Supreme Court Allows Semi Automatic Gun Ban

How do you enforce that on criminals?
to reduce their availability entirely and putting any person in jail who has one in their possession ... not too hard to understand.


You want to take MY AR-15, because someone else might murder someone with theirs?

Should I give up my car because of drunk drivers?

Fill in my pool to prevent people from drowning?

Stop taking my meds because someone OD'd?

and you seriously believe criminals still won't get them if they are banned?

Read up on the effects of the 18th Amendment, and get back to me.
You want to take MY AR-15 ...

yes, and everyone else that feels they need one.


What scares you about it?

the noise?

it's black and ugly?

They kill?
the reason to have the law is for the blatant greed and stupidity displayed by those who need an automatic weapon and their unstable addiction they are unable control.


Was that supposed to make sense?
If the state is going to force churches to allow people to carry guns then yes the churches are being mandated to allow people to enter with guns

That's the very definition

Did the Gov of MS issue a "mandate"?

Can the churches not allow armed people in if they so choose?

So you have nothing about a mandate at all then, thanks.

What did you say?

I thought we were having a discussion here

You've proved to be incapable of such, bye.
I have asked at least 2 questions which you refuse to answer so why the fuck should I answer any question you ask?
You're totally right(Sarcasm), they prefer a higher chance of being shot back at. You're funny. 100% by chance, it's not as though the most recent mass shooting scouted the location multiple times before gunning them all down. I guess he must not have known it was a gun free zone, or he probably would have chosen a place that allows concealed carry, so he could be shot by the patrons(More sarcasm).
Mass shooters are suicidal. They WANT to die. So what makes you think "gun free zone" has fuck-all to do with their choice of target?

It doesn't.

They almost always pick a venue with which they are very familiar. THAT is the primary factor.

Because, asswipe....we have the actual confessions of shooters who were captured, and the notes and videos of shooters who died....they chose gun free zones...

Notes.....from the Sandy Hook shooter, Colorado theater, the guy just captured in Minnesota targeting a mega church, the South Carolina Church shooter and the Santa Barbara shooter....all said they chose gun free get their body counts up.

Dollars to donuts they said they chose CROWDS, not gun free zones.

Wrong..I have linked to all of them....
No, you have not.

Do it.

And more detail....

Santa barbara shooter ...

Do mentally ill, multiple victim killers purposefully pick targets where victims are most vulnerable?: The case of Elliot Rodger - Crime Prevention Research Center

With all the discussions about mental illness, one has to understand how much care and planning these killers engage in. Here is something from Elliot Rodger’s manifesto that no one seems to understand the importance of:

The first thing I had to consider was the exact date it will take place. Valentine’s Day would have been very fitting, since it was the holiday that made me feel the most miserable and insulted, the holiday in which young couples celebrated their happy lives together. The problem was that Valentine’s Day was only a month away. I needed more time than that. Also, on Valentine’s Day most young couples will be spread out in various restaurants in the city instead of being packed together at parties in Isla Vista.

Another option was Deltopia, a day in which many young people pour in from all over the state to have a spring break party on Del Playa Street. I figured this would be the perfect day to attack Isla Vista, but after watching Youtube videos of previous Deltopia parties, I saw that there were way too many cops walking around on such an event. It would be impossible to kill enough of my enemies before being dispatched by those damnable cops.

Rodger was apparently planning this attack for over 1.5 years, and this planning is quite common. During the fall of 2012, when he was 21-years-old he wrote:

At this point, it fully dawned on me that the possibility of having to resort to exacting this Retribution was more real than ever before. Without the prospect of becoming wealthy at a young age, I had nothing to live for now. I was going to be a virgin outcast forever. I realized that I had to start planning and preparing for the Day of Retribution, even though I hadn’t yet had any idea of what day that would be. . . .

The recent Aurora, Colorado Batman movie theater and Sikh Temple shootings are by no means the first times that killers targeted gun-free zones. Few appreciate that Dylan Klebold, one of the two Columbine killers, was following Colorado legislation that would have let citizens carry a concealed handgun. Presumably, he feared being stopped during his attack by someone with a weapon. In fact, the Columbine attack occurred the very day that final passage was scheduled.

And the killers’ concern that they would be stopped before many people were killed is justified. Many mass public shootings have been stopped by permit holders. Look at some of the cases: Shootings at schools were stopped before police arrived in such places as Pearl, Miss., and Edinboro, Pa., and at colleges like the Appalachian Law School in Virginia. Or consider attacks in busy downtowns such as Memphis; churches such as the New Life Church in Colorado Springs; malls in Portland, Ore., and Salt Lake City; or outside an apartment building in Oklahoma.

Colorado theater shooter....

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers - Crime Prevention Research Center

Notes on the James Holmes Batman Movie Theater Shooting case: Maximize killing and Deterrence matters for these mass killers

This past week we finally got a look at the diary of the Batman movie theater killer, James Holmes, and it was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater. But he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their “substantial security.

While Holmes’ diary was no where near as detailed as Elliot Rodger’s, the Santa Barbara killer from last year, it still shows that he was concerned about avoiding people who might stop his attack.

Dr. William Reid, a state-appointed psychiatrist who performed Holmes’ sanity evaluation, had these comments:

— “Reid said the gunman picked a show in the movie theater that was going to be packed”

— “Holmes said he looked at what other mass killers did but didn’t compare it. He said he just learned from what they did — specifically, ‘don’t shoot police or th
For the second year in a row the supreme court refused to reverse a ban on assault weapons and high capacity clips.

Banning weapons works.

When was the last time anyone used a Thompson machine gun or had one? They were banned in the 1930s.

When as the last time anyone used a fully automatic weapon? They were banned in the 80s, ronald reagan signed the ban.

Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.

Roberts' S.Ct. upholds 2 states assault rifle ban in News Forum

Thank God for the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban and how it prevented the Mass Shootings at Columbine and Jonesboro, oh wait it did not prevent those mass shootings!

Also you can buy a full automatic weapon and that is another misconception from the left as usual!

What happened was that the semi automatic replaced the fully automatic weapons.

People like me said back then that it wouldn't do anything to stop the carnage. We were right.

My point is that if we ban the semi automatic or assault weapons and there's nothing that does the same thing to replace it, we won't have such horrendous massacres we've had.

Banning certain weapons does work.

No one has a Thompson machine gun anymore. It was banned in the 1930.

Fully automatic weapons were banned in the 1980s, republican ronald reagan signed the legislation into law.

Keep in mind that it went into effect in May 1986. Which means that the republican controlled senate at the time, wrote a bill, voted on it and passed it. So republicans at one time did put the safety of Americans before money.

I find it interesting that no matter what you gun nuts say, it's constitutional to ban a type of weapon and that the supreme court upholds those bans.

I guess all the claims of destroying the second amendment
and taking away rights is just exactly what I've known it to be all my life.

Nothing but a bunch of garbage.

Europe banned fully automatic rifles...and they are the weapon of choice of european criminals and have no idea what you are talking about.

You have no idea how many more mass shootings by Islamic radicals there would be in Paris and London if they did not have those laws in place. What doesn't make the news are the raids that they've made on these criminals before they commit the crime. What doesn't make the news is how many times the radicals cannot get their hands on guns in Europe.

Fact: The US has far more mass shootings than Paris and London and all of Europe combined and yet the hostilities with Muslims is much higher in Europe and has been for decades. Princess Diana started dating a Muslim just to piss off the Queen and that was in the mid 90s.
You're totally right(Sarcasm), they prefer a higher chance of being shot back at. You're funny. 100% by chance, it's not as though the most recent mass shooting scouted the location multiple times before gunning them all down. I guess he must not have known it was a gun free zone, or he probably would have chosen a place that allows concealed carry, so he could be shot by the patrons(More sarcasm).
Mass shooters are suicidal. They WANT to die. So what makes you think "gun free zone" has fuck-all to do with their choice of target?

It doesn't.

They almost always pick a venue with which they are very familiar. THAT is the primary factor.

Because, asswipe....we have the actual confessions of shooters who were captured, and the notes and videos of shooters who died....they chose gun free zones...

Notes.....from the Sandy Hook shooter, Colorado theater, the guy just captured in Minnesota targeting a mega church, the South Carolina Church shooter and the Santa Barbara shooter....all said they chose gun free get their body counts up.

Dollars to donuts they said they chose CROWDS, not gun free zones.

Wrong..I have linked to all of them....
No, you have not.

Do it.

Even the South Carolina Church shooter picked it because it was a gun free zone...his original target was going to be a university....
Mass shooters are suicidal. They WANT to die. So what makes you think "gun free zone" has fuck-all to do with their choice of target?

It doesn't.

They almost always pick a venue with which they are very familiar. THAT is the primary factor.

Because, asswipe....we have the actual confessions of shooters who were captured, and the notes and videos of shooters who died....they chose gun free zones...

Notes.....from the Sandy Hook shooter, Colorado theater, the guy just captured in Minnesota targeting a mega church, the South Carolina Church shooter and the Santa Barbara shooter....all said they chose gun free get their body counts up.

Dollars to donuts they said they chose CROWDS, not gun free zones.

Wrong..I have linked to all of them....
No, you have not.

Do it.

Yes I have, not in this thread, but many, many times.....

here you go....

FBI: Dearborn Heights ISIS supporter planned to attack Detroit church

In conversation's between Abu-Rayyan and the undercover agent, Abu-Rayyan described his desire to commit a martyrdom operation.

The complaint filed in federal court doesn’t specify which Detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack, only that it was close and could seat 6,000 members.

The complaint quotes Abu-Rayyan saying:

“It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news. Everybody would've heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. If I can't do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here."

He had also told the undercover agent that a church would be an easy target because people are not allowed to carry guns there and that it would make the news.


this teen was going to make his own gun free zone by killiing the police resource officer first....

Teen made bombs, stockpiled guns in prep for Minnesota school massacre: police

The unhinged teen told cops, after being busted Tuesday, that he planned to shoot his sister, mom and dad with a .22-caliber rifle before he went to a rural field and set a fire to distract cops.

The 11th-grader then said he planned to go to Waseca Junior and Senior High School where he would toss Molotov cocktails and explode pressure-cooker bombs to try and kill “as many students as he could” in the cafeteria during lunchtime.

About 1,000 students, in 7th through 12th grade, attend the school.

LaDue, according to the notebook of his plan, would kill the school resource officer before continuing to kill other students. He was prepared to be gunned down by a SWAT Team, police said.


Vince Vaughn is right about guns (and was brave to be so honest) | Fox News

Last June, Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in Santa Barbara, Calif., explained his own choice. In his 141-page “Manifesto,” Rodger turned down alternate targets because he worried that someone with a gun would cut short his killing spree.

That same month, Justin Bourque shot to death three people in Canada. His Facebook page made fun of gun bans, with pictures of defenseless victims explaining to killers that they weren’t allowed to have guns.

The diary of the Aurora, Colorado, “Batman” movie theater killer, James Holmes, was finally released this past week. It was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater, but he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their “substantial security.”

Of course, there are numerous other examples such as the Columbine killersopposing the concealed carry law that was then working its way through the state legislature. The bill would have allowed people to carry permitted concealed handguns on school property. The killers timed their attack for the very day that final passage of the law was planned for in the legislature.

If you go to the link for the Colorado theater shooter they have a photo of his journal where he has notes about airports…..he lists one of the items…."Substantial Security"
The Aurora theater shooter was concerned about airport security, not citizens with guns. You can't carry a gun at the airport. It's a gun free zone.

And if you read his note, he wanted a crowd, just like I said. He said serial murder involved "too few kills".

The Sandy Hook shooter?

The South Carolina Church shooter?
For the second year in a row the supreme court refused to reverse a ban on assault weapons and high capacity clips.

Banning weapons works.

When was the last time anyone used a Thompson machine gun or had one? They were banned in the 1930s.

When as the last time anyone used a fully automatic weapon? They were banned in the 80s, ronald reagan signed the ban.

Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.

Roberts' S.Ct. upholds 2 states assault rifle ban in News Forum

Thank God for the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban and how it prevented the Mass Shootings at Columbine and Jonesboro, oh wait it did not prevent those mass shootings!

Also you can buy a full automatic weapon and that is another misconception from the left as usual!

What happened was that the semi automatic replaced the fully automatic weapons.

People like me said back then that it wouldn't do anything to stop the carnage. We were right.

My point is that if we ban the semi automatic or assault weapons and there's nothing that does the same thing to replace it, we won't have such horrendous massacres we've had.

Banning certain weapons does work.

No one has a Thompson machine gun anymore. It was banned in the 1930.

Fully automatic weapons were banned in the 1980s, republican ronald reagan signed the legislation into law.

Keep in mind that it went into effect in May 1986. Which means that the republican controlled senate at the time, wrote a bill, voted on it and passed it. So republicans at one time did put the safety of Americans before money.

I find it interesting that no matter what you gun nuts say, it's constitutional to ban a type of weapon and that the supreme court upholds those bans.

I guess all the claims of destroying the second amendment
and taking away rights is just exactly what I've known it to be all my life.

Nothing but a bunch of garbage.

Europe banned fully automatic rifles...and they are the weapon of choice of european criminals and have no idea what you are talking about.

You have no idea how many more mass shootings by Islamic radicals there would be in Paris and London if they did not have those laws in place. What doesn't make the news are the rates that they've made on these criminals before they commit the crime. What doesn't make the news is how many times they cannot get their hands on guns in Europe.

Fact: The US has far more mass shootings than Paris and London and all of Europe combined and yet the hostilities with Muslims is much higher in Europe and has been for decades. Princess Diana started dating a Muslim just to piss off the Queen and that was in the mid 90s.

Moron.....we had more mass shootings long before those countries confiscated and banned guns.....we have more non-gun murders than those countries.....our minority populations kill more, our nuts kill more....

Britain banned guns......and their gun crime rate stayed the same.....and went up 4% last year.....

Guns are easy to get in europe.....I have posted the police saying guys pretend you haven't seen those posts...

The June 20th ruling was NOT on the merits

Since the conservatives and the liberals are tied 4 to 4 the 2nd US Court of Appeals ruling was allowed to stand.

The circuits are taking advantage of the fact that Scalia is dead to force these kind of issues.

Now a Trump Victory becomes essential

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Challenge
Posted on June 20, 2016 by Chris


DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA – The United States Supreme Court declined on Monday to review a lower court’s ruling refusing to strike down on Second Amendment grounds Connecticut’s ban on certain semi-automatic firearms including the most popular rifles in the Nation. The Connecticut Citizens’ Defense League (CCDL) and other plaintiffs challenged Connecticut’s ban in 2013, arguing that the ban openly flouts the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which held that law-abiding citizens have an individual right to keep commonly owned firearms in their homes for self-defense.
Because, asswipe....we have the actual confessions of shooters who were captured, and the notes and videos of shooters who died....they chose gun free zones...

Notes.....from the Sandy Hook shooter, Colorado theater, the guy just captured in Minnesota targeting a mega church, the South Carolina Church shooter and the Santa Barbara shooter....all said they chose gun free get their body counts up.

Dollars to donuts they said they chose CROWDS, not gun free zones.

Wrong..I have linked to all of them....
No, you have not.

Do it.

Yes I have, not in this thread, but many, many times.....

here you go....

FBI: Dearborn Heights ISIS supporter planned to attack Detroit church

In conversation's between Abu-Rayyan and the undercover agent, Abu-Rayyan described his desire to commit a martyrdom operation.

The complaint filed in federal court doesn’t specify which Detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack, only that it was close and could seat 6,000 members.

The complaint quotes Abu-Rayyan saying:

“It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news. Everybody would've heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. If I can't do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here."

He had also told the undercover agent that a church would be an easy target because people are not allowed to carry guns there and that it would make the news.


this teen was going to make his own gun free zone by killiing the police resource officer first....

Teen made bombs, stockpiled guns in prep for Minnesota school massacre: police

The unhinged teen told cops, after being busted Tuesday, that he planned to shoot his sister, mom and dad with a .22-caliber rifle before he went to a rural field and set a fire to distract cops.

The 11th-grader then said he planned to go to Waseca Junior and Senior High School where he would toss Molotov cocktails and explode pressure-cooker bombs to try and kill “as many students as he could” in the cafeteria during lunchtime.

About 1,000 students, in 7th through 12th grade, attend the school.

LaDue, according to the notebook of his plan, would kill the school resource officer before continuing to kill other students. He was prepared to be gunned down by a SWAT Team, police said.


Vince Vaughn is right about guns (and was brave to be so honest) | Fox News

Last June, Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in Santa Barbara, Calif., explained his own choice. In his 141-page “Manifesto,” Rodger turned down alternate targets because he worried that someone with a gun would cut short his killing spree.

That same month, Justin Bourque shot to death three people in Canada. His Facebook page made fun of gun bans, with pictures of defenseless victims explaining to killers that they weren’t allowed to have guns.

The diary of the Aurora, Colorado, “Batman” movie theater killer, James Holmes, was finally released this past week. It was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater, but he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their “substantial security.”

Of course, there are numerous other examples such as the Columbine killersopposing the concealed carry law that was then working its way through the state legislature. The bill would have allowed people to carry permitted concealed handguns on school property. The killers timed their attack for the very day that final passage of the law was planned for in the legislature.

If you go to the link for the Colorado theater shooter they have a photo of his journal where he has notes about airports…..he lists one of the items…."Substantial Security"
The Aurora theater shooter was concerned about airport security, not citizens with guns. You can't carry a gun at the airport. It's a gun free zone.

And if you read his note, he wanted a crowd, just like I said. He said serial murder involved "too few kills".

The Sandy Hook shooter?

The South Carolina Church shooter?

Sandy Hook...the shooter was planning the shooting for years.....he attended the elementary school, the middle school and the high school......only the middle school and the high school had armed security.....he chose the elementary school....

The South Carolina Church shooter told his friends he wanted to shoot up a university...but they had armed wasn't a gun free zone.
Mass shooters are suicidal. They WANT to die. So what makes you think "gun free zone" has fuck-all to do with their choice of target?

It doesn't.

They almost always pick a venue with which they are very familiar. THAT is the primary factor.

Because, asswipe....we have the actual confessions of shooters who were captured, and the notes and videos of shooters who died....they chose gun free zones...

Notes.....from the Sandy Hook shooter, Colorado theater, the guy just captured in Minnesota targeting a mega church, the South Carolina Church shooter and the Santa Barbara shooter....all said they chose gun free get their body counts up.

Dollars to donuts they said they chose CROWDS, not gun free zones.

Wrong..I have linked to all of them....
No, you have not.

Do it.

Even the South Carolina Church shooter picked it because it was a gun free zone...his original target was going to be a university....

Dylan Roof was hoping to start a race war. He picked the church because they were black, not because it was a gun free zone.

Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof

“I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country,” he wrote. “We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.”
Because, asswipe....we have the actual confessions of shooters who were captured, and the notes and videos of shooters who died....they chose gun free zones...

Notes.....from the Sandy Hook shooter, Colorado theater, the guy just captured in Minnesota targeting a mega church, the South Carolina Church shooter and the Santa Barbara shooter....all said they chose gun free get their body counts up.

Dollars to donuts they said they chose CROWDS, not gun free zones.

Wrong..I have linked to all of them....
No, you have not.

Do it.

Yes I have, not in this thread, but many, many times.....

here you go....

FBI: Dearborn Heights ISIS supporter planned to attack Detroit church

In conversation's between Abu-Rayyan and the undercover agent, Abu-Rayyan described his desire to commit a martyrdom operation.

The complaint filed in federal court doesn’t specify which Detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack, only that it was close and could seat 6,000 members.

The complaint quotes Abu-Rayyan saying:

“It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news. Everybody would've heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. If I can't do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here."

He had also told the undercover agent that a church would be an easy target because people are not allowed to carry guns there and that it would make the news.


this teen was going to make his own gun free zone by killiing the police resource officer first....

Teen made bombs, stockpiled guns in prep for Minnesota school massacre: police

The unhinged teen told cops, after being busted Tuesday, that he planned to shoot his sister, mom and dad with a .22-caliber rifle before he went to a rural field and set a fire to distract cops.

The 11th-grader then said he planned to go to Waseca Junior and Senior High School where he would toss Molotov cocktails and explode pressure-cooker bombs to try and kill “as many students as he could” in the cafeteria during lunchtime.

About 1,000 students, in 7th through 12th grade, attend the school.

LaDue, according to the notebook of his plan, would kill the school resource officer before continuing to kill other students. He was prepared to be gunned down by a SWAT Team, police said.


Vince Vaughn is right about guns (and was brave to be so honest) | Fox News

Last June, Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in Santa Barbara, Calif., explained his own choice. In his 141-page “Manifesto,” Rodger turned down alternate targets because he worried that someone with a gun would cut short his killing spree.

That same month, Justin Bourque shot to death three people in Canada. His Facebook page made fun of gun bans, with pictures of defenseless victims explaining to killers that they weren’t allowed to have guns.

The diary of the Aurora, Colorado, “Batman” movie theater killer, James Holmes, was finally released this past week. It was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater, but he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their “substantial security.”

Of course, there are numerous other examples such as the Columbine killersopposing the concealed carry law that was then working its way through the state legislature. The bill would have allowed people to carry permitted concealed handguns on school property. The killers timed their attack for the very day that final passage of the law was planned for in the legislature.

If you go to the link for the Colorado theater shooter they have a photo of his journal where he has notes about airports…..he lists one of the items…."Substantial Security"
The Aurora theater shooter was concerned about airport security, not citizens with guns. You can't carry a gun at the airport. It's a gun free zone.

And if you read his note, he wanted a crowd, just like I said. He said serial murder involved "too few kills".

The Sandy Hook shooter?

The South Carolina Church shooter?

Yes.......the Batman shooter chose the theater because it was a gun free zone and the theater had a gun free zone rule for concealed carry........
to reduce their availability entirely and putting any person in jail who has one in their possession ... not too hard to understand.


You want to take MY AR-15, because someone else might murder someone with theirs?

Should I give up my car because of drunk drivers?

Fill in my pool to prevent people from drowning?

Stop taking my meds because someone OD'd?

and you seriously believe criminals still won't get them if they are banned?

Read up on the effects of the 18th Amendment, and get back to me.
You want to take MY AR-15 ...

yes, and everyone else that feels they need one.


What scares you about it?

the noise?

it's black and ugly?

They kill?
the reason to have the law is for the blatant greed and stupidity displayed by those who need an automatic weapon and their unstable addiction they are unable control.


Was that supposed to make sense?
Was that supposed to make sense?

it makes no sense to cater to people who feel they need an assault rifle when there is no logical reason for them to be made available, the same as with hand grenades.

The Sandy Hook shooter started out by killing his mother. She was armed to the teeth. Her house was not a gun free zone.
Because, asswipe....we have the actual confessions of shooters who were captured, and the notes and videos of shooters who died....they chose gun free zones...

Notes.....from the Sandy Hook shooter, Colorado theater, the guy just captured in Minnesota targeting a mega church, the South Carolina Church shooter and the Santa Barbara shooter....all said they chose gun free get their body counts up.

Dollars to donuts they said they chose CROWDS, not gun free zones.

Wrong..I have linked to all of them....
No, you have not.

Do it.

Even the South Carolina Church shooter picked it because it was a gun free zone...his original target was going to be a university....

Dylan Roof was hoping to start a race war. He picked the church because they were black, not because it was a gun free zone.

Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof

“I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country,” he wrote. “We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.”

The Sandy Hook shooter started out by killing his mother. She was armed to the teeth. Her house was not a gun free zone.

Are you always this stupid...have you been hanging out with brain....?
The Sandy Hook shooter started out by killing his mother. She was armed to the teeth. Her house was not a gun free zone.

The church shooter...

Dylann Roof 'wanted to target local university'

The man accused of massacring nine people at a church in Charleston intended to target a local university but could not get past security, friends have claimed.

Dylann Roof has been charged with murdering six women and three men at a Bible study meeting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church on Wednesday.

Investigators have called it a “hate crime” and suggested the 21-year-old chose the predominantly black institution because of his racism.

But friends have now said he told them he wanted to “shoot up” the College of Charleston, a liberal arts and sciences university in the South Carolina City.

Dollars to donuts they said they chose CROWDS, not gun free zones.

Wrong..I have linked to all of them....
No, you have not.

Do it.

Even the South Carolina Church shooter picked it because it was a gun free zone...his original target was going to be a university....

Dylan Roof was hoping to start a race war. He picked the church because they were black, not because it was a gun free zone.

Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof

“I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country,” he wrote. “We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.”


You accept a quote from the Minnesota guy but not a quote that refutes you. :lol:

It's a fact. He chose the target because they were blacks.

You have provided no evidence he chose his school because it was a gun free zone.
The Sandy Hook shooter started out by killing his mother. She was armed to the teeth. Her house was not a gun free zone.

The church shooter...

Dylann Roof 'wanted to target local university'

The man accused of massacring nine people at a church in Charleston intended to target a local university but could not get past security, friends have claimed.

Dylann Roof has been charged with murdering six women and three men at a Bible study meeting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church on Wednesday.

Investigators have called it a “hate crime” and suggested the 21-year-old chose the predominantly black institution because of his racism.

But friends have now said he told them he wanted to “shoot up” the College of Charleston, a liberal arts and sciences university in the South Carolina City.
“You are raping our women and taking over the country…I have to do it.”

It was racial.
You want to take MY AR-15, because someone else might murder someone with theirs?

Should I give up my car because of drunk drivers?

Fill in my pool to prevent people from drowning?

Stop taking my meds because someone OD'd?

and you seriously believe criminals still won't get them if they are banned?

Read up on the effects of the 18th Amendment, and get back to me.
You want to take MY AR-15 ...

yes, and everyone else that feels they need one.


What scares you about it?

the noise?

it's black and ugly?

They kill?
the reason to have the law is for the blatant greed and stupidity displayed by those who need an automatic weapon and their unstable addiction they are unable control.


Was that supposed to make sense?
Was that supposed to make sense?

it makes no sense to cater to people who feel they need an assault rifle when there is no logical reason for them to be made available, the same as with hand grenades.


The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have you ever look at human history....when only the government has rifles, the people eventually suffer.

Look at Germany



The Armenian genocide...

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide can only happen to unarmed people.........that Europe failed to learn that lesson after the Holocaust shows how stupid they are....
The Sandy Hook shooter started out by killing his mother. She was armed to the teeth. Her house was not a gun free zone.

The church shooter...

Dylann Roof 'wanted to target local university'

The man accused of massacring nine people at a church in Charleston intended to target a local university but could not get past security, friends have claimed.

Dylann Roof has been charged with murdering six women and three men at a Bible study meeting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church on Wednesday.

Investigators have called it a “hate crime” and suggested the 21-year-old chose the predominantly black institution because of his racism.

But friends have now said he told them he wanted to “shoot up” the College of Charleston, a liberal arts and sciences university in the South Carolina City.
“You are raping our women and taking over the country…I have to do it.”

It was racial.

And I gave you the truth....

The stupid is strong with you today.....

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