Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Why would a lefty be your first impression?

Obviously a RWer would be the more logical suspect.
I don't know who did this, or in which side they exist. I do know that we're living in insane times, and the timing doesn't look good.

Only the most committed and obedient partisan would not acknowledge something that obvious.

That isn't obvious at all. It's actually a rather convoluted idea.

LOL why is it a convoluted idea?
They've gone full-on obtuse on this one.

Huh? What? Where? What? Huh?


Not entertaining convoluted ideas over the more likely alternative is far from obtuse.
You could be right. One of the many symptoms of hardcore partisan ideology is an intellectual myopia that blinds the afflicted to inputs that don't support their preconceived partisan notions. "If I don't like it, or if I don't agree with it, it must not exist".

So yeah, you really may not see it. You may be completely sincere here. This is why I find the psychology of hardcore partisan ideology so fascinating from a psychological / sociological / anthropological perspective.
Dumbass Trumpers make a big deal when someone's lunch is interrupted but when bombs are sent in a mass murder plot they make light of it.

As I always suspected, Trumpers are truly brain damaged.
Wow, gee whiz, more, right before the elections about which the Democrats are becoming concerned.

Gosh, what an incredible and amazing coincidence.
So you’re implying...what?
Should be terribly obvious. As I've said, there's a chance some right wing lunatic, all juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio, will have done this. It's also possible that some left wing lunatic, desperate for political advantage in the mid terms, will have done this.

Obviously the timing is suspect, the whole thing is. Pretty much nothing will surprise me here, either way. The lunatics are in charge.
Okay the latter theory is just dumb. It’s pure speculation. Just because something sounds like it could be true, it doesn’t mean it is even close to being true.
Well sure, from your political perspective. It must sound just CRAZY 'n stuff.
I sure hope they have the resources to find out exactly who did this.

The P.O. has a 13 ounce rule, meaning anything heavier has to be passed across the counter in person, not dropped off in a mailbox.
But who knows, if they were dropped off in a public mail box, then picked up by the carrier and taken to the transit station anyway, the 13 oz rule gets bypassed.

The dolt who did this wasn't very bright, he thought Brennan was a consultant for CNN. So maybe he was stupid enough to take all those bombs to the counter where he would possibly be on video.

All kinds of protection and CCTV went into effect after 9/11. My post office where I lived in NJ was the one used by the wacko who mailed those anthrax letters to the tv stations in NY in 2001. And they DID have CCTV after that.

After reading very intently...I am anxiously awaiting the video results
when we see Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, licking stmaps and applying
them to the packages.

She's winning. She doesn't need to do that.

Gonna' be a cryin' game here when the radical nationalist Nazi bombers get outed on Facebook after their identity is revealed.

Trump will find a way to say that "and some are good people".

They convinced her to take one for the team.

They promised her that they would pardon her and she could still have
her parade after she was inaugurated.
Hope its not another bomb.

Seems there is some nut job mailing bombs to Clinton, Soros and Obama.

Hope they catch these people and lock their asses up.
Yeah Obams Clintons Soros CNN ALL TRUMPS favorite people
Exercise: How do I discredit and destroy Republicans?

Answer: By threatening those who would destroy the very things they believe in.

This is not a likely scenario, but when you make stupid replies showcasing your inability to think critically, this is what you get.
Dumbass Trumpers make a big deal when someone's lunch is interrupted but when bombs are sent in a mass murder plot they make light of it.

As I always suspected, Trumpers are truly brain damaged.

No one has made light of it.

Was it an attempted mass murder? I've seen no evidence that these bombs were meant to go off.

Terror and chaos in the other hand...
I sure hope they have the resources to find out exactly who did this.

The P.O. has a 13 ounce rule, meaning anything heavier has to be passed across the counter in person, not dropped off in a mailbox.
But who knows, if they were dropped off in a public mail box, then picked up by the carrier and taken to the transit station anyway, the 13 oz rule gets bypassed.

The dolt who did this wasn't very bright, he thought Brennan was a consultant for CNN. So maybe he was stupid enough to take all those bombs to the counter where he would possibly be on video.

All kinds of protection and CCTV went into effect after 9/11. My post office where I lived in NJ was the one used by the wacko who mailed those anthrax letters to the tv stations in NY in 2001. And they DID have CCTV after that.
Sounds like a democratic socialist.
Dumbass Trumpers make a big deal when someone's lunch is interrupted but when bombs are sent in a mass murder plot they make light of it.

As I always suspected, Trumpers are truly brain damaged.

No one has made light of it.

Was it an attempted mass murder? I've seen no evidence that these bombs were meant to go off.

Terror and chaos in the other hand...

So you've seen the inner workings of the devices huh?
When dealing with the DemonRats every week they come up with something new to disrupt and dramatize about!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh look HERE...............not there!

I'm totally shocked!

A few observations from a former bomb disposal officer:

1. Proper pipe bombs don't have wires connected to both ends. That's dumb.

2. You can find timers / remote control receivers WAY smaller than whatever that white box is. A proper timer would best be stored inside the pipe, making it fully encapsulated. That thing is just silly looking.

3. "Hoax Devices" are FAR more common than real ones. In which case, we should ask ourselves what the motives of the "bomber" are and "who benefits?" Go ahead. Think deeply and critically.

4. Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it's a "bomb."

This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away.


The clock is just some digital clock, not a timer

How do you set off a bomb with out a timer circuit?

Small Black Electric Digital LCD Clock Date Time Calendar Ultra-thin Car Clock 826966022975 | eBay

That is the clock the demonRATS used, $2.85, Soros isn’t the big spender he once was!

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