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That reward challenge last week was unfair, but the last leg was sort of funny seeing all them try to drag Cliff like that. You'd think the show would be wide open to a liability suit with such a physical challenge but it would've been fairer with same-sex teams only.

Long time ago, weight loss reports were major spoilers but now they feed the contestants so much, they are worthless in trying to determine who goes the far and who doesn't. Cliff was just a victim of the swap and he won't be the last. I was surprised to see his tribe go to TC, but they probably won't go next time. There is a sub-plot going on between the two cops that are now on opposing tribes that can't be resolved until the merge. Sarah is in a poor position now and Tony is getting anything but a winner's edit.

Then LJ again . . . he was getting a winner's edit again throughout last episode, always narrating and giving strategical insight confessionals. And then he has an idol, he has to go far but I want to know what's going on with Kass - her tribemates on Twitter hate her, including a few that haven't even been on a tribe with her yet. It's not a problem with the other two former Brains, just her, so does she backstab deep into the game?

Kass, for being a lawyer, doesn't seem to be too bright. She's trying really hard to fit in and all she has managed to do so far is stay in the game. She has zero personality, so I'm wondering how she'll do in this new team.
That reward challenge last week was unfair, but the last leg was sort of funny seeing all them try to drag Cliff like that. You'd think the show would be wide open to a liability suit with such a physical challenge but it would've been fairer with same-sex teams only.

Long time ago, weight loss reports were major spoilers but now they feed the contestants so much, they are worthless in trying to determine who goes the far and who doesn't. Cliff was just a victim of the swap and he won't be the last. I was surprised to see his tribe go to TC, but they probably won't go next time. There is a sub-plot going on between the two cops that are now on opposing tribes that can't be resolved until the merge. Sarah is in a poor position now and Tony is getting anything but a winner's edit.

Then LJ again . . . he was getting a winner's edit again throughout last episode, always narrating and giving strategical insight confessionals. And then he has an idol, he has to go far but I want to know what's going on with Kass - her tribemates on Twitter hate her, including a few that haven't even been on a tribe with her yet. It's not a problem with the other two former Brains, just her, so does she backstab deep into the game?

Kass, for being a lawyer, doesn't seem to be too bright. She's trying really hard to fit in and all she has managed to do so far is stay in the game. She has zero personality, so I'm wondering how she'll do in this new team.

Probably we all know some very highly intelligent people wgi are absolutely brilliant in some things and dumb as rocks in others. I know a lot of folks who are incredible in their understanding of science, math, complicated concepts etc., but who have zero social skills and/or common sense. That seems to be the case in this year's group of 'brains' on Survivor. :)
Trying to think of a time when I've seen a middle-aged female do well on the show. Can't think of one. I remember Dawn, of course, but she dug her grave with each time she betrayed someone who trusted her.

Kass just made herself the underdog.

But not the likable underdog.

I did like her before this. I guess I could possibly root for her if she plays smart here on out. But tonight's play seemed more the result of paranoia than intelligence so she has a ways to go to get me to think well of her again. And 100% of the jury is against her at the moment.
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Trying to think of a time when I've seen a middle-aged female do well on the show. Can't think of one. I remember Dawn, of course, but she dug her grave with each time she betrayed someone who trusted her.

Kass just made herself the underdog.

But not the likable underdog.

I did like her before this. I guess I could possibly root for her if she plays smart here on out. But tonight's play seemed more the result of paranoia than intelligence so she has a ways to go to get me to think well of her again. And 100% of the jury is against her at the moment.

Tina, Season Two
Spoke too soon. GREAT move by Kass. LOL!!!
And both guys using the idol and it wasn't even needed. Double LOL.
I don't think it was so silly, Jeffra isn't a classic merge boot by any measure. What targeting her after Tony shot off his mouth about his "tribe idol" told me about the other tribe was that they knew to hedge their bets regardless. Sarah should've know better than to ever flaunt being the "swing vote", because it only takes to flip and target you.

At least now I see why they hate Kass and I think LJ and some of the others realize the way to handle her is to let her think she's in charge.
Kass is an idiot. Waaaa. They are against me. Eye roll.

Yeah....she (Kass) doesn't do much for me. She flipped on her promise just to get back at Sarah. Wait until Trish finds out Kass wanted to get rid of her, and Sarah was the one that didn't want them to vote on Trish......I'm sure someone will tell her.....Don't think Tony and the rest are going to embrace Kass like she thinks they will, they used her and she's not special to them anymore.....maybe they will, Survivors always surprise me and end up doing things you think they are too smart not to do....:eusa_whistle:

As for Sarah.....she overplayed her hand. She was the deciding vote, until she started acting it out....nobody likes someone that thinks they run the place and I knew she was at risk when she started duking it out with Kass rather than trying intelligently to get her to trust her. Getting rid of Trish would have been a good way for her to get Kass to trust her and they would have had the numbers to get rid of Tony and anybody else from the smaller tribe later....she messed up royally.
I wonder what's up with the new idol Jeff referred to...the one with special or "different" powers?

I wonder if it gives you advantages in challenges, something like that. I sure hope someone finds it so we can find out what it is.
After Kass' defection, I have found myself rooting for Spencer and LJ on this episode.

Since LJ is on Tony's team, I'm rooting a little harder for Spencer.

Tasha next.

Then Jeffra.

For now.
Well, Kass didn't play her cards right tonight, just like Sarah didn't last week.

Kass was the swing vote and she decided to stay with her new alliance, but, next week they won't need her vote and she doesn't do that well in immunity challenges....she's not as valuable anymore.

Spenser is a target now, but lucky him, he found the immunity idol after being rather careless and leaving it with his pants for Woo to find. He should have memorized it and destroyed it or hidden it, but carrying it around was not wise. He's lucky that he was able to find the idol without anybody seeing him, so he's at least safe for another week.... Unless LJ decides that maybe Tony is the biggest threat to him....I hope he's (Tony) the next to go.

I wasn't sorry to see Morgan go....such an arrogant person, can't believe she thinks so highly of herself, her will only carry her so far, and in Survivor, it didn't carry her to the end.
I still don't know about the HII with super powers - the one Spencer found was just a regular one. I think he was taken off-guard when he discovered Woo stalking him but it seems like he found it without anybody seeing him, particulary Kass, who was standing right there.

Morgan's vote was easy for the other tribe, since she never did anything but sleep and eat at camp - someone drew on her ballot a stick figure sleeping under her name.

I think next week either Spencer :( or Tasha :( goes, only because both Tony and Trish hate Kass with a passion, implying that she backstabs them both late in the game. Spnecer could be caught not playing his idol, or they could split the votes and then Tasha goes. Somehow, Kass has managed to alienate almost all of her tribemates except for a few people that are either in F2 or sitting next to Kass at that time and they're not saying anything about any of it.
Kass is too cold. Even if she made it to the end, that standoffishness will be her doom.

Morgan is not that pretty. She has big knockers but a weak chin. She was and is worthless.

Spencer has a bit of a temper. He needs to be careful because nobody likes a sore loser.

The rest? Meh. I love Woo. I hope he wins!
I still don't know about the HII with super powers - the one Spencer found was just a regular one. I think he was taken off-guard when he discovered Woo stalking him but it seems like he found it without anybody seeing him, particulary Kass, who was standing right there.

Morgan's vote was easy for the other tribe, since she never did anything but sleep and eat at camp - someone drew on her ballot a stick figure sleeping under her name.

I think next week either Spencer :( or Tasha :( goes, only because both Tony and Trish hate Kass with a passion, implying that she backstabs them both late in the game. Spnecer could be caught not playing his idol, or they could split the votes and then Tasha goes. Somehow, Kass has managed to alienate almost all of her tribemates except for a few people that are either in F2 or sitting next to Kass at that time and they're not saying anything about any of it.

Tony and Trish hate Kass with a passion? Where did you see that? Was that in the preview for next week? I missed the very end.
I'm seeing Kass as becoming a likely choice to go to the final three with. I can see those who are really playing the game utilizing her skills to help them get there on the theory that she will have alienated enough people that she won't be able to get jury votes. Sometimes it is the most beloved who are far bigger threats than the most capable.

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