Supreme Court to Determine If Gender Dysphoria Is a Mental Illness Therefore Protected Under ADA

Are these cameras to critique teacher performance? Or child abuse? I believe every parent can remove their children now, my grand kids are home schooled. But no, what should we do about public schools? Like how do you want to fix them? The more students that leave the less funding the school gets so it just hurts the kids that remain. How do you want to fix them?
The cameras would be aimed at bad teachers

We cant “fix” bad public schools from the outside as long as they are ruled by entrenched lib educators

But with school choice the education monopoly will be forced by declining student population to fix itself
The cameras would be aimed at bad teachers

We cant “fix” bad public schools from the outside as long as they are ruled by entrenched lib educators

But with school choice the education monopoly will be forced by declining student population to fix itself
So the lib educators are what you think is wrong with public schools. So at this point your plan would be to defund and depopulate the school system until it fixes itself.
So the lib educators are what you think is wrong with public schools. So at this point your plan would be to defund and depopulate the school system until it fixes itself.
Thats what I have already told you

If the lib education monopoly refuses to reform itself then it should go away
Schizophrenia is a mental illness, does the ADA require protections for people with schizophrenia? Would I get sued a lose if I discriminate and not hire someone because he has schizophrenia?
You, for some reason, don’t seem to want people looking into child grooming.

No Norm, if you are any kind of man at all and you believe what you say you do , you would not be sitting on your computer trying to be clever on a political forum. That is why I believe you clowns know you have made up some silly little fantasy cult to cover your surfing history. I don't care what you look into, but I doubt I would ever surf the sites you "look into."
Hey, when I was a pre-teen in the 1970's, every kid in our neighborhood had his own porn stash.
I imagine kids today have an easier time with the internet.

No one is "mutiliating kids". In fact, gender affirming care is rarely available to even adult trans people.
There’s only one reason you try to justify adults showing porn to children and wish to sexually mutilate children.
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No Norm, if you are any kind of man at all and you believe what you say you do , you would not be sitting on your computer trying to be clever on a political forum. That is why I believe you clowns know you have made up some silly little fantasy cult to cover your surfing history. I don't care what you look into, but I doubt I would ever surf the sites you "look into."

Oh, more of the nonsense to keep us from investigating child abusers.

And computers are so yesterday, mobile devices are where it’s at today. We can do so much more because of the mobile aspect of these devices.
Oh, more of the nonsense to keep us from investigating child abusers.

And computers are so yesterday, mobile devices are where it’s at today. We can do so much more because of the mobile aspect of these devices.
Oh no, on the contrary. I don't want to not to investigate child abusers. Wait, what? Are you out with your mobile device searching for pedos right now?
Oh no, on the contrary. I don't want to not to investigate child abusers. Wait, what? Are you out with your mobile device searching for pedos right now?

Now where the heck did I leave the keys to that backhoe?
Being trans and having Gender Dysphoria are not one in the same thing. is a real mental health issue, and the other is simply someone that likes to dress up like the opposite sex. One should be protected under the ADA, one shouldn't be any sort of protected class.
Be careful what you wish for. Making them a protected class under ADA will give them all sorts of rights and probably won't bar them from any jobs. They'll probably get increased accommodations.

Friend of mine told me that at his job, a coworker recently came back from an extended leave identifying as the opposite sex, and the company sat everyone down and made sure that they all used the right pronouns and that there was no dead-naming going on. Why? They didn't want the potential lawsuit.

If SCOTUS rules the way you want, you'll see more of that,not less.
People with disabilities should be protected under the ADA and get the help they need.
Very interesting double edged sword.
They can get “rights” while being diagnosed and declared crazy. We have said they are crazy for years. So now they may get get a safe space for nut case.
Porn is always a big deal

It afflicts everyone it touches like a virus

Symptoms include adultery, divorce, single parent homes that produce unhappy and confused children to name just a few

People with disabilities should be protected under the ADA and get the help they need.

Actually, the ADA has made it harder for people with disabilities to get jobs. Because any disabled person you hire now becomes a potential lawsuit.
Actually, the ADA has made it harder for people with disabilities to get jobs. Because any disabled person you hire now becomes a potential lawsuit.
the ADA doesn’t simply protect disabled people that are employees
the ADA doesn’t simply protect disabled people that are employees

No, it also makes it harder for businesses to stay in business, because it allows shysters to sue anyone who doesn't have a ramp.
people certainly take advantage of the law

The problem is the law is badly written.

The key phrase in this law is "reasonable accommodation".

Well, what is reasonable?

It isn't defined.

So a bunch of small businesses in a small town where no one is confined a wheelchair, not having ramps would be "reasonable".... until someone sues every business in town and they have to write out a check to make them go away.

Now, how does this apply to Transgender people.

Well, I can tell you right now, a friend of mine works for a company where a male employee transitioned to female.

Trying to nip any problems in the bud, the employees were told two things.

1) Use female pronouns when referring to this person.
2) Do not under any circumstances use her former male name (i.e. Dead-naming).
3) Let her use the ladies' room.

These are all reasonable accommodations under the law. But rest assured, someone is going to freak seeing her in the ladies' room, or is going to accidently call him Bob because they knew her as Bob for years.

Fortunately for all involved, she quit after a few months. Whether she got enough "hostile work environment" issues to sue is the next question.
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