Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

And if you were not legally married, what recourse would you have if your wife kicked you out?

That has nothing to do with marriage. You cannot remove a person living in your home without a legal eviction from the courts. If your wife kicked you out (which I don't know how a woman would that) the husband simply calls the police and they will make sure you can reenter your home.
And the wife had no LEGAL recourse. She would have if gay marriage had been legal then. So spending a load of time and money on Lawyers really isn't the answer/replacement for legalized marriage, is it?

WTF do you mean no recourse. She sued the hospital, didn't she?
Dodge of question noted.
That's not a dodge, it is an answer to your question. When interracial marriage was "forced down our throats" by the Supreme Court, a majority of Americans were opposed to blacks marrying whites. (Which was not the case with the gay marriage decision) Few churches were willing to do it. NONE were forced by the government to perform interracial marriages.

None will be forced to perform a ceremony for a gay couple.
You mean people who want to preserve a sacred and honorable tradition?
Oh please. If they cared about the "sacred and honorable traditions" of civil marriage, they would be more concerned about Las Vegas drive thru, get married by Elvis weddings than committed gay couples. Try again...
Hey dumbass .....

This is not a thread about Mooslim cab drivers.

Try commenting on the actual OP or stick your whataboutism up your ass.

If she wants to talk about Muslim drivers, talk about the Muslim truck drivers that were fired for not taking a trailer of alcohol to a warehouse. They sued the trucking company right out of business.
Why not? Again, a priest has to obtain a government license to marry people just like a magistrate. So why would this court ruling exclude them?
No, he doesn't. I was married in a church, by a priest, without having to present a marriage license. You can get religiously married without having to get a license.
Oh please. If they cared about the "sacred and honorable traditions" of civil marriage, they would be more concerned about Las Vegas drive thru, get married by Elvis weddings than committed gay couples. Try again...

The kind of ceremony is not tradition, marriage being the union of one man and one woman is tradition until the commies Fd it up like they do everything in this country. You can't be a true liberal unless you are destroying things for other people.
If she wants to talk about Muslim drivers, talk about the Muslim truck drivers that were fired for not taking a trailer of alcohol to a warehouse. They sued the trucking company right out of business.
That's a different case entirely. The drivers asked for a religious accommodation that could have easily been granted the drivers since the trucking company rarely hauled alcohol and had plenty of other drivers. It's different than the taxi driver case since a large number, a majority I believe, of the cab drivers were Muslim.

Also, Davis wasn't fired...she lost an election.
The kind of ceremony is not tradition, marriage being the union of one man and one woman is tradition until the commies Fd it up like they do everything in this country. You can't be a true liberal unless you are destroying things for other people.
Wow drama queen. Marriage is destroyed now? :lol:

Go fill them pools with cement so the black kids can't swim with the whites!
Yes you can, but it's not accepted or recognized by the state.
So, isn't that what you want?

Churches were never compelled to perform interracial marriages. They will never be compelled to perform same sex marriages. To think so is ridiculous.
Instead of making up dozens of bullshit reasons, why don't you just be honest if you can? The reason gays invaded our normal institution is that some can't accept rejection. It drives them crazy that they are looked upon as outcasts in society. You talk legal this and benefits that, yet when I say okay, let's give everybody those benefits and legalities but keep marriage as a religious union, you still feel rejected and continue your rant about being married. So it has nothing to do with legalities or benefits at all.

Very well put.

They want to normalize what is not normal.

That is the core issue.

Beyond that, they want to force abnormality and immorality on society as a whole, compel everyone to treat abnormal as normal, immoral as moral, and to punish any who refuse to do so.

Isaiah 5:20: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
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So, isn't that what you want?

Churches were never compelled to perform interracial marriages. They will never be compelled to perform same sex marriages. To think so is ridiculous.

The state cannot interfere with religious rituals. They can interfere if that priest is licensed by the state and conducting a legal marriage also sponsored by government.
Beyond that, they want to force abnormality and immorality on society as a whole, compel everyone to treat abnormal as normal, immoral as moral, and to punish any who refuse to do so.

Leftists won't be happy until our entire society looks like an old circus freak show.
The state cannot interfere with religious rituals. They can interfere if that priest is licensed by the state and conducting a legal marriage also sponsored by government.
No, they can't. They couldn't force churches to perform interracial marriages and they can't force a church to perform gay marriages.
That's a different case entirely. The drivers asked for a religious accommodation that could have easily been granted the drivers since the trucking company rarely hauled alcohol and had plenty of other drivers. It's different than the taxi driver case since a large number, a majority I believe, of the cab drivers were Muslim.

Look, you are talking to a retired truck driver. I know the transportation field pretty well.

If there is a call for a pickup of alcohol in New York, you don't send a driver in Texas to pick it up. You have to pay that driver for every empty mile he drives. You call one of your drivers in PA or or one already in NY to pickup the load.

The drivers made no request for religious accommodations otherwise the company would have never hired them. When it comes to freight, you take what you can get and haul anything legal to haul.
I saw your opinion the first time you posted them.

Don't be like dumbass gene and keep posting them over and over.

It does not make them any more factual then the first time you posted them.

I am simply posting what the SCOTUS Justices are saying.

It may not come up again .....

You may be right ....

But, the fact that it will continue to deny Americans their 1st Amendment Rights tells me it's only a matter of time before it is once again challenged and rightfully so.

You simply cannot provide Freedom and Liberty to one group by taking it from another.

That is EXACTLY what Obergefell does.

They will get it figured out.
It is a fact. Not an opinion and I keep repeating it because it is not sinking in. The first amendment claim is bullshit. Thomas and Alito are cranks.

Granting the right to marry to gays, and expecting a public official to do her job is not taking a liberty away from anyone. . The first amendment speaks to the ability to practice ones religion . It does not give anyone the right to discriminate or to determine how others should live. Yes I am repeating that too. Deal with it
I don't know what it is with you leftists, but you ask questions, we answer, and you keep asking the same questions over and over again as if you didn't read a word. If your memory is that bad, I suggest speed read the previous replies to get your answer AGAIN!
Bullshit! You still have not answered the question that I asked several times. How has same sex marriage harmed you personally, or society in general?

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