Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Like I said, the law will still die:

Why would it die?

You have to get 2/3rds of the house and senate to do that.

And they won't.

Plus Hillary will veto any attempts
You! Smarter than the collective Supreme court justices.
Man, why you are you wasting your time on the internet.

Actually, I have a litany of attorneys who agree with me. The "collective" to you consists only of the six Justices who ruled in favor. What, are the other three just as stupid as me? Are you smarter than the three justices who ruled against?

Please, display to us your unparalleled legal prowess. Or shut yer trap.
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Of the 3 dozen states that go through the fed... It is because if they didn't...They couldn't afford the low premiums offered to the public and would have to hike prices to compensate. Plus ...the millions to set up their own exchanges.
I'm sorry, are you high?

The red states that don't offer exchanges are the states that have Republican Governors.

That's the only reason the red states don't do it

So why did Hawaii decide to get rid of the exchange?
Same reason Oregon did, they couldn't make it work from an IT standpoint.

That's all on the computer geeks, not the concept of an exchange

After Multiple Enrollment Failures, Hawaii Dumps State Obamacare Exchange
While Hawaii enrolled zero individuals and is the worst performing state, it is not alone. Vermont signed up only 97 households, while Rhode Island enrolled just 25 households.

Hawaii’s dismal performance should not be surprising. The website cost taxpayers $205 million but could only enroll 8,592 individuals in year one. Cost to taxpayers per enroll: $23,899.
After Multiple Enrollment Failures Hawaii Dumps State Obamacare Exchange - Katie Pavlich
Wow, you really need to read what you post.

Hawaii and Oregon had trouble with their web sites, and it got too expensive to fix.


LOL You've got a lame excuse for everything don't you? Most left loons do. Silly twit
It must be Armageddon! There is much wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth!

Any bets that the existing State exchanges will disappear within two years?
Good, they aren't necessary. Health Care is a national issue. You know, One Nation Under God right?

When is your delusional mind going to accept the fact that there are no national issues, only State issues and federal issues. The Constitution was supposed to draw very distinct lines between the two. Welcome to post-constitutional America.
Last time I checked we had something called National Security, or did you miss that part of reality, like most of the rest? Public Health is a national issue, period.

Commie concepts, we know, you love'em.
It must be Armageddon! There is much wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth!

Any bets that the existing State exchanges will disappear within two years?
Good, they aren't necessary. Health Care is a national issue. You know, One Nation Under God right?

When is your delusional mind going to accept the fact that there are no national issues, only State issues and federal issues. The Constitution was supposed to draw very distinct lines between the two. Welcome to post-constitutional America.
Last time I checked we had something called National Security, or did you miss that part of reality, like most of the rest? Public Health is a national issue, period.

Commie concepts, we know, you love'em.
Reality tends toward the left, so sad for you...
The Prog victory dance is a temporary thang.

There is a big silver lining for conservatives: they don't have to hold their noses and bail out Obama for entrapping 6M people in ScobamaCare. Those 6M people may be grateful; but many time more than that are incredibly unhappy with ScobamaCare.

Yeah, keep those Obamacare doom-and-gloom predictions coming. They've panned out so well so far....
It must be Armageddon! There is much wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth!

Any bets that the existing State exchanges will disappear within two years?
Good, they aren't necessary. Health Care is a national issue. You know, One Nation Under God right?

When is your delusional mind going to accept the fact that there are no national issues, only State issues and federal issues. The Constitution was supposed to draw very distinct lines between the two. Welcome to post-constitutional America.
Last time I checked we had something called National Security, or did you miss that part of reality, like most of the rest? Public Health is a national issue, period.




It must be Armageddon! There is much wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth!

Any bets that the existing State exchanges will disappear within two years?
Good, they aren't necessary. Health Care is a national issue. You know, One Nation Under God right?

When is your delusional mind going to accept the fact that there are no national issues, only State issues and federal issues. The Constitution was supposed to draw very distinct lines between the two. Welcome to post-constitutional America.
Last time I checked we had something called National Security, or did you miss that part of reality, like most of the rest? Public Health is a national issue, period.




Infants think only of themselves, hence you. The grownups can see that other people matter too...
Any bets that the existing State exchanges will disappear within two years?
Good, they aren't necessary. Health Care is a national issue. You know, One Nation Under God right?

When is your delusional mind going to accept the fact that there are no national issues, only State issues and federal issues. The Constitution was supposed to draw very distinct lines between the two. Welcome to post-constitutional America.
Last time I checked we had something called National Security, or did you miss that part of reality, like most of the rest? Public Health is a national issue, period.

Commie concepts, we know, you love'em.
Reality tends toward the left, so sad for you...

So sad for all of us.
Sure you do! And they seem to have had their asses handed to them once again.
Nice try, again. This is getting to easy with you!

You! Smarter than the collective Supreme court justices.
Man, why you are you wasting your time on the internet.

Actually, I have a litany of attorneys who agree with me. The "collective" to you consists only of the six Justices who ruled in favor. What, are the other three just as stupid as me? Are you smarter than the three justices who ruled against?

Please, display to us your unparalleled legal prowess. Or shut yer trap.
Good, they aren't necessary. Health Care is a national issue. You know, One Nation Under God right?

When is your delusional mind going to accept the fact that there are no national issues, only State issues and federal issues. The Constitution was supposed to draw very distinct lines between the two. Welcome to post-constitutional America.
Last time I checked we had something called National Security, or did you miss that part of reality, like most of the rest? Public Health is a national issue, period.

Commie concepts, we know, you love'em.
Reality tends toward the left, so sad for you...

So sad for all of us.
Not at all. If would would stop banging your head against the walls of reality it wouldn't hurt so much. The world doesn't spin backwards, only forwards...
The Prog victory dance is a temporary thang.

There is a big silver lining for conservatives: they don't have to hold their noses and bail out Obama for entrapping 6M people in ScobamaCare. Those 6M people may be grateful; but many time more than that are incredibly unhappy with ScobamaCare.

Yeah, keep those Obamacare doom-and-gloom predictions coming. They've panned out so well so far....

Wait till it fully kicks in come 2017, politics have forced your dear leader to delay the worst of it, it will come back to bite.
When the court ignores black letter law, we're all in trouble.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last that SCOTUS considers the intent of the law and not just the letter of law. It should be clear to everyone that Congress did not intent for people to be denied health insurance because they applied through a state exchange operating under federal guidance instead of a federal exchange as specified in the law. The intent of law was to provide additional healthcare coverage, not less.

Had SCOTUS ruled against subsidies for those on state exchanges, it would have created chaos in healthcare insurance as the federal exchange attempted add 26 states.

First you need to get your facts straight, subsidies were provided for State exchanges, one of the architects of the law (Gruber) admitted the federal exchange was intentionally left out of the subsidy scheme in order to force States to establish exchanges. The supremes ignored black letter law and one of the authors of the law verifying there was no oversight, to allow subsidies for the federal exchange. It was on its face, a bad political decision and a horrendous legal decision.

Yep. Exactly.

Gruber recanted his brain fart. He's a gadfly. You've got nothing.

How the hell do you "recant" something that actually happened?
It's when Gruber says, oops I made something up that didn't happen

Gruber told The New Republic that he had made a mistake.

“I was speaking off-the-cuff. It was just a mistake. People make mistakes. Congress made a mistake drafting the law and I made a mistake talking about it,” Gruber told The New Republic’s Jonathan Cohn. “But there was never any intention to literally withhold money, to withhold tax credits, from the states that didn’t take that step. That’s clear in the intent of the law and if you talk to anybody who worked on the law. My subsequent statement was just a speak-o—you know, like a typo.”
Adviser s past remarks could give Obamacare a headache MSNBC

Do you guys fall for this snopes like stuff everyday.? Jesus.

There's nothing to this story. It wasn't a big supreme court decision. It was statutory construction 101.
So, does this mean the idiot, hypocritcal,sel-serving lying Republicans who continue to push for a "Ban" Abortion learn now that Abortion is in fact a medical procedure and stop trying to push Government Interference in Women's Health Care.

Same for Contraception. Contraception is MEDICAL DECISION....between Doctor and Patient. Which means "The Government" should not interfer.

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