That could be the retro Romney ONE. LOL Let's wait for the debates and when the careless find out Romney's platform fcs.
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That could be the retro Romney ONE. LOL Let's wait for the debates and when the careless find out Romney's platform fcs.

Sure...Obama can tout his record during the debates? :lol::lol::lol:

Obama is toast! Too many people have recognized that he is nothing more than an arrogant, self righteous, stealth Marxist and not what he claimed to be! He will not see a second term!

I am wondering if he will try to change VPs this time. Biden seems to be an albatross at the present time.
President Obama is evolving....into the Ex president
If Romney can stay away and not respond to the baiting that will only get worse, he will be fine. Don't dance to their tune. That's the key. When your enemy is self-destructing, stay out of the way.
Obama is going to lose if he keeps demogoguing, denigrating and dividing.

But it is too late to change horses and he would need something like Biden to have a stroke now and be replaced by Hillary.

Not that they will orchestrate that in October. I'm just saying.
I know, destroy Medicare and cut everything else, especially taxes on the bloated rich. And grow defense...BRILLIANT, dupes. LOL!
Obama is going to lose if he keeps demogoguing, denigrating and dividing.

But it is too late to change horses and he would need something like Biden to have a stroke now and be replaced by Hillary.

Not that they will orchestrate that in October. I'm just saying.

Desperation makes people do some strange things. It's gonna be a fun interesting summer.
Obama is going to lose if he keeps demogoguing, denigrating and dividing.

But it is too late to change horses and he would need something like Biden to have a stroke now and be replaced by Hillary.

Not that they will orchestrate that in October. I'm just saying.
Surely you must recall that more than one of Obama's alleged gay partners has been murdered. Something could "happen" to Biden any day now!
The difference between Romney and McCain is obama. There was the obama running against McCain on the idea of hope, change, and the United States of America. The obama running against Romney is hype, blame and the United Steezy, so sleazy he's making us queasy.

Not only is there another obama, there is another democratic party. Six months ago the primaries were going along with candidates pot shotting one another and the democrats said the republican party was to fractured to unite behind one candidate. Now, the democratic party is breaking up along grievance class lines at one another's throats and the republicans are more united since the election of Ronald Reagan. obama made a terrible mistake, a disastrous mistake in his morality play for the gay vote. It proved to African Americans that obama isn't African American at all, he's never understood their needs, he's just another Luo tribesman from Kenya.

obama is tired now. He's fed up with working as presidebt. He'd rather campaign and even that's not going well. Sometime between now and November there is going to be a major crisis and he will not be able to deal with it at all. It will be the fumble of all fumbles.

Poll: Tight race in swing-state North Carolina

Romney wins key November swing state in NC

Gay marriage has Democrats trashing their base in swing-state North Carolina

Election 2012: The Core Four States - Rasmussen Reports™
With the Republican primary race all but settled, President Obama still holds a slight lead over likely GOP nominee Mitt Romney in combined polling of the key swing states of Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia
Rasmussen had McCain winning by 10 in September 2008.

North Carolina: McCain Continues to Hold Modest Lead - Rasmussen Reports™
North Carolina is one of several traditionally Republican states where John McCain just can’t quite seem to pull away from Barack Obama. The Republican candidate has been at least slightly ahead in six of the seven monthly polls conducted in the state and was tied in the seventh. But, his advantage has always remained in single digits, often the low single digits.

Rasmussen calls you a liar, and so do I.

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