Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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Bad decision by the Court.

The Coach is a paid employee, by choosing to pray to his chosen god he is endorsing that god as part of his official duties as head coach. Endorsing one religion over all others is the first step to establishing it.

I cannot wait till the Satanist get ahold of this and start to hold their version of "prayers" after a football game.
As long as the coach doesn't require the prayer, then it is fine and if another religion would want to have a prayer, so be it. I believe prayer is private and personal, so I would not participate with the coach but those that want to have a right. It is not a violation of church and state.
You mean like they did with Roe? You people have no ability to be introspect.

yes, just like that. There is no difference between the two sides.

And I am not "you people" as you will not find a post from me doing it
As long as the coach doesn't require the prayer, then it is fine and if another religion would want to have a prayer, so be it.

I did multiple sports in high school, players will often do things that are not "required" to stay within the good graces of the coach. So, while the coach may not require it, there is still pressure on the athletes to please the coach.
Or call any public library


Sue me...
So let's speculate on the unknown and throw that on there to cast shade on a discussion when what you are suggesting can't be proven either


It was merely a question, and it totally leaves out the peer pressure the players might feel to join in.
Shortly after the Supreme Court ruled against school prayer, Schools responded that these prayers were “voluntary”

The Court rejected that claim and ruled that such prayer was coercion and that it unreasonably influences students to participate

Today the Court reversed itself and says these public prayers do not coerce participation

That was in the CLASSROOM where the kids were in a position where they had little recourse to refrain.

Private prayers after a game on the 50-yard line isn't imposing anything onto people who are leaving the stands quickly and several players join on their own after a while.

It is all about coercion and intrusion of speech onto others which can't happen at the 50 years line.
He never coerced anyone to join in, they did it on their volition

The Court ruled on this in the past when schools claimed that such prayers were “voluntary”

Due to the positions of power that a teacher or coach had over students, it was ruled coerced prayer
As the TRUMPCourt continues to erode Constitutional protections long understood.

The coach has a right to personally pray but not to coerce players to participate in public prayer

The coach was fired for ignoring instructions not to hold public prayers not for the act of praying
It still doesn't help his team to win.
Bad decision by the Court.

The Coach is a paid employee, by choosing to pray to his chosen god he is endorsing that god as part of his official duties as head coach. Endorsing one religion over all others is the first step to establishing it.

I cannot wait till the Satanist get ahold of this and start to hold their version of "prayers" after a football game.
No, it is their interpretation of what the Constitution says
That is literally, their job.
The Court ruled on this in the past when schools claimed that such prayers were “voluntary”

Due to the positions of power that a teacher or coach had over students, it was ruled coerced prayer
But, that wasn't the intent of the Constitution.
That was legislating from the bench.

You need to take in account where the FF's influence came from. It came from a country that
the Church dictated politics to the King. That is not the case with all the subsequence rulings regarding the subject
of the separation between church and state.
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