Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

So, a cafe owner facing the reality that Muslim religion requires its participants not eat bacon, MUST serve bacon to its Muslim customers in order to avoid discrimination.

Is that the pile of shit you’re peddling?
No, that would be "the pile of shit you’re peddling" - OBVIOUSLY, boremeister.

Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Muslim Customer: You don't understand, I'm a Muslim so I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Muslim Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Muslim Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve LT's, that I can give you a BLT and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works?
Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Muslim Customer: You don't understand, I'm a Muslim so I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Muslim Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Muslim Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve LT's, that I can give you a BLT and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works?

Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Customer: You don't understand, I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve LT's, that I can give you a BLT and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works? Customer's religious beliefs are none of Owner's business. Owner makes honest effort to service ("accommodate") Customer's requests like any other. No service refused that's normally provided to others.
Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Muslim Customer: You don't understand, I'm a Muslim so I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Muslim Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Muslim Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve LT's, that I can give you a BLT and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works?

Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Customer: You don't understand, I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve LT's, that I can give you a BLT and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works? Customer's religious beliefs are none of Owner's business. Owner makes honest effort to service ("accommodate") Customer's requests like any other. No service refused that's normally provided to others.

Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Customer: You don't understand, I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve LT's, that I can give you a BLT and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works? Customer's religious beliefs are none of Owner's business. Owner makes honest effort to service ("accommodate") Customer's requests like any other. No service refused that's normally provided to others.

Customer: I want a Wedding cake for a same sex wedding

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Customer: You don't understand, I need one for a same sex wedding

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve Same Sex Wedding Cakes. our menu item is a Traditional Wedding Cake. I'f you like I can give you a traditional wedding cake and you can Modify it as you like.

Customer: I don't want a Traditional Wedding Cake or another Cake, even ordering one of those would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menu, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a same sex wedding cake.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve same sex wedding cake, that I can give you a cake and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works? Customer's beliefs are none of Owner's business. Owner makes honest effort to service ("accommodate") Customer's requests like any other. No service refused that's normally provided to others
Gay Customer: I'd like a cake that says "gay pride" for our usual parade this Saturday in June.

Secular agnostic baker: Is that the parade where the penis float is right behind the S&M bondage group, just before naked dykes on bikes, followed by the local chapter of Boy Scouts? All down Main Street at noon right?

Gay Customer: Yep that's the one.

Secular agnostic baker: I'm sorry, I will not do or create anything that supports that event.

Gay customer: That's discrimination. I saw the cake you made for the Elk's Lodge parade just last month!

Secular agnostic baker: sorry. I don't condone or want any part whatsoever with an event that celebrates public sex acts put on where children are invited to watch, or would be watching.

Gay customer: You're gonna hear from my lawyer!!

Secular agnostic baker: ok. Just as long as I don't hear from my conscience.
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Yes, it's abundantly clear you both "want" to persist in making shit up after the fact to rationalize your continuing irrational hatred of and desire to discriminate against people you don't even know. Sorry, if you normally serve only BLTs to all comers then that's what you must honestly attempt to continue serving all comers. Jesus never said "Hate thy neighbor!"
Yes, it's abundantly clear you both "want" to persist in making shit up after the fact to rationalize your continuing irrational hatred of and desire to discriminate against people you don't even know. Sorry, if you normally serve only BLTs to all comers then that's what you must honestly attempt to continue serving all comers. Jesus never said "Hate thy neighbor!"

He never refused to serve a BLT to anyone.

Face it old guy, you're lost.
In this instance, the baker in question clearly refused to service (sell to) a customer requesting a wedding cake. Not a BLT.
Face it, gun control advocate face, you remain hopelessly lost.
Yes, it's abundantly clear you both "want" to persist in making shit up after the fact to rationalize your continuing irrational hatred of and desire to discriminate against people you don't even know. Sorry, if you normally serve only BLTs to all comers then that's what you must honestly attempt to continue serving all comers. Jesus never said "Hate thy neighbor!"
It's gonna be OK :itsok: Grumble.

Jesus DID say to hate the sin. Jesus said, "love the sinner but hate his sin". That you cannot discern between the two is your problem, not people of faith's problem. I'll give you a hint. One is a noun and the other is a verb. The Court will make this distinction too.

Ever marched in, supported or brought your kids to a typical gay pride parade Grumblenuts? Just curious. :popcorn:
No but Jesus DID say to hate the sin. Jesus said, "love the sinner but hate his sin".
No he didn't. Why do atheists always end up having to explain religion to the religious? Read and learn (<--LINK) your own damned gospel fur Chrissake!
Ever been to, marched in, supported or brought your kids to a typical gay pride parade Grumblenuts? Just curious.
No, Bernie has, of course. But we've never actually had the pleasure since we don't live near a city big enough to have political parades normally. Probably would have otherwise. Why do you hate people? Just curious.
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In this instance, the baker in question clearly refused to service (sell to) a customer requesting a wedding cake. Not a BLT.
Face it, gun control advocate face, you remain hopelessly lost.
Not according to the thread title.
Thread titles are hardly ever a good reference. In this case, the title actually says nothing about it, but the court's summary makes the baker's refusal to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple quite evident.
How exactly did he discriminate based on religious belief when he refused to serve something his religion requires he not eat?

Paradox a comin

Clue, if the religion forbids bacon, yet he doesn’t serve the customer bacon he’s not discriminating due to religion.
I find it very nice that you keep asking me the same question when I've already supplied an answer. Copy and paste saves so much time.

I get that, he's refusing service base on the religion of his customer.

Clearly a violation of Public Accommodation laws. Now if he didn't offer bacon as a product - not an issue.

If his policy is to discriminate sales based on the religion of the customer, then he is in violation of the law.


So, on what basis is someone, not serving customers a product that they cannot consume, discrimination.

You realize that it’s ok to live a lifestyle in which you can’t participate in the consumption of a product, right?

And if you self declare?

Yes, it is the same question. And you continue to struggle with it.

He is refusing the sale of the normally supplied good or service based on his perception of the religion of the customer.

I'm not struggling at all, I think it's pretty easy.

If his policy is to discriminate sales based on the religion of the customer, then he is in violation of the law.

Not serving bacon is not minding your own business.
And serving repetitive, boring, absurd, presumptive nonsense is repetitive, boring, absurd, presumptive nonsense.

Not serving bacon to someone

1. Who has demanded over and over he not be served bacon as it violates HIS religion

2. The Muslim gave no reason for the change.

No you are moving the goalposts. If the customer ordered maple bacon donuts in the past - hold the bacon. That is a different story.

Now the customer orders the maple bacon donut WITH bacon. The baker askes if he's sure and the reply is yes, please include the bacon and the baker refused based on the religion of the customer. Ya he's in violation of the law.

In this instance, the baker in question clearly refused to service (sell to) a customer requesting a wedding cake. Not a BLT.
Face it, gun control advocate face, you remain hopelessly lost.
Not according to the thread title.
Thread titles are hardly ever a good reference. In this case, the title actually says nothing about it, but the court's summary makes the baker's refusal to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple quite evident.
I don't mind you arguing when you lost. After all, your name IS grumblenuts.
No but Jesus DID say to hate the sin. Jesus said, "love the sinner but hate his sin".
No he didn't. Why do atheists always end up having to explain religion to the religious? Read and learn (<--LINK) your own damned gospel fur Chrissake!
Quotes that address the discerning of hating the sin but bringing the sinners to salvation: What Does the Bible Say About Hate The Sin Love The Sinner?

You have crafted numerous and retarded conspiracy theories blaming gays for a whole host of bullshit:

You blamed gays and gay marriage for Dylan Roof killing all those people in a church in South Carolina.

You blamed gays and gay marriage on Chris Mercer killing all those people in a community college in Oregon.

You blamed gays for Steven Jones killing a college student in Arizona.

You blamed gays and gay marriage for Justice Scalia’s death. Going as far to claim he committed suicuide as a result of Obergefell.

You blamed gays and marriage for the terror alert rising near the Fourth of July in 2015.

You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t believe your nonsense about “loving the sinner” when you spend so much time spreading anti-gay propaganda and conspiracies. As always, the only person you’re fooling is yourself.
So, a cafe owner facing the reality that Muslim religion requires its participants not eat bacon, MUST serve bacon to its Muslim customers in order to avoid discrimination.

Is that the pile of shit you’re peddling?
No, that would be "the pile of shit you’re peddling" - OBVIOUSLY, boremeister.

Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Muslim Customer: You don't understand, I'm a Muslim so I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Muslim Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Muslim Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve LT's, that I can give you a BLT and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works?

Non Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: Sure, no problem.

Non Muslim Customer: I want a BLT but substitute turkey for bacon

Owner: Sure, no problem.

Non Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Mayo

Owner: Sure, no problem.

Non Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Lettuce

Owner: Sure, no problem.

Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Muslim Customer: You don't understand, I'm a Muslim so I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Muslim Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Muslim Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

If the Owner applies a "no modifications/substitute" policy to all products then he's golden. On the other hand if he does take modifications and substitutions for non-Muslim customers but refuses based on the religion of the customer then (s)he is in violation of the law.

No paradox.

See how that works.

So, a cafe owner facing the reality that Muslim religion requires its participants not eat bacon, MUST serve bacon to its Muslim customers in order to avoid discrimination.

Is that the pile of shit you’re peddling?
No, that would be "the pile of shit you’re peddling" - OBVIOUSLY, boremeister.

Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Muslim Customer: You don't understand, I'm a Muslim so I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Muslim Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Muslim Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

Owner: I've explained to you that we don't serve LT's, that I can give you a BLT and you can modify it, or choose another Menu item, but if none of those work for you I suggest you go somewhere that better fit's your needs.

See how that works?

Non Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: Sure, no problem.

Non Muslim Customer: I want a BLT but substitute turkey for bacon

Owner: Sure, no problem.

Non Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Mayo

Owner: Sure, no problem.

Non Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Lettuce

Owner: Sure, no problem.

Muslim Customer: I want a BLT without Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir we don't serve that Product

Muslim Customer: You don't understand, I'm a Muslim so I can't have Bacon

Owner: I'm sorry Sir, we don't serve LT's. our menu item is a BLT. I'f you like I can give you a BLT and you can Modify it as you like.

Muslim Customer: I don't want a BLT, even ordering Bacon would be wrong of me.

Owner: Well Sir, we have a lot of other things on our Menus without Bacon, I'd gladly serve you any of those.

Muslim Customer: I don't want any of those, I wan't a BLT with no bacon.

If the Owner applies a "no modifications/substitute" policy to all products then he's golden. On the other hand if he does take modifications and substitutions for non-Muslim customers but refuses based on the religion of the customer then (s)he is in violation of the law.

No paradox.

See how that works.

Hetero Couple: We want a gay themed wedding cake.

Baker: Sorry, I don't serve them to anybody.

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