush animosity is not against an ethnic minority. You now hate all rich people because a couple of them did you wrong.

See, I knew it was only a matter of time before you brought race into it. Even though I never mentioned "darkies" or "little brown people" or brought up race at all in any context.

Is this why you brought up "angry white men" in the first place, so you could get another opportunity to bring up race?

If it were white folks crossing the southern border, you wouldn't be shitting yourself.

This is an assumption based on absolutely nothing. And if it were white, Catholic rich folks, you would be shitting yourself.

We have a shitload of undocumented immigrants from Poland... never hear you guys whining about them.

Neither do we hear you guys offering them free health care and housing.

Whatever the economy is, we have a national debt that, at this point, is probably beyond recovery. Besides, just throwing money at your moral props doesn't solve anything and does not make you some kind of saint.

Actually, we were well on our way to solving the National Debt in the late 1990's. Then Bush gave huge tax cuts to rich people and put a war on a credit card.

Maybe, maybe not. The fact remains that at this point in time, it is probably beyond recovery. Therefore, I don't feel we should be throwing money at people who come here illegally.

Here's how you get out of debt. You control spending on bullshit like weapons and corporate welfare, and you make the rich pay their fair share. That's how you get out of debt.

When you and others say "fair share" in regards to corporations and the rich, what you really mean is you want them to pay proportionately more than everyone else by simple virtue of their being rich. Fair share means fair share, which in turn means that if everyone else is paying, say, ten percent, corporations and the rich should not be made to pay more than that.

You want to punish the rich for being rich because a couple of rich douchebags did you wrong.

You don't get out of debt yanking food out of the mouths of children in Non-Fetus form (you know, the point you stop caring about them.) That just reminds people you are mean spirited assholes.

You don't get out of debt by giving money to people to yank children from their wombs before they're born either.

You're the one who keeps bringing up race. You've been the first to bring up race in every discussion we've ever had.

Only because if the Modern Conservative Movement didn't have racism, it would die..

Well that was a stupid goddamn thing to say considering all the angry rhetoric flying around between conservatives and liberals on just about everything, including the matter of gun control which this discussion is about.

Even the stupidest, angriest white person wouldn't vote for, "I want you to work harder for less money and less rights at work."

Is this another union tangent?
She was a pepper?
IF you don't prepare for bad times that make you a nut.
Define a stockpile of guns and ammo and after you do that give your authoritative citations of your training and experience where you can even give an opinion on what a person needs in self-defense

Well. Let see. Since you can only fire one gun at a time.... if you have more than one, you are probably a nut.

She had 1700 rounds of ammunition and at least 10 guns.

What was she "prepared" for, the Zombie Apocalypse?

Can you sit in two chairs at the same time? If not, why do you have more than one?
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