Survivor. Are you watching?

I sure wish Dawn and her chin would go away.
I was mixing up Eddie with Reynolds...although both are assholes. Eddie is worse though. Blech.
Cochran makes me laugh this go round in Survivor. I hope he wins.
Brenda is cool too. So in the final 3, that would be awesome.
Jeremy (is that his name?) is wishy washy and pretty fucking stupid. Didn't he learn from the last time he played to trust NOBODY? And then he helps find the idol and hands it to Andrea. Sheesh. He is too stupid to win.
Sherri irritates me for some reason. Don't know why. I just dislike her.
I hope it's Cochran and Brenda in the finals. Third person...doesn't really matter I guess.

And didn't malcom look HOT when he sashayed in there and tossed that hair? OMG..I wish I could be young again. I'd be all over him. lol
It's sad how much I look forward to Wednesday at 7 p.m. :redface:

Me, too. Now that Reynolds and Malcolm are gone, I guess I have to change my choice for winner.

Either Erik or Brenda. I don't like Cochran, even though he managed to win some of the challenges this time. I think most of them recognize how well he's played and they'll probably vote him off tonight, but if he goes to the end, he'll probably win.

Dawn would probably be good for someone to take to the finals, she definitely would not win. Sherri never did do much, so both of them are non-issues.

Eddie was on may favorite list, until he decided to go for the donuts last week instead of fighting for immunity. If it hadn't been for Reynolds not winning immunity, Eddie probably would have gone home. I think he skated by most of the time on Reynolds and Malcolm's coattails.
Agreed....but I can't stand Eddie. I was starting to like Reynolds because he fought so hard and that is what Survivor is supposed to be about. Surviving.

For me...either Brenda or Cochran.
I'm for either Eric or Cochran...hopefully it's Cochran.

Now, I better get off here or I'm going to forget about the time and find out what happens before I get to watch it! : )
I still like Dawn.

It's quite difficult to be a middle-aged woman on Survivor. She's a scrapper.

So for me: Cochran, Dawn, then Brenda.
Ready for seven o'clock that comes an hour later than Amelia's seven o'clock so I won't be signing on until later this evening lest I see something I don't want to see before it happens. :)

But I am looking forward to seven o'clock. :)
Brenda overplayed her hand...and revealed her strategy when her dad came out. Her flying under the radar, aka being a bore, this time was just her working at "being humble", so I wasn't disappointed to see her go. She also should have known better than to think that her gesture would make her any less dispensable. I just can't gain respect back for Dawn after she was ready to walk away from the game after she lost her teeth. Sherri and Eric are boring to me.
Losing her teeth originally was probably a trauma. Deep impact on her relationship with the world. In the first moments of panic after losing her teeth in the water and thinking about opponents -- and the nation -- seeing her toothless? I do not hold her reaction against her for that.
I have mixed emotions about tonight, and there's a part of me that understands resentment about somebody who tries to buy us vs whether Brenda was just being Brenda when she gave up her reward. But I do think it was kind of shitty for Dawn to double cross her. And didn't ya'll all get the sense that Malcolm knew the blindside was coming? Cochran isn't any more pure than any of the others, but at least he is no drama queen and has played with his wits. I'm still hoping he wins.
I think Brenda was being sincerely nice, which was why she needed to be voted out. Perhaps there was some thought of "they won't like me if I don't let them be with their families" but I think mostly she was being honest about it being an obvious choice to let four people have time with their family instead of just two.

I didn't sense "resentment" from the voters. I just thought they wanted to get rid of someone who was a strong competitor and had all that goodwill on her side.

When I saw the one vote for Erik, I kinda hoped Dawn had cast that rather than backstab Brenda. I didn't like seeing that happen. But it's survivor, and Brenda beats Dawn if they go to the final 3 together.

Dawn probably also needs to take out Cochran if she's going to have a chance. Then she'll be the one with the best claim to outwitting and outlasting and will just have to worry about whether appreciation for her control of the game outweighs the likability points she's had to squander.

I hate Dawn.

Dawn will not win Survivor. No way. The jury will NOT vote for her.


Let her go home and cry some more.

If they vote Cochran off, the jury won't vote for Dawn? Do they vote for Erik instead? What has he done to earn the votes?

Or do they vote for Eddie just because he managed to survive when he was slated to go over and over?
If Eddie makes it that far, I think they will vote for Eddie for hanging in there as long as he did. Then again, they may go for Erik. There is no way they will vote for Dawn. She screwed herself tonight. She is playing the game,yes. But it is not up to viewers who think so and so should win. It is the jury. And Dawn is an energy sucking vampire that cried great scalding tears and drove them all nuts and did NOTHING.

No. She will not win.
I've totally missed whatever Erik's win would be based on.

He hasn't been much of a target and he has seemed pretty out of it.
Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!
Just kidding. He isn't even really playing the game.
I don't like Dawn and I don't think the jury does either. Check out some of the Ponderosa clips.

I think this is Cochran's game to lose. And I won't mind if he wins.
I am leaning toward Eddie as the likely winner if he goes to the final three and Cochrane doesn't. Yes Eddie is a shallow, chauvenistic prick, but there is a personable, likable side to him too. I don't see Eric being rewarded just for being seen as not enoughof a threat to vote out yet. The one that is flying under the radar is Sherrie. If she somehow makes it to the final three, she may have managed to do it without pissing anybody off and could win. I'm hoping Brenda gets the $100K as the fan favorite though. And I do NOT want Dawn to win, but it is Survivor and who knows?

If they vote Cochran off, the jury won't vote for Dawn? Do they vote for Erik instead? What has he done to earn the votes?

Or do they vote for Eddie just because he managed to survive when he was slated to go over and over?

I would vote for Eddie before I would vote for Dawn. And you know, Eddie is not my favorite person! But Dawn just makes me want to vomit. She is freaking ridiculous with all her theatrics and crying, etc.

I think Cochran is still my favorite, though.
Remember when they found out that a second loved-one was there? And Sherri found out it was her son? And she collapsed theatrically to her knees, sobbing.

And did you notice that her husband just stood there looking down at her? He didn't reach out to her, he didn't help her up, he didn't kneel beside her and hold her. WTF???? I got the feeling he was embarrassed by her.

I found that absolutely intriguing and a little shocking. Sherri is by far NOT my favorite...and apparently she's not much of a favorite of her husband's either. That was just bizarre! :shock:

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