Swedish police " cannot cope" with huge numbers of rapes since migrants arrived

Swedish Police “Cannot Cope” With Huge Numbers of Rapes Since Migrants Arrived

A journalist investigating the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Sweden was told that police have not even interviewed the prime suspect two months later because authorities “cannot cope” with the sheer volume of cases since Sweden opened its borders to mass immigration two years ago.

And your leftist morons want to bring the same thing to the US. Clinton pushed for it, Obama allowed it ( open borders), and you dumbasses that stand there and chant " let them in" you stupid loser pos morons are asking for this exact same thing to happen to you, your daughter, mother, sister, aunt, niece etc...... You lunatic need to wake up to reality.
I don't believe anyone is stupid enough to believe anything on info wars

There are hundreds of Mainstream news websites who have reported on the increase of Muslims raping Western women and also about Muslim Rape Gangs grooming Western teenage girls to pass around and treat like worthless pieces of meat to be raped, abused and then thrown away.
Well where the fuck are they? Is this just another appeal to ignorance fallacy??

Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
Swedish Police “Cannot Cope” With Huge Numbers of Rapes Since Migrants Arrived

A journalist investigating the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Sweden was told that police have not even interviewed the prime suspect two months later because authorities “cannot cope” with the sheer volume of cases since Sweden opened its borders to mass immigration two years ago.

And your leftist morons want to bring the same thing to the US. Clinton pushed for it, Obama allowed it ( open borders), and you dumbasses that stand there and chant " let them in" you stupid loser pos morons are asking for this exact same thing to happen to you, your daughter, mother, sister, aunt, niece etc...... You lunatic need to wake up to reality.
I don't believe anyone is stupid enough to believe anything on info wars
SHUP Toto.
Here's another vid I think you'll enjoy, Tommy Tainant .....

They do not watch these videos, they are in 100% denial that there are No Go Zones ANYWHERE, this is ALL some RWNJ Conspiracy Theory and Islam is the Religion of Peace and there is nothing Islamic about Islamic Terrorist Attacks and if you say that there is then you are just a RWNJ Conspiracy Theorist Bigot or something :rolleyes-41:

I agree...
Some people choose to stay ignorant. We see that a lot on this board. :)
We are seeing a bunch of loons who seem to think that only Muslims commit rape and as such are unable to discuss the issue as adults.

Is there any muslim atrocity you won't justify? Islam itself is an exercise in sexual brutality against women, it was founded by a rapist and the Quran specifically commands sexual slavery of non-believer women!
I dont have any problem condemning "muslim atrocities". I dont think that anyone does. But Im not stupid enough to believe that it is a purely muslim issue. Its just being used as a hook to beat someone different.

You nuts dont give a shit about those girls in Rotherham just like you dont give a shit about the thousands of kids fucked by catholic priests.

It IS a muslim issue, you lying horse's ass. It is a proven historical FACT, verifiable from a gazillion sources, that Islam centers around sexual abuse. You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own FACTS.

And to address your stupid strawman, I HAVE BEEN BASHING THE CATHOLICS FOR YEARS over their pederestry!!! Why do you muslim whores think that because I bash Islam, I don't bash Christianity at all? I don't have a religious intracellular organelle in my body. I LOATHE the Catholic heirarchy for it. But the difference is, Jesus DIDN'T command sex slavery, Mohammed did. My God, you must be the stupidest person in the UK. And that includes your oh-so-intellectual, Oxford-graduate, erudite Chav geniuses (who look as though they have a lot of soccer riots in the future) I've seen on your Jeremy Kyle show.

It's creatures like you who went out of their way to enable Islam's "grooming gangs" - from the context I assume grooming means giving children alcohol so they're easier to fuck. Treasonous liberal fucks like you don't care about your own little girls because you're so filled with guilty, self-righteous hatred of your own culture, you think any member of it (besides your holier-than-thou self) deserves any misery that 3rd worlders inflict on them. Jesus, you are disgusting.
I don't believe anyone is stupid enough to believe anything on info wars

There are hundreds of Mainstream news websites who have reported on the increase of Muslims raping Western women and also about Muslim Rape Gangs grooming Western teenage girls to pass around and treat like worthless pieces of meat to be raped, abused and then thrown away.
Well where the fuck are they? Is this just another appeal to ignorance fallacy??

Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.
I thought you took revenge on the English in times back already in Wales Mr. Tainted. You can call it even.

The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls. That was pretty standard stuff back in 1980. The girls are lying. This isn't happening. When nothing happened, they started trafficking the girls around because NOBODY STOPPED THEM. This is a failure of the the adults to believe the children.

Furthermore, brown men are not interchangeable. The perpetrators weren't desperate refugees seeking safety. They were migrants from Pakistan. They carried on because the parents and the town did nothing to protect the victims.

The same thing happened with child sexual abuse and Roman Catholic priests in North America. But nobody has pronounced all clergy as evil because some thousands of Catholic children were abused.

You look at one isolated case to make the argument that all brown men are evil rapists. I look at this case and say this town was really fucked up. Why didn't the people in charge put a stop to this shit?

But then I'm not looking for an excuse to vilify Muslims or brown men.

"The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls."


They were told to "STFU you racist":

View attachment 148703
View attachment 148705

Rotherham sex abuse victim told not to mention ethnicity | Daily Mail Online

If White girls do not want to be raped by Muslims that must mean they are just racist, so STFU and open your legs and show how Anti-Racist and Tolerant you are :uhoh3:

View attachment 148701
View attachment 148702

Fear of being called racist stops people reporting child sexual exploitation concerns, Labour frontbencher claims
How did 100s of catholic priests get away with it for years ? Who helped to cover it up ? What lessons can we learn from their perversions ?

Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Its not about Muslims. Its about rape.
You infer that all rapists are muslims. But their numbers are insignificant when set aside catholic priests.Be honest about it.

It is about Islam and rape, you sick fuck. You keep deflecting, bringing up Roman Catholic cases. The difference is that homosexuals and pedophiles figured out they could easily infiltrate the Catholic Church and abuse their authority to take advantage of young children to satisfy their sexual perversion. The Catholic Church teaches these acts are perversions and mortal sins.

Islam on the other hand openly preaches and practices pedophilia and rape in their doctrine. Child rape and homosexuality is rampant in the Middle East, contrary to popular belief that Islam outlaws homosexuals. It's common practice for men to have sex with little boys, to them it is not "homosexuality", it's called bacha bazi. Kind of like the faggots who believe that the "pitcher" isn't gay, only "the catcher" is. Their entire religion is founded by a known pedophile, so of course it is standard practice and "normal" to Islamic barbarians. Their doctrine also teaches that infidels can be made into slaves and raped.

These Muslim barbarians arrive in Western countries and see white women dressed "like whores" to them, so they feel they are within their rights to rape them. Not that any of that would bother someone like you, who despises women.

Some people are baffled at the fact that left wing loons and cross dressing queers would stick up for Islam. But the fact of the matter is Islam helps them achieve their goal - the destruction of Western culture and the moral laws it was built upon. These sycophants want a world without morals, so they can live their selfish lives without any limits to their depravity.
Here's another vid I think you'll enjoy, Tommy Tainant .....

As Homosexuals are in this thread and this thread is about Muslims and Islam.

My masseur is a Homo, he's originally from Panama, he's very sexy and we adore each other, it's a tragedy to humanity that he's such a flaming faggot, although I have told him if the SHTF I said "Darling don't worry, I will save you from being thrown off a rooftop by those Mooselimbs!" :smoke:
Swedish Police “Cannot Cope” With Huge Numbers of Rapes Since Migrants Arrived

A journalist investigating the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Sweden was told that police have not even interviewed the prime suspect two months later because authorities “cannot cope” with the sheer volume of cases since Sweden opened its borders to mass immigration two years ago.

And your leftist morons want to bring the same thing to the US. Clinton pushed for it, Obama allowed it ( open borders), and you dumbasses that stand there and chant " let them in" you stupid loser pos morons are asking for this exact same thing to happen to you, your daughter, mother, sister, aunt, niece etc...... You lunatic need to wake up to reality.
I don't believe anyone is stupid enough to believe anything on info wars

I have never posted anything myself from Info Wars.

However Info Wars is no different than posting links to some random Far Left Blogger/Website or Pink News.
Pink News posts its sources and has quotes that actual people have actually said. Info Wars is the crazed musings of a loon who has admitted putting on an act.
Tammy: Pink News posts its sources and has quotes that actual people have actually said

Lol. Yes, of course, Tammy. Pink News and their absolute obsession with gay animals makes them the go to news source for the discerning and intrepid truth seeker - like your good self eh? :uhoh3:

And when they aren't quoting what 'actual people have actually said' they are publishing tripe like this:

Exhibit A:

Meet our favourite LGBT animals: From Benjy the Bull to gay penguins
  • Bea Mitchell
  • 20th July 2017, 12:29 PM

Benjy the Bull - a 21st Century Gay Icon

Animals are amazing. Anyone who disagrees with that statement is almost certainly a sociopath. But what’s better than animals? LGBT animals, that’s what – fighting the fight good alongside their queer human counterparts....
Meet our favourite LGBT animals: From Benjy the Bull to gay penguins

And you expect to be taken seriously, Tammy? :rolleyes:

Ha ha ha :p

Anyway, back to OP, the fact is the Swedish police have been complaining and leaving the force in droves over the increase in violent and sexual crimes associated with the increase in immigration.
We even had a Swedish woman here translating from the Swedish articles on this issue.
I recall Tammy laughed at her and called her a liar when she recounted an experience that left her frightened and traumatised.
Maybe Freja is around to help enlighten the wilfully ignorant, Tammy :)
Last edited:
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.
I thought you took revenge on the English in times back already in Wales Mr. Tainted. You can call it even.

Hello Hurricane Irma survivor :smiliehug:
There are hundreds of Mainstream news websites who have reported on the increase of Muslims raping Western women and also about Muslim Rape Gangs grooming Western teenage girls to pass around and treat like worthless pieces of meat to be raped, abused and then thrown away.
Well where the fuck are they? Is this just another appeal to ignorance fallacy??

Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Oh, go to hell, Tommy. In the past EVERY group of human beings on this planet has blood on their hands. But at Islam's total body count of 300 million and still counting to this day, your Pisslam has a multiple of the blood on its hands than the Empire did! At least the British Empire had the advantage of bringing modernity and life-improving technology & infrastructure to backwards parts of the world. Islam has no historical redeeming qualities of any kind: it does NOTHING positive. Its effect on society is 100% negative.
Swedish Police “Cannot Cope” With Huge Numbers of Rapes Since Migrants Arrived

A journalist investigating the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Sweden was told that police have not even interviewed the prime suspect two months later because authorities “cannot cope” with the sheer volume of cases since Sweden opened its borders to mass immigration two years ago.

And your leftist morons want to bring the same thing to the US. Clinton pushed for it, Obama allowed it ( open borders), and you dumbasses that stand there and chant " let them in" you stupid loser pos morons are asking for this exact same thing to happen to you, your daughter, mother, sister, aunt, niece etc...... You lunatic need to wake up to reality.
I don't believe anyone is stupid enough to believe anything on info wars

I have never posted anything myself from Info Wars.

However Info Wars is no different than posting links to some random Far Left Blogger/Website or Pink News.
Pink News posts its sources and has quotes that actual people have actually said. Info Wars is the crazed musings of a loon who has admitted putting on an act.
Tammy: Pink News posts its sources and has quotes that actual people have actually said

Lol. Yes, of course, Tammy. Pink News and their absolute obsession with gay animals makes them the go to news source for the discerning and intrepid truth seeker - like your good self eh? :uhoh3:

And when they aren't quoting what 'actual people have actually said' they are publishing tripe like this:

Exhibit A:

Meet our favourite LGBT animals: From Benjy the Bull to gay penguins

Benjy the Bull - a 21st Century Gay Icon

Animals are amazing. Anyone who disagrees with that statement is almost certainly a sociopath. But what’s better than animals? LGBT animals, that’s what – fighting the fight good alongside their queer human counterparts....
Meet our favourite LGBT animals: From Benjy the Bull to gay penguins

And you expect to be taken seriously, Tammy? :rolleyes:

Ha ha ha :p

Anyway, back to OP, the fact is the Swedish police have been complaining and leaving the force in droves over the increase in violent and sexual crimes associated with the increase in immigration. we even had a Swedish woman here translating from the Swedish articles on this issue.
I recall Tammy laughed at her and called her a liar when she recounted an experience that left her frightened and traumatises.
Maybe Freja is around to help enlighten the wilfully ignorant, Tammy :)

I have highlighted why Benji The Bull is a Gay Icon, they cannot wait to get that load in their mouths :smoke:

The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls. That was pretty standard stuff back in 1980. The girls are lying. This isn't happening. When nothing happened, they started trafficking the girls around because NOBODY STOPPED THEM. This is a failure of the the adults to believe the children.

Furthermore, brown men are not interchangeable. The perpetrators weren't desperate refugees seeking safety. They were migrants from Pakistan. They carried on because the parents and the town did nothing to protect the victims.

The same thing happened with child sexual abuse and Roman Catholic priests in North America. But nobody has pronounced all clergy as evil because some thousands of Catholic children were abused.

You look at one isolated case to make the argument that all brown men are evil rapists. I look at this case and say this town was really fucked up. Why didn't the people in charge put a stop to this shit?

But then I'm not looking for an excuse to vilify Muslims or brown men.

"The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls."


They were told to "STFU you racist":

View attachment 148703
View attachment 148705

Rotherham sex abuse victim told not to mention ethnicity | Daily Mail Online

If White girls do not want to be raped by Muslims that must mean they are just racist, so STFU and open your legs and show how Anti-Racist and Tolerant you are :uhoh3:

View attachment 148701
View attachment 148702

Fear of being called racist stops people reporting child sexual exploitation concerns, Labour frontbencher claims
How did 100s of catholic priests get away with it for years ? Who helped to cover it up ? What lessons can we learn from their perversions ?

Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Its not about Muslims. Its about rape.
You infer that all rapists are muslims. But their numbers are insignificant when set aside catholic priests.Be honest about it.

It is about Islam and rape, you sick fuck. You keep deflecting, bringing up Roman Catholic cases. The difference is that homosexuals and pedophiles figured out they could easily infiltrate the Catholic Church and abuse their authority to take advantage of young children to satisfy their sexual perversion. The Catholic Church teaches these acts are perversions and mortal sins.

Islam on the other hand openly preaches and practices pedophilia and rape in their doctrine. Child rape and homosexuality is rampant in the Middle East, contrary to popular belief that Islam outlaws homosexuals. It's common practice for men to have sex with little boys, to them it is not "homosexuality", it's called bacha bazi. Kind of like the faggots who believe that the "pitcher" isn't gay, only "the catcher" is. Their entire religion is founded by a known pedophile, so of course it is standard practice and "normal" to Islamic barbarians. Their doctrine also teaches that infidels can be made into slaves and raped.

These Muslim barbarians arrive in Western countries and see white women dressed "like whores" to them, so they feel they are within their rights to rape them. Not that any of that would bother someone like you, who despises women.

Some people are baffled at the fact that left wing loons and cross dressing queers would stick up for Islam. But the fact of the matter is Islam helps them achieve their goal - the destruction of Western culture and the moral laws it was built upon. These sycophants want a world without morals, so they can live their selfish lives without any limits to their depravity.
Well that isnt the case. the Catholic Church facilitated this army of paedos by shuffling them on to the next parish and covering up their perversions. How many are holed up in the Vatican today ?

And yet we do not project the acts of these deviants on to other Catholics.

Why do you characters not get this ? You need help in dealing with your hate.
The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls. That was pretty standard stuff back in 1980. The girls are lying. This isn't happening. When nothing happened, they started trafficking the girls around because NOBODY STOPPED THEM. This is a failure of the the adults to believe the children.

Furthermore, brown men are not interchangeable. The perpetrators weren't desperate refugees seeking safety. They were migrants from Pakistan. They carried on because the parents and the town did nothing to protect the victims.

The same thing happened with child sexual abuse and Roman Catholic priests in North America. But nobody has pronounced all clergy as evil because some thousands of Catholic children were abused.

You look at one isolated case to make the argument that all brown men are evil rapists. I look at this case and say this town was really fucked up. Why didn't the people in charge put a stop to this shit?

But then I'm not looking for an excuse to vilify Muslims or brown men.

"The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls."


They were told to "STFU you racist":

View attachment 148703
View attachment 148705

Rotherham sex abuse victim told not to mention ethnicity | Daily Mail Online

If White girls do not want to be raped by Muslims that must mean they are just racist, so STFU and open your legs and show how Anti-Racist and Tolerant you are :uhoh3:

View attachment 148701
View attachment 148702

Fear of being called racist stops people reporting child sexual exploitation concerns, Labour frontbencher claims
How did 100s of catholic priests get away with it for years ? Who helped to cover it up ? What lessons can we learn from their perversions ?

Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Its not about Muslims. Its about rape.
You infer that all rapists are muslims. But their numbers are insignificant when set aside catholic priests.Be honest about it.

It is about Islam and rape, you sick fuck. You keep deflecting, bringing up Roman Catholic cases. The difference is that homosexuals and pedophiles figured out they could easily infiltrate the Catholic Church and abuse their authority to take advantage of young children to satisfy their sexual perversion. The Catholic Church teaches these acts are perversions and mortal sins.

Islam on the other hand openly preaches and practices pedophilia and rape in their doctrine. Child rape and homosexuality is rampant in the Middle East, contrary to popular belief that Islam outlaws homosexuals. It's common practice for men to have sex with little boys, to them it is not "homosexuality", it's called bacha bazi. Kind of like the faggots who believe that the "pitcher" isn't gay, only "the catcher" is. Their entire religion is founded by a known pedophile, so of course it is standard practice and "normal" to Islamic barbarians. Their doctrine also teaches that infidels can be made into slaves and raped.

These Muslim barbarians arrive in Western countries and see white women dressed "like whores" to them, so they feel they are within their rights to rape them. Not that any of that would bother someone like you, who despises women.

Some people are baffled at the fact that left wing loons and cross dressing queers would stick up for Islam. But the fact of the matter is Islam helps them achieve their goal - the destruction of Western culture and the moral laws it was built upon. These sycophants want a world without morals, so they can live their selfish lives without any limits to their depravity.

Not that any of that would bother someone like you, who despises women.

Nail on the head :clap:
There are hundreds of Mainstream news websites who have reported on the increase of Muslims raping Western women and also about Muslim Rape Gangs grooming Western teenage girls to pass around and treat like worthless pieces of meat to be raped, abused and then thrown away.
Well where the fuck are they? Is this just another appeal to ignorance fallacy??

Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
Now I understand why Britain's liberalfilth have such a deep-seated odium of America; it's self-hatred of their own British Empire. Because for all historical intents & purposes, America's superpower hegemony is essentially the British Empire resurrected into a somewhat different form. We have the same language, same measuring system, similar-structured law/justice system, some of the same holidays, etc.
Well where the fuck are they? Is this just another appeal to ignorance fallacy??

Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
And in return stole their land and natural resources. Im glad that you can see that Christian Africa has major issues with Gay people.
Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
And in return stole their land and natural resources. Im glad that you can see that Christian Africa has major issues with Gay people.
Why are you trying to steer away from the topic being discussed?
"The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls."


They were told to "STFU you racist":

View attachment 148703
View attachment 148705

Rotherham sex abuse victim told not to mention ethnicity | Daily Mail Online

If White girls do not want to be raped by Muslims that must mean they are just racist, so STFU and open your legs and show how Anti-Racist and Tolerant you are :uhoh3:

View attachment 148701
View attachment 148702

Fear of being called racist stops people reporting child sexual exploitation concerns, Labour frontbencher claims
How did 100s of catholic priests get away with it for years ? Who helped to cover it up ? What lessons can we learn from their perversions ?

Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Its not about Muslims. Its about rape.
You infer that all rapists are muslims. But their numbers are insignificant when set aside catholic priests.Be honest about it.

It is about Islam and rape, you sick fuck. You keep deflecting, bringing up Roman Catholic cases. The difference is that homosexuals and pedophiles figured out they could easily infiltrate the Catholic Church and abuse their authority to take advantage of young children to satisfy their sexual perversion. The Catholic Church teaches these acts are perversions and mortal sins.

Islam on the other hand openly preaches and practices pedophilia and rape in their doctrine. Child rape and homosexuality is rampant in the Middle East, contrary to popular belief that Islam outlaws homosexuals. It's common practice for men to have sex with little boys, to them it is not "homosexuality", it's called bacha bazi. Kind of like the faggots who believe that the "pitcher" isn't gay, only "the catcher" is. Their entire religion is founded by a known pedophile, so of course it is standard practice and "normal" to Islamic barbarians. Their doctrine also teaches that infidels can be made into slaves and raped.

These Muslim barbarians arrive in Western countries and see white women dressed "like whores" to them, so they feel they are within their rights to rape them. Not that any of that would bother someone like you, who despises women.

Some people are baffled at the fact that left wing loons and cross dressing queers would stick up for Islam. But the fact of the matter is Islam helps them achieve their goal - the destruction of Western culture and the moral laws it was built upon. These sycophants want a world without morals, so they can live their selfish lives without any limits to their depravity.
Well that isnt the case. the Catholic Church facilitated this army of paedos by shuffling them on to the next parish and covering up their perversions. How many are holed up in the Vatican today ?

And yet we do not project the acts of these deviants on to other Catholics.

Why do you characters not get this ? You need help in dealing with your hate.

For fuck's sake, I HAVE BASHED CATHOLICS FOR THEIR SEXUAL CRIMES FOR MANY YEARS!!! I think Catholicism is to corruption what Islam is to violence: no religion does it better. But the difference is the Islam is ALSO committing a long list of OTHER human rights that NO OTHER RELIGION IS COMMITTING! Show me the Catholics that stone their own daughters to death, hijack planes, teach their OWN CHILDREN to be suicide bombers, behead and/or FUCK small children of their enemies (in which order I don't care to guess.). And show me mass, arsonist Catholic riots every time they're "offended" by something. You cognitive dwarf.

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