Swedish police " cannot cope" with huge numbers of rapes since migrants arrived

Here's another vid I think you'll enjoy, Tommy Tainant .....

They do not watch these videos, they are in 100% denial that there are No Go Zones ANYWHERE, this is ALL some RWNJ Conspiracy Theory and Islam is the Religion of Peace and there is nothing Islamic about Islamic Terrorist Attacks and if you say that there is then you are just a RWNJ Conspiracy Theorist Bigot or something :rolleyes-41:

Many years ago I heard on the news of what was basically a "no go zone" in Florida. They showed a state police car parked near a freeway off ramp that led into a negro infested part of town. Their job was to pull over White naive tourist types and tell them that if they wanted gas or something, they had better get back on the freeway and try someplace else. Apparently too many of them had been getting robbed or whatever.
"The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls."


They were told to "STFU you racist":

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Rotherham sex abuse victim told not to mention ethnicity | Daily Mail Online

If White girls do not want to be raped by Muslims that must mean they are just racist, so STFU and open your legs and show how Anti-Racist and Tolerant you are :uhoh3:

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View attachment 148702

Fear of being called racist stops people reporting child sexual exploitation concerns, Labour frontbencher claims
How did 100s of catholic priests get away with it for years ? Who helped to cover it up ? What lessons can we learn from their perversions ?

Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Its not about Muslims. Its about rape.
You infer that all rapists are muslims. But their numbers are insignificant when set aside catholic priests.Be honest about it.

It is about Islam and rape, you sick fuck. You keep deflecting, bringing up Roman Catholic cases. The difference is that homosexuals and pedophiles figured out they could easily infiltrate the Catholic Church and abuse their authority to take advantage of young children to satisfy their sexual perversion. The Catholic Church teaches these acts are perversions and mortal sins.

Islam on the other hand openly preaches and practices pedophilia and rape in their doctrine. Child rape and homosexuality is rampant in the Middle East, contrary to popular belief that Islam outlaws homosexuals. It's common practice for men to have sex with little boys, to them it is not "homosexuality", it's called bacha bazi. Kind of like the faggots who believe that the "pitcher" isn't gay, only "the catcher" is. Their entire religion is founded by a known pedophile, so of course it is standard practice and "normal" to Islamic barbarians. Their doctrine also teaches that infidels can be made into slaves and raped.

These Muslim barbarians arrive in Western countries and see white women dressed "like whores" to them, so they feel they are within their rights to rape them. Not that any of that would bother someone like you, who despises women.

Some people are baffled at the fact that left wing loons and cross dressing queers would stick up for Islam. But the fact of the matter is Islam helps them achieve their goal - the destruction of Western culture and the moral laws it was built upon. These sycophants want a world without morals, so they can live their selfish lives without any limits to their depravity.
Well that isnt the case. the Catholic Church facilitated this army of paedos by shuffling them on to the next parish and covering up their perversions. How many are holed up in the Vatican today ?

And yet we do not project the acts of these deviants on to other Catholics.

Why do you characters not get this ? You need help in dealing with your hate.

YES, they were facilitated and shuffled around by OTHER pedo-faggots and queer-enablers within the Church.

The reason we do not project the acts of those deviants onto other Catholics is because that isn't what Catholics teach, and it isn't representative of what Catholicism is. Unlike Islam, which preaches and practices child sex and rape.
Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
And in return stole their land and natural resources. Im glad that you can see that Christian Africa has major issues with Gay people.
Yawn. People have been 'stealing' natural resources and land since time began.
Many so called Christians in Africa actually practice a hybrid religion with elements of their old tribal customs and beliefs thrown in.
MOST of Africa treats homosexuals appallingly.
Again, you make no point in your utter desperation to avoid addressing the OP - which is about Sweden, btw :).
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Somewhat off topic, (germany not sweden) another piece of subhuman garbage raped and mudered a white girl. Look at his disgusting face:

Migrant who raped and killed EU official's daughter cries in court
Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
And in return stole their land and natural resources. Im glad that you can see that Christian Africa has major issues with Gay people.

So that somehow justifies, in your amoral, Skittle-sized mind, the fact that African muslims have a MORE violent reaction to gays? So in your mind, if a Christian DEFIES pacifist Jesus and does a sadistic thing, that somehow justifies a muslim OBEYING sadist Mohammed and doing a sadistic thing? I swear, your own moral compass is more damaged than anything in the path of our recent hurricanes.
Somewhat off topic, (germany not sweden) another piece of subhuman garbage raped and mudered a white girl. Look at his disgusting face:
View attachment 148727

Migrant who raped and killed EU official's daughter cries in court

That creature on the left looks like the product of several generations of brother-sister fucking. With a few barnyard animals thrown in to give its gene-pool some extra "spice." Look how asymmetrical its eyes are! Proof of this thing's DNA being tied in knots.
Find them yourself, that's not my job.

Here we have you a Homosexual, Islam advocates death for your type, now don't mention Christians, Modern Christianity does not advocate death for your type, Islam having never developed since the 7th Century because they are not allowed to change ANYTHING the Paedophile Prophet instructs, Islam still advocates death for your type and also liberally carries out that policy both in the Middle East and in parts of Africa....and given the chance they'll do it in The West also.
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
And in return stole their land and natural resources. Im glad that you can see that Christian Africa has major issues with Gay people.

"And in return stole their land and natural resources."

As an example Rhodesia was returned and is now Zimbabwe, it was 1000 times better when it was Rhodesia.





Zimbabwe Post Whitey:



Zimbabwe Post-Whitey Bankrupt:


So hey libtards, muslim rapists aren't overrunning Europe? Is that what you liars claim?
And these are issues faced by Gays in Christian Africa as well. In this instance egged on by US homophobe preachers.

How the British Empire's gay rights legacy is still killing people to this day

How can you be so myopic ?

So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
And in return stole their land and natural resources. Im glad that you can see that Christian Africa has major issues with Gay people.

"And in return stole their land and natural resources."

As an example Rhodesia was returned and is now Zimbabwe, it was 1000 times better when it was Rhodesia.

View attachment 148723

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Zimbabwe Post Whitey:

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Zimbabwe Post-Whitey Bankrupt:

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View attachment 148732
Better for who ? It was a fascist state.
Zimbabwe is 30 odd years old and recovering from centuries of oppression. They will get it right.
How did 100s of catholic priests get away with it for years ? Who helped to cover it up ? What lessons can we learn from their perversions ?

Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Its not about Muslims. Its about rape.
You infer that all rapists are muslims. But their numbers are insignificant when set aside catholic priests.Be honest about it.

It is about Islam and rape, you sick fuck. You keep deflecting, bringing up Roman Catholic cases. The difference is that homosexuals and pedophiles figured out they could easily infiltrate the Catholic Church and abuse their authority to take advantage of young children to satisfy their sexual perversion. The Catholic Church teaches these acts are perversions and mortal sins.

Islam on the other hand openly preaches and practices pedophilia and rape in their doctrine. Child rape and homosexuality is rampant in the Middle East, contrary to popular belief that Islam outlaws homosexuals. It's common practice for men to have sex with little boys, to them it is not "homosexuality", it's called bacha bazi. Kind of like the faggots who believe that the "pitcher" isn't gay, only "the catcher" is. Their entire religion is founded by a known pedophile, so of course it is standard practice and "normal" to Islamic barbarians. Their doctrine also teaches that infidels can be made into slaves and raped.

These Muslim barbarians arrive in Western countries and see white women dressed "like whores" to them, so they feel they are within their rights to rape them. Not that any of that would bother someone like you, who despises women.

Some people are baffled at the fact that left wing loons and cross dressing queers would stick up for Islam. But the fact of the matter is Islam helps them achieve their goal - the destruction of Western culture and the moral laws it was built upon. These sycophants want a world without morals, so they can live their selfish lives without any limits to their depravity.
Well that isnt the case. the Catholic Church facilitated this army of paedos by shuffling them on to the next parish and covering up their perversions. How many are holed up in the Vatican today ?

And yet we do not project the acts of these deviants on to other Catholics.

Why do you characters not get this ? You need help in dealing with your hate.

For fuck's sake, I HAVE BASHED CATHOLICS FOR THEIR SEXUAL CRIMES FOR MANY YEARS!!! I think Catholicism is to corruption what Islam is to violence: no religion does it better. But the difference is the Islam is ALSO committing a long list of OTHER human rights that NO OTHER RELIGION IS COMMITTING! Show me the Catholics that stone their own daughters to death, hijack planes, teach their OWN CHILDREN to be suicide bombers, behead and/or FUCK small children of their enemies (in which order I don't care to guess.). And show me mass, arsonist Catholic riots every time they're "offended" by something. You cognitive dwarf.

I am Roman Catholic and I have been very critical of The Vatican Dogma and have on many occasions frequently condemned the paedophile priests at this forum.

"Show me the Catholics that stone their own daughters to death, hijack planes, teach their OWN CHILDREN to be suicide bombers, behead and/or FUCK small children of their enemies (in which order I don't care to guess.). And show me mass, arsonist Catholic riots every time they're "offended" by something."

There are no instances, therefore nobody can make ANY moral equivalency between Muslims and Roman Catholics, between Islam and Catholicism.

It is what it always is, a very not good attempt at deflecting away from the feral and savage behaviour of Muslims and the 7th Century Death Cult of Islam.
I think Tommy Tainant sexual proclivities might have something to do with his inability to see certain things for what they are.
I'd like to see a study done on that.
Tommy, I'm getting bored arguing with a person as stupid as you and I have other things to do right now. So I'm going to leave the Tommy bitch-slapping in Lucy Hamilton's very capable hands. Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve.
Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Its not about Muslims. Its about rape.
You infer that all rapists are muslims. But their numbers are insignificant when set aside catholic priests.Be honest about it.

It is about Islam and rape, you sick fuck. You keep deflecting, bringing up Roman Catholic cases. The difference is that homosexuals and pedophiles figured out they could easily infiltrate the Catholic Church and abuse their authority to take advantage of young children to satisfy their sexual perversion. The Catholic Church teaches these acts are perversions and mortal sins.

Islam on the other hand openly preaches and practices pedophilia and rape in their doctrine. Child rape and homosexuality is rampant in the Middle East, contrary to popular belief that Islam outlaws homosexuals. It's common practice for men to have sex with little boys, to them it is not "homosexuality", it's called bacha bazi. Kind of like the faggots who believe that the "pitcher" isn't gay, only "the catcher" is. Their entire religion is founded by a known pedophile, so of course it is standard practice and "normal" to Islamic barbarians. Their doctrine also teaches that infidels can be made into slaves and raped.

These Muslim barbarians arrive in Western countries and see white women dressed "like whores" to them, so they feel they are within their rights to rape them. Not that any of that would bother someone like you, who despises women.

Some people are baffled at the fact that left wing loons and cross dressing queers would stick up for Islam. But the fact of the matter is Islam helps them achieve their goal - the destruction of Western culture and the moral laws it was built upon. These sycophants want a world without morals, so they can live their selfish lives without any limits to their depravity.
Well that isnt the case. the Catholic Church facilitated this army of paedos by shuffling them on to the next parish and covering up their perversions. How many are holed up in the Vatican today ?

And yet we do not project the acts of these deviants on to other Catholics.

Why do you characters not get this ? You need help in dealing with your hate.

For fuck's sake, I HAVE BASHED CATHOLICS FOR THEIR SEXUAL CRIMES FOR MANY YEARS!!! I think Catholicism is to corruption what Islam is to violence: no religion does it better. But the difference is the Islam is ALSO committing a long list of OTHER human rights that NO OTHER RELIGION IS COMMITTING! Show me the Catholics that stone their own daughters to death, hijack planes, teach their OWN CHILDREN to be suicide bombers, behead and/or FUCK small children of their enemies (in which order I don't care to guess.). And show me mass, arsonist Catholic riots every time they're "offended" by something. You cognitive dwarf.

I am Roman Catholic and I have been very critical of The Vatican Dogma and have on many occasions frequently condemned the paedophile priests at this forum.

"Show me the Catholics that stone their own daughters to death, hijack planes, teach their OWN CHILDREN to be suicide bombers, behead and/or FUCK small children of their enemies (in which order I don't care to guess.). And show me mass, arsonist Catholic riots every time they're "offended" by something."

There are no instances, therefore nobody can make ANY moral equivalency between Muslims and Roman Catholics, between Islam and Catholicism.

It is what it always is, a very not good attempt at deflecting away from the feral and savage behaviour of Muslims and the 7th Century Death Cult of Islam.

I agree completely. I've been saying on this thread that Islam not only commits MUCH MORE of the Catholic church's crimes, but many, many other atrocities that NO other religion does!
So you are blaming your OWN people ie. the British for Modern Day Africans killing gays?

Of course you are EVERYTHING is the fault of Whitey and Muslims and Africans are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING.
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
And in return stole their land and natural resources. Im glad that you can see that Christian Africa has major issues with Gay people.

"And in return stole their land and natural resources."

As an example Rhodesia was returned and is now Zimbabwe, it was 1000 times better when it was Rhodesia.

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Zimbabwe Post Whitey:

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Zimbabwe Post-Whitey Bankrupt:

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View attachment 148732
Better for who ? It was a fascist state.
Zimbabwe is 30 odd years old and recovering from centuries of oppression. They will get it right.

"It was a fascist state."

Rhodesia was not a Fascist State, WTF EVERYTHING that you disagree with is automatically Fascist, it's ridiculous and ignorant and illustrates not a good education but instead Propaganda Kool Aid ODing.

"Zimbabwe is 30 odd years old and recovering from centuries of oppression. They will get it right."

They will never get it right, Rhodesia was handed to them they rename Zimbabwe, Rhodesia was pristine it had EVERYTHING a Modern nation needs, it was also called The Garden of Africa, Rhodesia has the greatest, most productive and best administered Agricultural Sector on the Continent of Africa.

Then Whitey left them to their own devices....and they turned the above into a shit hole, they reduced Rhodesia a First World Nation into Zimbabwe a Third World Nation, they have bankrupted and destroyed it and the Agricultural Sector has been flushed down the toilet.

That ISN'T the fault of this absurd "oppression" you refer, they did this to THEMSELVES because they are basically MORONS and have not a clue how to run a nation UNLESS Whitey runs it for them.
Organisers are now cancelling music festivals because they can't prevent the rapes and sexual assaults.

Sound familiar? (i.e. Cologne)

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
PM says police report’s failure to mention incidents at 2014 event amounts to ‘double betrayal’, while reports emerge on New Year’s Eve attacks in Malmö

Stefan Löfven, Sweden’s prime minister. Photograph: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images

David Crouch in Gothenburg

Monday 11 January 2016 16.55 GMTLast modified on Thursday 9 March 2017 12.37 GMT

Sweden’s prime minister has condemned a “double betrayal” of women after allegations that police covered up sexual harassment by recent immigrants at a music festival in Stockholm. Meanwhile, reports have emerged of attacks on women in Malmö on New Year’s Eve.

Groups of refugees molested concertgoers at We Are Stockholm, Europe’s largest youth festival, in the summer of 2014, according to internal police memos obtained by Dagens Nyheter, a daily newspaper.

“These are so-called refugee youths, specifically from Afghanistan. Several of the gang were arrested for sexual molestation,” one police memo said....

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
The British Empire bears a huge responsibility. Is it not ok to criticise ? Am I letting the side down ?

Anyway the fact remains that this is not a situation peculiar to muslims or christians. I suggest that it is something linked in to ignorance and education. Its much the same in the western world where homophobics are amongst the more stupid in our community.

Those African nations that were parts of the British Empire, they have been Independent now for 50, 60 years, they have had the time then to reverse whatever policy you blame the British about, that they have not reversed that policy suggests that they are happy to be as they are toward gays.

The British Empire also gave those primitive people education, hospitals, clean water and a plenty food supply, most normal people prefer to point to the Positive aspects of such situations.
And in return stole their land and natural resources. Im glad that you can see that Christian Africa has major issues with Gay people.

"And in return stole their land and natural resources."

As an example Rhodesia was returned and is now Zimbabwe, it was 1000 times better when it was Rhodesia.

View attachment 148723

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Zimbabwe Post Whitey:

View attachment 148729

View attachment 148730

Zimbabwe Post-Whitey Bankrupt:

View attachment 148733

View attachment 148732
Better for who ? It was a fascist state.
Zimbabwe is 30 odd years old and recovering from centuries of oppression. They will get it right.

"It was a fascist state."

Rhodesia was not a Fascist State, WTF EVERYTHING that you disagree with is automatically Fascist, it's ridiculous and ignorant and illustrates not a good education but instead Propaganda Kool Aid ODing.

"Zimbabwe is 30 odd years old and recovering from centuries of oppression. They will get it right."

They will never get it right, Rhodesia was handed to them they rename Zimbabwe, Rhodesia was pristine it had EVERYTHING a Modern nation needs, it was also called The Garden of Africa, Rhodesia has the greatest, most productive and best administered Agricultural Sector on the Continent of Africa.

Then Whitey left them to their own devices....and they turned the above into a shit hole, they reduced Rhodesia a First World Nation into Zimbabwe a Third World Nation, they have bankrupted and destroyed it and the Agricultural Sector has been flushed down the toilet.

That ISN'T the fault of this absurd "oppression" you refer, they did this to THEMSELVES because they are basically MORONS and have not a clue how to run a nation UNLESS Whitey runs it for them.

Rodesia/Zimbabwe fiasco reminds me of Haiti:
I think Tommy Tainant sexual proclivities might have something to do with his inability to see certain things for what they are.
I'd like to see a study done on that.

It's Tommy-girl's "code of honor" to defend all sexual deviants, with Islamists at the top of his list.
It certainly looks that way.

I don't think he's ever been capable of understanding the important issues that affect the majority. He seems fixated on perusing an agenda that's sure to fail.
Tommy, I'm getting bored arguing with a person as stupid as you and I have other things to do right now. So I'm going to leave the Tommy bitch-slapping in Lucy Hamilton's very capable hands. Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve.

"Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve."

That you Will darling, I am though not British, I did though used to live in London for several years and have many British friends who do like their nation, so I know that not all the British have a problem with their nation.

What I learn in Britain was that they from Northern Britain have a less opinion of their nation that they from Southern Britain who always seemed more proud of Britain and to be British.

In ways also they have Xenophobia within that nation toward each other Scotland and Wales hate the English, Scotland like the Irish I never heard what they thought of Wales, but it was strange as to me they were all British.
Tommy, I'm getting bored arguing with a person as stupid as you and I have other things to do right now. So I'm going to leave the Tommy bitch-slapping in Lucy Hamilton's very capable hands. Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve.

"Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve."

That you Will darling, I am though not British, I did though used to live in London for several years and have many British friends who do like their nation, so I know that not all the British have a problem with their nation.

What I learn in Britain was that they from Northern Britain have a less opinion of their nation that they from Southern Britain who always seemed more proud of Britain and to be British.

In ways also they have Xenophobia within that nation toward each other Scotland and Wales hate the English, Scotland like the Irish I never heard what they thought of Wales, but it was strange as to me they were all British.

I stand corrected, ma'am. I honestly didn't know you weren't British, I just assumed from your references. No matter, I assume you're willing and able to bitch-slap Tommy while I take a break, yes?
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