Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Entrenched for 6 years, yet not fully in effect, something doesn't compute here.

Yet, that is the logic the 6 justices who ruled in favor used to prop up the law.
A sound reason. That, and the obvious intent of the law itself of course which means you got fucked, big time.

Intent. LOL I certainly hope you never have to go to court over a contract and get a judge who decides what the other party intended to say in the contract instead of what they actually said in the contract. If you like your justice that way, be prepared for a lot of inconsistencies and getting screwed even when you have it in writing. That's what happened today when SCOTUS decided to play along with intent instead of the letter of the law. The proper decision would have been to say the government couldn't give the subsidies until Congress paid a little more attention to what they write and create new legislation to fix it. Today, SCOTUS said law doesn't mean shit.
Entrenched for 6 years, yet not fully in effect, something doesn't compute here.

Yet, that is the logic the 6 justices who ruled in favor used to prop up the law.

I haven't read the decision yet, I'm very sure they used the same circular reasoning and non-applicable precedents to justify the incomprehensible as they did in the original ACA decision.

The next case the court we'll see will be on the unconstitutional direct tax established by the ACA. I only wish my circumstances would all me to be the first plaintiff.
"Let us not forget that the term “Exchange established by the State” appears twice in §36B and five more times in other parts of the Act that mention tax credits. What are the odds, do you think, that the same slip of the pen occurred in seven separate places? No provision of the Act— none at all—contradicts the limitation of tax credits to state Exchanges."

-Justice Antonin Scalia, dissenting
Entrenched for 6 years, yet not fully in effect, something doesn't compute here.

Yet, that is the logic the 6 justices who ruled in favor used to prop up the law.

I haven't read the decision yet, I'm very sure they used the same circular reasoning and non-applicable precedents to justify the incomprehensible as they did in the original ACA decision.

The next case the court we'll see will be on the unconstitutional direct tax established by the ACA. I only wish my circumstances would all me to be the first plaintiff.
They used the Intent of the Law, not the Letter. Adults can do that...
Entrenched for 6 years, yet not fully in effect, something doesn't compute here.

Yet, that is the logic the 6 justices who ruled in favor used to prop up the law.
A sound reason. That, and the obvious intent of the law itself of course which means you got fucked, big time.

Intent. LOL I certainly hope you never have to go to court over a contract and get a judge who decides what the other party intended to say in the contract instead of what they actually said in the contract. If you like your justice that way, be prepared for a lot of inconsistencies and getting screwed even when you have it in writing. That's what happened today when SCOTUS decided to play along with intent instead of the letter of the law. The proper decision would have been to say the government couldn't give the subsidies until Congress paid a little more attention to what they write and create new legislation to fix it. Today, SCOTUS said law doesn't mean shit.
No, what they said is "if you don't like Obamacare, you need to elect a gop president and house and 60 Senate supermajority."
So sad for all of us.
Not at all. If would would stop banging your head against the walls of reality it wouldn't hurt so much. The world doesn't spin backwards, only forwards...

Simple movement does not necessarily indicate progress.
That's correct, but you want to go backwards, which is not a good thing.

Really, you didn't mind Gurber doing it.
You mean retracting the truth he spoke? Yep, not big on that, ever. Make your case and move on but Americans hate to be told the truth, about anything...

So that's why truth is so alien to the left.
Not at all. If would would stop banging your head against the walls of reality it wouldn't hurt so much. The world doesn't spin backwards, only forwards...

Simple movement does not necessarily indicate progress.
That's correct, but you want to go backwards, which is not a good thing.

Really, you didn't mind Gurber doing it.
You mean retracting the truth he spoke? Yep, not big on that, ever. Make your case and move on but Americans hate to be told the truth, about anything...

So that's why truth is so alien to the left.
The left? You haven't accepted a truth since your mommy's OBGYN slapped your little pink ass while you were still attached...
you also have to consider that now instead of paying for the occassional drain on society when they burned themselves on their crack pipe, we now have to pay a monthly premium so they can plop out even more welfare babies.
and to top it off, we are going to get stuck paying for those filthy disease infested flea covered illegals that sneak across the border to destroy our country.

You are a shining beacon for the Right. Please keep doing what you are doing.

The Democratic Party thanks you.
To be fair, in the past, the SCOTUS has never been willing to overturn an "entrenched law." So there is precedent.

Oh right, that's why they left all the VRA in place. NOT!

Right, Texas. The SCOTUS has never displayed a consistent history of overturning "entrenched laws." Believe it or not, Obamacare has been a law for 6 years, and is firmly entrenched in our healthcare system. I'm not defending it. In fact this was the last thing I wanted to wake up to, but I'm simply stating reality.

Other than those cases involving patently unconstitutional "entrenched laws" the rest of them have not been overturned.

Not 6 years.

5 years and 3 or 4 months.
you also have to consider that now instead of paying for the occassional drain on society when they burned themselves on their crack pipe, we now have to pay a monthly premium so they can plop out even more welfare babies.
and to top it off, we are going to get stuck paying for those filthy disease infested flea covered illegals that sneak across the border to destroy our country.

You are a shining beacon for the Right. Please keep doing what you are doing.

The Democratic Party thanks you.
yeah. I mean I'm waiting for a republican who will actually seriously campaign on "if you can work, the welfare ends tomorrow, and don't tell me about caring for your kids, cause they're eating breakfast and lunch for free at school."

But that's over the top.
First you need to get your facts straight, subsidies were provided for State exchanges, one of the architects of the law (Gruber) admitted the federal exchange was intentionally left out of the subsidy scheme in order to force States to establish exchanges. The supremes ignored black letter law and one of the authors of the law verifying there was no oversight, to allow subsidies for the federal exchange. It was on its face, a bad political decision and a horrendous legal decision.

Yep. Exactly.

Gruber recanted his brain fart. He's a gadfly. You've got nothing.

Of course he did. The Progs are quite facile liars. Just look at Obama and the Clintons.
Horse patoot. Such as? And no irrelevant gossip, please... Nothing to compare with Saddam's "mushroom clouds", how Barney caused Bush's world depression, death panels and ridiculous insurer proposals as facts, etc etc. Actually, just about everything they say...

Hitting the home brewed Rye a tad early today, aintcha, bub?
No argument, just bs as usual...
So is this the end of the road for any more challenges to the ACA? Another question will GOP Presidential challengers be putting forward alternatives to the ACA or will they clarify what they want to change. Its all well and good having a problem with something but surely unless you can put forward viable alternatives then your argument loses some of its validity. As an onlooker from afar I'm still trying to get my head around why ACA has been so divisive, surely anything that expands health coverage and covers existing conditions can only help Americans. Am I missing something? Putting peoples politics aside and viewing this just objectively what exactly are the big problems with the ACA?
I can answer that.

The process of enrollment and reenrollment has issues that need to be addressed surrounding the applied tax credit assessment, verification, and 1095-A form accuracy.

Providers in red states are apprehensive to accept Obamacare plans, some for political reasons, and some for financial reasons, so the lower cost the plan, the narrower the provider network will be,

Those are the two biggest headaches for Obamacare policy holders

Thanks for your reply. Am I right in thinking that there are parts of the ACA that the majority of Americans support. So is it a case that the sensible thing for any future POTUS would be to tweek the ACA rather than get rid of it completely. Surely coverage of pre existing conditions cannot be removed now, morally that would be dreadful and inhumane.
The "things that Americans support" have little affect on reality for Obamacare policy holders.

Pre-existing condistions cannot be put back in place. It would be political suicide for those who do.

Here is the problem with any changes to Obamacare, which the SCOTUS has prevented.

The ACA has metastasized itself to our industry, you cannot dust off the old systems, policies, procedures, and hire everybody back, who left the industry, and left behind $ customer service people. Those jobs went to the Phillipines and Mexico.

Chaging the way we do business for the ACA has been so traumatic, if they pulled the plug it would be cutting off the head, to cure the headache

Of course you can get them back. According to the left. Those employees were all absorbed by all of the major hospitals and are living happily ever after as worker bees never feeling the crunch of unemployment.
I've never heard "the left" make that claim.

You may have missed the part about how I work for a medical insurance company, and my job is to handle policy holders who have appeals or grievances about Obamacare.

They did not go to hospitals, they went anywhere they could, and because they were changing their job descriptions, they had to take what they could get.

If the GOP repeals Obamacare, they'll have over 10 million angry people without insurance anymore, and a couple million insurance industry workers displaced
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.
They will.... After millions more Americans see that they can longer afford medical care due to the rising premiums and deductibles due to the ACA, and throw the Democrats out on their collective asses.

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