Supreme Court Allows Semi Automatic Gun Ban

OR build a bomb from everyday stuff and kill hundreds. Note: What is the weapon of choice in Iraq? - IED IED is the weapon of choice because of armored vehicles and well guarded military compounds......Not the choice used in elementary schools or a movie house or a bar.
But, but, buttt, they don't want to know the truth.
The Hartford Distributors mass killer used two handguns. No assault weapon.

The Binghamton, New York mass killer used two handguns. No assault weapon.

The Northern Illinois University mass killer used three handguns and a shotgun. No assault weapon.
A kid falls into an Olympic sized swimming pool and drowns. Other kids drown in normal sized swimming pools at a fairly steady rate, but the size of the Olympic pool gets media attention.

Whenever any other kid drowns in an Olympic sized swimming pool, the fact it was an Olympic sized swimming pool is given prominence in the story, even though far, far, far, far more kids are drowning in regular sized pools.

Soon, liberals are clamoring for a ban on high capacity swimming pools.

"Nobody NEEDS an Olympic sized swimming pool!"

"What do you NEED an Olympic sized swimming pool for unless you are planning on drowning kids?"

Opponents to the ban scream less swimming pools will mean more drownings.

Eventually, high capacity swimming pools are banned.

People who would have bought an Olympic sized swimming pool decide to buy two normal sized swimming pools side-by-side with a channel connecting them.

The drowning death rate remains unchanged.
So here's the thing. Let's say you manage to ban "assault weapons". Hell, let's say you manage to ban all long guns.

When the next mass shooter kills 30 people at his school with a couple of handguns, what is going to come out of the President's yap then? Huh?


Following THAT "rationale", then we should eliminate ALL drug laws since their availability is so fucking easy. All that the left is trying to do is to CURB the mass shooting insanity and given our population's mentality (akin to the old west where everyone had a gun) and given the hatred that we breed toward us by most of the world...mass shooting will never be fully eliminated.....only mitigated.....maybe.

All that the left is trying to do is to CURB the mass shooting insanity

Won't be able to do that until they realize the problem isn't the gun
Just an overall question before I leave for work.......

If I were a crazed terrorist aiming to kill as many innocents as possible, in the shortest amount of time as possible, and did not care about my own life, would I then:

1. Go out and purchase a hand gun....or
2. Go out and purchase an assault, military-style weapon???

An honest response without spin should place a decent perspective on this discussion.

Too many variables to give an honest answer, shooters physical abilities, training, distance to targets, crowd density, visibility, available security and police response time, so many variables, different weapons for different situations. For a place like Pulse, a full auto AK platform firing 7.62 FMJ rounds would have given the best bang for the buck. Actually an M-60 machine gun would have been the best, but those damned belt fed weapons can be so unwieldy.

Also why do you regressive keep ignoring the fact that assault weapons aren't available to the general public, actually don't bother to answer, you idiots don't have a intellectually honest bone in your feeble little bodies.
Just an overall question before I leave for work.......

If I were a crazed terrorist aiming to kill as many innocents as possible, in the shortest amount of time as possible, and did not care about my own life, would I then:

1. Go out and purchase a hand gun....or
2. Go out and purchase an assault, military-style weapon???

An honest response without spin should place a decent perspective on this discussion.

Make Molotov cocktails, using homemade napalm.

Cheaper, and more effective
If you ASSAULT someone with any weapon does it make that weapon an 'assault weapon'? If some guy uses a machete or a hammer to kill 10 people, are they 'assault' machetes and 'assault' hammers? The word 'assault' is a liberal label placed on these guns. A gun, like any tool in your toolbox, can be used for a variety of different jobs and should not be defined as being for 1 reason only - the worst possible one, at that.

Have you ever stopped to wonder if someone else benefits from you're being all wound up about your guns and an alleged threat of "liberals" coming for them?

I guess you regressives don't know the difference between all wound up and steadfast. The ignorance of you regressives can only be combated by education. Of course the willfully ignorant are lost causes.

You folks show us the difference all day, every day.

So your one of the willfully ignorant, got it. Did you know I have a revolver that is technically a semiautomatic? How about you explain how that can be, then we'll know how much knowledge you have on the subject.
New data from Mayors Against Illegal Guns confirm this point, by showing that in all 56 mass shootings between 2009 and 2013, “no more than one quarter of the shootings occurred in public spaces that were so-called ‘gun-free zones.” Neither the motive nor the location of a mass shooting, therefore, have anything to do with ‘gun-free zones.’

A bit misleading. Most of the 133 mass shootings were home invasions where the POS murdered the family.

From you site:
Speaking of "gun free zones", do you really want people carrying guns where a lot of heavy drinking is going on?
Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.
Wow. You really drank the anti-gun piss. Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".

and how does your response speak to the decision of the supreme court?

oh wait... it doesn't.

now, if you want to address these issues rationally, which NRA brainwashed tend not to want to do, I would think we can all agree that no one who is not in the military needs to have a weapon that fires that many shots at a time without re-loading.

and I think other than the true NRA brainwashed, we can all agree that if someone is on the terrorist watch list, if they try to buy a gun a little red flag should go off

the gun owners in my life are all ok with that type of legislation.

so now do you want to actually comment on the decision or do you want to fling more nonsense?.
Remarks by the President at Sandy Hook Interfaith Prayer Vigil

We can’t tolerate this anymore. These tragedies must end. And to end them, we must change. We will be told that the causes of such violence are complex, and that is true. No single law -- no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society.

But that can’t be an excuse for inaction.
Surely, we can do better than this. If there is even one step we can take to save another child, or another parent, or another town, from the grief that has visited Tucson, and Aurora, and Oak Creek, and Newtown, and communities from Columbine to Blacksburg before that -- then surely we have an obligation to try.

In the coming weeks, I will use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens -- from law enforcement to mental health professionals to parents and educators -- in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. Because what choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine. Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard? Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?

New data from Mayors Against Illegal Guns confirm this point, by showing that in all 56 mass shootings between 2009 and 2013, “no more than one quarter of the shootings occurred in public spaces that were so-called ‘gun-free zones.” Neither the motive nor the location of a mass shooting, therefore, have anything to do with ‘gun-free zones.’

A bit misleading. Most of the 133 mass shootings were home invasions where the POS murdered the family.

From you site:

that's nice..... now if only a legitimate source examined gun violence..... oh wait... the GOP voted to prevent the government from gathering any info on gun deaths.

thanks but no thanks for your little unsubstantiated blogger's piece.
I would think we can all agree that no one who is not in the military needs to have a weapon that fires that many shots at a time without re-loading.
Rights are not about what you NEED, retard.

Does anyone NEED midget porn? No? Then I guess we should ban it.

Does anyone here NEED to whine about Trump? Then we can ban anti-Trump speech.
I would think we can all agree that no one who is not in the military needs to have a weapon that fires that many shots at a time without re-loading.
Rights are not about what you NEED, retard.

Does anyone NEED midget porn? No? Then I guess we can ban it, eh?

Does anyone here NEED to whine about Trump? Then we can ban anti-Trump speech, eh?

you have no right, idiota, to have an arsenal of military weapons.

or do you not understand the decision in heller?

reasonable gun regulation is acceptable.

now go suck on your pacifier.
For the second year in a row the supreme court refused to reverse a ban on assault weapons and high capacity clips.

Banning weapons works.

When was the last time anyone used a Thompson machine gun or had one? They were banned in the 1930s.

When as the last time anyone used a fully automatic weapon? They were banned in the 80s, ronald reagan signed the ban.

Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.

Roberts' S.Ct. upholds 2 states assault rifle ban in News Forum

Thank God for the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban and how it prevented the Mass Shootings at Columbine and Jonesboro, oh wait it did not prevent those mass shootings!

Also you can buy a full automatic weapon and that is another misconception from the left as usual!

What happened was that the semi automatic replaced the fully automatic weapons.

People like me said back then that it wouldn't do anything to stop the carnage. We were right.

My point is that if we ban the semi automatic or assault weapons and there's nothing that does the same thing to replace it, we won't have such horrendous massacres we've had.

Banning certain weapons does work.

No one has a Thompson machine gun anymore. It was banned in the 1930.

Fully automatic weapons were banned in the 1980s, republican ronald reagan signed the legislation into law.

Keep in mind that it went into effect in May 1986. Which means that the republican controlled senate at the time, wrote a bill, voted on it and passed it. So republicans at one time did put the safety of Americans before money.

I find it interesting that no matter what you gun nuts say, it's constitutional to ban a type of weapon and that the supreme court upholds those bans.

I guess all the claims of destroying the second amendment
and taking away rights is just exactly what I've known it to be all my life.

Nothing but a bunch of garbage.
I would think we can all agree that no one who is not in the military needs to have a weapon that fires that many shots at a time without re-loading.
Rights are not about what you NEED, retard.

Does anyone NEED midget porn? No? Then I guess we can ban it, eh?

Does anyone here NEED to whine about Trump? Then we can ban anti-Trump speech, eh?

you have no right, idiota, to have an arsenal of military weapons.

Actually, I do have that right.
For the second year in a row the supreme court refused to reverse a ban on assault weapons and high capacity clips.

Banning weapons works.

When was the last time anyone used a Thompson machine gun or had one? They were banned in the 1930s.

When as the last time anyone used a fully automatic weapon? They were banned in the 80s, ronald reagan signed the ban.

Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.

Roberts' S.Ct. upholds 2 states assault rifle ban in News Forum

Thank God for the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban and how it prevented the Mass Shootings at Columbine and Jonesboro, oh wait it did not prevent those mass shootings!

Also you can buy a full automatic weapon and that is another misconception from the left as usual!

What happened was that the semi automatic replaced the fully automatic weapons.

People like me said back then that it wouldn't do anything to stop the carnage. We were right.

My point is that if we ban the semi automatic or assault weapons and there's nothing that does the same thing to replace it, we won't have such horrendous massacres we've had.

Banning certain weapons does work.

No one has a Thompson machine gun anymore. It was banned in the 1930.

Fully automatic weapons were banned in the 1980s, republican ronald reagan signed the legislation into law.

Keep in mind that it went into effect in May 1986. Which means that the republican controlled senate at the time, wrote a bill, voted on it and passed it. So republicans at one time did put the safety of Americans before money.

I find it interesting that no matter what you gun nuts say, it's constitutional to ban a type of weapon and that the supreme court upholds those bans.

I guess all the claims of destroying the second amendment
and taking away rights is just exactly what I've known it to be all my life.

Nothing but a bunch of garbage.

No one has a Thompson machine gun anymore. It was banned in the 1930.


Willing to pay the price of the weapon, and the price of the license?

Class 3 Rifles Class 3 Subguns For Sale on GunsAmerica
New data from Mayors Against Illegal Guns confirm this point, by showing that in all 56 mass shootings between 2009 and 2013, “no more than one quarter of the shootings occurred in public spaces that were so-called ‘gun-free zones.” Neither the motive nor the location of a mass shooting, therefore, have anything to do with ‘gun-free zones.’

A bit misleading. Most of the 133 mass shootings were home invasions where the POS murdered the family.

From you site:

that's nice..... now if only a legitimate source examined gun violence..... oh wait... the GOP voted to prevent the government from gathering any info on gun deaths.

thanks but no thanks for your little unsubstantiated blogger's piece.

Umm... The list was composed using FBI data and local police reports. Now imagine if in every case where the murdering POS (that the left wants to protect from legal gun owners) was faced with a gun as he broke in or attacked an innocent bystander.

Why you nut jobs want more dead innocent citizens is beyond me. You stupid fucks won't take the guns away from the criminals, but want citizens to be defenseless. Damn nut jobs.

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