Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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Right. But make no mistake, this is not about saving lives or even about gun control. It's about eliminating a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world and a way of belief. This is just the first step in purging what they see as the redneck persona from society. Or at least, taking away all the things that make a redneck a redneck.

Good point. Once we end the gun ownership, we need to end the inbreeding you people do, it's just making you mean and stupid.

If you look at gun control advocates' arguments from a critical thinking perspective, they simply don't stand up and collapse under their own weight. If it was about reducing the number of deaths, they would go after other, worse causes than firearms such as motor vehicle deaths. At the very least they would go after handguns more rigorously than AR-15s as handguns constitute the majority of firearm deaths.

People like this don't give two shits about people dying. What they care about is how they die.

Okay, let's look at this shit-for-brains argument.

Yes, more people die in accidents in a needed vehicle that we use every day. But everyone involved is working very hard to make them safer. The car companies roll out new safety features every year, government puts up new traffic controls and regulations every year. When a problem emerges, like idiots texting and driving, we pass sensible laws against doing that. We make the laws against DUI tougher every year...

ON the other hand, THERE IS NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to own an AR-15 or other military grade assault rifle. None. They have limited utility for home defense, they aren't good for hunting... they are designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, which is to kill people.

So, um, yeah, when Remington decides to sell that weapon to Crazy Nancy Lanza and her Zombie Kid, they are responsible for what follows.

Actually, no. This is the way it really works. Remington made the rifle. They sold it as part of a batch to a Distributor. That Distributor signed for the rifle, accepting custody and responsibility under the various Firearms acts. The Distributor sold it to a Gun Shop. This store was also operated by a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer. The Dealer signed for the weapons in the sale, accepting responsibility and custody of the rifle. With me so far Joe?

Now, Nancy Lanza, who you decry as crazy without any evidence. By all accounts was a law abiding citizen, who had broken no laws, and was in fact the first victim on that horrific day. But you have to blame someone, so blame a gun owner who was killed and had their weapons stolen.

Remington did not sell to Nancy. A local Gun Shop did. Nancy never harmed anyone. Nancy was a victim, but you can’t bring yourself to tone down your irrational hatred of gun owners so you call her crazy too. It is not possible to order a rifle from Remington, and have it delivered to your door. They don’t sell to the public like that.

It is in fact, a question of responsibility. You don’t want to take responsibility for your own life, and safety. You want others to do it for you. You want the Military to go out and stop bad people here and there. You want the police to stop the bad people in your town. Even though they are unable to actually protect you. You want it.

The first victim was Nancy. She was killed by her son. If she had lived, I am sure you would have screamed for criminal charges. There is so much of the story that you have factually wrong. There is so much truth you refuse to acknowledge. I am not surprised. Truth gets in the way of agendas.
Right. But make no mistake, this is not about saving lives or even about gun control. It's about eliminating a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world and a way of belief. This is just the first step in purging what they see as the redneck persona from society. Or at least, taking away all the things that make a redneck a redneck.

Good point. Once we end the gun ownership, we need to end the inbreeding you people do, it's just making you mean and stupid.

I'm from upstate New York and am no redneck by any definition of the word. So who's being mean and stupid?

If you look at gun control advocates' arguments from a critical thinking perspective, they simply don't stand up and collapse under their own weight. If it was about reducing the number of deaths, they would go after other, worse causes than firearms such as motor vehicle deaths. At the very least they would go after handguns more rigorously than AR-15s as handguns constitute the majority of firearm deaths.

People like this don't give two shits about people dying. What they care about is how they die.

Okay, let's look at this shit-for-brains argument.

Yes, more people die in accidents in a needed vehicle that we use every day.

First of all, vehicles are needed no more than guns. They are a luxury and a convenience, nothing more. Secondly, you just proved my point that you don't care how many people die, only how they die.

Pro-gun control people have a vested interest in motor vehicles so they're not willing to give them up or restrict their their use. However, they're not interested in firearms and in their arrogant self righteousness, they feel no one else should be either.

But everyone involved is working very hard to make them safer. The car companies roll out new safety features every year, government puts up new traffic controls and regulations every year. When a problem emerges, like idiots texting and driving, we pass sensible laws against doing that. We make the laws against DUI tougher every year...

When a problem emerges, like idiots texting and driving (or committing murder), we pass sensible laws against doing that. See how that works?

And yet, in spite of all their efforts to make driving safer, more people still die in vehicles than by firearms.

ON the other hand, THERE IS NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to own an AR-15 or other military grade assault rifle. None.

First of all, in the eyes of the law and by the principles of logic and common sense, there is no good reason to own most of the crap we do. Secondly, NO GOOD REASON is not reason enough to ban their use. Thirdly, AR-15s are not military grade, they only look military grade. Being former military yourself, you should know this.

They have limited utility for home defense, they aren't good for hunting... they are designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, which is to kill people.

By this logic, knives (kitchen and specialty cutting tools like box cutters being the exception) were made to kill people so they should be banned.

So, um, yeah, when Remington decides to sell that weapon to Crazy Nancy Lanza and her Zombie Kid, they are responsible for what follows.

They are no more obligated to determine if someone will misuse their product than car manufacturers are to determine if someone will misuse theirs to text and drive or drive under the influence and kill people (not to mention the fact that, as you yourself pointed out, we have laws against texting and driving). Neither are hammer manufacturers (bludgeoning) or knife makers (stabbing) or cinder block makers (drop from overpass) obligated to determine if their products will be misused.

Everyone knows the law that murder is illegal and so no one should be held liable for others choosing to break a law they were well aware of.
This isn't about the merits of the case...this is simply setting the precedent that gun makers can be sued for anything.....and allowing left wing, democrat, anti-gun lawyers sue them into obedience......forcing them to stop making guns for civilians. The democrats want to take every gun maker to court, cost them millions and discourage them from resisting....since fighting back will put them out of business...this should have been squashed at the state level.....

Right. But make no mistake, this is not about saving lives or even about gun control. It's about eliminating a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world and a way of belief. This is just the first step in purging what they see as the redneck persona from society. Or at least, taking away all the things that make a redneck a redneck.

If you look at gun control advocates' arguments from a critical thinking perspective, they simply don't stand up and collapse under their own weight. If it was about reducing the number of deaths, they would go after other, worse causes than firearms such as motor vehicle deaths. At the very least they would go after handguns more rigorously than AR-15s as handguns constitute the majority of firearm deaths.

People like this don't give two shits about people dying. What they care about is how they die.
A well written response..Thanks.

I think you're in the right area with your analysis. This is being treated in the same tort model as won against big tobacco.

About changing a way of life? Maybe, maybe not--I've been country all my life...and as long as I can get a gun when I want one...I'm cool. I like it when any huge business takes it in the shorts. Taking them down as long as my 2nd is fine with me. I don't foresee a gun shortage any time soon!

Redneckery is alive and me on this!

ROTFLMAO Guns are not the be-all and the end-all of rural culture. This is a tempest in a teapot, I think

None of that was to say they will be successful or that guns are the end-all, be-all of redneckdom. I just look at the bigger picture and I see a pattern emerging. We see the words "old white men" popping up a lot; people being summarily called "racist" for nothing more than their political views; being judged as "uneducated" and racist for having voted for Trump; being considered a heartless monster who doesn't care about children being killed for supporting the 2nd Amendment; being ridiculed for being Christian, etc., etc.

Liberals these days simply do not (and don't want to) understand middle class rural Americans and it makes them uneasy. The fact that they keep asking why anyone needs an AR-15 is evidence of that. If it were anything else, such as a four wheeler or something, they wouldn't bother asking the question. They simply do not understand the mindset of a gun enthusiast and for that, they feel he shouldn't have his guns. There is much they don't understand about the average conservative and for that, we are evil.
Here`s an alternate theory. Could it be that Americans are tired of seeing people leaving Walmart, schools, churches, etc. in body bags? You simply do not understand the mindset of those who are anti-mass murder.

I understand the mindset of those who are anti-mass murder as I am anti-mass murder myself. Are you implying that gun enthusiasts are pro-mass murder?

No one wants your deer rifle or your six shooter.

I don't own a six shooter and I'm not offering my deer rifle to anyone and you are not obligated to take it.
Gun nuts aren`t pro mass murder. They just don`t care. The slogan at the NRA could easily be Body Counts Don`t Matter. I`m not talking about normal gun owners, just the crazies and if you own assault weapons you are one of them.
Do we really want to set the precedent of making the manufacture of a product responsible for how those who purchase the product use it?
None of that was to say they will be successful or that guns are the end-all, be-all of redneckdom. I just look at the bigger picture and I see a pattern emerging. We see the words "old white men" popping up a lot; people being summarily called "racist" for nothing more than their political views; being judged as "uneducated" and racist for having voted for Trump; being considered a heartless monster who doesn't care about children being killed for supporting the 2nd Amendment; being ridiculed for being Christian, etc., etc.

Um, yeah, the thing is, all of those are valid complaints.

Most of Trump's supporters ARE racist. They enjoy the fact Trump can get away with racism that would get their asses hauled down to Human Resources.

See what I mean?

Liberals these days simply do not (and don't want to) understand middle class rural Americans and it makes them uneasy. The fact that they keep asking why anyone needs an AR-15 is evidence of that. If it were anything else, such as a four wheeler or something, they wouldn't bother asking the question. They simply do not understand the mindset of a gun enthusiast and for that, they feel he shouldn't have his guns. There is much they don't understand about the average conservative and for that, we are evil.

Oh, quite the contrary, I understand your mindset perfectly fine. The problem with the Angry White Male is that he's angry that he doesn't enjoy the affluence his father or grandfather enjoyed, but he's too stupid to realize who took that affluence away from him. So he clings to his guns and his bible like that does him any good. And when Trump tells him to blame the darkies who have a little more than they used to have, instead of the wealthy like himself who took that affluence away, they go for it... mostly because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up.

My father was never affluent, I'm not affluent and I'm an atheist so I don't have a Bible.

You reveal your ignorance about the average middle class conservative. If there exists anything like the Angry White Male you describe, he is angry not because he's no longer affluent; he never was affluent. He's angry because he works to provide for his family, pays for his and their health insurance, puts a roof over their heads, puts food on the table and pays his taxes and then the government wants to indiscriminately allow people to cross our border illegally and give them everything he's had to work for.
None of that was to say they will be successful or that guns are the end-all, be-all of redneckdom. I just look at the bigger picture and I see a pattern emerging. We see the words "old white men" popping up a lot; people being summarily called "racist" for nothing more than their political views; being judged as "uneducated" and racist for having voted for Trump; being considered a heartless monster who doesn't care about children being killed for supporting the 2nd Amendment; being ridiculed for being Christian, etc., etc.

Um, yeah, the thing is, all of those are valid complaints.

Most of Trump's supporters ARE racist. They enjoy the fact Trump can get away with racism that would get their asses hauled down to Human Resources.

See what I mean?

Liberals these days simply do not (and don't want to) understand middle class rural Americans and it makes them uneasy. The fact that they keep asking why anyone needs an AR-15 is evidence of that. If it were anything else, such as a four wheeler or something, they wouldn't bother asking the question. They simply do not understand the mindset of a gun enthusiast and for that, they feel he shouldn't have his guns. There is much they don't understand about the average conservative and for that, we are evil.

Oh, quite the contrary, I understand your mindset perfectly fine. The problem with the Angry White Male is that he's angry that he doesn't enjoy the affluence his father or grandfather enjoyed, but he's too stupid to realize who took that affluence away from him. So he clings to his guns and his bible like that does him any good. And when Trump tells him to blame the darkies who have a little more than they used to have, instead of the wealthy like himself who took that affluence away, they go for it... mostly because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up.

My father was never affluent, I'm not affluent and I'm an atheist so I don't have a Bible.

You reveal your ignorance about the average middle class conservative. If there exists anything like the Angry White Male you describe, he is angry not because he's no longer affluent; he never was affluent. He's angry because he works to provide for his family, pays for his and their health insurance, puts a roof over their heads, puts food on the table and pays his taxes and then the government wants to indiscriminately allow people to cross our border illegally and give them everything he's had to work for.
That about sums it up.
Right. But make no mistake, this is not about saving lives or even about gun control. It's about eliminating a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world and a way of belief. This is just the first step in purging what they see as the redneck persona from society. Or at least, taking away all the things that make a redneck a redneck.

If you look at gun control advocates' arguments from a critical thinking perspective, they simply don't stand up and collapse under their own weight. If it was about reducing the number of deaths, they would go after other, worse causes than firearms such as motor vehicle deaths. At the very least they would go after handguns more rigorously than AR-15s as handguns constitute the majority of firearm deaths.

People like this don't give two shits about people dying. What they care about is how they die.
A well written response..Thanks.

I think you're in the right area with your analysis. This is being treated in the same tort model as won against big tobacco.

About changing a way of life? Maybe, maybe not--I've been country all my life...and as long as I can get a gun when I want one...I'm cool. I like it when any huge business takes it in the shorts. Taking them down as long as my 2nd is fine with me. I don't foresee a gun shortage any time soon!

Redneckery is alive and me on this!

ROTFLMAO Guns are not the be-all and the end-all of rural culture. This is a tempest in a teapot, I think

None of that was to say they will be successful or that guns are the end-all, be-all of redneckdom. I just look at the bigger picture and I see a pattern emerging. We see the words "old white men" popping up a lot; people being summarily called "racist" for nothing more than their political views; being judged as "uneducated" and racist for having voted for Trump; being considered a heartless monster who doesn't care about children being killed for supporting the 2nd Amendment; being ridiculed for being Christian, etc., etc.

Liberals these days simply do not (and don't want to) understand middle class rural Americans and it makes them uneasy. The fact that they keep asking why anyone needs an AR-15 is evidence of that. If it were anything else, such as a four wheeler or something, they wouldn't bother asking the question. They simply do not understand the mindset of a gun enthusiast and for that, they feel he shouldn't have his guns. There is much they don't understand about the average conservative and for that, we are evil.
Here`s an alternate theory. Could it be that Americans are tired of seeing people leaving Walmart, schools, churches, etc. in body bags? You simply do not understand the mindset of those who are anti-mass murder.

I understand the mindset of those who are anti-mass murder as I am anti-mass murder myself. Are you implying that gun enthusiasts are pro-mass murder?

No one wants your deer rifle or your six shooter.

I don't own a six shooter and I'm not offering my deer rifle to anyone and you are not obligated to take it.
Gun nuts aren`t pro mass murder. They just don`t care. The slogan at the NRA could easily be Body Counts Don`t Matter. I`m not talking about normal gun owners, just the crazies and if you own assault weapons you are one of them.
What, exactly is an assault weapon. Anything used to assault someone with is an assault weapon. Including a rock.
Right. But make no mistake, this is not about saving lives or even about gun control. It's about eliminating a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world and a way of belief. This is just the first step in purging what they see as the redneck persona from society. Or at least, taking away all the things that make a redneck a redneck.

If you look at gun control advocates' arguments from a critical thinking perspective, they simply don't stand up and collapse under their own weight. If it was about reducing the number of deaths, they would go after other, worse causes than firearms such as motor vehicle deaths. At the very least they would go after handguns more rigorously than AR-15s as handguns constitute the majority of firearm deaths.

People like this don't give two shits about people dying. What they care about is how they die.
A well written response..Thanks.

I think you're in the right area with your analysis. This is being treated in the same tort model as won against big tobacco.

About changing a way of life? Maybe, maybe not--I've been country all my life...and as long as I can get a gun when I want one...I'm cool. I like it when any huge business takes it in the shorts. Taking them down as long as my 2nd is fine with me. I don't foresee a gun shortage any time soon!

Redneckery is alive and me on this!

ROTFLMAO Guns are not the be-all and the end-all of rural culture. This is a tempest in a teapot, I think

None of that was to say they will be successful or that guns are the end-all, be-all of redneckdom. I just look at the bigger picture and I see a pattern emerging. We see the words "old white men" popping up a lot; people being summarily called "racist" for nothing more than their political views; being judged as "uneducated" and racist for having voted for Trump; being considered a heartless monster who doesn't care about children being killed for supporting the 2nd Amendment; being ridiculed for being Christian, etc., etc.

Liberals these days simply do not (and don't want to) understand middle class rural Americans and it makes them uneasy. The fact that they keep asking why anyone needs an AR-15 is evidence of that. If it were anything else, such as a four wheeler or something, they wouldn't bother asking the question. They simply do not understand the mindset of a gun enthusiast and for that, they feel he shouldn't have his guns. There is much they don't understand about the average conservative and for that, we are evil.
Here`s an alternate theory. Could it be that Americans are tired of seeing people leaving Walmart, schools, churches, etc. in body bags? You simply do not understand the mindset of those who are anti-mass murder.

I understand the mindset of those who are anti-mass murder as I am anti-mass murder myself. Are you implying that gun enthusiasts are pro-mass murder?

No one wants your deer rifle or your six shooter.

I don't own a six shooter and I'm not offering my deer rifle to anyone and you are not obligated to take it.
Gun nuts aren`t pro mass murder. They just don`t care.


The slogan at the NRA could easily be Body Counts Don`t Matter. I`m not talking about normal gun owners, just the crazies and if you own assault weapons you are one of them.

First of all, AR-15s are not assault weapons. Secondly, the majority of AR-15 owners are law abiding citizens. My niece's husband is one of them and he happens to be a police officer.

The picture you have in your mind of pro-2nd Amendment people is like a child's drawing; simple and lacking any subtlety or depth.
Most of Trump's supporters ARE racist. They enjoy the fact Trump can get away with racism that would get their asses hauled down to Human Resources.

This is why sane people now understand that when a LIbEral uses the term “racist”, that it means nothing more or less than “someone to whom a LIbEral is badly losing an argument.”

And when Trump tells him to blame the darkies who have a little more than they used to have, instead of the wealthy like himself who took that affluence away, they go for it...

I challenge you to produce, from any credible source, any genuine quote from President Trump where he told anyone to “blame the darkies” for anything.

You can't, of course, and you know that you can't. As is usual for you, you are willfully, flat-out lying. That's pretty much all you ever do.
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Yawn.. guy, 54% of the population voted against Trump in 2016. You've already lost the room, you are just relying on technicalities to win now.

Trump won fair and square. It is for very good reason that we use the Elector College System, and not the popular vote to elect our President—to prevent a few heavily-populated areas from dominating the election and disenfranchising large parts of the country.

And your side only won the popular vote because of illegal votes cast by invading foreign criminals. If not for blatant voter fraud, openly supported by your side, you'd have lost that as well.

The reality is, you guys are on the losing side of history... Racism is no longer acceptable. Homophobia is no longer acceptable. Any day now, your Mormon Prophet is going to have a talk with God and find out God is okay with the gays...

Nobody is claiming that racism is acceptable.

I do think that much of the population is getting fed up with the faggots, especially now that they are openly going after children. I think you will live to find that it is the faggots, trannies, child molesters and other degenerate sexual perverts—and those who openly side with them—who are on the wrong side of history.
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There is no military in the world that uses or owns an AR-15. It would be suicide to do so.

The AR-15 and M-16 are the same weapon... the M16 just has a full-auto option.

Anyone who is not hopelessly and unimaginably ignorant about firearms would know that having a fully-automatic mode makes the M-16, for all intents and purposes, a completely different weapon than an otherwise similar weapon that does not have fully-automatic capability.

Your statement is about like saying that a Yugo is the same car as a Bugatti.
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The problem with this as I see it is that, however Remington marketed the gun, that is not evidence or proof that Lanza even saw the advertisements or acted because of them. Also, the Remington didn't even belong to him and it was right there in the home, making it a weapon of convenience. What was he going to do, go and pay $800 for a new one when there was one right there? I don't think so. I would say that marketing was not a factor here in any way whatsoever.

This whole case stinks and should have been tossed out at the beginning.

This isn't about the merits of the case...this is simply setting the precedent that gun makers can be sued for anything.....and allowing left wing, democrat, anti-gun lawyers sue them into obedience......forcing them to stop making guns for civilians. The democrats want to take every gun maker to court, cost them millions and discourage them from resisting....since fighting back will put them out of business...this should have been squashed at the state level.....

Right. But make no mistake, this is not about saving lives or even about gun control. It's about eliminating a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world and a way of belief. This is just the first step in purging what they see as the redneck persona from society. Or at least, taking away all the things that make a redneck a redneck.

If you look at gun control advocates' arguments from a critical thinking perspective, they simply don't stand up and collapse under their own weight. If it was about reducing the number of deaths, they would go after other, worse causes than firearms such as motor vehicle deaths. At the very least they would go after handguns more rigorously than AR-15s as handguns constitute the majority of firearm deaths.

People like this don't give two shits about people dying. What they care about is how they die.
A well written response..Thanks.

I think you're in the right area with your analysis. This is being treated in the same tort model as won against big tobacco.

About changing a way of life? Maybe, maybe not--I've been country all my life...and as long as I can get a gun when I want one...I'm cool. I like it when any huge business takes it in the shorts. Taking them down as long as my 2nd is fine with me. I don't foresee a gun shortage any time soon!

Redneckery is alive and me on this!

ROTFLMAO Guns are not the be-all and the end-all of rural culture. This is a tempest in a teapot, I think

None of that was to say they will be successful or that guns are the end-all, be-all of redneckdom. I just look at the bigger picture and I see a pattern emerging. We see the words "old white men" popping up a lot; people being summarily called "racist" for nothing more than their political views; being judged as "uneducated" and racist for having voted for Trump; being considered a heartless monster who doesn't care about children being killed for supporting the 2nd Amendment; being ridiculed for being Christian, etc., etc.

Liberals these days simply do not (and don't want to) understand middle class rural Americans and it makes them uneasy. The fact that they keep asking why anyone needs an AR-15 is evidence of that. If it were anything else, such as a four wheeler or something, they wouldn't bother asking the question. They simply do not understand the mindset of a gun enthusiast and for that, they feel he shouldn't have his guns. There is much they don't understand about the average conservative and for that, we are evil.
Here`s an alternate theory. Could it be that Americans are tired of seeing people leaving Walmart, schools, churches, etc. in body bags? You simply do not understand the mindset of those who are anti-mass murder. No one wants your deer rifle or your six shooter.

In number of mass public shootings....12. Total killed... 93.

Total number of people killed in car accidents in 2017..... over 38,000.

So...according to you, cars now need to be banned.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop crime, including mass public shooters......according to the CDC.......

Can you tell which numbers are bigger or did you go to a democrat controlled public school?
Right. But make no mistake, this is not about saving lives or even about gun control. It's about eliminating a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world and a way of belief. This is just the first step in purging what they see as the redneck persona from society. Or at least, taking away all the things that make a redneck a redneck.

Good point. Once we end the gun ownership, we need to end the inbreeding you people do, it's just making you mean and stupid.

If you look at gun control advocates' arguments from a critical thinking perspective, they simply don't stand up and collapse under their own weight. If it was about reducing the number of deaths, they would go after other, worse causes than firearms such as motor vehicle deaths. At the very least they would go after handguns more rigorously than AR-15s as handguns constitute the majority of firearm deaths.

People like this don't give two shits about people dying. What they care about is how they die.

Okay, let's look at this shit-for-brains argument.

Yes, more people die in accidents in a needed vehicle that we use every day. But everyone involved is working very hard to make them safer. The car companies roll out new safety features every year, government puts up new traffic controls and regulations every year. When a problem emerges, like idiots texting and driving, we pass sensible laws against doing that. We make the laws against DUI tougher every year...

ON the other hand, THERE IS NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to own an AR-15 or other military grade assault rifle. None. They have limited utility for home defense, they aren't good for hunting... they are designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, which is to kill people.

So, um, yeah, when Remington decides to sell that weapon to Crazy Nancy Lanza and her Zombie Kid, they are responsible for what follows.

AR-15s, involved in less than 32 deaths in 2018........

Cars over 38,000 in 2017......

Truck used in france killed 86 people in one attack....

Cars are far deadlier than AR-15 rifles...
The problem with this argument is that Americans have always had the right to keep and bear arms and have been doing so from the beginning, long before the first mass shooting.

The right to keep and bear arms has no bearing on mass shootings other than that the firearms are just a tool to commit mass killing. If it did, there would always have been mass shootings. This should tell any person with a modicum of common sense and critical thinking that the guns are not what is killing the people, per se.

Most of our history, civilians did not have access to weapons like THIS!

View attachment 289733

The problem with the gun nuts is they misrepresent history. Gun ownership was actually RARE in the colonies. A gun cost more than a skilled laborer made in a month, and it had very little value to most people, so few people had them. Guns were actually owned by the state militias...

Industrialization in the 19th century made them a little more common, but nowhere near what we have today.

No, doofus.....gun ownership was not rare in the colonies, it was an essential tool to the moron.
You should read your own link. It wasn't because the vaccination itself was dangerous, it was because the vaccines were mishandled and were not properly refrigerated. Sorry, but food can become dangerous if left un refrigerated [sic] for a couple of hours. If you don't believe that, then at your next BBQ, leave the potato salad made with mayo out in the sun for a couple of hours before eating. Guarantee it will at a minimum make you sick. If it's bad enough, it can kill you.

And then, by the logic that we're seeing in this thread from those on the left wrong, you should be able to sue the manufacturer of that mayonnaise.

Wrong. If you make something with mayonnaise and leave it out in a warm place for too long, that isn't the fault of the maker of the mayo, it's your fault for not following the directions for safe handling.
And then, by the logic that we're seeing in this thread from those on the left wrong, you should be able to sue the manufacturer of that mayonnaise.

Wrong. If you make something with mayonnaise and leave it out in a warm place for too long, that isn't the fault of the maker of the mayo, it's your fault for not following the directions for safe handling.

The manufacturer of the mayonnaise is every bit as responsible for the results of misusing that product, as the manufacturer of a gun is for the results of any misuse of that product.
First of all, Remington didn't put that rifle anywhere but on the store shelf. The mom put it in the home. Secondly, Remington has no way of knowing if a particular customer will use their product irresponsibly and they are not obligated to know. They and all other gun manufacturers don't sell their product to the customer, they sell it to the dealers and the dealers are duly licensed to do so.

Guy, you really think that the gun manufacturers - in fact any manufacturer - don't spend millions on marketing, merchandising and customer demographics.

They know exactly who they are selling to, and they made a decision a long time ago that Crazy Nancy and little Zombie Adam were key markets, with her taking little Adam to the shooting range with his Jr. NRA member card.

They should be obligated to know who they are selling to...

It doesn't negate the fact that the 2nd Amendment says "...the right to keep and bear arms...". I

It also says, "Well regulated militias..."

It also doesn't negate the fact that some citizens did have guns and they wanted to make sure they would always have the right to own them.

Some citizens owned slaves, and wanted to make sure they would always have the right to own them. Didn't make it a good idea.

So let's boil it down to practicalities... just because you want a gun... doesn't mean it's a good idea for you to have one.
Now, Nancy Lanza, who you decry as crazy without any evidence. By all accounts was a law abiding citizen, who had broken no laws, and was in fact the first victim on that horrific day. But you have to blame someone, so blame a gun owner who was killed and had their weapons stolen.

Nope. Nancy was crazy as batshit.... and she raised a kid to be crazy who should have been in an institution. And Remington designed and marketed weapons with her in mind.

I challenge you to produce, from any credible source, any genuine quote from President Trump where he told anyone to “blame the darkies” for anything.

How about when he called countries immigrants come from "Shitholes"... or when he called Mexicans "Rapists" and "Murderers"... Or when he called for the execution of four innocent black men.

But it's okay, Mormon Bob... being in a cult is a normal thing for you.

I do think that much of the population is getting fed up with the faggots, especially now that they are openly going after children. I think you will live to find that it is the faggots, trannies, child molesters and other degenerate sexual perverts—and those who openly side with them—who are on the wrong side of history.

Nope... not really... End of the day, people will look back at homophobes like you with the same contempt and shame we look back at the Klan...

So one more time- Other than "You think it's icky" and "God says it's bad", do you have any valid arguments against homosexuality?
You reveal your ignorance about the average middle class conservative.

Up until 2008, I was a middle class conservative... Then I realized that the Hispanic Lesbian was really in the same boat I was in, and the rich were trying to sink it.

I always put the turning point in my life as that day when my Boss screwed me over and proudly announced, "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

If there exists anything like the Angry White Male you describe, he is angry not because he's no longer affluent; he never was affluent.

Actually, he isn't, but his fathers were. My dad belong to one of those awful unions. It meant he could make enough to support a family, own vacation property and a few creature luxuries... You are totally making my point.

He's angry because he works to provide for his family, pays for his and their health insurance, puts a roof over their heads, puts food on the table and pays his taxes and then the government wants to indiscriminately allow people to cross our border illegally and give them everything he's had to work for.

See, I knew it was only a matter of time before the racism came out. Let's get real. We have a 20 Trillion dollar economy. How much do you think we are actually spending on "Illegals"? That White Conservative should be more upset about the Corporate welfare he paid for. All the banks got bailouts in 2008, he got a pink slip.

So he's angry that some undocumented immigrant is taking a job he'd never want to do? Or is he angry because the rich have gotten very good at playing at his racial, religious and sexual fears...

The question answers itself.
Anyone who is not hopelessly and unimaginably ignorant about firearms would know that having a fully-automatic mode makes the M-16, for all intents and purposes, a completely different weapon than an otherwise similar weapon that does not have fully-automatic capability.

Your statement is about like saying that a Yugo is the same car as a Bugatti.

First, I was in the Army for 11 years, and my MOS was 76Y. Which means I've taken apart literally hundreds of M16's.

No, except for the inability to fire full auto (which most infantrymen never use. Even when I was in, they replaced the Automatic gunner's M16 with the M-249 mini-machine gun.) It has the same range, accuracy, and projectile velocity as the AR-15.

No, doofus.....gun ownership was not rare in the colonies, it was an essential tool to the moron.

No, it really wasn't. It costs a skilled laborer a month's salary... it just wasn't that essential.

Here's a big hint. When the Revolutionary War started, we had to get guns from the French because we didn't have that many.
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