Surveillance Footage Shows Nashville Shooter Used a Carbine Which Fires Pistol Rounds, Not an AR-15

So it wasn't an AR-15 type, just a carbine using pistol rounds.

Surveillance photographs and video footage shows the 28-year-old transgender suspect who attacked the Nashville Christian school was using a carbine which fires pistol rounds, not an AR-15.
The 28-year-old was armed with three firearms, and police photos of the guns show that an AR-15 was not one them.
The firearms were an AR-pistol, a handgun, and a carbine. The type of carbine possessed by the attacker uses 9mm or .40 caliber handgun rounds.
From surveillance video, it appears the attacker may have used the AR-pistol to shoot and shatter the glass on the front door. But in photos and videos that show her walking the halls, looking for potential targets, she is holding the carbine.
She can be seen holding the carbine in the following video as she approaches the school office:
NPR reported that the attacker used a handgun and “two AR-style guns,” but she did not. She had a carbine — which is not an “AR-style” gun — an AR-pistol, and a handgun.
... they don't even have the AR-15 angle to exploit........all they have are dead children...but sadly for them, they were murdered by a left wing, democrat transgender woman who thought she was a man....
Apartheid states aren't democracies. It's like saying South Africa was a democracy under the Botha Regime.

Except where are all these armed guards going to come from and who is going to pay for them?

And if we were living in the 18th century, that might be a valid argument. But we aren't.

Moron, there are 10 muslims in the Kenesset you idiot....the only reason the Israelis have checkpoints is to keep muslims from murdering Jews.........if the muslims would stop doing that, they would have peace in the region.
Apartheid states aren't democracies. It's like saying South Africa was a democracy under the Botha Regime.

Except where are all these armed guards going to come from and who is going to pay for them?

And if we were living in the 18th century, that might be a valid argument. But we aren't.

You don't need armed guards, you simply get rid of the stupid gun free allow parents to carry their legal guns with them as they conduct business at the schools...dropping kids off, picking kids up for medical and dental appointments, dropping off forgotten lunches and homework.....and you train a few of the staff to carry guns...

You do that, you ignorant clod, and mass public shooters will stop attacking schools.....

The left wing, democrat party supporting transgender killer, the woman who thought she was a man.....picked that school cause there was no security....she decided not to attack another place because it had too much security...

You idiot.
Apartheid states aren't democracies. It's like saying South Africa was a democracy under the Botha Regime.

Except where are all these armed guards going to come from and who is going to pay for them?

And if we were living in the 18th century, that might be a valid argument. But we aren't.
Fully vetted combat Veterans, most would volunteer to do it. As far as pay you loons have no issue sending billions to the Ukraine with out a single fuck given were that money is coming from and that is why you do not care about working solutions.

The whole point of gun control is to disarm law abiding citizens. Unless you are one of those poor dumb fuckers who has been convinced that a false sense of security is worth giving up a Constitutional right.

What the fuck does the 18th Century have to do with this conversation ?
Israel is surrounded by terrorists. You're insane.

One Man's Terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

For instance, when Bin Laden and his buddies were killing dirty stinking commies who were trying to teach girls how to read in Afghanistan, Ronnie Ray-Gun called them "Freedom Fighters" and compared them to the founding fathers.


Then they killed a bunch of Americans at the WTC and Pentagon, and they became terrorists.

Now, why is the Zionist Entity surrounded by terrorists/freedom fighters?

Because the Jewish Refuse of Europe settled there and took their land, that's why. Hello.

You guys freak the fuck out because Mexicans move here and take menial jobs you don't want to do. Imagine if they came in, seized a bunch of land with weapons and made you live in a gated slum like the Zionist do to the Palestinians.
You don't need armed guards, you simply get rid of the stupid gun free allow parents to carry their legal guns with them as they conduct business at the schools...dropping kids off, picking kids up for medical and dental appointments, dropping off forgotten lunches and homework.....and you train a few of the staff to carry guns...

That's awesome. You'll have a bunch of Karens shooting each other over parking spaces. While most people would consider this a horrible thing, I see it as a positive development as it would reduce the number of Karens out there.

The reality of your "Good guy with a gun" wank fantasies is that a mass shooter has taken weeks to plan out what they are going to do, and the Karen with a gun is going to be caught just as off guard as the useless human resource officer at Stoneman.

The left wing, democrat party supporting transgender killer, the woman who thought she was a man.....picked that school cause there was no security....she decided not to attack another place because it had too much security...

Actually, she picked that school because her parents forced her to attend there as a child, and the place was awful to her.
Fully vetted combat Veterans, most would volunteer to do it. As far as pay you loons have no issue sending billions to the Ukraine with out a single fuck given were that money is coming from and that is why you do not care about working solutions.

They'll show up for one week after a mass shooting, then they'll get bored and go back to their jobs and lives.

As far as the Ukraine, we are getting our money's worth. Putin is getting an atomic wedgie and it hasn't cost one American life.

The whole point of gun control is to disarm law abiding citizens. Unless you are one of those poor dumb fuckers who has been convinced that a false sense of security is worth giving up a Constitutional right.

It's not something that ever should have been a "right". Frankly, I don't feel any safer because we have millions of nuts out there with guns. We have to live in a world of active shooter drills, security doors, metal detectors, armed guards, kids going to school with metal backpacks, and militarized, trigger-happy cops because some idiots felt that a badly worded militia amendment mean an unfettered right to a gun. That's just crazy.

What the fuck does the 18th Century have to do with this conversation ?
The 18th century, a well-regulated militia made sense, because guns were expensive and only men of means could get them.

Today we have professional armies and police forces. We don't need a bunch of twits to show up with guns when there's an emergency. And when mentally deranged people like Holmes or Lanza or Hale can get a bunch of guns, it makes us less secure, not more.
Moron, there are 10 muslims in the Kenesset you idiot....the only reason the Israelis have checkpoints is to keep muslims from murdering Jews.........if the muslims would stop doing that, they would have peace in the region.

10 seats out of 120 when Arabs make up half the population? Um, yeah, that doesn't really work, Buddy.

The Jews stole their land... that's why they want to kill them.

Again, you guys freak the fuck out when Mexicans come here to do menial jobs. If they came armed and took over a bunch of American Land, you'd really freak out.

And they have a better claim this country than the Jewish Refuse of Europe has to Palestine.
Six people are dead, and you are acting like she used her salad fork for the entree...
Naw, we are just pointing out how confused you stupid Moon Bats are when it comes to firearms. Just like you are confused with everything else.

We like to ridicule you jackasses for your ignorance.
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Naw, we are just pointing out how confused you stupid Moon bats are when it comes to firearms. Just like you are confused with everything else.

We like to ridicule you jackasses for your ignorance.
Six people are dead, and you guys are worried that some people haven't passed firearm identification?
Today we have professional armies and police forces.
You are confused Moon Bat.

We saw how the police were chickenshits at Uvalde when the children were dying, didn't we?

We saw how the police were told to stand dawn when the goddamn Negroes were being Insurrectionists and looting, murdering and destroying this country, didn't we?

We see how the army and police are doing absolutely nothing as we are being invaded by millions of Illegals breaching our border, don't we?

We saw how "professional army" became the enforcement branch of the filthy Democrat Party in DC, didn't we?

We saw when a civilian stopped a mass shooting at a mall last year, didn't we?

On a daily basis we hear of civilians using firearms for personal protection when the police or army aren't around, don't we?

Just because you are too much of a Moon Bat pussy to defend yourself don't mean we Americans are.
Just remember JoeB is a tired old SJW fascist asshole who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.

You are arguing with a religion hating, freedom hating, jew hating asshole who isn't worth anyone's time.
That's awesome. You'll have a bunch of Karens shooting each other over parking spaces. While most people would consider this a horrible thing, I see it as a positive development as it would reduce the number of Karens out there.

The reality of your "Good guy with a gun" wank fantasies is that a mass shooter has taken weeks to plan out what they are going to do, and the Karen with a gun is going to be caught just as off guard as the useless human resource officer at Stoneman.

Actually, she picked that school because her parents forced her to attend there as a child, and the place was awful to her.

No...doesn't happen....but thanks for lying in support of your fascism.

You mean except for these people....some who also faced the dreaded AR-15 with just hand dope....

Within 15 seconds of a gunman opening fire inside a mall in Greenwood, Indiana, Elisjsha Dicken was able to step in and prevent further deaths.

West Virginia woman....

Witnesses said Butler seemed agitated and left but returned to the complex shortly after, armed with an AR-15 style rifle, and started shooting at the crowd.

Police said a woman pulled out her pistol, shooting and killing him.

"This lady was carrying a lawful firearm," Hazelett said. "A law abiding citizen who stopped the threat of probably 20 or 30 people getting killed. She engaged the threat and stopped it. She didn't run from the threat, she engaged it. Preventing a mass casualty event here in Charleston."

Woman credited with stopping mass shooting at apartment complex in West Virginia



As Hunt and other partiers had a bite to eat in the kitchen, the suspect pulled out a gun and began firing on the crowd, sending everyone fleeing, Mendez recounted.

Mendez was shot in the head in front of his wife, who rushed to his side and believed he was dead due to the amount of blood covering his face. She then grabbed their two daughters and put them into a room deeper in the house, barricading them and other children inside.

"She barricaded the door with the dresser. There were three other children in there, not including my two daughters. A total of five kids. She … throws them in the closet, throws clothes over them. Tells them, ‘Be quiet. Do not make a peep if you hear loud noises in this room,’" Mendez said of his wife's actions.

As Hunt continued his alleged rampage, two other women began fighting back against the suspect and screamed for Mendez, knowing he had a concealed carry weapon, Mendez said.

"By the glory of God or the adrenaline and just everything, just the will to live and the will to protect my family, I was able to hear those pleas, those yells for help. I heard my name. And I was able to get up," he said.

He was able to pull out his firearm and shoot the suspect four times in the chest.

"Detectives have determined the individual who shot Jason, and others who fought against Jason, were acting in self-defense and defense of other innocent parties," Sgt. Tommy Hale said in a press release days after the incident, KTAR reported at the time.



Shotgun attacker at Church service....

Wilson’s single shot quickly ended the attack that killed Wallace, 64, and White, 67, at the West Freeway Church of Christ in the Fort Worth-area town of White Settlement. He said the entire confrontation was over in no more than six seconds. More than 240 congregants were in the church at the time.

Firearms instructor took out gunman at Texas church service


Southerland Springs Church shooting .....

Willeford propped his AR-15 on the pickup’s hood and peered through the sight. He could see a holographic red dot on the man’s chest. He fired twice. He wasn’t sure he’d hit him, though he was later told that the man had contusions on his chest and abdomen consistent with getting shot while wearing body armor. Regardless, the gunman stopped shooting and ran for a white Ford Explorer that was idling outside the chapel, roughly twenty yards from where Willeford had positioned himself.

The Hero of Sutherland Springs Is Still Reckoning with What Happened that Day

Deputies: Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense

According to deputies, Parangan pulled out a handgun and fired multiple shots at Pastor Terry Howell, who took out his own weapon and fired back, striking Parangan.

Howell was not injured, but Parangan was taken to Osceola Regional Medical Center in critical condition.

Deputies said several church employees witnessed the incident and gave similar statements.

this Psychiatrist was not an off duty cop.....

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.


This past Sunday, exactly two weeks to the day after the Pulse attack, there was a mass shooting outside a night club in South Carolina. I’m sure you haven’t heard about it, and for two good reasons. The first reason is that the attempted murderer was unsuccessful in killing any of his victims. The second reason is because the attempted murderer was stopped by a concealed carrier at the club drawing his weapon and putting a bullet into the bad guy.

Lyman man charged following shooting at nightclub
One mass shooting stopped, 600 that weren't.

Not 600....

And the fact that idiots like you have made almost every public space mandatory gun free zones for innocent victims means that those victims can't use guns to save themselves when they are attacked....

So you ban guns, then use the fact that these people are helpless....because of your stupid gun say good guys don't stop bad guys....

You really are vile.
Within 15 seconds of a gunman opening fire inside a mall in Greenwood, Indiana, Elisjsha Dicken was able to step in and prevent further deaths.

So that's one mass shooting stopped last year and 600 that happened anyway.

So you ban guns, then use the fact that these people are helpless....because of your stupid gun say good guys don't stop bad guys....

Actually, most places that are gun free zones are so by choice, not regulation.

Maybe you and your fellow gun fetishists should start "Guns Welcome" clubs and bars. I wouldn't go to one, you never can tell when you people will start shooting over a sports dispute.
That's awesome. You'll have a bunch of Karens shooting each other over parking spaces. While most people would consider this a horrible thing, I see it as a positive development as it would reduce the number of Karens out there.

The reality of your "Good guy with a gun" wank fantasies is that a mass shooter has taken weeks to plan out what they are going to do, and the Karen with a gun is going to be caught just as off guard as the useless human resource officer at Stoneman.

Actually, she picked that school because her parents forced her to attend there as a child, and the place was awful to her.
You know this how?
So that's one mass shooting stopped last year and 600 that happened anyway.

Actually, most places that are gun free zones are so by choice, not regulation.

Maybe you and your fellow gun fetishists should start "Guns Welcome" clubs and bars. I wouldn't go to one, you never can tell when you people will start shooting over a sports dispute. idiots make gun free zones, then say that good guys don't stop killers.........after you make sure the good guys are helpless........

You are an idiot......

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