Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

With Susan Rice, Comey and Evelyn Farkas, it looks like we have binders full of traitors
You'll note that the FBI is investigating if Trump and:eek:r his peeps did anything illegal to justify prosecuting anyone if the evidence leads to that.
There is NO EVIDENCE to support the false snowflake claim that anything illegal ever happened - NO CRIME. So the investigation into a non-crime is a 'fishing expedition'...

...unlike the PROVEN Felony Espionage perpetrated by Obama administration holdovers and the direct, PROVEN connections between the Clintons and her circle to Ex-KGB, the KGB Bank, The Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC's e-mail, the Kremlin, and Putin.
if there's no evidence, then the FBI will end their investigation eventually and nothing will happen to Trump. You do realize, however, that the FBI has more information on this than you or I, right? So we don't actually know if there's evidence at this point or not.
We will see how loyal these people really are now that Hillary lost and can neither protect them nor reward them for their silence. I can see Susan Rice pulling an Ollie North and taking one for team Obama. Ben? hmmm...we will find out.

Except Rice is squeaky clean compared to the thuggish behavior Ollie did at the bidding of the WH.
Oh really?

Benghazi was really because of a stupid video?????
That's what our intelligence agencies believed for a period of time.

Technically, two seconds is a period of time.
Yes, it is. That's not the case regarding our intelligence community believing the video spurred the attack; but you're right, 2 seconds is a period of time.

According to who? Susan Rice? The Sunday morning talk show liar?

Except Rice is squeaky clean compared to the thuggish behavior Ollie did at the bidding of the WH.
Oh really?

Benghazi was really because of a stupid video?????
That's what our intelligence agencies believed for a period of time.

Technically, two seconds is a period of time.
Yes, it is. That's not the case regarding our intelligence community believing the video spurred the attack; but you're right, 2 seconds is a period of time.

According to who? Susan Rice? The Sunday morning talk show liar?

No, according to investigations led by the GOP.
Oh really?

Benghazi was really because of a stupid video?????
That's what our intelligence agencies believed for a period of time.

Technically, two seconds is a period of time.
Yes, it is. That's not the case regarding our intelligence community believing the video spurred the attack; but you're right, 2 seconds is a period of time.

According to who? Susan Rice? The Sunday morning talk show liar?

No, according to investigations led by the GOP.

BS...but babble on

This is the oldest GOP trick in the book, scapegoating. Making up stuff. Not going to work. Trump is not trustworthy and neither are the people he works with. She was doing her job, Trump and his Russian connections. Or is it Pres. Kushner now? Who does not have security clearance in that family.

You guys have voted in a bunch of crooks, hope you are happy now.
She wasn't doing her job, because she made sure that these classified communications pointed to Trump officials. Without ordering detailed information, this wouldn't be so easy to read, and without Obama ordering it to be spread around it wouldn't have been leaked. It was all a conspiracy, cut and dried.
it wasn't ordered to be spread around, it was ordered to be gathered together, in to one spot, making it easier to continue the Russian interference investigations in the house and senate intelligence committees...

and your other stuff is simply made up, B.S.

Obama administration officials also scrambled to spread classified intelligence related to Russian meddling in the 2016 election to as many people within the U.S. government as possible. These officials said they spread the intelligence around to ensure Trump administration officials would not be able to quash the investigation. The officials also fought to keep the related intelligence at a low-classified level, giving more officers access to the raw information.

The Democrats are probably cooked in their own grease. The leftists on here can feign ignorance all they want, but even the dumbest of them know their narrative has collapsed. As far as I am concerned, they are just practicing their propaganda skills, because it has become more than obvious this narrative is about to go down like the Titanic, and a new one is going to take its place on collusion, and corruption, in the Obama administration.

2 weeks ago, I stated within 6 weeks the Democrats would be off her hiding in the weeds. It appears it may only take 4!

No---collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason.

In 2015 Russians hacked into the PENTAGON--and got into the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails. It was moving so fast through their system, they had to shut their communications down for 2 weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Russians are constantly under survelliance, and anyone that is hanging out with them is also going to be watched. If they're calling the Russians they are being wiretapped. It's not Rocket Science.

What makes this worse is that the Trump circle has denied any contact with Russians (during the campaign season)--even lying while under oath.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Hey, what ever happened to that evidence that the lying fuck Shiff promised? That never managed to appear?

Oh yeah, Adam Shiff is a democrat, ergo a fucking liar.
if there's no evidence, then the FBI will end their investigation eventually and nothing will happen to Trump. You do realize, however, that the FBI has more information on this than you or I, right? So we don't actually know if there's evidence at this point or not.

The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump. They will fuck around for several months and then repeat vague bullshit about Russia trolling facebook and twitter.
if there's no evidence, then the FBI will end their investigation eventually and nothing will happen to Trump. You do realize, however, that the FBI has more information on this than you or I, right? So we don't actually know if there's evidence at this point or not.

So far, what has been released - comparatively speaking, the Clintons and the Podestas should be sequestered in interrogation rooms inside the FBI and the NSA, explaining their PROVEN connections to / working for the KGB, the Russian Spy Agency, the Kremlin, and Putin.

Keep trying tyrone. The DOJ is no longer under the control of the Obama administration. Let us know how all this stuff works out in six months when the grand jury indictments are handed down.

And let me say----------> While we will never know it........if Trump finds out that Obama tried to put the screws to him as he took office, he will investigate a whole lot more than this. It is going to get really messy!

Only blind lefty lemmings can not see that they are the ones, now in trouble. Were it not for husbands and wives working for 2 of the big 4 MSM outlets, they would already be buried. Fortunately, they won't be able to ignore it when someone gets hauled away in cuffs and they really start singing.

To all you conservatives------->just let these lefty fools make excuses. They are using propaganda and semantics in every attempt to turn it around. It is not you can't convince them; they are already convinced and just see their job as to frustrate you. They already know. Once you realize what their game is, it is much easier to let it go and ignore them. I see the same points, the same links, over, and over, and over again. What do they say? Yeah but.

Fellas and ladies, you are NOT winning, you have already WON! It is like being at a football game where it is 75 to nothing, and the clown next to you keeps saying, "yeah but!" Trust me, you can stop trying to convince them that you were correct, the only thing we are waiting for to post the victory, is the end of the game!
That Rice Interview

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice's interview with Andrea Mitchell is still on-going. But the gist of the interview confirms what national security experts are saying, which is that what Rice is alleged to have done is entirely normal. But I would say the buried lede in this interview is that during the transition period the Intelligence Community was sending top national security intelligence consumers an increasing volume of reports of surveillance of foreign persons in which top Trump advisors kept coming up, either as the subjects of discussion or actually talking to the people in question. It's quite unlikely that courtesy calls or general discussions of policy priorities would be included in those reports.

Let's say this is not helpful news for the Trump team.

- Josh Marshall
And let me say----------> While we will never know it........if Trump finds out that Obama tried to put the screws to him as he took office, he will investigate a whole lot more than this. It is going to get really messy!
Trump's own FBI Director says he has seen nor does he have any evidence Trump was tapped...what accounts for that junior
And let me say----------> While we will never know it........if Trump finds out that Obama tried to put the screws to him as he took office, he will investigate a whole lot more than this. It is going to get really messy!
Trump's own FBI Director says he has seen nor does he have any evidence Trump was tapped...what accounts for that junior
Tapped is NOT important, leaked is and who did it. That is what is going to screw you people, and they already know who they were, JUNIOR, lol!

This is the oldest GOP trick in the book, scapegoating. Making up stuff. Not going to work. Trump is not trustworthy and neither are the people he works with. She was doing her job, Trump and his Russian connections. Or is it Pres. Kushner now? Who does not have security clearance in that family.

You guys have voted in a bunch of crooks, hope you are happy now.
She wasn't doing her job, because she made sure that these classified communications pointed to Trump officials. Without ordering detailed information, this wouldn't be so easy to read, and without Obama ordering it to be spread around it wouldn't have been leaked. It was all a conspiracy, cut and dried.
it wasn't ordered to be spread around, it was ordered to be gathered together, in to one spot, making it easier to continue the Russian interference investigations in the house and senate intelligence committees...

and your other stuff is simply made up, B.S.

Nunes said the intelligence gathered had zero Russian ties

He also said the data was collected "legally."

Then spread around recklessly and then leaked illegally.

If it wasn't for Susan Rice and Obama going on a fishing expedition none of this crap would have happened. If it wasn't for the Obama Administration trying to create a scandal with which to impeach Trump, none of this shit would have happened. That's the thing you folks don't seem to understand. You feel that it's okay to plant your idea of reality in everyone's mind and claim that it's real even if you are unable to find actual wrongdoing by your enemies. They hate Trump and don't like the fact that he won fair and square. So they created this massive lie and refuse to let it go despite the fact Trump did nothing wrong. It's nothing other than Butthurt liberals making shit up.
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