Surprise, Surprise - WH / Biden Refuses To Reveal Who Is Buying, Hunter Biden's Art

Yes I need it laid out to me, why Joe Biden, a man of comfortable living, who is hoping to become the President of the United States of America in the late chapter of his life would want to risk disgracing his name and lifetime's work.

Hunter Biden, a son of an American Vice President who knows how to get into a suit and say a few words NOT having his foot in all the doors he'd ever want would be a far more conspicuos story.
How else would Joe see to Hunter's future, Anton? His son is a drug addict. The only way that Hunter can make a living is through influence peddling and Joe knows it!
Yep, can you imagine someone ever wanting to hire a son of a powerful, world famous American politician? It's totally crazy. :rolleyes-41:

That would be the worthless, drug addicted, sex addicted son of powerful politician, Anton! It's laughable when you think anyone would believe that Hunter was paid all that money because of HIS talents! It's always been about buying access to his father.
How else would Joe see to Hunter's future, Anton? His son is a drug addict. The only way that Hunter can make a living is through influence peddling and Joe knows it!
And think supplying an actual drug addict with money is how you set them up for the future?

You have no fucking clue.
And think supplying an actual drug addict with money is how you set them up for the future?

You have no fucking clue.
What's Joe's choice? Put Hunter in rehab again? Hunter Biden is an addict. He'd die from it at some point. Until that happens Joe will continue to help his son. It's either that or cut him off and Joe won't even admit that Hunter has a problem. He still sees him as the smartest guy he knows!
Give him money, lots of money, duh.

That's Joe's plan according to you.

It's foolish.
It isn't Joe that's giving lots of money,'s's's China. The Biden family have been selling Joe's political influence for decades now. It's all in Hunter's lap top. You know...the one that the Biden camp got the main stream media to believe was Russian disinformation? It never was simply a druggie being too fucked up to keep things on the down low like he was supposed to!
Because it's OBVIOUS that the paintings aren't worth anywhere close to that amount and that it's OBVIOUSLY just a way for the Biden's to launder the money they're taking in for influence peddling? This is no different from why the son of the Vice President shouldn't be getting paid $50,000 a month by a foreign company when he has ZERO expertise in what that company does! What Hunter Biden has been doing for decades REEKS of corruption! It's so blatant it's a slap in the face of the American public. The Biden's are bent and they don't even try to hide it.
They aren't worth anything to you, but they are worth a half million to the buyer.
It isn't Joe that's giving lots of money,'s's's China. The Biden family have been selling Joe's political influence for decades now. It's all in Hunter's lap top. You know...the one that the Biden camp got the main stream media to believe was Russian disinformation? It never was simply a druggie being too fucked up to keep things on the down low like he was supposed to!
Sour grapes from you. Look at his credentials and experience.
What would "qualify" Hunter to sit on the board of Burisma, Surada? His extensive knowledge of the energy sector? He has none! His close ties to Ukraine? He had none! His sterling reputation as a lawyer? He was an out of control drug addict! That $50,000 a month was about as blatant a payoff as you could get. The fact that Hunter's emails complain about having to give a percentage to "the big guy" shows that not only did Joe Biden KNOW about these payoffs...Joe Biden was getting a cut of them!
. Look at his track record and education. Some people have more opportunities. Haven't you ever served on a board? Who is the big guy? Is he an investor?
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Hillary 100% broke the law.
Your opposing the American system of jurisprudence for hyper-partisan reasons - presumption of innocence, credible evidence to justify indictment, trial, conviction, etc., is unfortunate.

You must be very pissy about the Cry Baby Loser and his Department of Justice, as well as Congress, doing nothing for years to fulfill your fantasy. Of course, you could resort to paranoia and claim they are all in cahoots.
They aren't worth anything to you, but they are worth a half million to the buyer.
Of course they are, Surada but it's because the buyer isn't simply buying a piece of art...they're buying influence with the President of the United States! That's the entire point!!!

Hunter Biden's art isn't worth a half million on it's own and you know it! That art is simply the vehicle that the Bidens are using to continue to funnel influence peddling monies to Hunter Biden and the Biden family.
ed. Look at his track record and education. Some people have more opportunities. Haven't you ever served on a board? Who is the big guy? Is he an investor?
Do you REALLY want someone to look at Hunter Biden's "track record", Surada? He got the Burisma board job immediately after being kicked out of the Navy because he failed a drug test for cocaine! He was a full blown addict at that point!

As for who the "big guy" is? Tony Boblinski told the world who the big guy was. It's Joe Biden. He's Mister 10%!
Your opposing the American system of jurisprudence for hyper-partisan reasons - presumption of innocence, credible evidence to justify indictment, trial, conviction, etc., is unfortunate.

You must be very pissy about the Cry Baby Loser and his Department of Justice, as well as Congress, doing nothing for years to fulfill your fantasy. Of course, you could resort to paranoia and claim they are all in cahoots.
With all due respect, Schmidlap...Hillary Clinton was given a pass by James Comey because she was the Democratic Party's Candidate right before an election. He declined to prosecute her despite her very obvious violations of Federal regulations. I understand exactly WHY Comey didn't want to touch that Third Rail but that doesn't make Hillary any less guilty! What Clinton did cost her the election which is punishment enough in my eyes. That's something that tears at her every single day. She was so close to her life long goal and blew it because she did something monumentally stupid and got caught doing it.
Your opposing the American system of jurisprudence for hyper-partisan reasons - presumption of innocence, credible evidence to justify indictment, trial, conviction, etc., is unfortunate.

You must be very pissy about the Cry Baby Loser and his Department of Justice, as well as Congress, doing nothing for years to fulfill your fantasy. Of course, you could resort to paranoia and claim they are all in cahoots.
Nope. The bottom line is she broke the law and if her name wasn't Clinton she would have been punished for it. I don't care what her politics are she was held to a different standard than everyone else (or everyone who isn't connected) is held to when they are granted high level security clearances. It wasn't like she made a mistake the private server she had set up and was using didn't happen by accident. Now I don't think she did it in order to compromise security. She did it to avoid FOIA, which is also illegal and it's a bigger deal when a cabinet member does it. And lets all be honest we know why she did it. She didn't want anything she may or may not have said or done to be on record because she knew she was going to run for President. Not everything is political, though the lack of prosecution here probably was. We never really hold our politicians to account regardless of what they do or which letter is next to their name.
Sour grapes from you. Look at his credentials and experience.
It's crazy that the only time he seems to be able to land these jobs with foreign entities for huge amounts of money is when his father is associated with the WH... But I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
With all due respect, Schmidlap...Hillary Clinton was given a pass by James Comey because she was the Democratic Party's Candidate right before an election. He declined to prosecute her despite her very obvious violations of Federal regulations. I understand exactly WHY Comey didn't want to touch that Third Rail but that doesn't make Hillary any less guilty! What Clinton did cost her the election which is punishment enough in my eyes. That's something that tears at her every single day. She was so close to her life long goal and blew it because she did something monumentally stupid and got caught doing it.
You can fantasize to whatever extent your hyper-partisan demonization demands.

The reality is that your substituting yourself for the American justice system is silly.

I am confident that there is no shortage of zealots eager to bring charges against Clinton if they can ever contrive credible evidence to do so. Thus far, they have not.

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