Sweden To Recognize Palestinian State

The Swedes must be joking!

For a start this theoretical Palestinian state doesn't meet the basic requirements for legal recognition by the UN, plus they would forever require further handouts to survive from all the silly countries in the EU.

The Palestinians on three occasions have been offered their own state, recognition and cooperation by Israel by meeting about 95% of their impossible requirements, but of course this wasn't enough. They want all of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank and further indefinite charity from the world.

The Swedes have proved to be even more ridiculous and weak than the rest of the EU and are completely ignoring the real dangers within their own countries from the aggressive Islamic communities.

No doubt this Swedish move is also an attempt to win Islamic vote from within their own country.

British parliament to vote on recognizing Palestinian state
Vote slated for later this month, amid growing disenchantment with Britain's policy on Israel and Palestinians after Gaza war.
British parliament to vote on recognizing Palestinian state - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Haaretz


Looks like the Pals have a lot of support. Israel needs to give Palestine their land back and remove the fence.

You are laboring under some false delusions.

The land is no more the Palestinian's than it is the Israeli's.

And the suicide attacks by Muslims against Israelis have dwindled because of the wall.

It has saved Jewish and Muslim lives!

What is more important than saving human lives???

Maybe i shouldn't ask someone whose religion is so focused on killing and death.

The Swedes must be joking!

For a start this theoretical Palestinian state doesn't meet the basic requirements for legal recognition by the UN, plus they would forever require further handouts to survive from all the silly countries in the EU.

The Palestinians on three occasions have been offered their own state, recognition and cooperation by Israel by meeting about 95% of their impossible requirements, but of course this wasn't enough. They want all of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank and further indefinite charity from the world.

The Swedes have proved to be even more ridiculous and weak than the rest of the EU and are completely ignoring the real dangers within their own countries from the aggressive Islamic communities.

No doubt this Swedish move is also an attempt to win Islamic vote from within their own country.


Pathetic, you guys don't like anyone, unreal, no wonder you need your own slab of land, maybe an island somewhere.
Just tell us how to avoid your Jihadists and Islamists and we'll leave you alone. How's that?

I'd say it is more than reasonable.

All you have to do is your part.
Sweden's new center-left government will recognize the state of Palestine in a move that will make it the first major European country to take the step.
"The conflict between Israel and Palestine can only be solved with a two-state solution, negotiated in accordance with international law," he said
However, there is likely to be strong criticism of Sweden from Israel, as well as from the United States and the EU, which maintain that an independent Palestinian state should only emerge through a negotiated process.

Sweden to recognize Palestinian state Al Jazeera America

wont matter but at least will make the Palestinians feel good.

Rejection of a Negotiated Peace Settlement:
------------------------------------------- '
[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)

Sweden's new center-left government will recognize the state of Palestine in a move that will make it the first major European country to take the step.
"The conflict between Israel and Palestine can only be solved with a two-state solution, negotiated in accordance with international law," he said
However, there is likely to be strong criticism of Sweden from Israel, as well as from the United States and the EU, which maintain that an independent Palestinian state should only emerge through a negotiated process.

Sweden to recognize Palestinian state Al Jazeera America

wont matter but at least will make the Palestinians feel good.

Rejection of a Negotiated Peace Settlement:
------------------------------------------- '
[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)

Yes, sure. Isn't that convenient for Israel's Zionists? A little TOO convenient, eh? It's well to keep in mind a couple things.

1) Israel allowed and helped create Hamas.

2) Israel wants Hamas to be there and wanted it to be formed.

3) The ruling conservative coalition, (the "Zionists) need Hamas to reject any peace settlement to stay in power just as much as Hamas needs to reject any Peace settlement to stay in power. If there WERE a peace settlement, both Hamas and the Zionist conservatives ruling Israel. . . the ones that MADE Hamas in order to stay in power, would lose their grip on the way events are transpiring. Don't look for that to happen unless THE PEOPLE take a step back and WAKE THE FUCK UP AND FREE THEIR MINDS.

How Israel helped create Hamas
How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post
Higgins's article is worth reading in full. He goes on to outline the type of assistance the Israelis initially gave Yassin, whom the PLO at one time deemed a "collaborator," and Gaza's other Islamists:

Israel's military-led administration in Gaza looked favorably on the paraplegic cleric, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Sheikh Yassin formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was officially recognized by Israel as a charity and then, in 1979, as an association. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza, which it now regards as a hotbed of militancy. The university was one of the first targets hit by Israeli warplanes in the [2008-9 Operation Cast Lead].

Yassin's Mujama would become Hamas, which, it can be argued, was Israel's Taliban: an Islamist group whose antecedents had been laid down by the West in a battle against a leftist enemy. Israel jailed Yassin in 1984 on a 12-year sentence after the discovery of hidden arms caches, but he was released a year later. The Israelis must have been more worried about other enemies.
. . . . .

. . .
But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

And so, he concludes, they are "two parties who can't seem to live with one another — or apparently without one another either."

IOW, hundreds of civilians die all the time, women, children, babies. The Israeli's blame the Palestinians, the Palestinians blame the Israelis. It's horrible. Truth is, it happens time after time in this manufactured conflict so politicians can stay in power and further their agenda. And funny thing is partisans all around the world, just like here, year after year, victims of MSM, to dumb to investigate or understand what is really going on, take sides, and chime in with their uneducated opinions. They think that the little people, the individual soldier in the IDF, or the so called passionate Palestinian that just wants justice for his dead child, wife or brother, whom you call a "terrorist," you guys think THEY are the ones to blame.

Here's a news flash about these people in this conflict. They are just the pawns, ideologically brainwashed and made into collateral damage. They are there to keep the politicians in power. The politicians are there to do the bidding of interests that have money.

And that? That's how the game is played. . . .
Sweden's new center-left government will recognize the state of Palestine in a move that will make it the first major European country to take the step.
"The conflict between Israel and Palestine can only be solved with a two-state solution, negotiated in accordance with international law," he said
However, there is likely to be strong criticism of Sweden from Israel, as well as from the United States and the EU, which maintain that an independent Palestinian state should only emerge through a negotiated process.

Sweden to recognize Palestinian state Al Jazeera America

wont matter but at least will make the Palestinians feel good.

Rejection of a Negotiated Peace Settlement:
------------------------------------------- '
[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)

Yes, sure. Isn't that convenient for Israel's Zionists? A little TOO convenient, eh? It's well to keep in mind a couple things.

1) Israel allowed and helped create Hamas.

2) Israel wants Hamas to be there and wanted it to be formed.

3) The ruling conservative coalition, (the "Zionists) need Hamas to reject any peace settlement to stay in power just as much as Hamas needs to reject any Peace settlement to stay in power. If there WERE a peace settlement, both Hamas and the Zionist conservatives ruling Israel. . . the ones that MADE Hamas in order to stay in power, would lose their grip on the way events are transpiring. Don't look for that to happen unless THE PEOPLE take a step back and WAKE THE FUCK UP AND FREE THEIR MINDS.

How Israel helped create Hamas
How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post
Higgins's article is worth reading in full. He goes on to outline the type of assistance the Israelis initially gave Yassin, whom the PLO at one time deemed a "collaborator," and Gaza's other Islamists:

Israel's military-led administration in Gaza looked favorably on the paraplegic cleric, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Sheikh Yassin formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was officially recognized by Israel as a charity and then, in 1979, as an association. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza, which it now regards as a hotbed of militancy. The university was one of the first targets hit by Israeli warplanes in the [2008-9 Operation Cast Lead].

Yassin's Mujama would become Hamas, which, it can be argued, was Israel's Taliban: an Islamist group whose antecedents had been laid down by the West in a battle against a leftist enemy. Israel jailed Yassin in 1984 on a 12-year sentence after the discovery of hidden arms caches, but he was released a year later. The Israelis must have been more worried about other enemies.
. . . . .

. . .
But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

And so, he concludes, they are "two parties who can't seem to live with one another — or apparently without one another either."

IOW, hundreds of civilians die all the time, women, children, babies. The Israeli's blame the Palestinians, the Palestinians blame the Israelis. It's horrible. Truth is, it happens time after time in this manufactured conflict so politicians can stay in power and further their agenda. And funny thing is partisans all around the world, just like here, year after year, victims of MSM, to dumb to investigate or understand what is really going on, take sides, and chime in with their uneducated opinions. They think that the little people, the individual soldier in the IDF, or the so called passionate Palestinian that just wants justice for his dead child, wife or brother, whom you call a "terrorist," you guys think THEY are the ones to blame.

Here's a news flash about these people in this conflict. They are just the pawns, ideologically brainwashed and made into collateral damage. They are there to keep the politicians in power. The politicians are there to do the bidding of interests that have money.

And that? That's how the game is played. . . .

While the history is interesting, it's not like that makes it okay for Hamas to be racist, Muslim jerks who would rather make their own people suffer for their religion. These Palestinians have acted so irrationally for so long the people have begun to grow grotesque human character traits which makes even other Arabs want little to do with them.

They will never give up and they will never win. And the Palestinians begin their own Darwinian evolution, apart from normal Arab life, and embittered by their struggle against the Israelis they get progressively more ugly.

They can end this tomorrow but they choose to live this way.

So they have no right to complain.
Nobody is against Palestinian state nor its recognition, question is WHERE.

I think that your comment is incorrect... I suspect you will find a great many people against a Palestinian State...

Where the Palestinian State should be?

Well, I would have a guess at Palestine...

Would that not be the case Danny?
Not at all, the Palestinians themselves denied it a couple of times, and if the proposal of Egypt is correct as well I guess there are even less options, Palestine also includes Jordan, cutting down two countries ('new' countries) for another country that is well known to be violent is a very bad idea.
Question is where, because 'Palestine' is like Atlantis, no longer exist.

Your post contradicts itself Danny!

"Palestine also includes Jordan"

"Palestine is like Atlantis, no longer exist"

Being pedantic and denying Palestine exists is simply denying facts.
Denying Israel and Jordan is denying facts.. not the other way around.

Come on Danny, don't be a dumbass...

Don't think I denied Israel OR Jordan in my post.

You can see for yourself that your post contradicts itself...

You cannot get away with that...

You quite clearly state that Palestine includes Jordan and then state that Palestine no longer exists... You can't have it both ways!
As much as the right to return to Bohemia still stands, you started it.
"Free" Palestine out of whom? The Jordan's? Don't bother.
Sweden's new center-left government will recognize the state of Palestine in a move that will make it the first major European country to take the step.
"The conflict between Israel and Palestine can only be solved with a two-state solution, negotiated in accordance with international law," he said
However, there is likely to be strong criticism of Sweden from Israel, as well as from the United States and the EU, which maintain that an independent Palestinian state should only emerge through a negotiated process.

Sweden to recognize Palestinian state Al Jazeera America

wont matter but at least will make the Palestinians feel good.

Rejection of a Negotiated Peace Settlement:
------------------------------------------- '
[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)

Yes, sure. Isn't that convenient for Israel's Zionists? A little TOO convenient, eh? It's well to keep in mind a couple things.

1) Israel allowed and helped create Hamas.

2) Israel wants Hamas to be there and wanted it to be formed.

3) The ruling conservative coalition, (the "Zionists) need Hamas to reject any peace settlement to stay in power just as much as Hamas needs to reject any Peace settlement to stay in power. If there WERE a peace settlement, both Hamas and the Zionist conservatives ruling Israel. . . the ones that MADE Hamas in order to stay in power, would lose their grip on the way events are transpiring. Don't look for that to happen unless THE PEOPLE take a step back and WAKE THE FUCK UP AND FREE THEIR MINDS.

How Israel helped create Hamas
How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post
Higgins's article is worth reading in full. He goes on to outline the type of assistance the Israelis initially gave Yassin, whom the PLO at one time deemed a "collaborator," and Gaza's other Islamists:

Israel's military-led administration in Gaza looked favorably on the paraplegic cleric, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Sheikh Yassin formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was officially recognized by Israel as a charity and then, in 1979, as an association. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza, which it now regards as a hotbed of militancy. The university was one of the first targets hit by Israeli warplanes in the [2008-9 Operation Cast Lead].

Yassin's Mujama would become Hamas, which, it can be argued, was Israel's Taliban: an Islamist group whose antecedents had been laid down by the West in a battle against a leftist enemy. Israel jailed Yassin in 1984 on a 12-year sentence after the discovery of hidden arms caches, but he was released a year later. The Israelis must have been more worried about other enemies.
. . . . .

. . .
But, as Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert at the Woodrow Wilson Center, observes, a strange, self-sustaining relationship remains. Israel's hawkish government — comprising many politicians who have little interest in seeing the creation of a separate Palestinian state — dwells on the security threat that Hamas's crude rockets pose. Hamas depends, Miller writes, on "an ideology and strategy steeped in confrontation and resistance."

And so, he concludes, they are "two parties who can't seem to live with one another — or apparently without one another either."

IOW, hundreds of civilians die all the time, women, children, babies. The Israeli's blame the Palestinians, the Palestinians blame the Israelis. It's horrible. Truth is, it happens time after time in this manufactured conflict so politicians can stay in power and further their agenda. And funny thing is partisans all around the world, just like here, year after year, victims of MSM, to dumb to investigate or understand what is really going on, take sides, and chime in with their uneducated opinions. They think that the little people, the individual soldier in the IDF, or the so called passionate Palestinian that just wants justice for his dead child, wife or brother, whom you call a "terrorist," you guys think THEY are the ones to blame.

Here's a news flash about these people in this conflict. They are just the pawns, ideologically brainwashed and made into collateral damage. They are there to keep the politicians in power. The politicians are there to do the bidding of interests that have money.

And that? That's how the game is played. . . .

While the history is interesting, it's not like that makes it okay for Hamas to be racist, Muslim jerks who would rather make their own people suffer for their religion. These Palestinians have acted so irrationally for so long the people have begun to grow grotesque human character traits which makes even other Arabs want little to do with them.

They will never give up and they will never win. And the Palestinians begin their own Darwinian evolution, apart from normal Arab life, and embittered by their struggle against the Israelis they get progressively more ugly.

They can end this tomorrow but they choose to live this way.

So they have no right to complain.

AGREED. I absolutely AGREE with you 100% But you know what is sad? The reverse is also true. Attitudes like this on the other side. The attitude like this on the other side could end this tomorrow too, but they have no desire either. The land, oil and gas that the Palestinians are on is far too profitable and good for politics to just let go. They are JUST AS RACIST. They believe in that whole, "CHOSEN PEOPLE" bullshit.


If these reports about Sweden preparing to recognize Palestine are true, then, once a courtesy-copy is sent to Israel, and once the Israelis mass-produce copies of the declaration, they'll have a marvelous reserve of toilet paper on hand.
I think that your comment is incorrect... I suspect you will find a great many people against a Palestinian State...

Where the Palestinian State should be?

Well, I would have a guess at Palestine...

Would that not be the case Danny?
Not at all, the Palestinians themselves denied it a couple of times, and if the proposal of Egypt is correct as well I guess there are even less options, Palestine also includes Jordan, cutting down two countries ('new' countries) for another country that is well known to be violent is a very bad idea.
Question is where, because 'Palestine' is like Atlantis, no longer exist.

Your post contradicts itself Danny!

"Palestine also includes Jordan"

"Palestine is like Atlantis, no longer exist"

Being pedantic and denying Palestine exists is simply denying facts.
Denying Israel and Jordan is denying facts.. not the other way around.

Come on Danny, don't be a dumbass...

Don't think I denied Israel OR Jordan in my post.

You can see for yourself that your post contradicts itself...

You cannot get away with that...

You quite clearly state that Palestine includes Jordan and then state that Palestine no longer exists... You can't have it both ways!
As much as the right to return to Bohemia still stands, you started it.
"Free" Palestine out of whom? The Jordan's? Don't bother.

Nice deflection Danny!
I think that your comment is incorrect... I suspect you will find a great many people against a Palestinian State...

Where the Palestinian State should be?

Well, I would have a guess at Palestine...

Would that not be the case Danny?
Not at all, the Palestinians themselves denied it a couple of times, and if the proposal of Egypt is correct as well I guess there are even less options, Palestine also includes Jordan, cutting down two countries ('new' countries) for another country that is well known to be violent is a very bad idea.
Question is where, because 'Palestine' is like Atlantis, no longer exist.

Your post contradicts itself Danny!

"Palestine also includes Jordan"

"Palestine is like Atlantis, no longer exist"

Being pedantic and denying Palestine exists is simply denying facts.
Denying Israel and Jordan is denying facts.. not the other way around.

Come on Danny, don't be a dumbass...

Don't think I denied Israel OR Jordan in my post.

You can see for yourself that your post contradicts itself...

You cannot get away with that...

You quite clearly state that Palestine includes Jordan and then state that Palestine no longer exists... You can't have it both ways!
As much as the right to return to Bohemia still stands, you started it.
"Free" Palestine out of whom? The Jordan's? Don't bother.


As of 27 September 2013, 134 (700169400000000000069.4%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine. Many of the countries that do not recognise the State of Palestine nevertheless recognise the PLO as the "representative of the Palestinian people". On 29 November 2012, the UN General Assembly passed a motion changing Palestine's "entity" status to "non-member observer state" by a vote of 138 to 9, with 41 abstentions.[3][4][5][6]

Countries that have recognised the State of Palestine.
The international recognition of the State of Palestine has been the objective of the Palestine
Not at all, the Palestinians themselves denied it a couple of times, and if the proposal of Egypt is correct as well I guess there are even less options, Palestine also includes Jordan, cutting down two countries ('new' countries) for another country that is well known to be violent is a very bad idea.
Question is where, because 'Palestine' is like Atlantis, no longer exist.

Your post contradicts itself Danny!

"Palestine also includes Jordan"

"Palestine is like Atlantis, no longer exist"

Being pedantic and denying Palestine exists is simply denying facts.
Denying Israel and Jordan is denying facts.. not the other way around.

Come on Danny, don't be a dumbass...

Don't think I denied Israel OR Jordan in my post.

You can see for yourself that your post contradicts itself...

You cannot get away with that...

You quite clearly state that Palestine includes Jordan and then state that Palestine no longer exists... You can't have it both ways!
As much as the right to return to Bohemia still stands, you started it.
"Free" Palestine out of whom? The Jordan's? Don't bother.


As of 27 September 2013, 134 (700169400000000000069.4%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine. Many of the countries that do not recognise the State of Palestine nevertheless recognise the PLO as the "representative of the Palestinian people". On 29 November 2012, the UN General Assembly passed a motion changing Palestine's "entity" status to "non-member observer state" by a vote of 138 to 9, with 41 abstentions.[3][4][5][6]

Countries that have recognised the State of Palestine.
The international recognition of the State of Palestine has been the objective of the Palestine
Palestine as a nation/ethnicity yes, its a complete different term.
What's the big deal?
It's always the same reactions. I don't mind people getting pissed when my country act in favor of a weaker party. Be it Kosovo, gays in Russia, munks from Tibet or some Burmese dissident.
Sweden is probably one of the least significant countries on the planet. Why would anyone care anyway?

I take pride in being disliked by religious fanatics, opressors, dictators, and intolerant people in general.

It's a big step from what I believe is a dark past when we didn't stick up for Jews during WWII and Baltic people against soviet in the aftermath of the war. With little to no real power we should still not go back to that cowardly behavior.
What's the big deal?
It's always the same reactions. I don't mind people getting pissed when my country act in favor of a weaker party. Be it Kosovo, gays in Russia, munks from Tibet or some Burmese dissident.
Sweden is probably one of the least significant countries on the planet. Why would anyone care anyway?

I take pride in being disliked by religious fanatics, opressors, dictators, and intolerant people in general.

It's a big step from what I believe is a dark past when we didn't stick up for Jews during WWII and Baltic people against soviet in the aftermath of the war. With little to no real power we should still not go back to that cowardly behavior.

I Think you might like to read this article, I'm more than convinced its an internal politic step, but over Israel's expense.
Yes, that's a valid point, since we are talking about politicians. I would guess you're familiar with that as Israel too is led by politicians.
Its not about Israel or the Palestinians, its about setting the agenda for Social-Democratic party, winking to the Swedish Muslims, shaking off the anti-migration [mostly of Muslims] Swedish parties that gained a large support recently.. politics.
We've seen it in Britain, mostly, but it happens all across Europe.
Yeah, perhaps the Muslims will succeed where the Greeks, Turks, Serbs, and what nots have tried to take over our country for the last 50 years have failed.
I know a little history Erik, but you confuse me. Where did the Whatnot tribe hail from? I suspect they must've been neighbours of the Whotoo, and the Tootsie tribes.
Can't get quotes to work Beelzebub:

They come from former Yugoslavia. When Bosnia and Herzegovina broke out it was obvious that they couldn't get along. But what was worse was the long running conflict between the Hertzers and Goviners. And of course the Goers and Viners never got along. The Whatnoter family lived in the ground floor of the mayor of Goers villa - and moved to Sweden when the mayor and his wife finally divorced.
Top sign of being xenophobic: you feel threatened by people trying to get along and working on mutual understanding and respect.

I always thought the Top Sign of being xenophobic was immediately trying to kill everyone who wasn't quite your in-crowd.
Can't get quotes to work Beelzebub:

They come from former Yugoslavia. When Bosnia and Herzegovina broke out it was obvious that they couldn't get along. But what was worse was the long running conflict between the Hertzers and Goviners. And of course the Goers and Viners never got along. The Whatnoter family lived in the ground floor of the mayor of Goers villa - and moved to Sweden when the mayor and his wife finally divorced.

Don't use 'QUOTE'.
Use 'REPLY'. It automatically quotes the post you are replying to.

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