Swedish Women Being Raped at horrific level

No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists

When Hellary wins the presidency and starts scattering more rapist Muslims across the country, we should also use bracelets. The conservative women won't get one, just the liberals who want all these rapist here, and the bracelet will say "I want to be raped by a Muslim". Then the rapist will know who they can rape without fear of being prosecuted. I am sure they will be disappointed when they see it will be only the gross, ugly liberal broads they get to rape.
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up
You calling me a white bitch, ho? Lol.
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up
You calling me a white bitch, ho? Lol.

I think they are, Tilly, you're going to have to go and get some Bling now, I hear all the white bitch ho's wear the Bling :lol:
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up

"Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up"

Hey STFU sugar pants and go and deal some more Crack with your friends in the hood :smoke:
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up
You calling me a white bitch, ho? Lol.

I think they are, Tilly, you're going to have to go and get some Bling now, I hear all the white bitch ho's wear the Bling :lol:
Do you think this would do?

No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up
You calling me a white bitch, ho? Lol.

I think they are, Tilly, you're going to have to go and get some Bling now, I hear all the white bitch ho's wear the Bling :lol:
Do you think this would do?

View attachment 84989
Not only am I calling you out, I'm challenging you to take that so called pimp bling and see if it fits up your ass....which I'm confident you butt fuckin Beat up Barbies are quite familiar with, eh?
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up

"Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up"

Hey STFU sugar pants and go and deal some more Crack with your friends in the hood :smoke:
Child, what fuckin planet are you nut fucks on? Crack???? Crack is the 80's choice of drug, today we get high off of watching you lice lickers make complete fools of yourselves....nothing is more intoxicating than that!!!
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up
You calling me a white bitch, ho? Lol.
Uh, yeah...next stupid fuckin question, beyatch@!@@
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists

When Hellary wins the presidency and starts scattering more rapist Muslims across the country, we should also use bracelets. The conservative women won't get one, just the liberals who want all these rapist here, and the bracelet will say "I want to be raped by a Muslim". Then the rapist will know who they can rape without fear of being prosecuted. I am sure they will be disappointed when they see it will be only the gross, ugly liberal broads they get to rape.
You white butt fucks seem to get off on rape, homo's in bathrooms, Obama and negro's.....(sigh)...God only knows what you do with your spare time LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
Maybe Freja would like to make some comments in this thread.
Yes I do!
I took a break from this forum, I've been overwhelmed by all the sexual assaults that I barely bother to report it here anymore. Not to mention that I was subjected to a sexual harassment by an afghan man a few weeks ago... I guess it was my turn, being a swedish woman...

Yes, this is what it is like in Sweden, to put it shortly. No woman is safe here, doesn't matter how old you are or what you look like, as long as you have a cünt and a pair of tits - then you're a target.

In Turkey airports, they have put up banners with the text:
"Travel warning! Did you know that Sweden has the highest rape rate worldwide?"


Erdogan is bashing Sweden because one of our ministers critized Turkeys decision to lower the age of legal sex to 12 yrs. Which is just pure madness.
... and swedish authorities are still in denial about the rape statistics...
"We have noted this and we can say that this is not the first time such rumours are being spread about Sweden in other countries," Johan Tegel, a spokesman for the Swedish foreign ministry.
Newspaper tells Turks 'don't go to Sweden'

The "We are Stockholm"-festival is still going on, I believe tonight is the final one. I expect the last night to be the worst one, for some reason.
I read earlier in the thread that you were making fun of those stupid "don't grope me"- bracelets. GOOD. Cause I'm upset at our police chief. I'm telling you now, remember this police chiefs name, he will be a person of interest in the future. I expect alot more idiotic ideas from him.
After he started this campaign with the bracelets, the festivals came, and with the festivals came the sexual assaults. Never in Swedens history has there been this many sex crimes in a summer. And our police chief decided to blame the bracelets. I heard him in an interview saying:
"It can't be this different from year to year, I believe the bracelets reminded people to report the crimes and therefore it just seems like it's more than last year."


Btw, the police chiefs name is Dan Eliasson. He was a Socialdemocrat (same party as our current PM, who is also doing a shit job.) that was more or less given the job as police chief, by Stefan Löfven (PM). He has ZERO experience with fighting crime, and we can all tell. I believe he is just another puppet for keeping up the political correctness. He is responsible for code 291 - where they hide crime statistics by migrants.

That was my contribution to the thread.
If you have any questions about swedens sex crimes, or anything surrounding that, feel free to ask me. Just remember to quote me so I can find you.
I can probably do quite a bit of research for you, things that international media doesn't know. ;)
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The first thing Republicans ask, "Is it a legitimate rape".

Todd Akin Still Doesn't Get What's Wrong With Saying 'Legitimate Rape'

No, the libtard doesn't get it. You have so watered down the definition of rape that it has become meaningless.

VIOLENT SEXUAL ASSAULT must again become a capital offense.

Muslims believe rape of Western women us a RIGHT. The left doesn't oppose that.

Our leftist governments continue to import these savages.

THEY are responsible for every attack on our citizens. If they don't start defending OUR people from these beasts, a revolution is coming.

Revolutions never end well for governments that abuse its citizens with Turd World criminals.
Got a fantastic idea, why don't you, gather up all your white NRA buddies and go there and be a hero and save these white bitches, otherwise, get a fuckin life and shut up

You're an example of why "multiculturism" doesn't work anywhere its been tried. Africans living in the USA don't respect women any more than Arabs. Its time the West cleaned house and send these Turd Worlders back home with their own kind.

Virtually ALL CRIME in the west is from these "people" we've allowed to colonize our countries. Time for them to go home.
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Update following the sexual assaults at the "We are Sthlm"- festival

The festival went on for 6 days... a total of 53 reported sexual assaults. Most victims are 15-17 yr old girls, some are above 17 and some are BELOW 15 yrs of age.

Once again, Swedish media and politicians in denial.

Swedish media writes:
"We had expected a dramatic increase due to the debate about sexual assaults we had through the spring and summer."

Our Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, says:
"It is time we talk more about this in general, both men and boys. How do you behave properly? You can't behave like this towards women and girls. Young girls attending a festival should not be sexually harassed. It is completely unacceptable. We don't treat each other like that. We treat each other with respect, love and warmth. That is the attitude we should have."

OK, mr Prime Minister. You could start out with having somebody translate your speech into arabic.
He is still indirectly blaming swedes for these assaults.
I found some pictures from the festival, pictures where some of the rapists and criminals are arrested. Please count how many swedish men you see (at all).

How many swedes are arrested here?


How many swedish men and boys do you see in the audience?




Yeah, swedish men and boys... where are they?!?
Our Prime Minister must be severly retarded, or in severe denial. Imagine that this fool is more or less ruling Sweden at the moment... It makes me feel uneasy...

But just look at the images... isn't it unbelievable?! You can barely even think that these photos were taken at a swedish festival. :(

Över 50 ofredanden på We are Sthlm - DN.SE
Löfven ryter till mot män och pojkar om sexövergrepp
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I am part Swedish descent, this saddens me greatly. Nobody from the outside could have defeated Europeans and USA, so the liberals did it from the inside because these mentally ill creatures just hated the very society that created them.
The left has convinced itself that the Swedish women want to be raped. Being raped by a big black man is the rape fantasy of all women.

Now the rapists have their invitation

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