Swedish police " cannot cope" with huge numbers of rapes since migrants arrived

"And in return stole their land and natural resources."

As an example Rhodesia was returned and is now Zimbabwe, it was 1000 times better when it was Rhodesia.

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Zimbabwe Post Whitey:

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Zimbabwe Post-Whitey Bankrupt:

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Better for who ? It was a fascist state.
Zimbabwe is 30 odd years old and recovering from centuries of oppression. They will get it right.

"It was a fascist state."

Rhodesia was not a Fascist State, WTF EVERYTHING that you disagree with is automatically Fascist, it's ridiculous and ignorant and illustrates not a good education but instead Propaganda Kool Aid ODing.

"Zimbabwe is 30 odd years old and recovering from centuries of oppression. They will get it right."

They will never get it right, Rhodesia was handed to them they rename Zimbabwe, Rhodesia was pristine it had EVERYTHING a Modern nation needs, it was also called The Garden of Africa, Rhodesia has the greatest, most productive and best administered Agricultural Sector on the Continent of Africa.

Then Whitey left them to their own devices....and they turned the above into a shit hole, they reduced Rhodesia a First World Nation into Zimbabwe a Third World Nation, they have bankrupted and destroyed it and the Agricultural Sector has been flushed down the toilet.

That ISN'T the fault of this absurd "oppression" you refer, they did this to THEMSELVES because they are basically MORONS and have not a clue how to run a nation UNLESS Whitey runs it for them.
Well the black majority lived as second class citizens in a country run by a white junta. How is that a first world nation ?

They had a higher standard of life than they have experienced with both Canaan Banana and Robert Mugabe.
You are a simpleton.
Says the guy who chooses to stay ignorant. smh
'Hoax map' fights migrant myths

Difficult to know what has happened as the extreme right has lied so often.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia

Die screaming like that whore Jo Cox.

The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls. That was pretty standard stuff back in 1980. The girls are lying. This isn't happening. When nothing happened, they started trafficking the girls around because NOBODY STOPPED THEM. This is a failure of the the adults to believe the children.

Furthermore, brown men are not interchangeable. The perpetrators weren't desperate refugees seeking safety. They were migrants from Pakistan. They carried on because the parents and the town did nothing to protect the victims.

The same thing happened with child sexual abuse and Roman Catholic priests in North America. But nobody has pronounced all clergy as evil because some thousands of Catholic children were abused.

You look at one isolated case to make the argument that all brown men are evil rapists. I look at this case and say this town was really fucked up. Why didn't the people in charge put a stop to this shit?

But then I'm not looking for an excuse to vilify Muslims or brown men.

"The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls."


They were told to "STFU you racist":

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Rotherham sex abuse victim told not to mention ethnicity | Daily Mail Online

If White girls do not want to be raped by Muslims that must mean they are just racist, so STFU and open your legs and show how Anti-Racist and Tolerant you are :uhoh3:

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Fear of being called racist stops people reporting child sexual exploitation concerns, Labour frontbencher claims
How did 100s of catholic priests get away with it for years ? Who helped to cover it up ? What lessons can we learn from their perversions ?

Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Thus why the catholic priests have been getting away with it for so long.............
Tommy there is no help for those who hate. It eats them alive.


Dragonlady there is no help for the apologists of Islam. It eats them alive.:rolleyes-41:

Your ignorance is astounding, you don't want or can't understand the true nature of Islam.

Please try to educate yourself before making more stupid comments.

Leftists are hopeless. Especially ones as old as her and Tommy. They're like:
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Old I don't mind at all ...but oh boy!......the thickness of mind.....they are totally and completely dense! thick as a brick! :mad-61: :cuckoo:
Tommy there is no help for those who hate. It eats them alive.

Over the years I have had have many Muslim friends, coworkers and acquaintances. Not one of them bears any resemblance to the terrifying monsters these haters post about.

They want excuses for their hatred and vilification of those who aren't like them.
Somebody has to accountable for their failure in life. It used to be the Jews and now its a rainbow coalition of blacks,muslims and gays.

"Somebody has to accountable for their failure in life."

The only failures in life are the Self Hating White people like you, such failures in life you literally hate YOURSELF and EVERYTHING you skin colour represents, this is why you blame White people for everything wrong in this world and for ALL evils that have happened throughout World History.
Tommy, I'm getting bored arguing with a person as stupid as you and I have other things to do right now. So I'm going to leave the Tommy bitch-slapping in Lucy Hamilton's very capable hands. Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve.

"Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve."

That you Will darling, I am though not British, I did though used to live in London for several years and have many British friends who do like their nation, so I know that not all the British have a problem with their nation.

What I learn in Britain was that they from Northern Britain have a less opinion of their nation that they from Southern Britain who always seemed more proud of Britain and to be British.

In ways also they have Xenophobia within that nation toward each other Scotland and Wales hate the English, Scotland like the Irish I never heard what they thought of Wales, but it was strange as to me they were all British.

I stand corrected, ma'am. I honestly didn't know you weren't British, I just assumed from your references..

I am born and bred in Salzburg, my nation the most beautiful we think on our Continent, my family have been born and bred of this soil since the 10th Century, my Mama and that side of our family are all Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg.

I studied at three Universities, the third I was there for six months that was Oxford University. I was told that Oxford was full of Leftists, well some yes, but also many are not Leftist, they have a good Conservative debating group that also used to have excellent dining parties. I have many friends I met at Oxford University, most English.

I also have many Polish friends, this is good because you know some Poles still have a problem with our peoples, which isn't good we have more in common and that is what we should concentrate on.

Interesting. Actually, I've always liked Poles and other Eastern Europeans a lot better than muslim cocksucking Western Europeans. I've been backpacking in South Pacific hostels for many years, I've dealt with a gazillion Europeans. And Eastern, Slav European are MUCH more fun than pompous asses like the England, France & Germany. When eastern Europeans realize I'm from America, they get humorously playful & affectionate about it (often calling me "my favorite Americano!"). Whereas Western Europeans spew cold, random, nasty spite and hate at me over my yankee-doodle-nationality EVERY time their torrent of alcohol starts flowing. On an international basis, I've always gotten along MUCH better with Eastern Europeans than Western ones.

The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls. That was pretty standard stuff back in 1980. The girls are lying. This isn't happening. When nothing happened, they started trafficking the girls around because NOBODY STOPPED THEM. This is a failure of the the adults to believe the children.

Furthermore, brown men are not interchangeable. The perpetrators weren't desperate refugees seeking safety. They were migrants from Pakistan. They carried on because the parents and the town did nothing to protect the victims.

The same thing happened with child sexual abuse and Roman Catholic priests in North America. But nobody has pronounced all clergy as evil because some thousands of Catholic children were abused.

You look at one isolated case to make the argument that all brown men are evil rapists. I look at this case and say this town was really fucked up. Why didn't the people in charge put a stop to this shit?

But then I'm not looking for an excuse to vilify Muslims or brown men.

"The Rotherham scandal only reached the horrific proportions that it did because the police, town officials and social workers refused to believe the girls."


They were told to "STFU you racist":

View attachment 148703
View attachment 148705

Rotherham sex abuse victim told not to mention ethnicity | Daily Mail Online

If White girls do not want to be raped by Muslims that must mean they are just racist, so STFU and open your legs and show how Anti-Racist and Tolerant you are :uhoh3:

View attachment 148701
View attachment 148702

Fear of being called racist stops people reporting child sexual exploitation concerns, Labour frontbencher claims
How did 100s of catholic priests get away with it for years ? Who helped to cover it up ? What lessons can we learn from their perversions ?

Stop deflecting the thread topic isn't about Roman Catholics it's about Muslims, please stay On Topic.
Thus why the catholic priests have been getting away with it for so long.............

Bode darling pay attention to the thread topic :smoke:
Tommy there is no help for those who hate. It eats them alive.

Over the years I have had have many Muslim friends, coworkers and acquaintances. Not one of them bears any resemblance to the terrifying monsters these haters post about.

They want excuses for their hatred and vilification of those who aren't like them.
Somebody has to accountable for their failure in life. It used to be the Jews and now its a rainbow coalition of blacks,muslims and gays.
This thread is about the dangers of having open borders. Maybe you'll change your tune when gays are being tossed off rooftops.
The increase of rapes has obviously not caught your attention.
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Tommy there is no help for those who hate. It eats them alive.

Over the years I have had have many Muslim friends, coworkers and acquaintances. Not one of them bears any resemblance to the terrifying monsters these haters post about.

They want excuses for their hatred and vilification of those who aren't like them.
Somebody has to accountable for their failure in life. It used to be the Jews and now its a rainbow coalition of blacks,muslims and gays.

"Somebody has to accountable for their failure in life."

The only failures in life are the Self Hating White people like you, such failures in life you literally hate YOURSELF and EVERYTHING you skin colour represents, this is why you blame White people for everything wrong in this world and for ALL evils that have happened throughout World History.

Where does this self hating thing come from ?
I am quite fond of myself and think that I am a good bloke.
But my identity isnt bound up in the colour of my skin and I dont feel any allegiance to other white folks. Dont wish them any harm either.

The thing is that you white supremacists have a problem. If you want to take reflected credit for the achievements of Mozart and Milton you also need to accept the same relationship to trash like Hitler and Stalin.

Its a nonsense. You are an individual.
Swedish Police “Cannot Cope” With Huge Numbers of Rapes Since Migrants Arrived

A journalist investigating the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Sweden was told that police have not even interviewed the prime suspect two months later because authorities “cannot cope” with the sheer volume of cases since Sweden opened its borders to mass immigration two years ago.

And your leftist morons want to bring the same thing to the US. Clinton pushed for it, Obama allowed it ( open borders), and you dumbasses that stand there and chant " let them in" you stupid loser pos morons are asking for this exact same thing to happen to you, your daughter, mother, sister, aunt, niece etc...... You lunatic need to wake up to reality.

From the article: "Rapes have skyrocketed in Sweden over recent years. Authorities have claimed that this is due to the definition of rape being changed, but ...."

But, hey, what do they know? well, apparently enough to cite them as the expert source for the entire rest of the article. Damn, I am in the wrong business. I could be making millions being paid to lie to and fool people like you. These charlatan's tactics are older than dirt... any idiot can learn them....
Tommy, I'm getting bored arguing with a person as stupid as you and I have other things to do right now. So I'm going to leave the Tommy bitch-slapping in Lucy Hamilton's very capable hands. Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve.

"Since she's also from the UK it seems most appropriate for a fellow Brit like Ms. Hamilton to give you the abuse you deserve."

That you Will darling, I am though not British, I did though used to live in London for several years and have many British friends who do like their nation, so I know that not all the British have a problem with their nation.

What I learn in Britain was that they from Northern Britain have a less opinion of their nation that they from Southern Britain who always seemed more proud of Britain and to be British.

In ways also they have Xenophobia within that nation toward each other Scotland and Wales hate the English, Scotland like the Irish I never heard what they thought of Wales, but it was strange as to me they were all British.

I stand corrected, ma'am. I honestly didn't know you weren't British, I just assumed from your references..

I am born and bred in Salzburg, my nation the most beautiful we think on our Continent, my family have been born and bred of this soil since the 10th Century, my Mama and that side of our family are all Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg.

I studied at three Universities, the third I was there for six months that was Oxford University. I was told that Oxford was full of Leftists, well some yes, but also many are not Leftist, they have a good Conservative debating group that also used to have excellent dining parties. I have many friends I met at Oxford University, most English.

I also have many Polish friends, this is good because you know some Poles still have a problem with our peoples, which isn't good we have more in common and that is what we should concentrate on.

Interesting. Actually, I've always liked Poles and other Eastern Europeans a lot better than muslim cocksucking Western Europeans. I've been backpacking in South Pacific hostels for many years, I've dealt with a gazillion Europeans. And Eastern, Slav European are MUCH more fun than pompous asses like the England, France & Germany. When eastern Europeans realize I'm from America, they get humorously playful & affectionate about it (often calling me "my favorite Americano!"). Whereas Western Europeans spew cold, random, nasty spite and hate at me over my yankee-doodle-nationality EVERY time their torrent of alcohol starts flowing. On an international basis, I've always gotten along MUCH better with Eastern Europeans than Western ones.

We have always felt closer to the East than the West, our history is connected extensively with the East.

I will not mention who are these pompous asses as you refer, I think there are friendly peoples in all nations, but also there are closed minded people in all nations who have their heads up those pompous asses that you refer.
Where does this self hating thing come from ?
I am quite fond of myself and think that I am a good bloke.
But my identity isnt bound up in the colour of my skin and I dont feel any allegiance to other white folks. Dont wish them any harm either.

The thing is that you white supremacists have a problem. If you want to take reflected credit for the achievements of Mozart and Milton you also need to accept the same relationship to trash like Hitler and Stalin.

Its a nonsense. You are an individual.

Fuck your individualism. People don't just magically transform into typical members of western society by stepping foot on our magic dirt. There's certain ingrained patterns of behaviors in different races. It might not always be apparent in each individual but go spend a month with your favorite muslim friend and their family you'll be pining for the company of fellow white people soon enough. Diversity breeds resentment especially in inferior races.
Where does this self hating thing come from ?
I am quite fond of myself and think that I am a good bloke.
But my identity isnt bound up in the colour of my skin and I dont feel any allegiance to other white folks. Dont wish them any harm either.

The thing is that you white supremacists have a problem. If you want to take reflected credit for the achievements of Mozart and Milton you also need to accept the same relationship to trash like Hitler and Stalin.

Its a nonsense. You are an individual.

Fuck your individualism. People don't just magically transform into typical members of western society by stepping foot on our magic dirt. There's certain ingrained patterns of behaviors in different races. It might not always be apparent in each individual but go spend a month with your favorite muslim friend and their family you'll be pining for the company of fellow white people soon enough. Diversity breeds resentment especially in inferior races.
Haha, oh my, we got us a flailing little skinhead....

How come I only run into you stupid focks on the internet? Oh, that's right, because you get your stupid faces smashed in the moment you work up the courage to seep out from under your rocks.
Haha, oh my, we got us a flailing little skinhead....

How come I only run into you stupid focks on the internet? Oh, that's right, because you get your stupid faces smashed in the moment you work up the courage to seep out from under your rocks.

Truth hurts and the lower ones are prone to violence when confronted with it. Thank god for the internet where people are free to say what they're thinking without fear.
Where does this self hating thing come from ?
I am quite fond of myself and think that I am a good bloke.
But my identity isnt bound up in the colour of my skin and I dont feel any allegiance to other white folks. Dont wish them any harm either.

The thing is that you white supremacists have a problem. If you want to take reflected credit for the achievements of Mozart and Milton you also need to accept the same relationship to trash like Hitler and Stalin.

Its a nonsense. You are an individual.

Fuck your individualism. People don't just magically transform into typical members of western society by stepping foot on our magic dirt. There's certain ingrained patterns of behaviors in different races. It might not always be apparent in each individual but go spend a month with your favorite muslim friend and their family you'll be pining for the company of fellow white people soon enough. Diversity breeds resentment especially in inferior races.
"Inferior races" ??
What a strange character you are.
Haha, oh my, we got us a flailing little skinhead....

How come I only run into you stupid focks on the internet? Oh, that's right, because you get your stupid faces smashed in the moment you work up the courage to seep out from under your rocks.

Truth hurts and the lower ones are prone to violence when confronted with it. Thank god for the internet where people are free to say what they're thinking without fear.
Before your Mam tells you to log off and go to bed.
Haha, oh my, we got us a flailing little skinhead....

How come I only run into you stupid focks on the internet? Oh, that's right, because you get your stupid faces smashed in the moment you work up the courage to seep out from under your rocks.

Truth hurts and the lower ones are prone to violence when confronted with it. Thank god for the internet where people are free to say what they're thinking without fear.
Before your Mam tells you to log off and go to bed.

Asian people are generally more intelligent than white people. I'm not offended by facts.
Tommy there is no help for those who hate. It eats them alive.

Over the years I have had have many Muslim friends, coworkers and acquaintances. Not one of them bears any resemblance to the terrifying monsters these haters post about.

They want excuses for their hatred and vilification of those who aren't like them.
Somebody has to accountable for their failure in life. It used to be the Jews and now its a rainbow coalition of blacks,muslims and gays.

"Somebody has to accountable for their failure in life."

The only failures in life are the Self Hating White people like you, such failures in life you literally hate YOURSELF and EVERYTHING you skin colour represents, this is why you blame White people for everything wrong in this world and for ALL evils that have happened throughout World History.

Where does this self hating thing come from ?
I am quite fond of myself and think that I am a good bloke.
But my identity isnt bound up in the colour of my skin and I dont feel any allegiance to other white folks. Dont wish them any harm either.

The thing is that you white supremacists have a problem. If you want to take reflected credit for the achievements of Mozart and Milton you also need to accept the same relationship to trash like Hitler and Stalin.

Its a nonsense. You are an individual.

Milton, I do think that "Paradise Lost" and "Paradise Regained" are works of genius.

I also like some of Milton's religious tracts, especially "Of Prelatical Episcopacy", I agree with Milton, he wrote this as a response to those who think we need a medium to interpret The Bible for us ie. medium as in the Organised Church.

And Milton's "Areopagitica" is again very relevant today, as it is about the defence of freedom of speech and freedom of expression, it is probably one of history's most brilliant defences of an individuals right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

The rest of your comments are your usual obsessions, so I'll ignore them. When a person has such deep obsessions, a Psychiatrist would suggest not to indulge and feed them, so I'll ignore them.

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