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Susan Collins may be forced to vote No on Brett Kavanagh

That's simply your opinion. I have seen no polling or evidence at this point showing that to be the case.
We didn't see the polling showing a Trump win either....stop listening to the lying pollsters....did you know they are still weighting the dems by 12% in every political poll?......they haven't learned a thing.....
Polls are a manipulation tool used by the lugenpresse

Ignore them and go vote

I'm out for a few hours, games on
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.
Maine is more a purple, Independent state. There are a mighty lot of Republicans here.

Senator Collins liked Kavanaugh prior to these allegations being known and planned to vote for him. I think she will still vote for him. She IS receiving a lot of pressure from BOTH sides and as usual she will do what her conscience tells her is best. Collins does not bend to pressure, but she does listen and I know she is taking the hearing into account, as well as whatever information the Senate gets from an investigation.

If Senator Collins listened to Kavanaugh's performance, she will likely reject him. Not based exclusively on the testimony of Dr. Ford, but on his pathological anger, conspiracy theories and disrespect for the Ranking member of all Democratic Senators.

No one should support someone like Kavanaugh, he is unsuited to judge others, since he cannot control his emotions.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.
Maine is more a purple, Independent state. There are a mighty lot of Republicans here.

Senator Collins liked Kavanaugh prior to these allegations being known and planned to vote for him. I think she will still vote for him. She IS receiving a lot of pressure from BOTH sides and as usual she will do what her conscience tells her is best. Collins does not bend to pressure, but she does listen and I know she is taking the hearing into account, as well as whatever information the Senate gets from an investigation.

If Senator Collins listened to Kavanaugh's performance, she will likely reject him. Not based exclusively on the testimony of Dr. Ford, but on his pathological anger, conspiracy theories and disrespect for the Ranking member of all Democratic Senators.

No one should support someone like Kavanaugh, he is unsuited to judge others, since he cannot control his emotions.

How about we put you, and yours, thru the hell he and his family have been through for the last couple of weeks, and see how calm and collected YOU are when facing your accusers?
If Susan Collins votes no she will become a GOP outcast.
So a Senator shouldn't vote as the people of her state and her conscience wants her to? Ok....interesting.

Is that what the people, that voted a republican into office in a blue state, want her to do?

Or is the voters that voted against her being elected want her to do?

A lot of her support is across party lines, Democrats and independents. There are not nearly enough Republicans in Maine to save her in 2020 if she votes YES on Kavanagh. Its sad, but I think that is the reality.

What does Collins tell Maine voters, vote for me and I'll vote with the Democrats on the issues? :cuckoo:

She is Middle Of the Road, essentially independent. Still, as a Republican in a BLUE STATE, there are certain things you just can't do and expect to survive.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.

No, the terrible injustice happened to Dr. Ford 35 years ago.

The real reason why Collins and Murkowski will vote against him is that women know that she is telling the truth.

They might BELIEVE her but they don't KNOW. A mere allegation is NOT proof of an event. Even if she is telling the truth, that still is not proof that it was Brett Kavanagh that did it. Mistaken identity. Take a look at studies on how reliable eye witness testimony actually is. To really prove this, you need HARD PHYSICAL evidence, or at the very least a
corroborating witness.
Terrible for the country if you believe in the founders, GOD, religion and protecting the rights of unborn children.

There are no unborn children. And we live in a country with separationof Church and state, so keep your fucking bronze age superstitions to yourself.

Terrible if you believe in PROTECTING the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE.

Not an issue here. The fact is, people are rejected for jobs all the time because someone said something bad about them. Ask anyone who has been blackballed by a former employer.

It was mere allegations about the Jews that created the situation that allowed for 6 million of them to be murdered.

Um, no. It had more to do with the anti-Semitism that is hardwired into Christianity. They killed your imaginary God man.

The reason we have the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE is to prevent that type of terror that is so common in dictatorships!

Again, not an issue here. The question is, do we give this guy a lifetime appointment when there are a lot of questions about his partisanship and character. His rant about "Hillary is out to get me!" should have been a deal breaker if nothing else is.

IN GOD WE TRUST is on all are money! We are not an ATHEIST state. Take your ANTI-RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY and shove it up your ASS. Your a better fit for NORTH KOREA than the United States! You'll have a lot more in common with the people there.

Her constituents want Kavanaugh.... what are you folks smoking?
Really? You've got the polls from Maine to show that is true?
There was a small poll done in August that had her down to a 36% approval rating. They don't want her to vote for Kavanaugh. She had said, prior to the allegations coming out, that she was supporting him. Now she's mum.
I think she is angry about the stunts pulled at her office before the allegations
Angry? Maybe. Those abortion/anti-abortion nuts can be annoying as hell. But I think she is more likely deciding if the guy is going to be a good Supreme Court justice, and she doesn't really need our help in doing that.
There are no unborn children. And we live in a country with separation of Church and state, so keep your fucking bronze age superstitions to yourself.

We live in a country that enjoys freedom of speech and free expression of religion under the force of law, so fuck off, ya Commie.

First, learn to use the quote function.

Second, Free Exercise of religion means you don't get to impose it on the rest of us. Which is what you guys are constantly trying to do.

No your constantly attacking and trying to impose your bullshit Atheism on the rest of us. Your clearly an anti-religious bigot and would be better off in North Korea.
If Kavanaugh is not confirmed, the democrat Party will get completely blown out in the midterms, losing 12 to 14 Senate seats.

And that's without either: Trump rounding up their leadership for sedition and treason, or their getting exposed as the Satan worshiping, blood drinking, pedophiles they are

Thank you Frank. Knowing your ability to see the future has been 100% wrong, I'm feeling really good right now.

You and President Hillary
Occam's Razor
Good for the country if we can keep an anti-civil rights, OBVIOUSLY partisan "judge" off the highest court of the land.

Terrible for the country if you believe in the founders, GOD, religion and protecting the rights of unborn children. Terrible if you believe in PROTECTING the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE. It was mere allegations about the Jews that created the situation that allowed for 6 million of them to be murdered. The reason we have the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE is to prevent that type of terror that is so common in dictatorships!
Someone's god shouldn't enter this in any way. We are not some theocracy.

Were NOT THE ATHEIST SOVIET UNION THAT WE DEFEATED IN THE COLD WAR EITHER. We pray before most government events, and we have IN GOD WE TRUST on all are money. We don't favor any particular religion or GOD, but we do favor belief in the supernatural over ATHEISM.
Sorry...but the United States is a secular country....not a theocracy....take your christer sharia elsewhere, please.

Sorry, were not an ATHEIST country. If you want that, go to NORTH KOREA. IN GOD WE TRUST is on all are money! Understand?
Good for the country if we can keep an anti-civil rights, OBVIOUSLY partisan "judge" off the highest court of the land.

Terrible for the country if you believe in the founders, GOD, religion and protecting the rights of unborn children. Terrible if you believe in PROTECTING the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE. It was mere allegations about the Jews that created the situation that allowed for 6 million of them to be murdered. The reason we have the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE is to prevent that type of terror that is so common in dictatorships!
Our whole way of life and our freedoms are at stake

We MUST have the vote, if Kav is defeatex, Trump needs to renominate him after midterms, as we will have 3 to 7 more republicans in the Senate as we do now
You are absolutely right...our American way, our secular way....as the first country in the world that codified religious freedom in our written Constitution...is at stake. That's why drunks like Kavanaugh need go be denied a seat on the highest court of the land.
If Susan Collins votes no she will become a GOP outcast.
So a Senator shouldn't vote as the people of her state and her conscience wants her to? Ok....interesting.

She's a Republican. Probably voted in by a majority of Republicans. If she votes NO, Republicans should vote her lard ass out of office. Problem solved.
Assuming they've got the votes.....however, you are hemorrhaging women right now.

Agreed. The margin in the Senate is very tight. Loosing Senator Collins would not be good for Republicans.

Her constituents want Kavanaugh.... what are you folks smoking?
Really? You've got the polls from Maine to show that is true?
There was a small poll done in August that had her down to a 36% approval rating. They don't want her to vote for Kavanaugh. She had said, prior to the allegations coming out, that she was supporting him. Now she's mum.
I think she is angry about the stunts pulled at her office before the allegations
Angry? Maybe. Those abortion/anti-abortion nuts can be annoying as hell. But I think she is more likely deciding if the guy is going to be a good Supreme Court justice, and she doesn't really need our help in doing that.
I think it's obvious he will be, Garland would have as well, sure MG was stopped, but not with vile and evil lies
Good for the country if we can keep an anti-civil rights, OBVIOUSLY partisan "judge" off the highest court of the land.

Terrible for the country if you believe in the founders, GOD, religion and protecting the rights of unborn children. Terrible if you believe in PROTECTING the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE. It was mere allegations about the Jews that created the situation that allowed for 6 million of them to be murdered. The reason we have the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE is to prevent that type of terror that is so common in dictatorships!
Our whole way of life and our freedoms are at stake

We MUST have the vote, if Kav is defeatex, Trump needs to renominate him after midterms, as we will have 3 to 7 more republicans in the Senate as we do now
You are absolutely right...our American way, our secular way....as the first country in the world that codified religious freedom in our written Constitution...is at stake. That's why drunks like Kavanaugh need go be denied a seat on the highest court of the land.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.
The Republicans hold 51 seats in the Senate, so if they only lose 1 vote, it will be 50-50 and Pence will cast the deciding vote to confirm Kavanaugh 51-50.

The problem is that Murkowsky from Alaska is not going to support Kavanagh because of his positions on legal issues in Alaska. The best it was every going to be was 50 to 50. Without Collins, the nomination fails.
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.

They are trying to bribe her and it's against the law.

The FBI really should investigate this one

Bribe her? In what way?

Like you have not been following it pledging 1 million dollars to her opponent ( to be named later) if she votes yes.

How is that a bribe? Are we not free to donate to whom we want to? Are we not free to SAY who we will donate to?
So a Senator shouldn't vote as the people of her state and her conscience wants her to? Ok....interesting.

Is that what the people, that voted a republican into office in a blue state, want her to do?

Or is the voters that voted against her being elected want her to do?

A lot of her support is across party lines, Democrats and independents. There are not nearly enough Republicans in Maine to save her in 2020 if she votes YES on Kavanagh. Its sad, but I think that is the reality.

What does Collins tell Maine voters, vote for me and I'll vote with the Democrats on the issues? :cuckoo:
Do you think she was elected by Mainers anticipating that they wanted her to vote for a drunk misogynist who doesn't have the temperament to get a lifetime appointment to the highest court of the land?

Here's the game you want to play, little girl. It's okay for you to call Kav a "drunk misogynist" but when some posters makes a mild joke about "probed by aliens" then he's *turn on the dramatic music* "making fun of sexual assault victims*. Oh no, get the smelling salts and the fainting couches.

Your "poor me" routine is an insult to truly strong, grown up, independent women. And THAT Is why I left feminism probably before you were born. Thank God.
"little girl"....:71: thanks for proving our point about trumpanzees and who they support.........
Susan Collins is getting HEAVY pressure right now in her home state of Maine to vote against Brett Kavanagh. She is up for election in 2020. If the pressure is enough, I don't think she will risk her future career for Brett Kavanagh.

I don't think the FBI will find anything more than what is known. But Susan Collins is a Republican in a firmly BLUE STATE. On a divisive issue like this, she is not going to risk her career with a yes vote. Too much is at stake for her.

So the Senate vote will be 51 to 49 against Brett Kavanagh. It will be a sad day for the country and a sad day for the presumption of innocence. I'm sorry that this terrible injustice happened to Brett Kavanagh and his family.

She might get probed by aliens as well.


Don't underestimate what it takes to be a Republican Senator in a BLUE STATE that has not voted for a Republican President in 30 years.

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