Survivor. Are you watching?

I quit watching. Nothing but whiney crybaby wimps left. Very unappealing

I know - it sucks that the whiny crybaby wimps figure out who the strong players are and gang up on them and vote them off, and then you are left with a bunch of losers, who one of them will end up being the best of the losers - and the winner!:cuckoo:

But, in all fairness, being able to use strategy so that you are not considered a strong player when you truly are may be the strategy that some of these losers are using!

That's how some were able to remain and end up winning.
Floaters. Do nothing and cling to stronger players then slime in for the kill.
I hate floaters.

I was hoping that was a vid, but it just stated that Brenda still refuses to talk to Dawn. Good for her.
Floaters. Do nothing and cling to stronger players then slime in for the kill.
I hate floaters.

I was hoping that was a vid, but it just stated that Brenda still refuses to talk to Dawn. Good for her.

I agree, I know it is a game but that was a low blow from someone that Brenda trusted. Maybe we don't like it because we liked Brenda, if she had done that to someone we didn't like, would we care?:confused:
Brenda tried to do the same thing with Andrea...but she and Andrea were not as close as her and Dawn..nor did Andrea bust butt to assist Brenda. So was a slap in the face.

IF a floater has SOME smarts and CAN do stuff like fish, cook, strategize, but suck at challenges..then they are still worthy of playing and maybe winning the game. Dawn has done NOTHING except cry and whine and suck the energy out of everyone else. I can't stand her and hope like hell she doesn't even make it to final 3.

Tonight is Sunday, May 12, 2013!

Be sure to set your alarm clock or DVR.
Floaters. Do nothing and cling to stronger players then slime in for the kill.
I hate floaters.

I was hoping that was a vid, but it just stated that Brenda still refuses to talk to Dawn. Good for her.

I agree, I know it is a game but that was a low blow from someone that Brenda trusted. Maybe we don't like it because we liked Brenda, if she had done that to someone we didn't like, would we care?:confused:

You raise a good point which illustrates the ambivalence in this stuff. I didn't feel any negative feelings when anybody else was voted off; and Andrea was just as double crossed and blind sided as Brenda was and I didn't care. But I did care when Brenda was blind sided. Which just told me I had more emotional connection to her than I did anybody else.

As I do for Cochrane and I still hope he makes it to the final three.
I watched the whole thing but it was really laggy. With that said...I won't say anything more until the west coasters see it...which is starting right now.

The only word I WILL say is....

Most predictable finale EVER. Rich bitch couldn't keep her rude mouth shut. Dawn as I said early on is just a basket case. Geek wins by default.

The tease for the next season was more entertaining than this finale.

Idea's for what it ment? All huge ego's from previous seasons or all winners from previous seasons. Those are my idea's anyhow
And yes, Sherri was pretty stupid after bragging what an acute business owner she is with 75 employees. Like...duh. DUMB move. DUMB.

My fav? What Brenda made Dawn do. :lol:
Also...seems strange that ALL the survivors were not on stage like every other season. I wonder if it was due to the Hantz brothers? I'm betting it was. When are they going to learn (survivor) that the Hantz family is a BAD MOVE. Even Big Brother tried with yet another previously unknown Hantz and look what happened. Sheesh.

PLEASE don't ever bring them back.
the best person won. Although I was holding out for Eddie until the end. I cracked up when he said, "I'm an idiot." He may be an idiot, but he was with that remark, the most self aware person on the island.

After watching tonight's show, even though I had been rooting for Eddie, I realized that Cochran deserved it more than any of the 4 that were left.

I think Eddie might have taken a few votes from Cochran, but I really think that Cochran would have won anyway, and you have to give it to him, he was the only possible one of the three that were up there, that earned it.

I'm glad that Cochran won, even though I had been against him due to the last time he was on, and the way he betrayed his tribe, but I think he redeemed himself, played the best game of all, and truly deserves it 100%.
I think next season is going to be couples, ala Biggest Loser.

I thought "relatives" since it said Blood vs water, I hope they don't decided to bring the Hanz nephew/uncle back to play against each other! Whew!

I noticed neither of them were there (I bet the network learned their lesson with that family).
My wife watches it...I hate it. I am DVRing it for her....well, O should say DVRed it. The nerd won....I'm glad for him. I have a problem with the "pretty people" of the world. They are USUALLY as shallow as their looks.

Although, I do realize that this is a personal.prejudice and ha e met and grown to care deeply about many.people whom I've gotten to know who are just as beautiful inside as well as out.

So, I guess my prejudice leans.more towards shallowness than.outward appearance.

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